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Trial and Error

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Trial and Error

Trial and Error- Janthir Syntri loading screen.png

Trial and Error: Janthir Syntri loading screen.

Trial and Error is the eleventh chapter of the Janthir Wilds story and the first chapter of Godspawn.


Read the mail from Gixx.
  • Read the mail from Steward Gixx.
Research Farrah's disappearance at the Durmand Priory.
  • Enter the Durmand Priory.
  • Meet Caithe and Malice.
  • Locate Archivist Sestina.
  • Walk with Sestina to Farrah's workstation.
  • Search for clues at Farrah's workstation.
  • Find clues to Farrah's whereabouts:: x/3 (sic)
  • Report back to Sestina.
Follow Farrah's path.
  • Head to Janthir Syntri to look for Farrah.
  • Meet your allies.
  • Search for Farrah:: x/2 (sic)
  • Defend Yourself Against the Ambush!
    Event bar green.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Find Farrah!
  • Defend Farrah from the Titanspawn
    Event bar green.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Talk to Farrah.
  • Walk with Farrah as she explains the plan.
  • Defeat the Titanspawn.
    Event bar green.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Regroup with your allies.
Devise a plan with your allies.
  • Enter the Wizard's Tower.
  • Head to the War Room.
  • Knock on the door.
  • Enter the War Room and join the planning.
  • Make final plans with Dagda and Waiting Sorrow.
  • Read the mail from Stoic Alder.
  • Complete!



Read the mail from Gixx.

Read the mail from Gixx and then head to the Point of interest (map icon).png Priory Archives in Lornar's Pass, just outside of Lion's Arch.

Research Farrah's disappearance at the Durmand Priory.

Enter the entrance and speak to the NPCs before going down into the archives. Farrah's workshop is in the southeastern corner of the archives, with a readable book starting a search for three notes: the first one is found in the northeastern room in the archives, the second one by entering the central room from the northern door, and the third one is in the northwestern room. Head back out of the archives and speak with Sestina to finish this instance. The next instance is inside of the Sulfurous Springs of Janthir Syntri.

Follow Farrah's path.

Speak to the NPCs and then head south to find two spots with clues, while fighting some new Titanspawn. Immediately after investigating the second spot, a small group of Titanspawn will appear on top of you!

Head south again to continue the search, this time finding Farrah being chased by more Titanspawn that have to be defeated. Follow her further south again, into Janthir Syntri proper. Continue southwest and defeat the elite Titanspawn to finish the instance.

Head to Point of interest (map icon).png Astral Ward Moon Camp for the final instance.

Devise a plan with your allies.

Go to the big, central room and wait for the dialogue to finish before opening the door. Listen to the bickering and then speak with Dagda. Afterwards, read the mail from Stoic Alder to finish the mission.


This achievement rewards items. Trial and Error Godspawn Janthir Wilds mastery point 1Achievement points
Follow the trail.Journal: Trial and Error
Reward: Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins.pngLarge Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins
Completed Trial and Error 1Achievement points
  • Complete the story mission.
Prying in the Priory clue locations
Prying in the Priory Godspawn 1Achievement points
Find all of Farrah's clues and research findings in the library.Journal: Trial and Error
  • Main Clue—Lounge Table
  • Main Clue—Library Book
  • Main Clue—Kitchen Table
Found All Clues 1Achievement points
  • Find all 7 notes during the objective "Find clues to Farrah's whereabouts:: x/3" but before leaving the first instance.
    1. Main Clue-Lounge Table: The clue found on the central table in the northeastern room.
    2. Main Clue-Library Book: The clue found next to the central pillar in the northern-central room.
    3. Main Clue-Kitchen Table: The clue found on a table in the kitchen/northwestern room.
    4. Extra Clue-Storage Area: Janthir Syntri Field Research on a crate in the southern part of the western room.
    5. Extra Clue-Sleeping Area: Titans and Environments-Observation and Speculation in the southern room.
    6. Extra Clue-Classroom: Mist Journals 01 on the teacher's desk in the southern-central room.
    7. Extra Clue-Laboratory: Mist Journals 04 in the northern end of Farrah's workshop.
  • The objective ends after reading the three main clues, and the other books no longer have labels nor are readable, but interacting with them still grants progress on the achievement. After reporting back to Sestina, the books become readable again.
Study Break Godspawn 1Achievement points
Use the /ponder emote in the Durmand Priory classroom.Journal: Trial and Error Pondered the Situation 1Achievement points
  • Use the emote /ponder inside of the south central room of the Priory after the "Find clues to Farrah's wherabouts" objective begins, but before leaving the instance.
Any Information Is Good Information Godspawn 1Achievement points
Speak with the other Durmand Priory members about Farrah and Sestina.Journal: Trial and Error
Objectives: 3 objectives in total
  • Talk to the priory arcanist by the stairs.
  • Talk to the priory arcanist in the hallway entrance.
  • Talk to the priory arcanist on the balcony.
Spoke with the Priory Members 1Achievement points
  • After speaking with Sestina and completing the first objective ("Report Back To Sestina") but before leaving the priory, speak to the 3 marked Priory members on the "Upper Floor".
  • Make sure to finish the entire dialogue, as credit is only given when the dialogue is closed by the final dialogue option. (The 3 NPC's are marked on the mini-map.)
    • The first NPC is found just north of the stair well to the lower floors/Point of interest (map icon).png Priory Archives.
    • The second NPC is found in the corridor leading back out into Lornar's Pass.
    • The third NPC is just to the east of the corridor's exit.
Timely Takedown Godspawn 1Achievement points
Defeat the titanspawn within the time limit.Journal: Trial and Error Defeated the Titanspawn 1Achievement points
  • Eligibility can be tracked with Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Timely Takedown.
    • The effect lasts for 3 minutes. Be wary that it appears and begins to count down as soon as the "Defeat the Titanspawn" objective appears.
    • The fight isn't very hard, as the enemy is only an Elite Ventshot.
    • Dying to the Elite Venshot voids achievement qualification and requires restarting the instance.
Achievement will not be earned if killed too quickly, make sure the dialogue that happens at 75% and 50% fully plays out before bringing it to 1% (after "Exactly what I wanted to hear!". Katzendrache Hexe (talk) 15:59, 28 November 2024 (UTC) Does not neccessarily work either). It is also possible that being put in the downed state invalidates you from receiving this achievement.



Durmand Priory[edit]


Janthir Syntri[edit]

Kodan (Lowland Kodan)


Janthir Syntri[edit]





Mail from Steward Gixx[edit]

Storyline (interface).png

Steward Gixx

Urgent Priory Business


Farrah Baelseeker, our leading titan archivist, is missing. Farrah is the reliable sort, so her disappearing like this is highly out of character. I last ran into her checking out some materials here at the library. Nothing unusual about it.

I'm told that you, Malice, and Caithe have been researching the titan's whereabouts. You three should have a look around Farrah's office yourselves. When you arrive, I'll have Archivist Sestina show you to Farrah's research station. Given these outstanding circumstances, you three will be granted access to the priory regardless of membership.

Make haste.
–Steward Gixx

Durmand Priory instance[edit]

Meeting Caithe and Malice
If a member of the Priory:
Malice Swordshadow: You've been holding out on me, Commander. Tried for years to get a peek at these archives.
<Character name>: Priory rules. Nothing personal.
Malice Swordshadow: If you need me, I'll be drowning my jealousy in these tomes.
Malice Swordshadow: Commander, look at this place! No wonder they keep it under lock and key.
Malice Swordshadow: Never could convince any Priory to let me have a peek at these shelves. Now that I'm in, I might never leave.
Malice Swordshadow: Is that... Burn me, they've got both copies! What else are they hoarding in here?
Caithe: We'll have plenty of time to browse later. The books aren't going anywhere. Farrah, however...
<Character name>: Gixx said an Archivist Sestina would show us to Farrah's station. Let's start there.
Locating Archivist Sestina
Archivist Sestina: Welcome. Gixx said to expect you. Sestina, Farrah's mentee. I'm holding down the fort while she's...
Archivist Sestina: Honestly, I have no idea what she's doing. Or where she is. Nobody does. It's...very unlike her.
<Character name>: Gixx said the same. She doesn't seem the type to just run off.
Archivist Sestina: Even her research station looks like she abandoned it mid-thought. Here, come see for yourselves.
Archivist Sestina: Farrah's been spearheading our titan research efforts. Gathering notes on history, biology, et cetera.
Archivist Sestina: Hoping to find some sort of exploitable weaknesses. Of interest to you three, I'm sure.
Malice Swordshadow: You have no idea.
Caithe: As is Farrah's well-being.
Malice Swordshadow: I can empathize with why she'd feel so invested.
Archivist Sestina: "Obsessed," more like. Your last encounter with that third titan, Ura, sent Farrah down an absolute rabbit hole.
Archivist Sestina: I've known her to get absorbed in her work, but this time... She was a woman possessed.
Archivist Sestina: Leading up to her disappearance, she was buried under tomes at her station all hours of the day.
Archivist Sestina: I wondered if she might be sleeping there. And then she was gone...
Archivist Sestina: Here we are.
Caithe: "Buried under tomes." You weren't kidding.
Archivist Sestina: I've been trying to sort through it all. Thought maybe there'd be some clue in her research as to where she went.
Archivist Sestina: But, as you can see, it's a daunting job for one person.
<Character name>: We'll take it from here. Let you know if we find anything.
After examining Farrah's workbench
Caithe: Anything of note, Commander?
<Character name>: Well, yes. Though it probably doesn't help our search much. It's some notes and firsthand accounts by the kodan.
<Character name>: And us. Suppose the ward would keep the Priory informed. The kodan accounts seem aligned with ours.
<Character name>: Spawn titans led by progenitors. Strange communication methods. Bloodstone thirst.
Malice Swordshadow: Probably doesn't help our search, but it's good info. Let's take note but keep looking.
Finding the first clue
Malice Swordshadow: You look focused, Commander. Find something?
<Character name>: Maybe. It's about the titans and their environments. Caithe has her own section in this one.
Caithe: Oh?
<Character name>: You're talking about Greer's effect on the swamp ecosystem. One of the lowlanders made similar comments.
Caithe: Don't even remind me of that putrid place. This must be from where I was speaking with the Tree Tenders. What else?
<Character name>: Mentions the titans merging with their environments. And that Ura's steam walls might be a clue to her location.
Malice Swordshadow: Now we're getting somewhere. Where there's steam, there's...
Caithe: A...geyser, perhaps?
<Character name>: Farrah seems to think so. She suggests Mount Balrior.
Malice Swordshadow: What are we waiting for?
Caithe: Before we go chasing geysers up and down the isles, let's be sure there's nothing more to see here.
Finding the second clue
Malice Swordshadow: I'm coming up empty. How 'bout you two?
Caithe: Same, I'm afraid. Commander?
<Character name>: Sestina was right about Farrah becoming obsessed with this research.
<Character name>: Her journals say she was running a side project on the Mists Tide storms and their connection to the titans.
Caithe: I can see why she'd think the two are connected. How, I'm not so certain.
<Character name>: Neither was she. She wonders if the storms' energy amplifies bloodstone, drawing the titans to its power.
Malice Swordshadow: Would explain their fixation on it...
<Character name>: She's still not sure what the energy is, or if the titans influence the storms as they do other environments.
<Character name>: At least, not where the journals leave off.
Malice Swordshadow: Maybe she found a lead and rushed off to...test it? Confer with someone? Panic?
Caithe: Hopefully not the last, or we may need to do the same.
Finding the third clue
Caithe: That scrawling looked rather frantic. Should we be alarmed?
<Character name>: She's in Janthir Syntri. Found something in her research, then left in the middle of the night. Doesn't say what.
Malice Swordshadow: Did she give an exact location?
<Character name>: No, but the area near Mount Balrior still seems like our best bet.
Malice Swordshadow: Let's tell Sestina what we know, then move out.
Reporting back to Sestina
Archivist Sestina: You...found something?
<Character name>: Farrah's in Janthir Syntri. Thinks she made a breakthrough in her research.
Archivist Sestina: What is it?
Malice Swordshadow: That, we're not sure of. But she's been stitching together all sorts of threads regarding the titans' behavior.
Malice Swordshadow: Particularly, their relation to bloodstone and Mists Tides. She also thinks Ura is hiding in a geyser-heavy area.
Caithe: For all we know, she could be out there trying to track Ura down herself.
Archivist Sestina: What is she thinking! Going to those isles alone? And not telling anyone?
Archivist Sestina: Sanctioned fieldwork is one thing. But this...this is a death wish!
Malice Swordshadow: We should be able to extract her without much issue. Provided she hasn't done anything too rash—
Archivist Sestina: Everything about this is rash! Go. Find her. And extract some foolishness from here while you're at it!
<Character name>: We' what we can. Best we get going.
Caithe: Meet you there, Commander. We'll notify the alliance and let the lowland council know to expect us.

Optional dialogue[edit]

Talking to the northern Priory Arcanist by the stairs
Glad you arrived when you did. Archivist Sestina was about to march to Janthir herself to find Farrah... And Gixx would've let her, just to get some quiet around here. She wouldn't have made it far, at least...
Talk more option tango.png I don't know Sestina or Farrah all that well, but they seem...passionate?
"Passionate" may be too subtle. Obsessed, more like. Farrah's focus is the envy of any Rata Sum krewe director. Never drops a lead. She was Sestina's mentor, too, which might explain a few things.
Talk end option tango.png Obsession put to a good cause. Admirable.
Talk end option tango.png I think that's all I needed.
Talking to the Priory Arcanist in the hall
Can I help you?
Talk more option tango.png Did Farrah ever mention how the titans organize their spawn?
I recall something she read or observed... They seem to favor their progenitor—the originating titan—acting as the body's natural defenses would. Upon the progenitor's death, however, she's unsure...
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png I think that's all I needed.
Talking to the Priory Arcanist on the balcony outside
Commander, hello. Though, perhaps you prefer "Wayfinder" now?
Talk more option tango.png Commander is fine. Did you happen to see Farrah leave?
I did, actually. And judging from the look in her eyes, she was on the hunt for something big. She wouldn't drop her research duties for any old cross-dimensional disturbance.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. I'd better catch up to her quickly, then.
Talk end option tango.png I think that's all I needed.

Janthir Syntri instance[edit]

Meeting your allies
<Character name>: Poky. This is a surprise. You seem in good spirits.
Caithe: When we told the lowland council our plans, he jumped at the chance to help.
Poised Arrow: Better to put myself to use than mope around. Plus, it's one less worry for my paw. Got plenty enough of that.
Poised Arrow: Get to it, shall we?
Poised Arrow: So, this Farrah...she's a researcher? And kin to our Malice, yes?
Malice Swordshadow: Well, she was Flame Legion, originally. So more like what a northern kodan is to a lowlander.
Poised Arrow: Ah. A long-lost cousin.
Malice Swordshadow: Well, yes. I suppose so. "Lost," at the very least...
Interacting with the first clue
<Character name>: What's that ahead?
Caithe: Seems they're...timetables of storm patterns. And they match Farrah's writing, from the looks of it.
Poised Arrow: Unless the field sprouted notes of its own, I take it we're on the right track.
Interacting with the second clue
Caithe: More pages ahead.
Poised Arrow: Carrying needed supplies on foot is heavy enough. Who drags along their weight in paperwork?
Malice Swordshadow: A researcher, obsessed. Huh. Interesting...
<Character name>: Titanspawn!
<Character name>: We're surrounded. Weapons ready!
Malice Swordshadow: Can't finish a damned thought without these things interrupting!
After defeating the enemies
Poised Arrow: That's all of them.
Malice Swordshadow: As I was saying. They're field notes on spawn emitting steam and sulfur, characteristic of Ura.
Caithe: Aligns with Farrah's work. If she's documented them, I'd suppose she's met them. But is she equipped to defend herself?
<Character name>: It's rare a Priory scholar is also skilled in combat.
If a member of the Priory:
<Character name>: I' exception.
Caithe: Best we get to her before any more spawn do.
Farrah Baelseeker: Burn me!
<Character name>: Farrah? Hold on, we're almost there!
Finding Farrah and more titanspawn
Farrah Baelseeker: No, no, no...
Talking to Farrah
<Character name>: Should be all of them. Are you hurt, Farrah?
Farrah Baelseeker: I'm fine. It's my study's that ruined! You killed my specimens.
Poised Arrow: You were cornered! What was your exit plan? Paper cut them to death?
Farrah Baelseeker: It's called "observation"! Just because you see something, doesn't mean you have to kill it, you know.
<Character name>: Force of habit.
Malice Swordshadow: Regardless, going in these wilds alone is a fool's move. As is not telling anywhere you're here.
Caithe: Gixx was so concerned he asked us to track you down. And Sestina is worried sick.
Farrah Baelseeker: Worried wyverns, those two! Figured I'd be back before they noticed. Guess it has been a few days...
Farrah Baelseeker: Well, since you're here, I've got a job you might like. Puts all that aggression to use. Follow me.
Poised Arrow: What's this job, exactly?
Farrah Baelseeker: Testing a theory. So, those spawn I was observing—I'm certain they're Ura's.
Farrah Baelseeker: But for now, take a look around. We're not far from the sulfur baths, but notice the difference.
Poised Arrow: Hmm... Smells less like a rotten egg in a smelting oven.
Farrah Baelseeker: True. The air is fresher. And clearer. Don't see any steam, do you?
Caithe: Nothing to cloud out the sun. You've been charting weather patterns here. Why?
Farrah Baelseeker: To keep track of him.
Farrah Baelseeker: I've been watching him since I arrived. Each day, he ventures further out, expanding his territory.
Farrah Baelseeker: But the moment the rain clears, he scurries back to the baths.
<Character name>: You've been studying the storms. Your notes said they seem to bolster the titans' power.
Farrah Baelseeker: Appreciate you keeping up on my work. Now you can help me test that very theory.
Farrah Baelseeker: And better we do so with a spawn before we face its progenitor.
Farrah Baelseeker: He's large enough to approximate Ura, physically and biologically. But he's weaker. We learn him, we learn Ura.
Poised Arrow: We came to rescue her from danger, and here she is, ready to toss us right into it!
<Character name>: But she does have a point. If we're going to kill Ura, we need our strategy set beforehand.
Farrah Baelseeker: Knew you'd see reason! You get ready. I'll get in place for observation.
While battling the Elite Ventshot
Farrah Baelseeker: During this trial, I'll be asking some questions for my research. Don't overthink, just answer.
Farrah Baelseeker: Scale of one to ten, how stressed are you?
Farrah Baelseeker: Rank the last three attacks in order of pain inflicted.
Farrah Baelseeker: Right on time. Okay, the clouds are parting. Describe any changes in him. Weaker attacks? Loss of stamina?
Malice Swordshadow: He's putting up less resistance.
Poised Arrow: His hits aren't landing as hard.
Caithe: Seems he's losing stamina.
Farrah Baelseeker: Exactly what I wanted to hear!
Regrouping with your allies
Farrah Baelseeker: This is going right into the Priory library for display!
Malice Swordshadow: How are you so cheery about all of this? Doesn't it piss you off? What these things did to us? To everyone?
Farrah Baelseeker: They're fascinating beings. Powerful. Mysterious. On a scale all their own. And perfectly indifferent to us.
Farrah Baelseeker: What use is moral outrage toward creatures with no concept of morals?
Caithe: That does certainly put it into perspective.
Malice Swordshadow: Hrm. Maybe. It makes sense. I don't like it, but it makes sense.
Farrah Baelseeker: Well, I'd say the weather made an obvious difference in the spawn's strength.
Caithe: So if we can confront Ura during a break in the storm, we may have a chance.
<Character name>: We still need to scope out her lair.
Farrah Baelseeker: I've noticed a high concentration of titanspawn at the base of Mount Balrior since I arrived.
Malice Swordshadow: Then there's a good chance Ura is hiding at the top and having her spawn guard the place.
Malice Swordshadow: We may have some luck on the timing of this. Before we left, I caught word of a storm report from the ward.
Malice Swordshadow: They're predicting a break in the storms within the next few days. If they're right, we'll need to act fast.
<Character name>: Let's aim for the day after tomorrow, but no later. That'll give us time to prep and get word out.
Caithe: Malice and I will head to Lion's Arch and inform the alliance.
Poised Arrow: I'll go tell Paw. He'll want time to call a council meeting.
<Character name>: That leaves the Astral Ward. I'll make my way to the tower now.

The Wizard's Tower instance[edit]

Upon joining the instance
<Character name>: Where is everyone? Never seen it so empty in here...
Approaching the War Room
Waiting Sorrow: I had to act! My people were in danger. I couldn't abandon them again!
Isgarren: Irony so rich I could gild the tesserae with it!
Knocking on the door of the War Room
Isgarren: We're in the middle of something! Are you oblivious, or just dense?
<Character name>: It's me.
Dagda: Thank the stars!
Entering the War Room
Dagda: Quickly. I can't stand it any longer. They've been arguing for days. Literal days.
Isgarren: I'm trying to have a discussion. But it's oft derailed by my interlocutor's perpetual outbursts.
Waiting Sorrow: A discussion? That's what you call that tirade of yours earlier? Think they heard you in the Shiverpeaks!
Dagda: Go address the room. If you don't have a report, make something up! Before they get a second wind...
<Character name>: Fortunately, I have some news. We located Farrah, the missing researcher, in Janthir Syntri.
<Character name>: She was conducting some...extracurricular studies on Ura's spawn and the bolstering effects of the Mists Tides.
<Character name>: While there, she "volunteered" us to test this theory by battling one of Ura's greater spawn.
<Character name>: And sure enough, as soon as the storm cleared, the spawn weakened significantly.
Waiting Sorrow: See, Ren, those storms are off. You don't need to be from the isles to sense that.
Isgarren: I've been on that train of thought from the start. Why do you think I had the ward tracking them in the first place?
<Character name>: Malice told us your predictions for the storms breaking these next couple days. We can use that to our advantage.
<Character name>: We'll use today and tomorrow to get our preparations in order. The following day, we'll strike. That's the plan.
Isgarren: So it is. I'll call together a meeting to inform the ward.
Isgarren: We'll return to our discussion later.
Dagda: Don't rush on our accounts.
Talking to Dagda
Dagda: Finally. Thought we'd never get a moment's peace. Not with that old gasbag here.
Waiting Sorrow: Sorry you got caught in the middle of this. Years of pent-up rage, just waiting to be unleashed on me.
Waiting Sorrow: Now we get to witness it. In real time.
<Character name>: The battle should keep him occupied for a while.
Waiting Sorrow: Us, too. I should get back to Harvest Den. Need to help Alder with preparations.
Dagda: Perfect. I'm excited to finally see it. You can catch me up along the way.
Waiting Sorrow: At least let me give you the obligatory, "You don't have to come if you don't want to."
Dagda: Noted. And ignored.
Waiting Sorrow: Well, that's settled. Wayfinder, you keep an eye out for mail. You should be receiving something from Alder soon.

Mail from Stoic Alder[edit]

Storyline (interface).png

Stoic Alder

Feast of Battle's Eve Invitation

It is with a disquieted heart that I declare a new battle's eve is upon us. Few moons have passed since we last gathered for such an occassion[sic]. While our prior bravery and sacrifice were repaid in victory, I'm afraid we've no time to rest on our laurels.

We do, however, have time enough to feast before we heed battle's call. And so, I invite you to join our bearkin for an eve of food, drink, and dance. Let us prepare for tomorrow by celebrating the joys of today.

Your humbled Claw,
—Stoic Alder

My Story[edit]

Trial and Error- Janthir Syntri loading screen.png

After receiving an urgent letter from Steward Gixx, I set out to the priory library with Caithe and Malice to investigate the disappearance of their lead titan researcher, Farrah Baelseeker.

We met Farrah's research assistant, Archivist Sestina. Sestina explained that leading up to her disappearance, Farrah had been engrossed in her research to the point of obsession. After sifting through Farrah's research and personal journals, we discovered a lead suggesting Farrah went to the sulfurous base of Mount Balrior in Janthir Syntri. Her notes indicate that she's planing to conduct self-directed research on the titans and their possible relationship with the Mists Tides. A risky endeavor, given the isles' dangerous reputation.

Sestina herself was none to pleased to learn of Farrah's plans and asked that we retrieve her from the isles. While Farrah's enthusiasm to find an exploitable weakness for the titans is appreciated, her recklessness certainly is not. Hopefully, we'll track her down before the titans do.

I arrived in the sulfur baths of Janthir Syntri, meeting Caithe, Malice, and another familiar face: Poised Arrow. He seemed to be in higher spirits than when we'd parted ways after our last brush with the titans; his productive enthusiasm held ever strong.

We made quick work of our search for Farrah, following a literal paper trail of her research. Though the trail led us into the thick of titanspawn territory, our recuperated group handled the ambush without much trouble. Our confirmation also gave us an up-close look at these titanspawn and the geyser characteristics they share in common with Ura. After battling our way through the geysers, we heard a shout and rushed ahead, fearful that we might find Farrah in danger. Sure enough, we discovered Farrah, who was less grateful for our intervention than we'd expected. She'd apparently been studying the spawn in question, and our efforts succeeded in...destroying her research specimens. A mistake, sure. But an honest one, given the situation.

Despite airing her frustration, Farrah took advantage of our combat prowess to help her test a theory. She proposed that the titans had been using the Mists Tides to bolster their vitality. She suspected that when the storms cleared, the titans would lose their edge. To test her hypothesis, she led us to a large champion titanspawn that she's been surveying since she arrived—and more to our benefit, this titanspawn was unlike Greer or Decima's, leading us to believe that it belonged to Ura herself.

Much to our relief, Farrah's hypothesis was proved to be accurate; the titanspawn was easier to fell outside of the Mists Tides. And because of that, we've formed a plan of action: The day after tomorrow, the storms are predicted to clear for a brief window of time. And that is when we will stage our attack against Greer, Decima, and Ura.

With a plan of action devised, I took a portal out of Moon Camp to inform the Astral Ward of our intentions. But upon my arrival as the Wizard's Tower, I found its residents had given the War Room a wide berth. My confusion quickly cleared as I approached its closed doors, hearing muffled bickering just behind it. I knocked and was eagerly let in by find Isgarren and Waiting Sorrow in the midst of a heated argument. Dagda, at her wit's end, encouraged me to intervene in the hopes of distracting the two from their squabble. I debriefed the room on our discoveries via Farrah's research and announced the plans for the titan battle ahead. Isgarren hurried off to tell the ward of these plans, while Waiting Sorrow sought to return to Harvest Den to help her bearkin prepare. Unable to be deterred, Dagda insisted on joining her friend and former mentor in the village.

While the battle ahead is a grave endeavor, I believe uniting to achieve a common goal will do some good in mending the broken bonds between Isgarren and Waiting Sorrow. But perhaps that's just optimistic thinking.

My story
