Aeromancer's Training

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Aeromancer's Training.png

Aeromancer's Training

Elementalist icon small.png Air (trait list)
Training cost
6 Hero points
Game link
Aeromancer's Training

Gain ferocity, and gain additional ferocity while attuned to air. Air weapon skills get a reduced recharge time.

Ferocity attribute.png Ferocity: +150
Ferocity attribute.png Additional Ferocity: +150
Count Recharge.png Recharge Reduced: 20%

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Skill Traited recharge
Dagger Convergence.png Convergence 8 6.4
Shocking Aura.png Shocking Aura (PvE) 10 8
Shocking Aura.png Shocking Aura (WvW, PvP) 25 20
Transmute Lightning.png Transmute Lightning (WvW, PvP) 3 2.4
Transmute Lightning.png Transmute Lightning (PvE) 10 8
Ride the Lightning.png Ride the Lightning (PvE) 20 16
Ride the Lightning.png Ride the Lightning (WvW, PvP) 25 20
Updraft.png Updraft (PvE) 20 16
Updraft.png Updraft (WvW, PvP) 30 24
Pistol Dazing Discharge.png Dazing Discharge 8 6.4
Aerial Agility.png Aerial Agility (PvE) 12 9.6
Aerial Agility.png Aerial Agility (WvW, PvP) 18 14.4
Scepter Lightning Strike.png Lightning Strike 5 4
Blinding Flash.png Blinding Flash (PvE) 0.5 0.4
Blinding Flash.png Blinding Flash (WvW, PvP) 15 12
Sword Polaric Leap.png Polaric Leap (WvW, PvP) 12 9.6
Polaric Leap.png Polaric Leap (PvE) 15 12
Quantum Strike.png Quantum Strike 16 12.8
Focus Swirling Winds.png Swirling Winds 30 24
Gale.png Gale 40 32
Warhorn Cyclone.png Cyclone 25 20
Lightning Orb.png Lightning Orb 25 20
Hammer Hurricane of Pain.png Hurricane of Pain 10 8
Crescent Wind.png Crescent Wind 18 14.4
Wind Storm.png Wind Storm 20 16
Shock Blast.png Shock Blast 25 20
Staff Lightning Surge.png Lightning Surge (WvW, PvP) 6 4.8
Lightning Surge.png Lightning Surge (PvE) 10 8
Gust.png Gust 25 20
Windborne Speed.png Windborne Speed 20 16
Static Field.png Static Field 30 24
Spear Skill ground target (purple).png Fulgor 6 4.8
Skill buff (purple).png Energize 15 12
Skill control (purple).png Twister 20 16
Skill area circle (purple).png Etching: Derecho 25 20
Trident Electrocute.png Electrocute 8 6.4
Air Pocket.png Air Pocket 12 9.6
Air Bubble.png Air Bubble (PvE) 20 16
Air Bubble.png Air Bubble (WvW, PvP) 25 20
Lightning Cage.png Lightning Cage 30 24

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
July 16, 2019
  • This trait has been moved to the grandmaster minor slot, and its functionality has changed.
  • It now reduces recharge on air weapon skills by 20% and grants 150 ferocity. The ferocity bonus is doubled while attuned to air.
August 28, 2018
  • This trait now grants a 180 ferocity bonus rather than a precision bonus.
July 26, 2016
  • The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 33% to 20%.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update: