Fish (consumable)
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Fish are a special type of consumable that is obtained by Fishing.
Most produce cooking ingredients called "Fish Fillets" when consumed, but a few of them also produce various amount of karma instead. Fish Fillets can also be used as a currency for some items.
List of fish[edit]
- See also: List of fish
- Abyssal Squid
- Alabaster Oscar
- Albino Axolotl
- Albino Blindfish
- Albino Gourami
- Alewife
- Alpine Char
- Amber Trout
- Amberjack
- Aquatic Frog
- Arapaima
- Armored Scalefish
- Arowana
- Aurelian Herring
- Axolotl
- Balance Fish
- Barramundi
- Bastion Fish
- Beacon's Perch
- Beluga
- Benthic Behemoth
- Bicuda
- Bitterling
- Black Bass
- Black Carp
- Black Crappie
- Black Lionfish
- Blobfish
- Bloodfish
- Blowfish
- Blue Dorado
- Blue Marlin
- Bluefin Trevally
- Bluefin Tuna
- Bluegill
- Bonefish
- Boreal Cod
- Boxfish
- Brackish Goby
- Branded Eel
- Bream
- Brook Trout
- Bullhead Catfish
- Buried Angst
- Canthan Carp
- Catfish
- Celestial Fish
- Cerulean Salamander
- Chain Pickerel
- Chambered Nautilus
- Cherry Barb
- Cherry Salmon
- Chestnut Sea Bream
- Clawfish
- Cobia
- Codmander
- Corvina
- Crimson Snapper
- Croaker
- Cutlass Fish
- Cutthroat Trout
- Cuttlefish
- Daijun Blackfin
- Dandan
- Dark Sleeper
- Dead Alewife
- Delavan Guppy
- Dhuum Fish
- Diamond Trevally
- Divinity Angelfin
- Dragonet
- Dragonfish
- Dunkleosteus
- Dusky Grouper
- Dustfish
- Electric Eel
- Elon Tetra
- Elonian Bass
- Emerald Snapper
- Emperor Fish
- Empress Fish
- Fangfish
- Fire Eel
- Firemouth
- Flamefin Betta
- Flapjack Octopus
- Flayfin
- Flowerhead
- Flying Fish
- Fractured Fish
- Frenzied Cephalopod
- Freshwater Eel
- Frilled Shark
- Fugu Fish
- Gar
- Garnet Ram
- Geyser Batfin
- Ghostfish
- Giant Barb
- Giant Catfish
- Giant Gourami
- Giant Octopus
- Giant Paddlefish
- Giant Trevally
- Gilded Loach
- Glacial Snakehead
- Globefish
- Glowing Coalfish
- Golden Dorado
- Golden Mahseer
- Golden Trout
- Goliath Grouper
- Googly-Eyed Squid
- Gourami
- Grayling
- Green Sawfish
- Hagfish
- Halibut
- Holy Mackerel
- Honeycomb Grouper
- Horseshoe Crab
- Humphead Wrasse
- Icefish
- Icy Lumpfish
- Igneous Rockfish
- Indigo Drakefish
- Jade Lamprey
- Jade Sea Turtle
- Jokopu
- Jundia
- Juvenile Frogfish
- Kahawai
- Kaluga
- King Crab
- King Salmon
- Knifefish
- Knowledge Fish
- Krytan Crawfish
- Krytan Puffer
- Largemouth Bass
- Leafy Sea Dragon
- Longhorn Boxfish
- Lornar's Bass
- Lowland Grunt
- Lungfish
- Maddened Mackerel
- Magma Ray
- Maguuma Jack
- Maguuma Trout
- Mahseer
- Man-of-War
- Mantis Shrimp
- Marbled Lungfish
- Mega Prawn
- Melandru's Lurker
- Mohawk Bream
- Monkfish
- Moonfin Striker
- Mouse-Eared Octopus
- Mud Skate
- Mudskipper
- Mullet
- Murkwater Darter
- Muskellunge
- Mystic Remora
- Natural Fish
- Northern Pike
- Oarfish
- Obscure Fish
- Old Whiskers
- Opah
- Orrian Anglerfish
- Oscar
- Pacu
- Paddlefish
- Parrotfish
- Payara
- Peacock Bass
- Petrifish
- Piranha
- Pollock
- Pompano
- Porgy
- Primal Maguuma Trout
- Pufferfish
- Pyrite Dorado
- Quagmire Eel
- Queen Parrotfish
- Queen's Flipper
- Queenfish
- Rainbow Glowfish
- Rainbow Trout
- Red Gurnard
- Red-Eyed Piranha
- Redfin Barb
- Redtail Catfish
- Ripsaw Catfish
- Risen Sea Bass
- Rock Bass
- Rockfish
- Rohu
- Roosterfish
- Round Goby
- Royal Featherback
- Royal Pike
- Royal Starfish
- Sailfin Molly
- Sailfish
- Sand Carp
- Sardinata
- Scorpion Fish
- Sea Perch
- Sea Robin
- Sea Trout
- Seahorse
- Shaderock Salamander
- Sheatfish
- Sheepshead
- Shimmering Squid
- Shinota Blackfin
- Shipwreck Moray
- Silver Bichir
- Silver Drum
- Silver Moony
- Skipjack Tuna
- Slaughterfish
- Smallmouth Bass
- Snakehead
- Snook
- Snow Crab
- Snowflake Eel
- Sockeye
- Speckled Perch
- Spectacled Lumper
- Spectral Jellyfish
- Spotted Flounder
- Spotted Pufferfish
- Spotted Stingray
- Stargazer
- Starry Flounder
- Steelhead Trout
- Stingray
- Stone Guiyu
- Stone Loach
- Strength Fish
- Striped Barracuda
- Striped Bass
- Striped Catfish
- Sturgeon
- Sunfish
- Sunscale Striker
- Surubim
- Swampblight Lamprey
- Swordfish
- Taimen
- Tarpon
- Three-Eyed Carp
- Tigerfish
- Tilapia
- Toadfish
- Totemfish
- Tripletail
- Twilight Striker
- Unholy Mackerel
- Unicorn Fish
- Vampire Squid
- Venomfish
- Violet Screamer
- Viperfish
- Viperfish
- Volcanic Blackfish
- Vundu
- Wahoo
- Walleye
- Warmouth
- Weever
- White Bass
- Wolffish
- Yellow Perch
- Yellowtail Snapper
- Zander
Related achievements[edit]
The majority of fish are requirements of the collection achievements in the Fishing achievement category.
All the End of Dragons Elite Specialization Collections require catching one fish each:
Purifier — Dragonet
Dichotomy — Albino Gourami
The Keenest Cut — Humphead Wrasse
Percussive Maintenance — Amber Trout
Crushing Weight — Stingray
Possession — Sturgeon
Gravity — Unicorn Fish
Prima Donna — Giant Gourami
Quietus — Blue Dorado
Additionally, Fish Fillets obtained by consuming fish are used in other achievements including:
- Turtle Unlock: Getting Stronger to aquire the Siege Turtle mount.
- Aurene-themed Generation 3 Legendary Weapons.
- A Strange Diet to obtain a pet turtle for your home instance.
Related crafting[edit]
Fish Fillets[edit]
- Fine Fish Fillet (Fine)
- Fabulous Fish Fillet (Masterwork)
- Flavorful Fish Fillet (Rare)
- Fantastic Fish Fillet (Exotic)
- Flawless Fish Fillet (Ascended)
Other Meat[edit]
- Piece of Crustacean Meat (Fine)
Related cooking recipes[edit]
The following cooking recipes require Fish Fillets:
- Yellowfish Sushi
- Whitefish Sushi
- Orangefish Sushi
- Redfish Sushi
- Bowl of Fish Stew
- Bowl of Kimchi Tofu Stew
- Fishy Rice Bowl
- Bowl of Jade Sea Bounty
- Bowl of Echovald Hotpot
- Plate of Crispy Fish Pancakes
- Plate of Imperial Palace Special
- Zephyrite Fish Jerky
Related novelties[edit]
The following eternal tonics can be obtained from the Mystic Forge with Flawless Fish Fillets:
- Endless Cave Crab Tonic
- Endless Dolphin Tonic
- Endless Hermit Crab Tonic
- Endless Koi Tonic
- Endless Shark Tonic
- Endless Thundershrimp Tonic