Living World Season 4 content

Thunderhead Peaks

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Thunderhead Peaks

4Complete heart (map icon).png 4Waypoint (map icon).png 27Point of interest (map icon).png 7Vista (map icon).png

Thunderhead Peaks map.jpg
Map of Thunderhead Peaks

Shiverpeak Mountains

Thunderhead Peaks loading screen.jpg
Loading screen

Thunderhead Peaks is a zone available via Living World Season 4 episode All or Nothing.

It is located in the Deldrimor Front region of the Shiverpeak Mountains, and was the home of the dwarves before their transformation, in it is the fortress Thunderhead Keep. Now only ruins remain of what was their home and now these lands are occupied by the Dredges, where they extract oil.

Getting there[edit]

Map completion[edit]


Area Area objectives
Deldrimor Ruins
Complete heart (map icon).png Help the Priory with their excavations
Point of interest (map icon).png Deldrimor Garrison
Point of interest (map icon).png Slag Pit
Vista (map icon).png Deldrimor Ruins Vista
Waypoint (map icon).png History's End Waypoint
Complete heart (map icon).png Help the cold and hungry dredge
Point of interest (map icon).png Maiden's Veil
Point of interest (map icon).png Refiner's Joy
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Niles
Waypoint (map icon).png Revolution's Heart Waypoint
Adventure (map icon).png Thunderhead Keep Volatile Delivery
Dwarven Catacombs
Point of interest (map icon).png Brechnar's Gauntlet
Point of interest (map icon).png The Consul's Tomb
Point of interest (map icon).png The Hammer's Hoard
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Brechnar's Gauntlet
Hundar Pike
Point of interest (map icon).png Dragon's Claw
Point of interest (map icon).png Forgotten Falls
Point of interest (map icon).png Ironbridge
Point of interest (map icon).png Sorrow's Cave
Point of interest (map icon).png Stonebridge
Point of interest (map icon).png The Weeping Sisters
Vista (map icon).png Hundar Pike Vista
Ice Floe
Point of interest (map icon).png Freedom's Catchment
Point of interest (map icon).png Labyrinthine Mountains
Point of interest (map icon).png Shattered Bay
Point of interest (map icon).png Silent Falls
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Shattered Bay
Vista (map icon).png Ice Floe Vista
Adventure (map icon).png Ice Floe Magnet Run
Symphony's Haven
Complete heart (map icon).png Rally the Pact soldiers, corsairs, and Zephyrites
Point of interest (map icon).png Corsair's Stand
Point of interest (map icon).png Melody's Rest
Point of interest (map icon).png The Scorchrazor III
Vista (map icon).png Symphony's Haven Vista
Waypoint (map icon).png Moorage Waypoint
The Auditorium
The Forge
Point of interest (map icon).png Heart of the Forge
Vista (map icon).png The Forge Vista
Waypoint (map icon).png Observation Deck Waypoint

For the Mastery point (Icebrood Saga).png Mastery Insight, see Champions Insight: Thunderhead Keep

The Grotto
Complete heart (map icon).png Ready your forces for the assault on Kralkatorrik
Point of interest (map icon).png Barracks
Point of interest (map icon).png Deldrimor Cellars
Point of interest (map icon).png Grand Lyceum
Point of interest (map icon).png Path of the Exalted
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Ironhammer Crossing
Vista (map icon).png The Grotto Vista
The Howling Cliffs
The Weeping Crest
Mastery point (Path of Fire).png Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Sorrow's Cave
Thunderhead Keep
Point of interest (map icon).png Ironhammer Crossing
Point of interest (map icon).png Stonefall
Vista (map icon).png Thunderhead Keep Vista

Interactive map[edit]


Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC

Meta events
Other events

Crafting resources[edit]

Resource nodes
Dragon Crystal Node.png Dragon Crystal Node
Mine resource (map icon).png Iron Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Platinum Ore
Wood resource (map icon).png Cypress Sapling
Plant resource (map icon).png Clam
Plant resource (map icon).png Portobello Mushrooms
Plant resource (map icon).png Seaweed
Plant resource (map icon).png Snow Truffle
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Plant resource (map icon).png Winter Root Vegetables

Related achievements[edit]

Primary article: All or Nothing (achievements)


External links[edit]