Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content


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Valravn (plural valravn[1] or valravns[2]) are griffon-like creatures found in Lowland Shore. They consume the hearts of lowland kodan cubs to become knights resembling harpies.[2]



Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Summons
  • Lunges
  • Shred
  • Harrier's Claw
  • Overpower
  • Wingbeat
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Egg.png Egg Crafting material Basic 1
Sharp Talon.png Sharp Talon Trophy Junk 2
Vial of Powerful Blood.png Vial of Powerful Blood Crafting material Rare 1
Vial of Potent Blood.png Vial of Potent Blood Crafting material Fine 1
Vicious Claw.png Vicious Claw Crafting material Rare 1
Harpy Feather.png Pristine Feather Trophy Rare 1

Related achievements[edit]



  • In Danish folkore, valravn are supernatural ravens. They are described as being capable of transforming into a knight after consuming the heart of a child.
  • In the original Guild Wars, Skree harpies found in Vabbi near Dzalana were accompanied by griffons that were quite similar to valravn, and also considered to be harpies.


  1. ^ Unknown Territory
    Malice Swordshadow: Must be valravn. Talons look just like the one Vanak showed us.
  2. ^ a b Dialogue in Escort Ardent Gale as she poisons valravn nests
    Ardent Gale: Valravns nest all along these cliffs, so mind your footing. [...]
    Ardent Gale: Feel no remorse for them. Each one slain spares one of our own an even crueler fate.
    Ardent Gale: The cubs most of all. These creatures prey upon them, even the ones whose lives were already cut short.
    Ardent Gale: They rob the corpse for the child's heart in hopes of turning into something far more vile: a valravn knight.
  3. ^ During the Unknown Territory story step, Caithe expresses confusion over what valravn are after fighting a flock of them. As neither Caithe nor Malice, both of whom are most likely familiar with griffons, identify them as griffons, they appear to be distinct.