Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Finding Balance

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Finding Balance

1337 AE
Janthir Wilds
Finding Balance
Janthir Syntri
Preceded by
Twice Stricken
Followed by
Against the Wall

Finding Balance- Sanguine Crater loading screen.png

Sanguine Crater loading screen.

Finding Balance is the eighth chapter of the Janthir Wilds story.


Speak with Frode.
  • Check in with Frode at Moon Camp to update him on recent events.
  • "Discover" the journal entry written by Isgarren.
  • Meet Poised Arrow at Harvest Den and talk to Stoic Alder together.
Assist in restoration efforts.
  • Use Your Warclaw to Sniff Out and Rescue Animals Hiding in Moldering Greenwood
    Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Use Your Warclaw to Collect Seedlings Covered by Wildfire Ash in Sticken Plains
    Event bar empty green.jpg
Check in on your homestead.
  • Return to your homestead to care for the rescued flora and fauna.
  • Greet Waiting Sorrow and Poised Arrow.
  • Tend to the Needs of the Rescued Animals
    Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Nurture the Transplanted Seedlings
    Event bar empty green.jpg
Help restore environmental balance.
  • Complete Events and Weaken Titan Forces in Janthir Syntri
    Event bar empty green.jpg
Conduct bloodstone research at Sanguine Crater.
  • Meet Malice and Caithe at Bloodstone Research Camp near Sanguine Crater.
  • Use the Heart of the Obscure on a bloodstone shard.
  • Seek shelter within Waiting Sorrow's shield to avoid the magical blowback.
  • Attempt to speak with the bloodstone ghost.
  • Continue using the Heart of the Obscure to neutralize bloodstone shards: x/5
  • Return to the Astral Ward camp to discuss results and next steps.
  • Confront Waiting Sorrow about her history.



Speak with Frode.

Return to Waypoint (map icon).png Astral Ward Moon Camp Waypoint and speak to Frode, then read Isgarren's journal page and go back to Waypoint (map icon).png Harvest Den Waypoint.

Assist in restoration efforts.

Head to Waypoint (map icon).png Festering Basin Waypoint and head west. Sniff has a fairly small radius, despite the visual on the minimap, so make sure to not run full tilt and instead stop occasionally and comb back over your previously visited area. Use the digging skill that replaces Sniff to dig up piles of black rock and look on the minimap for green magnifying glasses that designate animal spots.

The Point of interest (map icon).png Kindle Barrens, southeast of Waypoint (map icon).png Stricken Plains Waypoint, house most of the plants, stacked in a tight space. Use Sniff then dig up the plants and interact with them again to grab them.

Check in on your homestead.
  • Speak with Poky and Sorrow, then help the plants and animals.
  • The water is the only thing needed for both groups. Pick up a bucket and take a swim in the stream to gain 3 charges of water to dole out.
  • Medicine is given to injured animals.
  • There are 3 types of food: fertilizer is given to malnourished plants, hay is given to hungry herbivores (fawns and such), and meat is given to predators (ravens, crabs, the warclaw cub).
Help restore environmental balance.

Complete 10 events in Janthir Syntri.

Conduct bloodstone research at Sanguine Crater.

Destroy the first bloodstone and then quickly take cover in Waiting Sorrow's shield or get downed. Speak with ghost and then repeat the process with the 5 other bloodstone shards.

Go back to camp and speak to Waiting Sorrow again.


This achievement rewards items. Finding Balance Janthir Wilds: Act 2 Janthir Wilds mastery point 1Achievement points
Restore environmental balance.Journal: Finding Balance
Reward: Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins.pngLarge Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins
Completed Finding Balance 1Achievement points
  • Complete the mission.
Foster Parent Janthir Wilds: Act 2 1Achievement points
Tend to the needs of all the rescued plants and animals at your homestead.Journal: Finding Balance Tended to All the Rescued Plants and Animals at Your Homestead 1Achievement points
  • Can be completed even after all the story steps in the instance are done, as long as the instance itself isn't exited from.
  • There are just enough animals and plants to help to get the achievement in one go.
    • Since the plants are all stationary in one spot, if you are one or two points below the required they have probable wandered in behind one of the houses.
  • Eligibility can be tracked via Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Foster Parent
Teaching Trust Janthir Wilds: Act 2 1Achievement points
Witness a teacher and pupil rebuild trust.Journal: Finding Balance Witnessed Waiting Sorrow and Poised Arrow Rebuild Trust 1Achievement points
The Dead Do Tell Tales Janthir Wilds: Act 2 1Achievement points
Speak with all of the bloodstone ghosts.Journal: Finding Balance
Objectives: 5 objectives in total
  • Mae Twins
  • Manikaz
  • Gavril Citizen
  • Charr Prisoner
  • Frightened Kodan Cub
Spoke with 5 Bloodstone Ghosts 1Achievement points
  • During the objective "Continue using the Heart of the Obscure to neutralize bloodstone shards: x/5", each destroyed bloodstone shard spawns a ghost the has to be talked to.
    • Each ghost has to be spoken to 2-3 times, so make sure to stick around and wait for the dialogue to finish.
    • The northwest shard spawns the Gavril Citizen, the northeast one the Frightened Kodan Cub, the southeast one the Charr Prisoner, the southwest one Manikaz, and the central one finally spawns the Mae Twins.
  • Eligibility can be tracked via Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: The Dead Do Tell Tales



Sanguine Crater[edit]

Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)


Sanguine Crater[edit]

Ambient creatures
Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)



Lowland Shore[edit]

Speaking with Frode
<Character name>: Tell me you've moved from this spot since I left.
Frode: Wayfinder. There's been plenty to keep me busy as of late. Though I don't need to tell you that.
<Character name>: Afraid this won't settle your nerves any. We had another brush with the titans.
Frode: Titans? So Isgarren was correct. He'll love that.
<Character name>: Two in total. And they're working together.
<Character name>: Greer, who we thought previously defeated. And Decima, a lightning conduit.
Frode: And how did this battle fare?
<Character name>: Brutal, but useful. We discovered a possible vulnerability of the titans: a fragile inner core.
<Character name>: The Claw's son was injured blocking an attack, so our battle was cut short. Brave. And stupid.
Frode: A sentiment completely alien to the two of us. How's he doing now?
<Character name>: On the mend. We made it to the village healing master in time to treat him.
Frode: Hm. No easy task, carrying a grown kodan to safety. And what did you say was used to treat him?
<Character name>: I didn't. The healing master is versed in some level of recovery magic. Trained in the Shiverpeaks, apparently.
Frode: Interesting. I suppose healing magic would be less frowned upon than the more ostentatious schools...
Frode: Can never be sure who knows more than they're letting on.
Frode: Hm.
Frode: You're a reader, yes? I was reading a fascinating book earlier. It's upstairs. You should give it a look.
Frode: And act natural.
Speaking with Poky and Paw
Stoic Alder: Normally, If my son came home injured, I'd question in whose company he was engaging in such reckless behavior.
Stoic Alder: But since your arrival, Wayfinder, there is no question.
<Character name>: Stoic Alder-
Poised Arrow: Paw, I told you, the fault is mine. I didn't respect my limits. The wayfinder reminded me it's all right to step away.
Stoic Alder: Hm.
Poised Arrow: Paw... I'm okay.
Poised Arrow: You should've seen the wayfinder out there. Never witnessed a stoic warrior turn into such a kindly mother hen.
Poised Arrow: Checking my wounds, aiding my exit. All with concern in the voice and a tear in the eye.
<Character name>: Might be a bit of an exaggeration...
Stoic Alder: Heh.
Stoic Alder: Regardless, my son requires time to recuperate. As does the ecosystem. The titans have done a number on our community...
Stoic Alder: Initiatives are underway in Moldering Greenwood and Stricken Plains to restore the local flora and fauna.
Stoic Alder: Wayfinder, any additional aid you may provide would greatly benefit our restorative efforts.
<Character name>: Say no more. Happy to help.

Janthir Syntri[edit]

While rescue animals and collect seedlings
<Character name>: You found something. Good job!
<Character name>: That's one finely tuned nose you've got. Great work.
<Character name>: Don't worry, you're safe now.
<Character name>: Not to worry. We'll get you back to your old self.


Waiting Sorrow: Perking up already, isn't he?
<Character name>: Stronger by the minute.
Poised Arrow: Paw suggested I get some rest out here away from the village. Said the fresh air would do me good.
<Character name>: Makes sense. Glad he's willing to trust you in my vicinity.
Poised Arrow: Course he does. He likes you. Just worries too much. About everybody, not just me...
Waiting Sorrow: We'll tell him soon, Poky. I promise. After you're recovered a bit more. Don't want to put him in healing ward, too.
Waiting Sorrow: For now, best do what your paw says. Relax and enjoy the scenery.
<Character name>: You won't be the only one here recuperating. I'm housing some rescued wildlife while they recover. Should check on them.
After following Waiting Sorrow Talk quest option tango.png
Poised Arrow: this the same magic the seeds use?
Waiting Sorrow: Very similar to that.
Poised Arrow: Huh. That's neat.
After completing tasks
Waiting Sorrow: Seems like things are in pretty good shape around here. At this point, our time is probably best put toward research.
Waiting Sorrow: Wayfinder, you should return to the isles. Seems they're a hotbed for stranger activity. We'll keep an eye on the place.

Janthir Syntri[edit]

After completing events around Janthir Syntri
Malice Swordshadow: Commander—finally, some good news. Caithe and I have a lead on combating the titans.
Malice Swordshadow: We think bloodstone might be our missing piece. Meet us at the research camp at Ground Zero.
<Character name>: Leaving now. Poky's resting at the homestead. He's... in good hands.
Malice Swordshadow: Glad to hear it. Kid's a tough one. We'll talk more when you're here.
Entering the instance
Waiting Sorrow: So you do have good things to say about me, when I'm not around to hear them. "In good hands," hm?
<Character name>: Seems I spoke too soon. Thought you were with Poky.
Waiting Sorrow: He's fast asleep. I asked Har and Willow to stay with him so I could tend to some business.
Malice Swordshadow: The business of listening to our calls? That right?
Waiting Sorrow: If you don't want me to listen, don't give me the damned listening device.
Waiting Sorrow: That's beside the point. I heard you're looking into the bloodstones.
Waiting Sorrow: Thought I could be of use. Rather, the Heart of the Obscure could.
<Character name>: Go on.
Waiting Sorrow: If the titans are siphoning energy from the bloodstone, neutralizing the shards may nullify their advantage.
Waiting Sorrow: Something the Heart of the Obscure should be more than capable of.
Malice Swordshadow: Risky, but it's worth a shot.
Caithe: I'm inclined to agree. Though it is an unpredictable material, even in small quantities.
Caithe: Be cautious, Commander. Last thing we want is to turn this place into Bloodstone Fen.
After neutralizing the bloodstone shard
Waiting Sorrow: It's going to explode!
Waiting Sorrow: Get back! I'll cover you!
Rhea Ingham and two Gavril Citizens appear at the shard
Caithe: Who... are they?
Waiting Sorrow: They must be victims. Those sacrificed on bloodstone remain tethered in death. Unless... severed.
Malice Swordshadow: Couldn't hurt to ask what they've witnessed.
Approaching the ghosts
Rhea Ingham: Traitors! Saul sought to foil the titan prophecy, yes. But not by sacrificing the blood of our own!
Rhea Ingham: When he returns, your treacheries will be punished. The names of the Mae twins shall be stained in White Mantle history!
Rhea Ingham: Where—? Lurking in the shadows, readying to stab me in the back, aren't you? Fitting!
Talk quest option tango.png Easy, spirit. Your mortal disputes hold no weight in death. Nor do Saul's.
Rhea Ingham: So you come to spew blasphemy! And to whom do I owe this discourtesy?
Talk quest option tango.png To you, I'm a prophet of things to come. And you're D'Alessio's bootlicker?
Rhea Ingham: You look nothing of a prophet to me. And I would certainly know.
Rhea Ingham: I am Rhea Ingram, leader of Gavril, appointed by Saul himself. I oversee this village and its proceedings.
Malice Swordshadow: You talk like a politician. Take it by "proceedings," you mean the murder of innocents on the bloodstone.
Rhea Ingham: You're more informed than you appear. I won't waste your time speaking in riddles, then.
Rhea Ingham: It is true that stopping the prophecy of the titans' return comes at a cost. But the lives saved will be innumerable.
Rhea Ingham: The Unseen Ones vow to this future, and so do I. Those who have sacrificed themselves have not done so in vain.
Talk quest option tango.png As if they had a choice. You all died in vain, thanks to the titans.
Waiting Sorrow: But not before the mursaat turned on you and your little dress-up club. Slain on the bloodstone like pigs to slaughter.
Waiting Sorrow: That's the future to which you "vowed."
Rhea Ingham: I... How... H-how could...
Rhea Ingham: I-I refuse to entertain your madness. Leave! Now! Or you'll be the next cast upon the stone!
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time for this nonsense.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time for this nonsense.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time for this nonsense.
Southwest bloodstone shard
Manikaz: I normally require an appointment to speak with me. But seeing as you've interrupted my work...
Manikaz: Let's make this quick, shall we? You may speak.
Talk more option tango.png Don't suppose your "work" is bloodstone related?
Manikaz: Ah, a follower. Manikaz. Or the Blood Phenom, if you prefer. My followers often do.
Talk more option tango.png You seem awfully proud of yourself.
Manikaz: Of course. Should the scientist shun their discoveries? The artist be ashamed of their creations?
Waiting Sorrow: And I bet you fancy yourself both.
Manikaz: Art envisions the world as it could be. Science makes it a reality. My greatest work is born of their convergence.
Talk more option tango.png Makes cold-blooded killing sound almost poetic.
Manikaz: Death is a... distasteful byproduct in the transference of power to bloodstone.
Manikaz: But the transfer itself is an alchemy of miracles. And maximizing the power retained is crucial.
Manikaz: If that amplifies the subject's pain during the process, at least it will be short lived.
Manikaz: And the end result, regardless, will be the same.
Waiting Sorrow: Squeezing every last bit of life from your victims like a binding snake.
Manikaz: Whether you grasp the true scale of my vision is of no concern to me. Small minds breed smaller opinions.
Waiting Sorrow: Ha! Whatever helps you rest in peace.
Talk end option tango.png This is a waste of time.
Talk end option tango.png I'm no follower of yours.
Talk end option tango.png This is a waste of time.
Northwest bloodstone shard
Gavril Citizen: I've been here the whole time, huh? Sure looks different than I remember.
Gavril Citizen: So, how long have I been dead?
Talk more option tango.png You're quite perceptive. Well over a century.
Gavril Citizen: Thanks. Always been quick on the uptake, if I do say so myself.
Gavril Citizen: A century, huh? Explains why so much has changed around here...
Talk more option tango.png Afraid not everything's changed. The titans have returned.
Gavril Citizen: "Returned"? Ha! Getting the last laugh is a nice consolation, even in death.
Gavril Citizen: Once the White Mantle started taking out their own, I knew that'd be the end of this place.
Gavril Citizen: Ingham wasn't so bad. But once those creepy twins took over? Forget it! All hell broke loose.
Talk more option tango.png You lived here before the White Mantle, then?
Gavril Citizen Yeah. I was out here trying to get my life back together. My former line of work was a bit... unsavory, you could say...
Gavril Citizen But being a crook wasn't all I wanted out of life. Knew there was more to me then just that.
Caithe: I can certainly empathize...
Gavril Citizen So I started fresh. Had a job, a family...and then the White Mantle showed up. And here we are. Well, were...
Gavril Citizen Incredible. Entire village full of ex-cons, and it's the zealots who morally bankrupt the place.
Gavril Citizen Hypocrites, all of 'em. If only the titans got to them sooner.
Gavril Citizen Just wish that wasn't true of all of us. There were some good ones here. What a waste...
Talk end option tango.png Creepy is an understatement.
Talk end option tango.png More than you could fathom.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have the heart to tell her.
Central bloodstone shard
Cosmos Mae: Did you need something?
Cordelia Mae: You can ask us anything.
Cosmos Mae: Yes, ask us.
Cosmos Mae: We don't bite.
Cordelia Mae: We don't bite.
Malice Swordshadow: Burn me, don't these two seem fun.
The twins stare unsettlingly toward you, smiling. They never seem to blink.
Talk more option tango.png Don't suppose you know anything about bloodstone...
Cordelia Mae: Bloodstones are our area of expertise, you might say...
Cosmos Mae: Yes, you might. They're quite powerful. And useful.
Cordelia Mae: Very useful. Our friends certainly think so.
Cosmos Mae: (giggles)
Cordelia Mae: (giggles)
Talk more option tango.png Your "friends"—the mursaat? Care to elaborate?
Cosmos Mae: Bloodstone gives one strength. With strength comes power.
Cordelia Mae: With power, one may do what they want...
Cosmos Mae: Say what they want...
Cordelia Mae: And silence what they don't...
Cosmos Mae: Or who.
Cordelia Mae: Or who.
Caithe: They're wasting our time, and they're putting my petals on end.
Talk more option tango.png Couldn't agree more. Let's move on.
Cordelia Mae: Going so soon? Shame.
Cosmos Mae: Shame, indeed. Take care, now.
Cordelia Mae: And be sure to...
Cosmos Mae: Watch your back.
Cordelia Mae: Watch your back.
Cosmos Mae: You never know—
Cordelia Mae: Who might be—
Cosmos Mae: Out to get you.
Cordelia Mae: Out to get you.
Talk end option tango.png This is getting us nowhere.
Talk end option tango.png This is getting us nowhere.
Northeast bloodstone shard
Frightened Kodan Cub: Huh? Paw? Where am I?
Talk more option tango.png It's all right, cub. Just wanted to ask you some things.
Frightened Kodan Cub: Who are you? Where's my paw?
Waiting Sorrow: Easy, cub. Catch your breath. Do you remember what you were doing before you... woke up?
Frightened Kodan Cub: Well...was out hunting. Paw was teaching me how to stalk prey. We were sneaking up on some game, then...
Frightened Kodan Cub: Everything went dark. Then some voices woke me up. One was Paw. He was...yelling.
Talk more option tango.png Did you see anyone?
Frightened Kodan Cub: Um...uh...
Waiting Sorrow: It's all right. You can answer. This is a friend of mine.
Frightened Kodan Cub: first. I tried to stand to go look for Paw, but...something hit the back of my head...
Frightened Kodan Cub: When I woke up again, my head really hurt. And I was laying on something cold and hard. That's when I saw people...
Talk more option tango.png What did they look like?
Frightened Kodan Cub: They covered themselves with...long cloths. But they didn't have any fur. Just skin.
If human:
Frightened Kodan Cub: Just like you.
Frightened Kodan Cub: They were all around me...staring. It was scary. Then...I can't remember any more...
Caithe: What monsters. To an innocent child?
Frightened Kodan Cub: Can I see my paw now?
Waiting Sorrow: He's... resting. And so should you. You can see him when you wake up.
Frightened Kodan Cub: Promise?
Waiting Sorrow: Rest now, young one. You'll be with him soon.
Talk end option tango.png Hush, now, it's over. You don't have to worry.
Talk end option tango.png It's okay. I'm sure he didn't mean to scare you like that when he yelled.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not your paw, little one. I'll keep an eye out for him, though.
Southeast bloodstone shard
Charr Prisoner: (snarls)
Malice Swordshadow: Stand down. What's a charr doing here?
Charr Prisoner: The dame wants me to stand down? That how you speak to a shaman?
Malice Swordshadow: What kind of shaman gets captured by humans?
Charr Prisoner: Untie me.
Talk more option tango.png You heard her. What are you doing in Janthir?
If human
Charr Prisoner: I'd watch your mouth. As soon as your friend removes my shackles, I'm going to rip your jaw from that pretty skull
If sylvari
Charr Prisoner: And what kind of abomination are you?
If charr
Charr Prisoner: You working with them now? Things going south on the front?
Malice Swordshadow: I'll remove those shackles if you tell us what you're doing here.
Charr Prisoner: Watch your tone.
Malice Swordshadow: Guess he doesn't want out...
Charr Prisoner: My warband was camped in the cascades when we were ambushed.
Charr Prisoner: They took a few captives, killed the rest... Think I'm the only one left now.
Charr Prisoner: Between friends, I don't think I've got much time. They look at me like a meal, and they're running out of food.
Malice Swordshadow: While just as barbaric, you did turn a city to ash.
Charr Prisoner: And what a bright day that was...
Talk more option tango.png Ascalon, you mean?
Charr Prisoner: The smell was magnificent. You could see the sky light up all the way from the Shiverpeaks.
Talk more option tango.png I'm sure you can tell us all about the titans, then.
Charr Prisoner: They will build us a bridge to the next world.
Charr Prisoner: Ten more years and this one will be done.
Caithe: What does that mean?
Malice Swordshadow: Doesn't matter. He was wrong. They all were.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time for this.
Talk end option tango.png Only for some.
Talk end option tango.png No.
After returning to the Astral Ward Bloodstone Research Camp
Malice Swordshadow: Think we've gathered enough information to put to work against the titans?
Caithe: I'd say so. And enough bloodstained history to make me never want to set foot here again.
Caithe: Seeing how the bloodstone got so powerful makes me want to keep anyone from using it, titan or not.
Waiting Sorrow: Power accumulated off of stolen lives is no small threat, but it's not infallible.
Waiting Sorrow: As long as we're intentional in its use, the Heart of the Obscure is our most promising solution up to this point.
Waiting Sorrow: Let's regroup at the homestead. We can check on Poky, then talk strategy.
Waiting Sorrow: May the innocent rest. And the wicked writhe.
Confronting Waiting Sorrow about her past
Waiting Sorrow: Wayfinder, what is it? Are you not headed to the homestead?
Talk quest option tango.png I know who you are, Waiting Sorrow.
<Character name>: Isgarren broke rules to ascend you when you were suffering. You're not just a wizard, you're...a fable to the bearkin.
Waiting Sorrow: Quiet. Quiet, please. Don't tell them. Don't tell Poky or Alder.
Waiting Sorrow: I am not a fable. I was...I was just hurting. Koda's voice... It burned my core raw.
Waiting Sorrow: It would rattle their worlds. Don't...please. Don't.
<Character name>: I'll see you at the homestead.
Talk end option tango.png Hold that thought.

My Story[edit]

Lowland Shore loading screen.png

With Poised Arrow recuperating, I took the opportunity to check in once more with Frode. I updated him on our most recent face-off with Decima, careful not to arouse suspicions about Waiting Sorrow. I think I navigated the interaction well enough to keep the reveal of Waiting Sorrow's true identity in my pocket. For now, at least. However, before returning to the field, Frode dropped his voice and suggested that I take a peek at a book he left for me upstairs. I found his demeanor...curious. Perhaps he's trying to nudge me in the right direction?

Much to my surprise, the journal revealed that Isgarren broke seer rules to ascend Waiting Sorrow to the Wizard's Court. But the greatest shock came in the form of another confession: The legendary missing Voice, the very one whose tribe the present-day lowlanders are descended from, is in fact...Waiting Sorrow. My mind is ablaze with countless questions: Why return to the lowlanders now, after all this time? How will Stoic Alder and Poised Arrow react? How old IS she?

I paid Alder and Poky a visit soon after, with my original intent of checking on the kid. Though my mind was swimming, I kept as collected as possible. Their family has more than enough on their plate, and, as I've said before, this situation is Waiting Sorrow's to address. Although, the more I learn, the more suspicious I am of her...

Alder was not pleased to see me, to say the least. While I've long accepted that my lifestyle comes with a certain amount of...risk, I can hardly blame a father concerned for his son's well-being. I must say, Poky's resolve to take responsibility impressed me. He also de-escalated the situation rather smoothly—I imagine he's had practice getting his father to come around. And his help was certainly appreciated. For now, I hope to make amends with Alder, in part by aiding some restorative efforts. Oddly enough, Alder's frustration served as a perfect distraction from Waiting Sorrow. Like Poky's approach, perhaps time out in the wilds will help me get my thoughts in order. Some space to reflect on everything that's happened is probably best for me, and for all of us.


Staying true to my promise to Stoic Alder, I rescued some damaged flora and fauna, which I'll rehabilitate at my homestead. Thinking back to my arrival here, I recall some whispers of weather and environmental changes among the villagers. At the time, I was too preoccupied by other matters to show much concern. Now I'm experiencing firsthand just how much the titans' presence has disrupted the local ecosystem. Hopefully, our efforts will help curtail the casualties. But I can't overlook the reality: we're treating the symptoms while the disease looms large.


I returned to my homestead and, as promised, tended to the rescued flora and fauna. While there, I checked in with Waiting Sorrow and Poised Arrow. Poised Arrow's health appears to be on the mend, as do his spirits. Stoic Alder was not present, as I imagine he has a slew of matters to attend to at the moment. But it's probably good for Poky and Waiting Sorrow to have some together to patch things up. Their relationship does seem to be strengthening. I witnessed them chatting much like they had before the current upheaval. How things will change when he discovers his mentor is the missing Voice of legend...remains to be seen. For the time being, it's best not to disturb his recovery process. And it's rather nice seeing my homestead become a haven for rest and relaxation.


I've continued my work of helping restore the environmental balance around Janthir Syntri. My efforts, though small in scale, do seem to be making an impact, no matter how slight. I'll take any signs of encouragement where I can get them. More encouraging yet, I received a call from Malice and Caithe boasting a potential lead involving bloodstone that could bolster our chances against the titans. Though I'm still keeping my hopes in check, I'm eagerly making my way to the Astral Ward's research camp to see what this new development entails.


At the Astral Ward research camp, I met with Malice, Caithe, and an unexpected guest: Waiting Sorrow. She had apparently overheard our plan to scope out the bloodstone. Leaving Poky in the care of Deft Lahar and Patient Willow, she came armed with an interesting idea. Since the titans have been using the area's bloodstone to replenish their energy, Waiting Sorrow proposed neutralizing it with the Heart of the Obscure. Clever. But like any hypothesis, we had to test it.

Our attempt at neutralizing the bloodstone was successful, but not without consequences. The magical blowback from the exploding bloodstone is quite powerful and must be handled with care. Waiting Sorrow managed to shield us from the explosion, but if we intend to use this strategy during battle, we'll have to coordinate our attacks with her defense.

As it turns out, Waiting Sorrow wasn't the only unexpected visitor we'd encounter. The bloodstone's explosion revealed the ghosts of several individuals sacrificed during the White Mantle's occupancy. Speaking with them, we came away with an unsettling picture of Gavril, the village that stood here long ago, and the dark history that plagued it. Overall, our work proved bittersweet. We leave with our strongest strategy yet for defeating the titans and a harsh reminder of the blood with which history's pages are written.

With all that's happened, it was finally time to confront Waiting Sorrow about her true identity as not only a wizard, but a wizard of legend. Unsurprisingly, she echoed her request that I not say anything to Stoic Alder and to keep the additional details of her identity hidden from Poky, assuring me that she'd handle the fallout. While my patience is running thinner than Willow's weaving thread, the genuine hurt in Sorrow's voice is a stark reminder that if I'm feeling worn down by this situation, the pressure she's under is immense. Ultimately, she's going to need to come forward, and she'll need to do it soon. Easier said than done, I suppose, but there's no way around it. Still, I don't envy her position. I may be weary, but I'll give her that much.

My story