List of guardian traits

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This is a list of guardian traits.

Zeal.png Zeal[edit]

"Behold, the symbol of your defeat!"

Zeal utilizes the power of symbols and spirit weapons to punish your enemies. It strengthens the power of your justice virtue as well as your ability to apply vulnerability to foes.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Zealot's Resolution.png Zealot's Resolution Cast Lesser Symbol of Resolution when you are struck while below the health threshold.
Major Adept Wrathful Spirit.png Wrathful Spirit Aegis grants boons when it ends.
Major Adept Fiery Wrath.png Fiery Wrath Deal increased strike damage to burning foes.
Major Adept Zealous Scepter.png Zealous Scepter Gain might when your Virtue skill 1 passive effect triggers; gain more might while wielding a scepter.
Minor Master Symbolic Exposure.png Symbolic Exposure Symbols inflict vulnerability on foes. Deal increased strike damage to vulnerable foes.
Major Master Furious Focus.png Furious Focus 1 While you have fury, your attacks inflict vulnerability.
Major Master Zealous Blade.png Zealous Blade Your power is increased. Gain additional power while wielding a greatsword. Your greatsword skills have reduced recharge.
Major Master Kindled Zeal.png Kindled Zeal Gain condition damage based on your power.
Minor Grandmaster Symbolic Power.png Symbolic Power Symbols deal increased strike damage.
Major Grandmaster Expeditious Spirit.png Eternal Armory Spirit Weapons gain additional casts and burn foes with their first strike.
Major Grandmaster Shattered Aegis.png Shattered Aegis When an aegis you applied blocks an attack, it unleashes a Mystic Rebuke.
Major Grandmaster Symbolic Avenger.png Symbolic Avenger Your strike damage is increased whenever your Symbols hit a foe.

Radiance.png Radiance[edit]

"Burn away the unworthy."

Radiance improves your ability to burn and blind your foes, as well as improving your critical-hit capability. It grants bonuses while you are under the effects of retaliation[sic] and strengthens the effects of your signets.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Justice is Blind.png Justice is Blind Gain a light aura and blind nearby foes when you activate Virtue skill 1.
Major Adept Inner Fire.png Inner Fire 10 Gain fury when you strike a foe that has burning stacks over the threshold.
Major Adept Right-Hand Strength.png Right-Hand Strength Your precision is increased. Gain increased power while wielding a one-handed weapon in your main hand.
Major Adept Healer's Resolution.png Healer's Resolution 20 Gain resolution when using a heal skill.
Minor Master Renewed Justice.png Renewed Justice 1 Virtue skill 1 is renewed when you kill a foe.
Major Master Wrath of Justice.png Wrath of Justice Striking an enemy with the damaging effect from Virtue skill 1 casts Lesser Signet of Wrath.
Major Master Radiant Fire.png Radiant Fire 10 Zealot's Flame is improved. Burning you inflict has increased duration, and your torch skills gain reduced recharge.
Major Master Retribution (trait).png Retribution Strike damage dealt is increased while you have resolution.
Minor Grandmaster Radiant Power.png Radiant Power Attacks against burning foes have an increased chance to critically hit. Your ferocity is increased.
Major Grandmaster Amplified Wrath.png Amplified Wrath Burning you inflict deals increased damage. Burning duration applied by the passive effect of Virtue skill 1 is increased.
Major Grandmaster Perfect Inscriptions.png Perfect Inscriptions Signets gain improved passive effects and continue to grant their passive bonuses while recharging.
Major Grandmaster Radiant Retaliation.png Righteous Instincts Resolution increases your chances to critically strike and grants might each interval.

Valor.png Valor[edit]

"My conviction shields me."

Valor focuses heavily on blocking and meditation-based abilities, relying on aegis and various boon enhancements. Block attacks and protect your allies, enduring any onslaught that your foes may present.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Valorous Defense.png Valorous Defense 30 Gain aegis when you are struck while below the health threshold.
Major Adept Strength of the Fallen.png Strength of the Fallen Lose conditions every interval. Health degenerates more slowly while downed.
Major Adept Smiter's Boon.png Smiter's Boon 16 Cast Lesser Smite Condition when you use a healing skill.
Major Adept Focus Mastery.png Focus Mastery Focus skills grant you protection and gain reduced recharge.
Minor Master Steadfast Courage.png Steadfast Courage Gain protection when you block an incoming attack with aegis.
Major Master Stalwart Defender.png Stalwart Defender Gain toughness when wielding a shield, and shield skills gain reduced recharge.
Major Master Redemption.png Redemption 10 Cast Lesser Litany of Wrath when you activate Virtue skill 3.
Major Master Communal Defenses.png Communal Defenses 15 Blocking an attack grants aegis to nearby allies.
Minor Grandmaster Might of the Protector.png Might of the Protector 1 Gain might when you block attacks.
Major Grandmaster Altruistic Healing.png Altruistic Healing Heal yourself when you grant a boon to an ally.
Major Grandmaster Monk's Focus.png Monk's Focus Meditation skills heal you and grant fury to nearby allies.
Major Grandmaster Retributive Armor.png Tenacious Defense Aegis you grant reduces the recharge time of Virtue skill 3 when it blocks an attack.

Honor.png Honor[edit]

"On my honor, I will protect you."

Honor improves your ability to assist allies through healing, cleansing, and revival. Many of its abilities affect multiple allies at once and have large areas of effect.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Vigorous Precision.png Vigorous Precision Gain vigor at the end of your dodge roll.
Major Adept Invigorated Bulwark.png Invigorated Bulwark Increase your healing to other allies each time you block an attack. Mace skills gain reduced recharge and their boons gain increased duration.
Major Adept Protective Reviver.png Protective Reviver Cast Lesser Shield of Absorption when you begin reviving an ally. Shield of Absorption revives allies when it detonates.
Major Adept Protector's Restoration.png Protector's Restoration Cast Lesser Symbol of Protection when you use a healing skill.
Minor Master Selfless Daring.png Selfless Daring The end of your dodge roll heals nearby allies.
Major Master Honorable Staff.png Honorable Staff Gain concentration. Empower now grants endurance to allies in addition to its effects. Staff skills recharge time is reduced.
Major Master Pure of Heart.png Pure of Heart Aegis heals when it blocks an attack.
Major Master Empowering Might.png Empowering Might 1 Grant might to nearby allies when you critically strike.
Minor Grandmaster Purity of Body.png Purity of Body Your Virtue skill 2 passive also regenerates endurance.
Major Grandmaster Pure of Voice.png Pure of Voice Shout skills convert conditions to boons on allies.
Major Grandmaster Writ of Persistence.png Writ of Persistence Symbols are improved and heal allies.
Major Grandmaster Force of Will.png Force of Will Gain increased vitality. Healing others is improved based on a percentage of your vitality.

Virtues.png Virtues[edit]

"Justice, resolve, and courage carry me forward."

A guardian's virtue improves the effects of their justice, resolve, and courage-based skills, granting them additional effects and bonuses.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Inspired Virtue.png Inspired Virtue Virtues apply boons to allies when activated. Deal increased strike damage for each boon on you.
Major Adept Unscathed Contender.png Unscathed Contender Strike damage dealt is increased while you have aegis. Strike damage dealt is increased while you are above the health threshold.
Major Adept Resolute Subconscious.png Resolute Subconscious 30 Gain resolution and aegis when disabled.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Adept Master of Consecrations.png Master of Consecrations Consecrations gain increased duration.
Minor Master Virtue of Resolution.png Virtue of Resolution Gain resolution when you activate a Virtue. Resolution you grant has increased duration.
Major Master Virtuous Solace.png Inspiring Virtue Strike damage dealt is increased after activating a virtue.
Major Master Absolute Resolve.png Absolute Resolve Activating Virtue skill 2 removes conditions from nearby allies. Virtue skill 2's passive effect is stronger.
Major Master Glacial Heart.png Glacial Heart 0.5½ Mighty Blow becomes Glacial Blow. Heal when you disable, immobilize, or chill a foe.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Minor Grandmaster Power of the Virtuous.png Power of the Virtuous Gain condition damage based on your vitality. Virtues gain reduced recharge.
Major Grandmaster Permeating Wrath.png Permeating Wrath The passive effect of Virtue skill 1 triggers more quickly and now burns in an area.
Major Grandmaster Battle Presence.png Battle Presence Nearby allies gain the passive effect of Virtue skill 2.
Willbender: Heal allies when your Resolve effect triggers.
Major Grandmaster Indomitable Courage.png Indomitable Courage The active effect of Virtue skill 3 breaks stun and grants stability to nearby allies. Its passive effect gains a shorter interval.

Dragonhunter.png Dragonhunter[edit]

"I will set my trap and wait for them to come."

The dragon hunter is a ranged, methodical hunter that uses various traps to ensnare their prey while picking them off with arrows of light. Their virtue skills become corporeal and more powerful in exchange for a longer casting time.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Longbow Proficiency.png Longbow Proficiency You can wield a longbow.
Minor Adept Virtuous Action.png Virtuous Action The guardian's resolve has further increased, allowing Virtues to be manifested as physical aspects. Gain access to Traps.
Major Adept Hunter's Premonition.png Hunter's Premonition Traps skills grant aegis when used.
Major Adept Dulled Senses.png Dulled Senses Cripple enemies that you disable.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Adept Soaring Devastation.png Soaring Devastation Wings of Resolve delivers an attack upon landing. Movement speed is increased.
Minor Master Defender's Dogma.png Defender's Dogma 1 Gain vitality. Blocking an attack causes justice to reach its maximum charge and reduces the cooldown of Spear of Justice.
Major Master Hunter's Determination.png Hunter's Determination Activating your elite skill breaks stuns.
Major Master Zealot's Aggression.png Zealot's Aggression Deal increased strike damage to crippled foes. Justice's passive effect cripples enemies.
Major Master Bulwark.png Bulwark Shield of Courage gains increased radius and duration.
Minor Grandmaster Pure of Sight.png Pure of Sight Deal bonus strike damage based on your distance to the enemy.
Major Grandmaster Hunter's Fortification.png Hunter's Fortification 1 Remove conditions and heal when blocking attacks.
Major Grandmaster Heavy Light.png Heavy Light 1 Gain stability when disabling an enemy. Deal increased strike damage to disabled or defiant foes.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Grandmaster Big Game Hunter.png Big Game Hunter Striking an enemy tethered by your Spear of Justice inflicts vulnerability and increases strike damage dealt. Tether duration is increased.

Firebrand.png Firebrand[edit]

"Let the ancient magics of Vabbi burn away our foes."

Firebrands harness the power of ancient Vabbian tomes to burn away impurities and conquer their foes. Each tome contains raw, powerful magic and must be used with patience and care.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Axe Proficiency.png Axe Proficiency You can wield axes.
Minor Adept Purity of Word.png Purity of Word Gain knowledge of Elonian lore, igniting a fierce drive to purge corruption and manifesting your Virtues as mystic tomes. Gain access to Mantras.
Using Tome skills consumes pages. You regenerate pages every interval.
Major Adept Unrelenting Criticism.png Unrelenting Criticism Axe skills gain a chance to inflict bleeding. Symbol of Vengeance now dazes on its initial strike.
Major Adept Liberator's Vow.png Liberator's Vow 7 Grant allies quickness when you use your heal skill.
Major Adept Archivist of Whispers.png Archivist of Whispers Your Virtues gain additional pages.
Minor Master Swift Scholar.png Swift Scholar Equipping a Virtue grants you quickness. Every third Tome skill grants you pages.
Stacks reset when exiting a tome.
Quickness can only be gained once per interval
Major Master Weighty Terms.png Weighty Terms The final charge of your Mantra skills will slow nearby foes and grant you pages.
Major Master Stalwart Speed.png Stalwart Speed 7 When you grant aegis or stability, grant quickness.
This can affect multiple targets simultaneously.
Major Master Legendary Lore.png Legendary Lore Tome skills gain bonuses from scribbling in the margins by ancient bards.
Minor Grandmaster Imbued Haste.png Imbued Haste Gain increased attributes while affected by quickness.
Major Grandmaster Stoic Demeanor.png Stoic Demeanor 1 Retain Courage passive while it is on cooldown. Grant boons to nearby allies when you disable, immobilize, or slow an enemy.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
Major Grandmaster Quickfire.png Quickfire 7 Retain Justice passive while it is on cooldown. Granting quickness to an ally also grants Ashes of the Just.
Major Grandmaster Loremaster.png Loremaster Retain Resolve passive while it is on cooldown. You generate pages more quickly.

Willbender.png Willbender[edit]

"I will silence the threat before it can fester."

Willbenders are protectors of the Canthan throne and fated guardians to the Weh no Su. Their sword arm is as strong as their loyalty— unflinching and ruthless. They are known for a swift hand and unmatched swordplay, striking before their foe has time to react.

— In-game description

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Sword Proficiency.png Sword Proficiency You can wield swords in your off-hand.
Minor Adept Willbender Training.png Willbender Training The guardian's Virtues are now movement based, giving them a swift advantage in combat. Gain access to the Physical skill type.
Major Adept Searing Pact.png Searing Pact Gain condition damage. Willbender Flames now inflict burning on foes they strike.
Major Adept Power for Power.png Power for Power Gain increased power. Willbender Flames deal increased damage to foes they strike.
Major Adept Conceited Curate.png Conceited Curate Gain increased vitality. Willbender Flames now heal you when they strike an enemy.
Minor Master Righteous Sprint.png Righteous Sprint Gain increased movement speed. Gain swiftness when you activate a virtue.
Major Master Restorative Virtues.png Restorative Virtues Triggered virtue effects reduce the cooldown of active weapon abilities. Gain vigor when activating Flowing Resolve.
Major Master Holy Reckoning.png Holy Reckoning Triggered virtue effects now grant might to allies in addition to their bonuses. Gain fury when activating Rushing Justice.
Major Master Vanguard Tactics.png Vanguard Tactics Activating Courage grants resistance. Shadowstepping grants resolution and protection.
Minor Grandmaster Lethal Tempo.png Lethal Tempo Each time you activate a virtue or your virtue's passives are triggered, gain a damage bonus. Gaining stacks of this boon refreshes other stacks.
Major Grandmaster Phoenix Protocol.png Phoenix Protocol Gain boons when resolve's effect triggers, but you no longer heal. Resolve has a modified duration. Gain boons when you use Flowing Resolve.
Major Grandmaster Tyrant's Momentum.png Tyrant's Momentum Lethal Tempo grants increased damage, but has reduced duration. Justice's duration is modified.
Major Grandmaster Deathless Courage.png Deathless Courage While Courage is active, incoming strike damage and condition damage is reduced.