Nature Magic

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Specialization background.

"Nature, guide me..."

Nature magic focuses on the application of supportive and regenerative boons to yourself, your pet, and your allies. Your spirits are also enhanced, providing additional support.

— In-game description

Nature Magic.png

Nature Magic is a core specialization for the ranger that focuses on improving boons and spirits.

Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Adept Rejuvenation.png Rejuvenation 20 Beast skills now grant regeneration around the ranger.
Major Adept Bountiful Hunter.png Bountiful Hunter You deal increased strike damage for each boon affecting you. Your pet deals increased strike damage for each boon affecting it.
Major Adept Wellspring.png Wellspring Grant regeneration to nearby allies when you use a healing skill. You and your pet gain healing power based on power.
Major Adept Allies' Aid.png Allies' Aid Cast "Search and Rescue!" when you begin reviving an ally.
Minor Master Fortifying Bond.png Fortifying Bond When you gain a boon, it is shared with your pet.
Major Master Evasive Purity.png Evasive Purity Cleanse a condition when you dodge. Heal if you cleansed a condition this way.
Major Master Vigorous Training.png Spirited Arrival Grant boons to nearby allies when swapping pets.
Major Master Windborne Notes.png Windborne Notes Grant nearby allies regeneration when you use a warhorn skill. Heal allies when you grant them regeneration.
Minor Grandmaster Lingering Magic.png Lingering Magic You and your pet gain increased concentration. Regeneration you apply is more effective.
Major Grandmaster Nature's Vengeance.png Nature's Vengeance Spirits slam again when they finish shaking.
Major Grandmaster Protective Ward.png Protective Ward 15 Cast Lesser "Guard!" when you swap pets.
Major Grandmaster Invigorating Bond.png Invigorating Bond 20 Beast skills heal allies around the ranger.
See also: List of ranger traits