
The hylek are a Tyrian frogman species. They have lately spread in increasing numbers along coasts surrounding the Sea of Sorrows, such as the Tarnished Coast, the Krytan coasts, and the coasts to the west of the Shiverpeak Mountains. A few tribes have been found in the Heart of Maguuma. Although once reclusive and xenophobic, some of the hylek tribes now welcome trade with outsiders. Other tribes, especially those that produce the deadliest toxins, are still very hostile.
The hylek are wide-mouthed frogmen with lashing tongues and are descendants from the heket species of Elona.[1] Hylek thrive in all types of water, but prefer to live in swampy areas. Despite this preference they can be found far away from their spawning grounds. All hylek have a set of poison glands filled with deadly toxins, each being immune to their own toxins and a variety of other poisons. Hylek are renowned alchemists for their mastery of poisons and antidotes.
Hylek come in wide variety of colors with each tribe having a unique color. The color hints at their aggressiveness which correlates to the deadliness of the toxin they produce. Blue hylek are always friendly, green are mostly friendly, orange/yellow are mostly hostile, and red are almost always hostile.
Hylek are capable of multiplying extremely rapidly. Hylek are born in broods as helpless tadpoles in schools of hundreds or even thousands. The early life of a hylek is a battle for survival allowing only the strongest and most aggressive hylek to survive. The average life span of a hylek is relatively short, a hylek dying of old age might die in their forties, but few make it to that age as hylek life often ends prematurely through violence or starvation.
Most hylek's preferred diet are various kinds of insects, usually types of flies, though they will also eat truffles and fish as well. Hylek in starving tribes can be seen often attacking any fly they come across. In some areas, the Risen's spreading has been corrupting their food supplies. There is a tribe of red hylek in The Silverwastes who have a herd of giant beetles.
The hylek tribes within the Heart of Maguuma vary largely from the hylek of Central Tyria. The Nuhoch hylek are far larger and physically resemble cane toads, while the Itzel Hylek resemble tree frogs.
The hylek divide themselves into different tribes which can be differentiated by their color. Each tribe has a different toxin strength, with those having the strongest toxins being the most aggressive. Tribe size can vary from dozens of members to hundreds. Due to their territorial nature, it is nearly impossible to get two tribes to cooperate. When two tribes claim the same land they often wage war until one or both tribes are destroyed. "Hylek" was once the name of a single tribe among the race, but in the past 250 years, it has expanded to refer to the race as a whole.
The tribe oversees care of a new brood of youngsters with minimal effort, leaving individuals to fend for themselves. When a brood of young hylek matures, a coming-of-age festival is held where they have competitions to show off the young hylek's strength and value to the whole tribe. How the hylek perform during the festival determines their role in the tribe for life, such as whether they become warriors or merchants.
Due to their high resistance to toxins, hylek often experiment with poisons, their antidotes, and other compounds, which in turn makes them highly valued alchemists. This has allowed hylek to form an economy with other races and groups. Other races sometimes accept hylek as apprentice alchemists, allowing both races to gain new knowledge. Even the asura value the hylek for their alchemy.[2] In most other areas, however, they fall short when compared to other races in terms of advancement, but they have made, and are still making, significant progress in social development over the last 250 years.
According to the sylvari Pellam, some of the common names for different types of hylek warriors have translations into the common language. "Amini" means "hunter", "Cuicani" means "singer", "Nahualli" means "sorcerer", and "Tlamatini" means "wise". Pellam himself is not entirely certain he remembers the meanings of these names correctly.
The hylek do not have a faith in gods but rather revere the sun as a nameless divine entity, believing it to represent both good and evil. To hylek, the sun is the bringer of life-sustaining heat and bounty, as well as the harbinger of drought and famine. They often hold festivals on the solstices to celebrate the waning and waxing of the days' lengths.
Hylek priests and shamans are masters of reading the sun and the sky and each tribe has at least one priest, if not more. These priests interpret the sun and the sky for weather patterns that could tell when it will rain and how long dry seasons would last. Among the hylek, it is often considered that an accurate priest is one of the most important factors for the prosperity of the tribe.
Though many do not call the sun god by its name, Shaman Huelec confirms that the sun god's name is Zintl. Hylek tribes in the Heart of Maguuma worship a nature goddess named Ameyalli. Hylek gathered at the Astrozintli Forelands revere the gentle life serpent Xiuquatl as a beacon of hope against Tequatl.[3]
Hylek society is divided into individual tribes. Each tribe is led by a single chieftain who has absolute rule, however the chieftains often consult the priests and elders for advice in order to keep favor among the tribe. When dealing with those outside their tribe, hylek send speakers, or Tlatotetl in their language, to perform the negotiations and trade.
Hylek who make it through their harsh lives into old age are deeply respected by the tribe and are often asked for counsel on difficult issues or for judgment during disputes among the tribe.
- Coztic / Coztic Itzel - Verdant Brink
- Coztic / Unnamed Grounds, Broken Altar - Dragon's Stand
- Coztic, Xocotl / Capitzel Grounds - Auric Basin
- Coztic, Xocotl / Quazupl Grounds - Auric Basin
- Itzel / Fahautl Grounds - Auric Basin
- Itzel / Jaka Itzel - Verdant Brink
- Nuhoch / Jawatl Grounds - Auric Basin (Overrun by Mordrem)
- Nuhoch / Teku Nuhoch - Tangled Depths
- Ba'Chok / Lion's Arch
- Lapatl / Lapatl Grounds - Bloodtide Coast
- Lorantl / Lorantl Grounds - Bloodtide Coast
- Momoztli / Momoztli Grounds - Bloodtide Coast
- Togatl / Togatl Grounds - Kessex Hills
- Agari / Zintl Holy Grounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Bogotl / Zintl Holy Grounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Cuatl / Cuatl Morass - Metrica Province
- Dengatl / Dengatl Grounds - Caledon Forest
- Durotl / Durotl Grounds - Metrica Province
- Golotl / Golotl Grounds - Caledon Forest
- Hazupl / Hazupl Grounds - Caledon Forest
- Jinotl / Jinotl Deadgrounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Lonatl / Lonatl Grounds - Mount Maelstrom
- Michotl / Michotl Grounds - Metrica Province
- Morgatl / Morgatl Grounds - Caledon Forest
- Nicantl / Nicantl Grounds - Sparkfly Fen (Overrun by Risen)
- Ni-tlacua / Zintl Holy Grounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Occuintl / Occuintl Grounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Ogotl / Ogotl Grounds - Brisban Wildlands
- Porgotl / Porgotl Grounds - Sparkfly Fen
- Quinatl / Quinatl Deadgrounds - Sparkfly Fen (Overrun by Risen)
- Tzanopl / Tzanopl Grounds - Mount Maelstrom
- Unnamed / The Shattered Henge - Brisban Wildlands
- Zopatl / Zopatl Grounds - Caledon Forest
Hylek history prior to 1078 AE is unknown outside of their own tribes, and much hasn't changed over the past 250 years. Since Zhaitan's rise and the spreading of his Risen forces, hylek have been slowly being pushed out of their southern homelands. Similarly, since the krait fled to Tyria en masse, many tribes' food sources and hunting grounds have become scarce, starving the tribes. Those on the eastern edge of the Sea of Sorrows have mostly been displaced and many banded together, despite their territorial and hostile natures. Starting at an indeterminate period (1327 AE at the latest), hylek of the Zintl tribe began enslaving hylek in the Far Silverwastes and attempting to enslave the tribes of the Heart of Maguuma and convert them to the worship of their Sun God.
- See also: Category:Hylek
- Advisor Oztotl
- Agari Amini
- Agruhpl
- Alchemist Patli
- Amak
- Amimitl
- Amini
- Amini Brute
- Amini Squatter
- Angry Hylek Hut Owner
- Apprentice Hunter
- Armor Requisitioner Camotli
- Astral Ward Apprentice
- Atlalli, Master Alchemist
- Atzintli
- Ayomichi
- Aztatl
- Bard Bohi
- Beetle Herder Icnoyotl
- Beetle Trainer Keploch
- Big Mayana
- Bogotl Hunter
- Bogotl Hunter Haqula
- Captured Hylek
- Caracotl
- Ceaoloti
- Champion
- Champion Coztic Bladedancer
- Champion Coztic Shadowleaper
- Champion Guard Commander Amo
- Champion Hylek Cuicani
- Champion Hylek Tlamatini
- Champion Mayatl the Fierce
- Champion Ogotl Priestess
- Champion Potoni the Massive
- Champion Quenti the Quick
- Champion Toxic Amini
- Champion Toxic Togatl Caster
- Champion Xocotl Crusher
- Champion Zintl Inquisitor
- Chief
- Chief Calatl
- Chief Cipactli
- Chief Eztlitl
- Chief Quecuan
- Chief Tlatoa
- Chief Xoctic
- Chieftain Necuamtel
- Chieftain Tlacela
- Chieftain Xipil
- Chim
- Chimalma
- Ciucoatl
- Cochi
- Cogl
- Colopl
- Converted Nuhoch
- Cook Huelic
- Cook Nhatepi
- Costi Atl
- Cotatl
- Cotl
- Coyolaqui
- Coztic Beetle Herder
- Coztic Bladedancer
- Coztic Shadowleaper
- Crazed Hylek
- Crusader Itzli
- Crusader Tecachotl
- Crusader Xihpilli
- Cuadinti
- Cualli
- Cuatl Raider
- Cuatl Thief
- Cueyatl
- Cuicani
- Cuico
- Dehydrated Tlamatini
- Dengatl Amini
- Dengatl Cuicani
- Dengatl Nahualli
- Dengatl Speaker
- Dengatl Tlamatini
- Disoriented Hylek
- Ehuatl
- Elite Coztic Bladedancer
- Elite Coztic Shadowleaper
- Elite Hylek Amini
- Elite Hylek Tlamatini
- Elite Toxic Amini
- Elite Toxic Togatl Caster
- Elite Zintl Cavalier
- Elite Zintl Zealot
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Follower of Zintl
- Glotl Turret Technician
- Grub Master Jephtl
- Grumlukl
- Guard
- Guild Initiate
- Gukumatz
- Half-Baked Komali
- Hazupl Amini
- Hazupl Cuicani
- Hazupl Cuintli
- Hazupl Nahualli
- Hazupl Tlamatini
- Heket Dart Thrower
- Heket Firebreather
- Heket Hunter
- Heket Net Thrower
- Heket Scout
- Heket Spear Thrower
- Heket Villager
- Heket Warrior
- High Priest Copuul
- High Priestess Ecolotl
- Huitzilin
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Hylek Alchemist
- Hylek Amini
- Hylek Cannoneer
- Hylek Caster
- Hylek Chief
- Hylek Conetl
- Hylek Cuicani
- Hylek Guard
- Hylek Lead Guard
- Hylek Merchant
- Hylek Nahualli
- Hylek Pilgrim
- Hylek Runner
- Hylek Supplier
- Hylek Tlamatini
- Hylek Villager
- Hylek Warrior
- Ibli
- Ichtaca
- Ihah
- Ikniu
- Itchi-li
- Itzel
- Itzel Amini
- Itzel Bladedancer
- Itzel Bomb Maker
- Itzel Farmer
- Itzel Hunter
- Itzel Lookout
- Itzel Mastery Vendor
- Itzel Royal Guard
- Itzel Scout
- Itzel Scout
- Itzel Shadowleaper
- Itzel Trader
- Itzel Villager
- Iyahqueh
- Jonaqui
- Kaana Miatli
- Kaana Pahua
- Kaana's Guard
- Kaxan
- Keem
- Kema
- Lapatl Chieftain
- Lapatl Cuintli
- Lonatl Chief
- Lonatl Supplier Huayapl
- Lore Seeker Utogi
- Lore Seeker Zolin
- Manchatl
- Mate Hui
- Matlal
- Merchant Cocha
- Michotl Flycook
- Mictia
- Milin
- Muldotl
- Nahu
- Nahualli
- Nahualli (merchant)
- Nanacatl
- Necalli
- Nelisqua
- Ni-tlacua Hunter
- Ni-tlacua Hunter
- Nochtli
- Nuhoch Crusher
- Nuhoch Flopper
- Nuhoch Mastery Vendor
- Nuhoch Nelli
- Nuhoch Stomper
- Nuhoch Trader
- Nuhoch Villager
- Occuintl Hylek
- Occuintl Hylek Warrior
- Occuintl Leader
- Ogotl Amini
- Ogotl Cuicani
- Ogotl Nahualli
- Ogotl Tlamatini
- Ollin
- Pahti
- Palak
- Patli
- Patli
- Petil
- Pochtecatl
- Potatlan
- Potoni the Massive's Biggest Fan
- Poyaqui
- Qoetl
- Quaztocel
- Recruit Tochacatl
- Refugee
- Rescued Zopatl Villager
- Scout Acan
- Scout Cuatta
- Scout Imal
- Scout Mundi
- Scout Ubek
- Shaman Acopa
- Shaman Huelec
- Speaker Mahuti
- Starving Itzel
- Stranger
- Supplier Huanya
- Supplymaster Kani
- Tactician Atl
- Tatli
- Techutli
- Teki
- Temple Custodian
- Temple Guard
- Tenoch
- Tezcac
- Tinuatl
- Tizlak
- Tlacaxuatl
- Tlacohua
- Tlalli
- Tlalli (Auric Basin)
- Tlamatini
- Tlamatini
- Tlamualli
- Tocatl
- Tochzotl
- Togatl Hylek
- Tomb Watcher
- Tonalli
- Tonuac
- Tortugatl
- Tortured Occuintl Hylek
- Tower Scout
- Toxic Amini
- Toxic Togatl Caster
- Trader
- Two-Eye Ignatl
- Tzatzini
- Urais
- Utcua
- Utoctacel
- Veteran Acatl
- Veteran Azoqui
- Veteran Converted Itzel
- Veteran Converted Nuhoch
- Veteran Coztic Bladedancer
- Veteran Coztic Shadowleaper
- Veteran Follower of Zintl
- Veteran Hylek Amini
- Veteran Hylek Caster
- Veteran Hylek Chief
- Veteran Hylek Chieftain
- Veteran Hylek Cuicani
- Veteran Hylek Nahualli
- Veteran Hylek Tlamatini
- Veteran Icxitl
- Veteran Itzel Bladedancer
- Veteran Itzel Shadowleaper
- Veteran Jaka Itzel Guard
- Veteran Mextli
- Veteran Nuhoch Stomper
- Veteran Priest of Zintl
- Veteran Teku Nuhoch Guard
- Veteran Toxic Amini
- Veteran Toxic Togatl Caster
- Veteran Witzel
- Veteran Xocotl Crusher
- Veteran Xocotl Flopper
- Veteran Xocotl Stomper
- Veteran Zintl Cavalier
- Veteran Zintl Zealot
- Vikotl
- Villager
- Visitor
- Watl
- Worshipper
- Xiuhtonal
- Xochi
- Xochitl
- Xocotl Crusher
- Xocotl Flopper
- Xocotl Stomper
- Xolotl
- Yoal
- Young Heket
- Zintl Cavalier
- Zintl Cuintli
- Zintl Devotee
- Zintl Fanatic
- Zintl Marauder
- Zintl Zealot
- Zizel
- Zopatl Cuintli
- Zyanya
- Zyanya
- Zyanya
- Barkeep Ixcic (historical)
- Bartender (historical)
- Explorer Amoxtli (historical)
- Ohuatl (historical)
- Stranger (historical)
- Concept art
- Render
Render by Jason Juan.
Render by Barry Sundt.
- Screenshots
- Aggro
- Jump to it brothers!
- You asked for this!
- You're in trouble now!
- Death
- I thought I was winning.
- One last gasp. Uhn!
- Aggro
- Form up!
- Swarm up!
- They crossed the line.
- You crossed the line.
- Death
- You win. I die.
As a note, the Itzel and Nuhoch type hylek have different voice lines.
Related achievements[edit]
Slayer: Hylek Slayer — Kill 1000 hostile hylek. (16 )
- As a human, asura, norn or sylvari you can choose to have racial sympathy for the hylek at some point during your character's personal story.
- Hylek personal names and toponymy are most likely Nahuatl (Aztec, Mexica) based.
- There are a number of red, non-hostile Hylek scattered around, including one in The Stychs at Tzanopl Grounds, and one in the Splintered Coast in Sparkfly Fen.
See also[edit]
- Bestiary
- Go Forth and Multiply: The Hylek
- The Hylek Historian collection quest where you collect all the Hylek themed Beaded weapons
- Associated items
- Mini Heket
- Mini Hylek Amini
- Mini Hylek Cuicani
- Mini Hylek Nahualli
- Mini Itzel Bladedancer
- Mini Itzel Shadowleaper
- Mini Nuhoch
- Mini Nuhoch Crusher
- Mini Tizlak
- Mini Yaotl the Fierce
- Mini Zintl Cavalier
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The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Heket. |
- ^ Guild Wars 2 Guru post, Regina Buenaobra
- ^ In The Mind Of Genius, Secret Agent Cat
- ^ Legendary Armory description of Xiuquatl
- Hylek of the Astrozintli Forelands revere the life serpent Xiuquatl. While it's too small and gentle to be their savior, those traits make it Tequatl's perfect opposite—and a potent symbol of hope.