Living World Season 4 content

Free Awakened

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We've shed the chains of servitude for the promise of a new life. And we're grateful for the second chance.

Ambassador Sianna

The Free Awakened are a faction of Awakened who have chosen to embrace freedom after Palawa Joko's demise in the Battle of Gandara in 1331 AE. Their representative is Ambassador Sianna. Following the Death-Branded Shatterer's assault on the Fortress of Jahai and the attempts of a Joko imposter to sway them to keep fighting for Joko, several Free Awakened relocated to Sun's Refuge while coming to terms with their freed existence and Joko's passing. Some Free Awakened traveled to other corners of Elona such as the Necropolis to convince more Awakened to join their ranks while also attempting to have dialog with other Elonian factions at the Reclaimed Chantry. In 1332 AE, the Free Awakened traveled to Thunderhead Peaks to join the allied army which assisted the Pact Commander and Aurene in the battle against the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik.


See also: Category:Free Awakened