Living World Season 1 content

Hard Boiled

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the re-released story episode. For the historical story episode from 2013, see Hard Boiled/historical.

Hard Boiled is the second story step of Sky Pirates, the second episode of Living World Season 1.


  • Leave the area to plan your next move.
  • Read the letter from E.
The Dead End
  • Head to the Dead End Bar in Divinity's Reach.
  • Listen to the conversation.
  • Speak with Marjory Delaqua.
The Scene of the Crime
  • Enter Lion's Arch from Gendarran Fields to investigate the scene of the crime.
  • (Optional) Speak to Captain Logan Thackeray outside of the Dead End Bar.
  • Approach the Dragon Bash effigies.
  • Speak with Marjory.
  • Use the Tassi box to investigate potential suspects.
  • Primary suspects investigated:
  • Event bar empty green.jpg
  • Speak with Inspector Ellen Kiel.
  • Leave the area to plan your next move.
Read the letter from Marjory Delaqua.
Every Piece Matters
  • Track down the skritt Kasparak in Gendarran Fields.
  • Track down the quaggan Morraloo in Bloodtide Coast.
  • Track down the ogre Vorrk in Lion's Arch.
Read the letter from Marjory Delaqua.
Every Piece Matters
  • Track down the sylvari Astorra in Caledon Forest.
  • Track down the kodan Trembling Song in Snowden Drifts.
  • Complete!



The Dead End

After reading your mail, travel to Divinity's Reach and enter the instance. Listen to the dialogue and talk to the NPCs. There are two objects within this instance contributing towards the Investigative Study 2 achievement.

Lion's Arch

Enter the instance. Grab a Tassi Kit from Marjory and use the skill on all of the suspects marked with a green star, plus Kasmeer and the sleeping Lionguard beneath the umbrella southwest of the plaza.

Open world

Travel to the waypoints listed below and talk to the NPC marked with a green star. Any of the dialogue options are sufficient to bring the NPC back to Lion's Arch for questioning, apart from the Ogre, who is dead but offers evidence nonetheless.

  • Skritt: Waypoint (map icon).png Almuten Waypoint Kasparak can be found in Gendarran fields, on the beach directly southwest of the waypoint, near the stone walls of the Almuten estate building.
  • Quaggan: Waypoint (map icon).png Sorrowful Waypoint Morraloo can be found in Bloodtide Coast, in the nursery slightly west of the Vonooroovah point of interest.
  • Ogre: Waypoint (map icon).png Diverse Ledges WaypointWaypoint (map icon).png Diverse Ledges Waypoint Vorrk's body can be found in Lion's Arch, near the ecto trader.

After the first three, there is a second mail with the locations of the last two NPCs:

  • Sylvari: Waypoint (map icon).png Kraitbane Haven Waypoint Astorra is in Caledon Forest, north of the waypoint against the side of a green hill.
  • Kodan: Waypoint (map icon).png Lost Child's Sorrow Waypoint Trembling Song can be found in Snowden Drifts, right next to the Lost Child’s Sorrow waypoint to the west.

After speaking with all five NPCs, the story step is complete.


Hard Boiled Sky Pirates 1Achievement points
Complete the story chapter Hard Boiled. Completed Hard Boiled 1Achievement points
Hard Boiled (2013) Sky Pirates 5Achievement points
Track down and talk to Marjory at The Dead End in Divinity's Reach. Met Marjory Delaqua 5Achievement points
Every Piece Matters (2013) Sky Pirates 5Achievement points
Find all the missing suspects in Tyria. Suspect Found: 1 1Achievement points
Suspects Found: 5 4Achievement points
  • All three of the above achievements are awarded over the course of this story step.
Investigative Study 2 Sky Pirates 1Achievement points
During the Sky Pirates storyline, find and read sources of information on the Aetherblade pirates.
Objectives: 6 objectives in total
  • Help Wanted (The Dead End Bar—Hard Boiled)
  • Letter from the Mesmer Collective (The Dead End Bar—Hard Boiled)
  • Lab Notes (The Aetherblade Retreat)
  • Letter from Ivan (The Aetherblade Retreat)
  • Scribbled Note from Horrik (The Aetherblade Retreat)
  • From E (The Dead End Bar—Case Closed)
Lore Located 1Achievement points

The first instance in The Dead End bar within this story contains two objects to progress this achievement:

  1. Help Wanted: Behind the bar on a barrel.
  2. Letter from the Mesmer Collective: On a table full of papers.

This instance is not repeatable for achievements and requires restarting from Ceremony and Acrimony if you need to go back. (edit) You can now choose wich version of the instance to replay for achievment, making it no longer necessary to replay the whole act.

Tassi Master Sky Pirates 1Achievement points
Use the Tassi box to scan 11 potential suspects, primary or otherwise.Story Instance: Hard Boiled—The Scene of the Crime Used the Tassi Box to Scan 11 Potential Suspects 1Achievement points

Scan all suspects marked with the green quest icon using the Scan Object skill. The achievement triggers after all 11 suspects have been scanned. If Citizen is the last suspect scanned, it will be triggered after she stands up and begins speaking.

  • Ceaoloti: Hylek standing next to a chest on the wooden platform.
  • Saraki: Grawl standing next to Ceaoloti.
  • Izurri: Asura standing in the back right corner of the wooden platform.
  • Farley Wallan: Human standing in the back right corner of the wooden platform.
  • Kirra Timberhone: Norn standing in the back right corner of the wooden platform.
  • Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Norn standing on the frontmost wooden platform.
  • Citizen (Mai Trin): Kneeling on the frontmost wooden platform, next to Magnus.
  • Marjory Delaqua: Standing in front of the wooden platform.
  • Inspector Ellen Kiel: Standing next to Marjory in front of the wooden platform.
  • Lady Kasmeer Meade: Patrolling the square speaking to various NPCs.
  • Sleeping On-Duty Lionguard: Laying underneath a red and white umbrella in the southwestern area of the square.
  • The achievement doesn't count how many suspects have been scanned, and just completes the achievement when all suspects have been scanned.



At the Dead End[edit]


Lion's Arch[edit]







Seek out Marjory Delaqua

<Character name>,

The situation has worsened. One of the Lion's Arch councillors, Theo Ashford, has succumbed to his wounds. The Lionguard is keeping the news quiet while the festival continues, but they're overwhelmed trying to maintain security in the city. At this very moment, a killer walks free, and this cannot be allowed.

Go to Divinity's Reach, to the Eastern Commons. There, in a back-alley bar called the Dead End, you'll find one of the best investigative minds in Tyria, Marjory Delaqua. She will need your help to find those behind the councillor's death. Tell her E sent you. Work with her, sift through the clues, and solve the crime.

I will surely contact you again,


The Dead End[edit]

Intro cinematic
Marjory Delaqua: It could have been just another dreary night in the same ol' smoky bar, with that siren song lulling drunks and lonely hearts deeper into their sorrows.
Marjory Delaqua: It could've been. But then, HE walked in.
Marjory Delaqua: Logan Thackeray. The man with all the answers. Well, some of the answers, some of the time.
Logan Thackeray: Marjory Delaqua?
Marjory Delaqua: If it suits you.
Logan Thackeray: It suits me just fine. I want to hire you. There's been a murder. Lion's Arch councillor Theo Ashford is dead, and I want to know who's responsible.
Marjory Delaqua: Sounds like a job for the Lionguard. What's got you piqued?
Logan Thackeray: Between you and me, Ashford's an old friend of the family. I want to make sure they find his killer.
Marjory Delaqua: I see. And you don't trust the Lionguard.
Logan Thackeray: Let's just say I'm hedging my bets. The pay's good. You in?
Marjory Delaqua: How can I say no to Captain Lo–
Logan Thackeray: No names. I was never here.
Marjory Delaqua: Maybe not, but your money is. I'm in.
Logan Thackeray: Lady Kasmeer. What are you doing in a place like this?
After the cinematic
Logan Thackeray: Good to see you.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Excuse me, Jory. What did Logan Thackeray want?
Marjory Delaqua: Justice, I guess. And he paid in advance.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Where are you going this time?
Marjory Delaqua: Lion's Arch. Come along, if you like. I could use your special talents. Besides, Dragon Bash is in full swing.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: (gasp) Thank you. That's so kind. I believe I shall.
Speaking with Kasmeer before Marjory
Kasmeer Meade: What a pleasure it is to see you.
Talk end option tango.png Pleasure's all mine.
Marjory Delaqua: You're showing an unnatural and unhealthy interest in my business. Is there something I can do for you?
Talk more option tango.png E sent me to help.
Is that so? I shouldn't be surprised. This isn't the first time he's provided what I needed before I even knew I needed it.
Talk more option tango.png Name's <Character name>.
Marjory Delaqua. Looks like we're going to Lion's Arch, <Character name>. You got any outstanding warrants there?
Talk more option tango.png Not that I'm aware of. You?
Not yet. Tell you what. Introduce yourself to my friend over there, the blonde. I have to go pack my anti-pirate spray. I'll meet you in L.A. Look for me at the scene of the crime.
Talk quest option tango.png You bet.
Talk end option tango.png Nope. See you there.
Talk end option tango.png An interesting twist.
Talk end option tango.png I'm just naturally nosy.
Kasmeer Meade: Hello. You're here to assist with the investigation into the murder in Lion's Arch?
Talk more option tango.png That's right. Name's <Character name>, my lady.
Pleased to meet you. By all means, call me Kasmeer. However did you know to come here?
Talk more option tango.png E sent me.
Ah, the mysterious Mister E. I see. Well, your assistance will be more than welcome, I'm sure.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see you in Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png I'll tell you some other time.
Talk end option tango.png I am. See you there.
Bartender: Greetings, stranger! Welcome to the Dead End. Don't mind the smell, just had a regular stop by. Got in a fight with his wife, couldn't hold his liquor. Place is clean, I promise you.
Talk more option tango.png What is this place?
Only the finest...and most secret...dining establishment in Kryta. We've never had a customer leave unhappy, and we never will. Come back anytime.
Talk end option tango.png That's a bold claim. See you around.
Talk end option tango.png See you around.
Ambient dialogue
Bartender: This next riff is my favorite.
Bartender: Life's one wet bar rag after another.
Bartender: Gonna be a quiet one.


Help Wanted

Delaqua Investigations is looking for a levelheaded, crafty individual to assist our lead investigator in investigative and clerical work. Pay is negotiable.

Applicants must have good social instincts and be willing to discreetly (if possible) dig for evidence; connections and access to various organizations and social circles are a plus, but not required. Must be good with a pen and quick on your feet. A strong stomach is recommended. Lunch is not provided.

All applications can be left with the bartender of the Dead End Bar in the Eastern Commons.

—Marjory Delaqua, Lead Investigator

Divinity's Reach[edit]

Logan Thackeray: Hey, Commander. What you, uh, overheard in the bar...
Talk more option tango.png Your secret is safe with me.
Thanks. I know I shouldn't get involved...the Lionguard are handling it...but I can't just stand around and do nothing. Councillor Ashford was a friend. He had a family.
Talk end option tango.png We will figure out who did this. Hang in there, Logan.
Talk end option tango.png What bar? I didn't hear a thing.

Lion's Arch[edit]

When approaching the crime scene
Marjory Delaqua: You look like you're in charge here.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: You're smarter than you look.
Marjory Delaqua: Hmph. So my mama always said. But I'm not here for witty banter, satisfying as that might be.
Marjory Delaqua: I'm a private investigator from Divinity's Reach, and I want to offer you my services.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: What could you possibly offer that the Lionguard doesn't already have covered?
Marjory Delaqua: (laugh) That's a loaded question. Let me tell you about my Tassi box. I bought it off a snotty little asura.
Marjory Delaqua: It can detect all manner of energy fluctuations. May I demonstrate?
Investigator Ellen Kiel: Now, you've got me curious. Of course, curiosity killed the cat. But go on. Show me.
Marjory Delaqua: Just press those buttons, and see what glows.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: What does that glow mean?
Marjory Delaqua: It means the dead charr recently came in contact with the arcane residue, and not while his life was passing before his eyes.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: No kidding.
Marjory Delaqua: Not even if you ask nicely.
Marjory Delaqua: My instincts haven't failed me yet. Bringing the Tassi boxes was exactly the right thing to do. Will you help me?
Talk more option tango.png What do you need me to do?
Take one of the Tassi boxes and test people. I've already tested you, so you've been cleared.
Talk quest option tango.png I'll take a Tassi box.
Just point and click. The box is designed to reveal auras, and I've programmed it to highlight residual energy. It's crudely programmed at the moment, but I can fine-tune the settings as we learn more.
Talk end option tango.png Got it. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Not right now. I'm busy.
Talk end option tango.png Not right now.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: We've discovered that the energy discharge was definitely triggered on purpose, with evil intent.
Talk more option tango.png Now what?
I've had everyone who was present questioned. Most were clearly innocent, so we sent them home. Those still here are suspects.
Talk end option tango.png We've got our work cut out for us.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting. Talk to you later.
Citizen: I don't understand what's happening. Can you find out for me?
Talk end option tango.png I'll learn what I can.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Hi again! I came along to help Jory. Talking to as many people as I can to see if anyone saw anything... Not coming up with much, though. Everyone is still pretty shaken.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you, Kasmeer!
Investigating potential suspects with the Tassi box
Marjory Delaqua: I'd point that thing at a suspect if I were you.
Talk end option tango.png Just teasin'.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: Calibrating, Commander?
Talk end option tango.png Y-yes. Calibrating.
Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Get that thing away from me unless you want it thrown into the harbor.
Talk end option tango.png I'll go away now.
Farley Wallan: Are you in charge here? I've been telling the Lionguard I had nothing to so with what happened. All this hassle...shoulda never left Ebonhawke.
Talk more option tango.png Who are you?
For the millionth time, I am Farley Wallin [sic], appointed by both Commander Samuelsson and Queen Jennah to be the human cultural ambassador for Dragon Bash.
Talk more option tango.png What did you see?
Before the blast, I noticed the charr was acting fidgety. Then I noticed some of the other representatives also looked nervous.
Talk more option tango.png Which ones?
The ogre, that quaggan, the sylvari, and a skritt. I thought it was stage-fright or something.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Saraki: Have you come to ask questions? Or have you come to gawk at a survivor? Hmpf. Disgusting. Show respect for the dead and wounded.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Ceaoloti: Are we done here? I need to return home to the Togatl by nightfall.
Talk end option tango.png We will be soon.
Izurri: I have all my papers—my identity cog, the Arcane Council proclamation, and the contribution manifest. Anything you wish to inquire about, ask. Please. I'm innocent.
Talk more option tango.png Who are you?
Izurri, Honors Graduate of the College of Dynamics, from Rata Sum. Chosen by the Arcane Council to be the asuran component of the Dragon Bash presentation and ritual.
Talk more option tango.png What did you see?
*sigh* Oh, that terrible sight. As the other representatives put their items into the effigy, I noticed a strange reaction taking place inside it.
Talk more option tango.png Strange how?
There was a certain arcane chromatic discharge, as if a cascading escalation were taking place. Certainly not supposed to happen.
Talk end option tango.png That's enough for now.
Talk end option tango.png I'll make a note of that.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be going.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Kirra Timberhone: Questions, questions, questions. Too many questions. Proper hunters would have caught their prey by now.
Talk more option tango.png Who are you?
Kirra Timberhone, descendant of Ginna Woodsplitter and norn cultural representative for Dragon Bash.
Talk more option tango.png What did you see at the effigy event?
There were too many people moving around, too many noises, too many distractions.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png That's enough.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Citizen: You must be kidding.
Marjory Delaqua: Don't fret. You'll come to no harm—unless you had a hand in what happened. Um. She's glowing.
Marjory Delaqua: All right, lady. You better start talkin'.
Citizen: Are you accusing me?
Investigator Ellen Kiel: Wait. Could she have gotten it from the dead charr that glowed? She attempted to revive him.
Citizen: The detective would know that, too, if she paid better attention to her crime scene.
Marjory Delaqua: Oh, disappointment. Well, you're one lucky little pirate, you are. Consider yourself exonerated.
Citizen: Good thing Inspector Kiel remembered she'd sent me to help the charr. That could've had a very different ending.
Talk more option tango.png You had a near miss.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to save him, I am. Now they won't let me leave... They think I did it.
Talk more option tango.png You mentioned you had medical experience?
(If already talked to her during Ceremony and Acrimony)
I do. Not my first time trying to save someone from an injury like that. Not the first time I failed, either... It never gets any easier.
I do. I'm Mai Trin. Not my first time trying to save someone from an injury like that. Not the first time I failed, either... It never gets any easier.
Talk end option tango.png Hang in there, Mai.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck. See you around.
Talk end option tango.png Yes indeed.
Sleeping On-Duty Lionguard: This member of the Lionguard seems to have taken an unsanctioned nap under an umbrella. Regardless, the Tassi box indicates they are innocent.
Talk end option tango.png Oh well.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: You think I'm a suspect? I wasn't even here! You can ask Jory.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist!
After primary suspects are investigated
Lionguard: Excuse the interruption, Investigator Kiel, but I have news. Five of the cultural representatives failed to report in.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: We'd better track them down. Ms. Delaqua, I'll contact you and your associates when we have something to investigate. Thanks for everything.
Speaking with Investigator Ellen Kiel
Investigator Ellen Kiel: We know that the charr representative was probably involved, but I wonder if he had accomplices.
Talk more option tango.png It doesn't seem like a one-assassin job.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: Agreed. We're still missing five of the cultural representatives who were here at the time. They ran off before we could stop them.
Talk more option tango.png How can I help?
Marjory Delaqua: I can ask around, Inspector. I'll contact our mutual friend here if I hear anything.
Talk more option tango.png I'll be waiting.
Investigator Ellen Kiel: Sounds good. Until then, get some rest.
Talk end option tango.png Take care.
Talk end option tango.png I see you have your hands full.
Talk end option tango.png I'll keep my eyes open.
Marjory Delaqua: This detective owes you. Thanks.
Magnus the Bloody-Handed: I sense trouble.



Marjory Delaqua, Delaqua Investigations

Suspects Located

<Character name>,

The Lionguard have leads on three of the five missing suspects. I'd love to get lost in this mystery, but I'm needed in Lion's Arch. We only just met, but I need someone who can travel to interrogate the suspects and you've proven critical in this investigation. Kasmeer is wrapped up with paperwork back at the bar.

Do what you can to convince the suspects to return to Lion's Arch, and take good notes if they say anything interesting. Here's the intel we've got on their locations:

  • We've discovered footprints from the ogre suspect, Vorrk, leaving the crime scene in Lion's Arch. Follow them.
  • Reports indicate that Morraloo, the quaggan suspect, is in Bloodtide Coast in the Sorrowful Sound. Find him.
  • The skritt suspect, Kasparak, was sighted in Gendarran Fields near Almuten Estates.
I'll continue the investigation into the whereabouts of our last two suspects. Be wary, trust your instincts, and stay alive.


Open world[edit]

Kasparak: You aren't shiny. You smell like sea. Good smell, though... Shiny man gave me shiny for big party. Said they gave other skritt a long vacation. That was nice.
Talk more option tango.png I need you to return to Lion's Arch for questioning.
L-Lion's Arch? No...NO! Big noise! Screaming. Very scary. Didn't know what to do. Felt guilty for running... Will stay out here. Stay safe, yes. Safe here.
Charisma You sure? There are lots of shiny things back in Lion's Arch.
Really? Okay. Back to Lion's Arch we go. Toodle-doo.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll meet you there.
Dignity You'll be fine. You're innocent, right?
What? Yes. Innocent as innocent. Okay. Back to Lion's Arch. Okay.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll meet you there.
Ferocity The shiny men will say that you did it. You were fooled by them. And they'll kill you, too.
Fooled? No, not fooled. Won't be fooled. I'll go back. Scared. Must be brave. Didn't do it. Right? Have to find out.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see you back at Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png Then stay. I've got better things to do.
(If chose Charisma)
Kasparak: Um, can't see me. Yeah. Invisible. Just wind, nothing else. Bye.
Talk end option tango.png If you say so.
(If chose Ferocity)
Kasparak: Yes, yes. Bad lady. Smelled of shiny. She did it. She gave shiny.
Talk more option tango.png Thanks. We could have used that fact earlier.
Oooh, me solve case. Me genius.
Talk end option tango.png You're something, alright.
Talk end option tango.png Hush.
Kasparak: Shinies. Out there. Miss them. Oh, shinies. Bad men will skin me if I find them. Can't leave, never leave. (sigh)
Morraloo: Please, don't hurt quaggan or quaggan's tadpoles! Quaggan just did what quaggan was told. They threatened quaggan's nursery. Quaggan had to carry the offering to the effigy...
Talk more option tango.png Who is "they", and what did they do to your offering?
Quaggan didn't recognize them, and it was dark... They did something to quaggan's offering... It was fast, quaggan didn't think... Foo, at least the tadpoles are safe. The little ones...
Charisma It takes courage to defend tadpoles like that. You can do this.
Quaggan thinks you're exaggerating, but quaggan understands and will come to Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll meet you there.
Dignity If we let evil rule us, we all lose.
You are right. Quaggan is wrong. Okay. Quaggan will come to Lion's Arch to testify.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll meet you there.
Ferocity Your tadpoles will be ashamed of you if you don't do what's right.
Ah. You are right. Quaggan will come to Lion's Arch, if only to set a good example for the tadpoles.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll see you in Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time to convince you.
Morraloo: NoooOOOooo. Just go. Quaggan doesn't want any trouble.[verification requested]
Talk end option tango.png I'll go then.
(If chose Ferocity)
Morraloo: Does this mean quaggan is safe now?
Talk more option tango.png Yes. The people who threatend you have bigger problems.
CoooOOOooo. Quaggan can go home. Oh, can quaggan go home? Quaggan should talk to that nice human investigator.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck.
Morraloo: Yes. Quaggan stands strong. Quaggan will not let them win.
Morraloo: OoooOOOOoo. Trouble is coming. Quaggan can feel it.
Upon closer inspection, this corpse matches the description of the missing Dragon Bash ogre representative.
Talk more option tango.png Search the area for clues with the Tassi box.
The Tassi box detects anomalous arcane materials on the corpse.
Talk quest option tango.png Log materials as evidence.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Upon closer inspection, this corpse matches the description of the missing Dragon Bash ogre representative.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.

After finding the suspects[edit]


Marjory Delaqua, Delaqua Investigations

Last Two Suspects Found

<Character name>,

Inspector Kiel and her Lionguard have tracked down the last two suspects. As with the previous three, I leave it to you to handle the questioning. Here are our leads:

  • The kodan suspect, Trembling Song, has been spotted in Snowden Drifts at the Lost Child's Sorrow camp.
  • Unsubstantiated rumors place our sylvari suspect, Astorra, hiding out in Caledon Forest in the Rowanwoods.

I've been examining the clues already recovered. The Tassi box uncovered trace elements with magical properties. I'm not sure yet, but my guess is that these components formed a compound that turned the effigy into a deathtrap. I think our last two suspects hold the final pieces to this puzzle.

Whatever you discover, return to the crime scene in Lion's Arch afterward so we can share our findings.


Astorra: You're not here to kill me, that's obvious. And you're not a Lionguard. You found me all the way out here, so you're good at what you do. Tell me, who are you?
Talk more option tango.png I need you to come to Lion's Arch for questioning.
I didn't kill anyone, and I'm not setting one manicured toe back in the city without a good reason. I was set up.
Talk more option tango.png What are you talking about?
(If sylvari)
They posed quite the argument: be on that stage or face the police. I used my wiles to get the representative spot, then...they...gave me a trinket. I didn't have a choice. I can't go back there.
They made me a deal: be on the stage or face the police. I used my wiles to get the representative spot, then...they...gave me a trinket. I didn't have a choice. I can't go back there.
Charisma You know, the Lionguard are pushovers.
Hmm. A few tears, a quaver in my voice. "Oh, have mercy. I'm just a lost, lonely soul." All right, you've convinced me. I'll come back to Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll see you in there.
Dignity Lion's Arch needs you. Stand up for justice and return to give your testimony.
*laugh* By the Mother, you're serious. Doing the right thing will leave you alone, poor, and dead. But all right, I'll come back.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see you in Lion's Arch.
Ferocity You will go back to Lion's Arch and talk if I have to take you back in pieces.
Try and kill me. Others have tried and failed. Though, I like your determination. All right, I'll turn myself in.
Talk end option tango.png Wise decision. I'll see you there.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds like you got played the fool.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Someone just passing through.
(If chose Charisma)
Astorra: Of course, I was innocent. Well, of what happened on that stage. Never saw the point of murder. Why kill someone when you can convince them to lavish you?
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
(If chose Dignity)
Astorra: I'm not taking callers right now. Go away.
Talk end option tango.png Consider me gone.
Astorra: Tell your employers they'll never get their precious riches back.
Astorra: I know you're there. Come on, finish the job. If you can.
Astorra: Are you here to kill me, too? Try it, I dare you.
Trembling Song
Trembling Song: Are you Koda's judgement, come at last? I'm ready to surrender my blood and spirit to you.
Talk more option tango.png We need to hear your side of the story.
My shame is my shadow. I caused a death, by breaking a vow. Now I must give up my own life to pay for it, either by my hand or by Koda's will.
Charisma Return to Lion's Arch and be judged by those who were injured.
I suppose I owe them that, at least. Very well. I will.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll see you there.
Dignity Let me be your judge. Tell me your tale.
I was chosen by my brethren to take the long walk from Frostgorge Sound to Lion's Arch to be part of the ceremony.
Talk more option tango.png What's wrong about that?
I passed a camp where friendly folk beckoned me to warm myself by their campfire. I should not have given in to temptation.
Talk more option tango.png Go on.
While I slept by the fire, they must have tampered with my race's offering for the effigy burning. If I hadn't stopped, I would have had no part in the death and destruction.
Talk more option tango.png I believe you. Come plead your case.
It would seem that Koda has sent you. I hear your words, and I abide[sic] them. I will see you in Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png Safe travels.
Talk end option tango.png I understand.
Talk end option tango.png I see where this is going.
Talk end option tango.png I changed my mind. I'm not interested.
Ferocity You plan to take the coward's way out?
Ah, perhaps you are right. I should face my accusers. Koda will decide my fate, not me. I'll come to Lion's Arch.
Talk end option tango.png Forget it.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not that person.
(If chose Charisma)
Trembling Song: I should have recognized their voices as the ones I heard by the fire that night. The killers are unmasked, and my walk home will be lighter knowing they'll be punished.
Talk end option tango.png Take care.
(If chose Dignity)
Trembling Song: You are merely the thunder, and I am waiting for the lightning. Move on.
Talk end option tango.png Uh...sure.
Trembling Song: Koda, help me. Koda, give me a path to redeem myself for my cowardice. Give me sight, Koda.
Trembling Song: Death. I have caused death. Koda, here is my body. Manifest my darkness and let it claim me. Destroy me, blood and bone.
Trembling Song: Koda, your justice surrounds me. Pierce me and allow me to pay this debt.

My story[edit]

Memorials on the Pyre loading screen.jpg

Another letter from E today. Captain Theo Ashford succumbed to his wounds after the attack on Dragon Bash... The festivities are ongoing, so the Lionguard are desperate to keep this investigation under wraps. E recommended that I stop by the Dead End Bar in Divinity's Reach to meet with Detective Marjory Delaqua. Never heard of her, but E's intel is good. I headed her way.

I ran into Logan Thackeray inside the tavern; he was already speaking with Marjory about the case. She was accompanied by Lady Kasmeer Meade, Marjory's assistant (much to Logan's surprise). Ashford's family is looking into the incident, and they're afraid the Lionguard is too busy keeping things quiet to get any meaningful work done. Marjory and Kasmeer agreed to help.

After regrouping with Ellen Kiel at the crime scene, Marjory lent me a device that detects energy fluctuations: she called it the Tassi box. Anything that came into contact with the arcane residue left behind from the attack should glow after being scanned, helping us find our culprit. While testing the device, we caught a trace of residue on one of the medics—a woman named Mai Trin. That turned out to be a false positive, though, as she'd been in contact with the wounded while tending to their injuries.

Some of the cultural representatives fled the scene following the attack. Since they'd each approached the effigy to deliver their offerings, Marjory considers them all suspects. The Lionguard were able to track three of the five, so Marjory tasked me with bringing them back to Lion's Arch for questioning.

I spoke with Morraloo, the quaggan suspect, in Bloodtide Coast. They claimed that someone threatened them, threatened their tadpoles. The skritt suspect, Kasparak, was even less help. Whoever is behind this mess bribed her with something "shiny," which wasn't all that surprising. At the very least, I convinced both to return to the crime scene to share their stories with Marjory and Kiel. The third suspect was already dead by the time I arrived; throat cut from ear to ear, tossed away in a cave south of Lion's Arch.

The Lionguard were able to track down the final two suspects in the nick of time, so I headed their way. Astorra was tucked away in Caledon Forest and was immediately defensive of her actions. She quickly surrendered her side of the tale, citing manipulation. I didn't get the impression that she was responsible, but...naive.

Trembling Song was the most helpful (and seemed at least somewhat remorseful). She was quick to share, sparing no detail, which shed light on the others' stories. During her journey to Lion's Arch, she was beckoned to join a group of travelers and sit by their fire. She believes that while she slept, they tampered with her offering to the effigy. Much like the other suspects, whatever was added to their offerings may have caused the chemical reaction that triggered the explosion.

With the suspects headed to Lion's Arch, we're one step closer to the truth.

My story


  • Mai Trin will have her name already revealed if the Commander talked to her during Ceremony and Acrimony.
  • Garrot Ambercowl can be revived by area revive skills
  • Several characters that can be talked to have a "Greet" prompt instead a "Talk" prompt.