Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Hearth's Glow

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Hearth's Glow

Hearth's Glow loading screen.png
Loading screen


Hearth's Glow.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Hearth's Glow is an instanced zone serving as a upgradable and customizable homestead. It is unlocked through the story step Home Sweet Home. It was originally the family home of the Claw of the lowland kodan, Stoic Alder, but was gifted to the Wayfinder for them to use.

The Homesteading mastery track allows the player to build out this base, unlocking rooms in the house, new decorations, and collection boxes.

Getting there[edit]

Primary article: Homestead#Getting there
  • Players can place then enter a Conjured Doorway using the  Summon Conjured Doorway.png Summon Conjured Doorway skill.
  • Players in the group can be invited to join a Homestead when the instance owner travels through the "Conjured Doorway".
    • It is also possible to join from any map by right clicking on the instance owner in the party menu.


It once served as the Claw's family home but was left to fall into disrepair after the passing of Silken Weir, Alder's mate and Poky's mother. Weir joined efforts in the north to halt Jormag's rising, tragically resulting in the loss of her life.


Waypoint (map icon).png Homestead Waypoint —
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png The Workshop
Point of interest (map icon).png Farm
Point of interest (map icon).png Lumber Mill
Point of interest (map icon).png Mine

Interactive map[edit]



  • Various player characters that were there when last logged out of.


Black Lion Services
Homestead Services


Crafting Stations
Homestead Refinement Stations
Black Lion Board
Hero Points

Crafting resources[edit]

Collection Box nodes
Mining Collection Box (map icon).png Mining Collection Box
Logging Collection Box (map icon).png Logging Collection Box
Harvesting Collection Box (map icon).png Harvesting Collection Box
Resource nodes
Mine resource (map icon).png Copper Ore (if you have purchased Basic Ore Node Pack)
Mine resource (map icon).png Silver Ore (if you have purchased Basic Ore Node Pack)
Mine resource (map icon).png Gold Ore (if you have purchased Basic Ore Node Pack)
Mine resource (map icon).png Iron Ore (if you have purchased Iron Ore Mining Node)
Mine resource (map icon).png Platinum Ore (if you have purchased Platinum Mining Node)
Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore (if you have purchased Mithril Mining Node)
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore (if you have purchased Orichalcum Mining Node)
Mine resource (map icon).png Aurillium (if you have acquired the Aurillium Node from the No Mask Left Behind achievement)
Mine resource (map icon).png Quartz Crystal Formation (if you have purchased Gift of Quartz)
Mine resource (map icon).png Sprocket Generator (if you have purchased Gift of Sprockets or acquired it from the The Origins of Madness Completionist achievement)
Mine resource (map icon).png Bloodstone Crystals (if you have purchased Bloodstone Crystal Node)
Jade Fragments.png Jade Fragments (if you have purchased Jade Fragment Node)
Mine resource (map icon).png Brandstone (if you have purchased Brandstone Node)
Difluorite Crystals.png Difluorite Crystals (if you have purchased Difluorite Crystal Cluster Node)
Mistonium.png Mistonium (if you have purchased Mistonium Node)
Dragon Crystal Node.png Dragon Crystal Node (if you have purchased Dragon Crystal Home Instance Node)
Eternal Ice.png Eternal Ice (if you have purchased Eternal Ice Shard Home Instance Node)
Salvage Pile.png Salvage Pile (if you have purchased Salvage Pile Home Instance Node)
Prismaticite Node.png Prismaticite (if you have purchased Prismaticite Home Instance Node)
Super Adventure Box Guide.png Bauble (if you have purchased Bauble Gathering System)
Mine resource (map icon).png Raw Candy Corn (if you have purchased Gift of Candy Corn)
Mine resource (map icon).png King-Sized Candy Corn (upgraded from Raw Candy Corn if you have purchased Greater Gift of Candy Corn)
Wood resource (map icon).png Ekku Sapling (if you have purchased Basic Lumber Node Pack)
Wood resource (map icon).png Mimosa Sapling (if you have purchased Basic Lumber Node Pack)
Wood resource (map icon).png Tukawa Sapling (if you have purchased Basic Lumber Node Pack)
Wood resource (map icon).png Inglewood Sapling (if you have purchased Hard Wood Logging Node)
Wood resource (map icon).png Red Oak Sapling (if you have purchased Elder Wood Logging Node)
Wood resource (map icon).png Ancient Sapling (if you have purchased Ancient Wood Logging Node)
Wood resource (map icon).png Petrified Stump (if you have purchased Petrified Wood Node)
Primordial Orchid.png Primordial Orchid (if you have purchased Fire Orchid Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Herbs (if you have purchased Basic Harvesting Node Pack)
Plant resource (map icon).png Root Plants (if you have purchased Basic Harvesting Node Pack)
Plant resource (map icon).png Vegetable Plants (if you have purchased Basic Harvesting Node Pack)
Plant resource (map icon).png Omnomberries (if you have purchased Omnomberry Harvesting Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Snow Truffle (if you have purchased Snow Truffle Harvesting Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Lotus (if you have purchased Lotus Harvesting Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Orrian Truffle (if you have purchased Orrian Truffle Harvesting Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Flax (if you have purchased Flaxseed Harvesting Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Ghost Pepper (if you have purchased Ghost Pepper Harvesting Node)
Winterberry Bush.png Winterberry Bush (if you have purchased Winterberry Bush Node)
Plant resource (map icon).png Orrian Oyster (if you have purchased Orrian Oyster Node)
Mistborn Mote (node).png Mistborn Mote (if you have purchased Mistborn Mote Home Instance Node)
Hatched Chili Pepper Bush.png Hatched Chili Pepper Bush (if you have purchased Hatched Chili Pepper Home Instance Node or Bound Hatched Chili Pepper Home Instance Node)
Fishing nodes
Fish resource (map icon).png Freshwater Fish
Fish resource (map icon).png Freshwater Janthir Fish
Fish resource (map icon).png Lowland Freshwater Fish


Promotional screenshots


  • The area comes furnished with the following 27 distinct (361 total) decorations:
  • This zone's labeled Memory's Hollow on the instance's map.
  • If the Homestead owner logs out in a Homestead and logs back in, party members might not be able to join until the homestead owner has left and returned to the homestead, creating a new instance.
  • If an Party gets merged through LFG with another, every Player in the Homestead besides the Host gets kicked out.
