It is possible to get up to 19 Black Lion Chest Key's per run. is a Guaranteed drop from the .
- 5 are Guaranteed
- 3 from the Personal Story, level 10, 40 & 60 story chapters.
- 1 from Living World Season 2 - Episode 6: Tangled Paths (This can be done directly by a new character if previously completed on the account).
- 1 from Heart of Thorns - Chapter 11: Roots of Terror (requires completing the previous 10 chapters).
- The remaining 14 having a 25% chance from map completion.
Character Creation[edit]
Personal Story[edit]
Level 10 - Chapter 1[edit]
Hero Training
- Level 11: 5 Hero Points (5)
- Spirit Weapons Training: Sword of Justice (Cost: 2)
- Level 13: +5 Hero Points (8)
- Meditation Training: Litany of Wrath (Cost: 2)
- Level 15: +5 Hero Points (11)
- Signet Training: Bane Signet (Cost: 11)
- Level 17: +5 Hero Points (5)
- Level 19: +6 Hero Points (11)
- Shout Training: "Stand Your Ground!" (Cost: 11)
- Collect 2 Hero Points off the map.
- Level 11: 5 Hero Points (5)
- Shout Training: "For Great Justice!" (Cost: 4)
- Collect 1 Hero Points off the map.
- Level 13: +5 Hero Points (6)
- Signet Training: Signet of Might (Cost: 4)
- Level 15: +5 Hero Points (9)
- Signet Training: Signet of Fury (Cost: 3)
- Level 17: +5 Hero Points (11)
- Level 19: +6 Hero Points (17)
- Collect 4 Hero Points off the map.
Level 20 - Chapter 2 - Shadows of the Past[edit]
Hero Training
- Specialization Training
- Build - Zeal 2
- Fiery Wrath
- Specialization Training
- Build - Zeal 2,2
- Fiery Wrath → Zealous Blade
- Level 21: +6 Hero Points (25)
- Specialization Training
- Build - Strength 3,2,2
Infinity Ball
Sorcerous Shaman
Unknown Parents
Lost an Heirloom
Where Life Goes
Level 30 - Chapter 3 - The Orders of Tyria[edit]
Hero Training
- Specialization Training
- Build - Zeal 2,2,3
- Collect 2 Hero Points off the map.
Keep Hero Points until level 45.
Rescue Researcher
Crystal Corruption
Mortus Virge
- TIP: Focus on saving the children and avoiding the Risen.
Triskell Quay
- TIP: Focus on saving Captain Rendar.
The Sad Tale of the "Ravenous"
- When talking to First Mate Gaets during the test of Wit:
- First Mate Gaets: Are you ready for your ears to turn blue, Yardarm?
I'm ready if you are, Gaets!
- All righty, here we go! Ahen. Shut your hatch, you lily-livered bilge-rat!
What did you call me, you grog-guzzling blowfish?
- That's the spirit! Are you trying to intimidate me, you lice-infested hammock hanger?
I'm not just trying, you pox-faced scab. You're shaking in your boots!
- Good one! I'll gut you like a trout, you scurvy, buck-toothed, flea-bitten child of a sea hag!
Bring it on, you sea-fearing, tide turning, half-witted poop deck!
- That was amazing! Well done, you salty dog. Captain, this is a good one!
Hooray! I knew I could do it!
Death from Below
Justice for Riannoc
Level 40 - Chapter 4 - Order Neophyte[edit]
Hero Training
Level 45: 52 Hero Points (54)
- Specialization Training
- Build - Radiance (3,3,3)
- Level 45: 108 Hero Points
- Specialization Training
- Build - Discipline 2,3,1
After returning to the Durmand Priory
choose :
Note: Due to Racial sympathy not all minor races are available to all player races.
Level 50 - Chapter 5 - Helping Hands[edit]
choose I'll participate in the Tournament
Level 60 - Chapter 6 -The Battle of Claw Island[edit]
Living World Season 2[edit]
Must be level 80.
Note: This can be done directly by a new character if previously completed on the account.
"About that. I came to tell you that I may not be able to fight with you."
"I'm not sure when I'll be back."
"No Reason."
Heart of Thorns: Act III[edit]
Chapter 11[edit]
Note: requires completing the previous 10 chapters.
Map Completion[edit]
There is only a ~25% chance of getting a key from Map completion and the following maps are quicker to complete due to the lack of Renown Hearts.
Core Maps[edit]
Ruins of Orr[edit]
Maguuma Wastes[edit]
Heart of Thorns[edit]
Heart of Maguuma[edit]
Living World Season 3[edit]
Use the
Season 3 Portal Tome.
Path of Fire[edit]
Living World Season 4[edit]
Use the
Season 4 Portal Tome.
Use the
Icebrood Saga Portal Tome.
Quick Run[edit]
If able to boost quickly to level 80 it is possible to quickly complete the following:
- Personal Story Level 10
- Personal Story Level 40 - Setting the Stage
- Personal Story Level 60 - The Battle of Claw Island
- Living World Season 2 - Episode 6: Tangled Paths
Map Completion (25% Chance of a key per map per character)
- Ruins of Orr
- Maguuma Wastes
- Living World Season 3
- Living World Season 5 - The Icebrood Saga
External Links[edit]