Icebrood Saga Portal Tome
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Icebrood Saga Portal Tome
“Store Living World portal scrolls inside of this tome.
— In-game description
- This tome hums with magic.
- (If you have added a particular scroll to the tome)
- Grothmar Valley. Travel to
- Bjora Marches. Travel to
- Eye of the North. Travel to the
- Drizzlewood Coast.
- (If attempting to travel to a map you are already in)
- You are already at that location.
- Interesting... (Returns to "This tome hums with magic.")
- (If you used while defeated)
- You can't travel right now.
- Return (Returns to "This tome hums with magic.")
Travel to - (If you have not yet added a particular scroll to the tome and the relevant scroll is in your inventory)
- Grothmar Valley Portal Scroll in the tome.
- The scroll is absorbed into the pages of the tome.
- Excellent. (Returns to "This tome hums with magic.")
Place - Bjora Marches Portal Scroll in the tome.
- The scroll is absorbed into the pages of the tome.
- Excellent. (Returns to "This tome hums with magic.")
Place the - Drizzlewood Coast Portal Scroll in the tome.
- The scroll is absorbed into the pages of the tome.
- Excellent. (Returns to "This tome hums with magic.")
Place the - Put it away.
- You must be level 80 to use this item.
- Single scrolls can be used while defeated - this ability is lost for scrolls added to the tome, with exception of Bjora Marches Portal Scroll which retains it.
- The tome will recognize scrolls that have been placed in shared inventory slots.
- Adding scrolls to this tome will add it to all copies of this tome on the account, including any tomes bought after adding the scrolls.
- The tome has an option to travel to the Eye of the North available by default.
- Cannot be used in raids.
- This item was introduced to the game for Shadow in the Ice, the second episode of the Icebrood Saga.
- The option to travel into the Eye of the North was added with the March 31, 2020 game update.