Chosen of the Sun
Chosen of the Sun
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Helping Hands
- Location
- Bloodtide Coast
(Kryta) - Level
- 50
- Choice
- Hylek
- Preceded by
- Champion's Sacrifice
- Followed by
- Unholy Grounds
- 270
Chosen of the Sun is part of the personal story of hylek-aligned characters who choose to become the Champion of the Hylek.
Win the hylek's Tournament of the Sun God.
- Meet Ikniu near the tournament grounds.
- Speak with Chief Quecuan about entering the tournament.
- Participate in the Challenge of Vision.
- Destroy as many targets as possible with the turret.
- Participate in the Challenge of Words.
- Receive the judge's decision.
- Participate in the Challenge of Might.
- Speak to Chief Quecuan.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Commando's Hauberk, Outrider's Armor, Trooper's Armor
One of the following: Commando's Jacket, Outrider's Vest, Trooper's Jerkin
One of the following: Commando's Coat, Outrider's Coat, Trooper's Coat
To participate in the tournament, speak to the hylek priests. Ikniu will convince the chief to let the player compete.
The tournament has three parts. In the first part, the Test of Vision, the player is asked to destroy stationary pots with a hylek cannon. The second part is the Test of Words, the player simply has to engage in dialogue with the chief, most of the dialogue only has a single choice (with the exception of cancelling) and will reflect the player's personal story up to this point.
The final part of the tournament is the Test of Might, which consist of three rounds fighting off the beasts of the air, land, and sea.
- Beasts of the air: Some Frenzied Fireflies
- Beasts of the land: Some Frenzied Pink Moas
- Beasts of the sea: Some Frenzied Scaled Drake and 1 Veteran Frenzied Scaled Drake
The player's hylek competitor, Techutli, will be fighting with the player against the beasts up to the Veteran Frenzied Scaled Drake; after the other drakes are defeated, Techutli will fall down (but not downed and cannot be revived)
Successfully completing the challenges will result in the player being named champion of the Sun God, which the player will use to convince Chief Quecuan to stop sacrificing champions and instead fortify their village against the undead.
- Chief Quecuan
- High Priestess Ecolotl
- Hylek Amini
- Hylek Cuicani
- Hylek Nahualli
- Hylek Tlamatini
- Ikniu
- Techutli
- Various (Mentor)
Talking to your mentor before approaching Ikniu:
- Magister Sieran: This is going to be fascinating: a real hylek ritual tournament with the Sun God's blessing at stake, and we're in the middle of it.
- I'd feel better if there weren't so many lives at stake.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Another tournament. Well, at least there probably won't be any drinking in this one. I just hope I get to keep my race and gender intact.
- Heh. Me too, but we'd better prepare for every eventuality, just in case.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: This tournament seems like a lot of hoops to jump through just to win these frog-folk over.
- If it works, it will be more than worth the effort.
Cinematic when approaching Ikniu:
- Ikniu: The tournament is nearly over! But there's still time for you to participate.
- Ikniu: You must beat three challenges: Vision, Words, and Might. And unless the high priestess says otherwise, you must beat them alone.
- (When a member of the Durmand Priory)
- Magister Sieran: No problem! The Durmand Priory accepts only the best of the best. Just wait until you see my friend here in action.
- (When a member of the Order of Whispers)
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Vision, words, and might: three things that every field agent has in abundance. Leave this to my friend here. We've practically won already.
- (When a member of the Vigil)
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The Vigil stands ready. As senior officer, I'll observe as the crusader here beats the challenges.
Talking to Ikniu before approaching Chief Quecuan:
- Ikniu: Stay close to me. If the chief or the high priestess object to your participation in the tournament, let me speak on your behalf. I know what to say.
- A good leader. Strong, smart. I know he does not like sending champions over to the Sunless, but he cannot go against High Priestess Ecolotl without splitting the tribe.
- What about High Priestess Ecolotl?
- Okay. Let's get started.
I'd like to know more about Chief Quecuan.
- Devout and passionate, but also very stubborn. She fears losing the Sun God's blessing and dooming the tribe, but she can't see the offerings also will bring us to ruin.
- What about Chief Quecuan?
- Okay. Let's get started.
I'd like to know more about High Priestess Ecolotl.
- Thanks, Ikniu.
Cinematic when approaching High Priestess Ecolotl and Chief Quecuan:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: This is a sacred ceremony. Who brings these outsiders here?
- (When a member of the Durmand Priory)
- Ikniu: I do. The Durmand Priory sent us a contestant who would gladly serve as our champion.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: We need nothing from the Durmand Priory. We will secure the Sun god's blessing on our own.
- (When a member of the Order of Whispers)
- Ikniu: I do. These strangers have volunteered to help us, to compete for the right to serve as our champions.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: We need no help from strangers. We will secure the Sun god's blessing on our own.
- (When a member of the Vigil)
- Ikniu: I do. The Vigil sent us a contestant who would gladly serve as our champion.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: The Vigil? We need nothing from them. We will secure the Sun god's blessing on our own.
- Ikniu: But isn't it true that all who live here are beloved by the Sun god? Why can't a willing outsider compete?
- Chief Quecuan: Ikniu is right. If an outsider earns the Sun god's favor, then an outsider shall be our champion. Let the god decide.
Talking to your allies after the cinematic:
- Magister Sieran: Okay, we're in. Now let's see what the hylek have to throw at you—and how well you handle it.
- I'm ready.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: I'm still a[sic] unclear on all the details, but it looks like we're on. That high priestess, Ecolotl, should be able to give you the full rundown.
- [sic] check in with her as soon as I can. I'l
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Good luck, <Character Name>. I'll be cheering you on, and watching your back in case anything goes wrong.
- Thanks.
- Ikniu: So far, so good. Now you must speak to Ecolotl. She will explain the next challenge, the Challenge of Vision.
- I'd like to know more about Chief Quecuan. (as above)
- I'd like to know more about High Priestess Ecolotl. (as above)
- Okay.
- Chief Quecuan: Ikniu has spoken for you, stranger, so you may proceed. If you win, you would be the first outsider to do so. May the Sun God bless your efforts.
- Thank you.
- Techutli: I worked hard for a chance to compete in the tournament. You do not worship the Sun God, you are no hylek. You should not be here.
- I'm here to help your village, and I don't need your permission to compete.
Talking to High Priestess Ecolotl:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: The tournament consists of three challenges: Vision, Words, and Might. The first is Vision. Since you are an outsider, I will answer any questions you have about the rules.
- The Sun illuminates our world. Its light symbolizes wisdom, clarity, and opportunity. Celebrate these gifts: take aim with that turret and destroy as many pots as you can in the time allotted.
- Excellent. The turret is prepared. Begin when you are ready. Honor the Sun God's blessings and the Sun God will smile on you.
- Thanks.
I will. I'm ready.
- No one's ever asked that before. I suppose since you are an unusual contestant, you could choose an unusual tactic. But the challenge was designed with our turret in mind.
- I understand. Let's get started.
- Can you review the rules for me again?
- I need more time to prepare.
Do I have to use the turret?
- To symbolize the limited time we have with the Sun. The Sun's light is eternal and endless, but our time with it is not. As each day and each life must end, so must our challenge.
- I understand. I'm ready.
- Can you review the rules once more?
- I'm not ready to begin yet.
Why is there a timer?
- I need a moment to prepare.
Tell me about the Challenge of Vision.
- Thank you. I just need a moment to prepare.
Talking to High Priestess Ecolotl after the challenge started:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Are you competing or not, outsider? There are pots still standing. Return to the turret!
- On my way.
After the Challenge of Vision:
- If less than two targets were destroyed:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: I am not impressed.
- Ikniu: But this is not the only test. The outsider can still claim the Sun god's[sic] blessing.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Perhaps. Our chief will administer the next test, and then we'll shall see.
- If two or three targets were destroyed:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: A passable effort...for a beginner. Are you sure you want to proceed?
- Ikniu: I am sure, Priestess. There is more to these outsiders than meets the eye.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: As you wish. Proceed to the chief for the next test.
- If four or five targets were destroyed:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: A worthy effort. Perhaps there is hope for this challenger after all.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Now on to the chief and the next test.
- If all targets were destroyed:
The Challenge of Words:
- Techutli: Hear me, Chief Quecuan! I offer this for the Challenge of Words.
- Techutli: My eyes are the keenest, my strength the greatest, my bravery the fiercest!
- Techutli: I have slain everything that walks, swims, or crawls!
- Techutli: I have claimed new breeding and hunting grounds for our people. I am the one!
- Chief Quecuan: Well said, Techutli. You are indeed blessed. But we must hear from the newcomer.
Talking to your allies before taking on the Challenge of Words:
- Magister Sieran: The Challenge of Words is next. I wish I could help you on this one. Talking comes naturally to me, you know.
- I do know. But don't worry, I won't embarrass us.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Challenge of Words, eh? You should have no trouble spinning a yarn for these nice folks.
- Leave it to me. I'll think of something.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: The next challenge seems to be about boasting. I could give you a pointer or two, but I think you can handle this on your own.
- Leave it to me.
- Ikniu: Now, the Challenge of words. You must speak of your past, the things you've done, and the person you are because of them. Chief QUecuan will judge your deeds and the way you describe them.
- I'd like to know more about Chief Quecuan. (as above)
- I'd like to know more about High Priestess Ecolotl. (as above)
- Good. I've got quite a story to tell.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: You've completed the first challenge? Congratulations. But you've got a long way to go before you secure the Sun God's blessing.
- Good. I'm just getting warmed up.
Taking on the Challenge of Words:
- Chief Quecuan: You have earned the right to compete in the Challenge of Words. Approach, and tell us: who are you? What have you accomplished? Why should you represent the Sun God for the offering?
- (Depending on player character's race)
- asura. (asura) I am <character name>, Snaff Savant of the
- Pale Tree and bearer of a dire Wyld Hunt. (sylvari) I am <character name>, valiant of the
- I am <character name>, the Hero of Shaemoor. (human)
- I am <character name>, the Slayer of Issormir. My deeds echo through the halls of Hoelbrak. (norn)
- Hail, <character name>. You stand in the holy light of the Sun God. All here have seen you master the Challenge of Vision. Now, we would hear your words. Speak! Tell us your tale.
- Depending on the player's past personal story steps, one of the following:
- (if asura)
- I am from the College of Dynamics. I reunited two lovers separated by metal and magic. (College of Dynamics)
- [sic] and heir to a trove of ancient knowledge. (College of Statics) I am from the College of Synergetics
- [sic], and I revolutionized teleportation. (College of Synergetics) I am from the College of Statics
- (if sylvari)
- I defeated an unkillable murderer and avenged those he'd wronged. (Green Huntsman)
- I brought some peace to two lovers whose happiness had become tainted by nightmare. (Shield of the Moon)
- I defended the sacred White Stag from corruption and death. (White Stag)
- (if human)
- I am from the streets, but persevered and rose above the crime and squalor. (Street Rat)
- I am of the common folk. I fought for the innocent and punished the guilty. (Commoner)
- I am a noble, but I stood up for all of my neighbors, high and low. (Nobility)
- (if norn)
- I defeated an ancestral foe and showed them a path to redemption. (Defeat our Ancient Foes)
- I defended a Spirit of the Wild and punished those who would prey upon them. (Protect the Spirits)
- I stood with spiritual warriors and defended the Mists from evil invaders. (Guard the Mists)
- Very good. But one feat does not win the Challenge of Words. Tell us more.
- Depending on the player's past personal story steps, two of the following. Each of them leads to the same dialogue.
- (if asura)
- Ambition led me to great evil, but I resisted temptation and chose friendship. (Infinity Ball)
- I defeated a master villian who stole my ideas and threatened my home. (Transatmospheric Converter)
- I foiled a plot to overthrow the government using my inventions. (VAL-A Golem )
- I exposed a great secret and revealed the corruption of my tribal leaders. (Rescue Researcher)
- (if sylvari)
- I traveled to Orr itself and rescued a noble soul who'd been trapped there. (Act With Wisdom)
- [sic] (All things have a right to grow) [No Option]
- I defended a lost stranger from predatory evil and helped him find his way. (Where Life Goes)
- I exposed and avenged the ugly betrayal that caused the first sylvari death. (Justice for Riannoc)
- (if human)
- I defeated a dark conspiracy and reclaimed the memory of my parents. (Unknown Parents)
- I rescued my lost sister, uncovered a heinous crime, and punished the criminals. (Dead Sister)
- I lived my childhood dream and stopped a villain from twisting innocence to evil. (Missed Opportunity)
- I protected Queen Jennah from a dangerous and tragically misguided retainer. (Traitor to the Queen)
- (if norn)
- I redeemed a careless error and won the respect of battle-hardened soldiers. (Blacked Out)
- I rose to a hated rival's challenge and defeated him with honor. (Revenge)
- I recovered a lost family heirloom and redeemed it from a dragon's corruption. (Lost an Heirloom)
- ancient hero from punishment for a crime he did not commit. (Death from Below) I protected an
- Yes. We must always strive ever upward into the light of the Sun, and inspire others to rise also. Continue!
- Very good. We must all give of ourselves to become part of something greater. Your words are impressive, but tell us: why should you be the Champion of the Sun?
- Your words are wise as well as strong. There is fire in you, outsider, the fire of the Sun God. The Challenge of Words is over. The outsider has won!
- You honor me, Quecuan.
Because I will not rest until all the dragons are dead and Tyria is safe.
- These are words worth hearing. Your dedication inspires us, like sunlight after a torrential storm. The challenge is over. The outsider has won!
- I am honored, Chief Quecuan.
I know how to defeat the Sunless: through unity. Join me, and we'll fight together!
- Ahh, I see! You mean to lead us out from under the shadow that has enveloped us. Then it is settled. The Challenge of Words is over. The outsider has won!
- Thank you, Chief Quecuan.
Because I am hope. I am the new dawn rising. Your tribe deserves that hope.
- A moment, please. I must marshal my words.
I saw the threat posed by the dragons and joined the <order of the player character> to fight them.
- A moment, please. I must marshal my words.
- A moment, please. I must marshal my words.
- A moment, please. I must marshal my words.
- One moment. I need to muster my thoughts.
After you have completed the Challenge of Words:
- Chief Quecuan: Hear the words of your chief: I declare that the outsider has won the Challenge of Words.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: But the test is not over. The next challenge is the Challenge of Might.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Challengers, to the testing grounds! Prepare to face the beasts of land, sea, and air!
Talking to your allies after the Challenge of Words:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: You speak well, <character name>. Hylek tongues can hit a fly in flight from ten feet away, but yours is even more formidable. Now, let's see if you fight as well as you talk.
- Keep watching. You're in for a treat.
- Chief Quecuan: You are doing well, stranger. But many contestants find the next challenge to be the most difficult.
- I'm ready.
- Ikniu: Now for the Challenge of Might. Defeat the savage and hungry creatures of the marsh to prove you deserve the Sun God's favor. Good luck.
- Thanks.
- Magister Sieran: Target practice, then bragging, and now pest control? Granted, they're fearsome, dangerous pests, but still...
- It's all part of the show. Leave it to me.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Almost there. Think you can handle a passel of swamp beasties to clinch the title?
- You know it.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I haven't heard bragging like that since Knut Whitebear hosted a "Coast-to-Coast Boast and Toast" moot and pub crawl years back. On to the next challenge!
- Indeed!
At the testing ground:
- High Priestess Ecolotl: This is the final challenge. Prepare yourselves.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: The beasts of the air will challenge all. Only a champion can defeat them.
- Techutli: I am not afraid. Test me, O Sun. I am ready!
- Techutli: I hate you! Die!
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Come forth, creatures of the land! Fight for your homes and your lives!
- Techutli: To battle!
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Come forth, creatures of the deep!
- Techutli: Stop it, stop! I give up.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: The beasts of land, sea, and air have met their master. It is done!
- Chief Quecuan: The Sun smiles upon us. Come, victor, and receive your honors.
Talking to your allies after you completed Challenge of Might
- Ikniu: Congratulations. No outsider has ever participated in the tournament before, much less won it. Speak to Chief Quecuan so he can announce your victory!
- Right away.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Congrautlations.[sic] The Sun God has truly smiled on you today. Your victory is complete. Now, to make it official, speak with Chief Quecuan.
- Thanks, I will.
- Magister Sieran: Amazing! You beat the hylek at their own games. Now you just need to talk to the chief, and that's that.
- I'm on my way.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Three challenges, three wins. Well done, <character name>. Once you talk to the chief and he proclaims you champion, we're back in business.
- I'll go talk to Quecuan right now.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Good work. Maybe now we can get some traction with the hylek. Talk to the chief so he can announce you as the Sun God's new champion.
- Understood.
Cinematic when talking to Chief Quecuan:
- <Character name>: Listen to me! Your previous champions have all been turned into undead. They are now slaves and soldiers for the dragon's army.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: Silence! The sacrifice of the champions has kept us safe because the Sun god wills it so.
- When a member of the Durmand Priory:
- Magister Sieran: That's false. We've witnessed the undead army personally, and it just keeps growing larger. Soon it will come for you. Soon, your village will be nothing but dust.
- When a member of the Order of Whispers:
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: That's not how it happened. Your poor champions merely became part of the undead army. Your protection is a lie. Soon, that army will come for your village.
- When a member of the Vigil:
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You're wrong. The undead haven't attacked you because they're raising an army. And when that army is large enough, it will find you and wipe your village off the map.
- (resume)
- Ikniu: The Sun God chose these outsiders. They speak for the Sun God. We must fortify the village and defend ourselves.
- High Priestess Ecolotl: No! They will not spoil the ritual. If the champion will not be our sacrifice, then I shall. I will protect the village, even if no one else will.
- Chief Quecuan: If you think that's best, Priestess, but I don't see the need. We are going to fortify the village and make a stand with our new champion here.
After the cinematic:
- Magister Sieran: I look at these creatures, and I think of my home in the Grove. What would I be willing to do if something threatened it?
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Look at 'em, sticking by each other no matter what. I wish...I mean, my old warband...ah, never mind.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Those creatures are certainly stubborn. Dedicated, I mean. I may not like 'em, but I can admire them.
Talking to your allies after cinematic:
- Ikniu: I salute you, Champion of the Sun. I only wish the high priestess accepted your victory and stayed to fight beside you. We will need her in the coming battle.
- In part. She also does not wish to share the power she holds over the people as high priestess. But she is gone, and the village is still here. We must protect it.
- That's the plan. Let's get started.
She believes she's doing the right thing to protect her people. (Honorable)
- We'll have to make do with what we have. Let's get started.
- Magister Sieran: This gives us all the pull we need with Ikniu's people. You did great, <character name>. Congratulations.
- I don't see how. You were admitted, you won, you were declared the champion. Personally, I think Quecuan is happy to have someone to send in place of one of his people.
- Good.
Thanks. Do you think having an outsider as champion will cause any problems?
- Well, aren't we full of ourselves? I remember back when "Explorer" was enough of a title for you. I'll take your request under advisement, but to quote Gixx: hope for the best, plan for the worst.
- Oh, well. It was worth a try.
From now on, I prefer to be called "Champion of the Sun," thank you very much.
- That'd be a mistake. Using force to stop her would put us at odds with the Sun God's other spokesperson and erase the benefit we just earned from the tournament.
- All right. Let's concentrate on protecting the villagers who stayed.
We'd better corral that high priestess until this is settled.
- Thanks, but it was a team effort: you, me, Ikniu, and the Sun God.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Outstanding performance, Agent <character name>. Maybe now these hylek will let us help them.
- Well, I'm a worrier, and even I say, "Nah." You got permission to enter, you won fair and square, and the chief himself proclaimed you champion. It's a done deal.
- That's a relief. Let's get going."
Will my winning the tournament cause any problems for the hylek?
- You wish. Tell you what: I'll call you "Champ" the same day the Preceptors start calling me "Emperor of All Apples."
- Too bad. With my skills and your apples, we could have ruled the world!
Excuse me, my official title is now "Champion of the Sun God <character name>."
- Bad idea. The new Sun God's champion hitting the Sun God's high priestess? That'll undo all the progress we just made. Our mission is the top priority. I'm sorry, but Ecolotl's on her own.
- Yeah, I guess you're right.
We should drag that high priestess back here. She could ruin everything.
- I'm ready. Let's get started.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: We're one step closer to winning over these hylek. Good work, <character name>.
- It's her life and her choice. I'd like to save her, but we're going to have our hands full protecting the hylek who stayed with the village.
- Too bad for Ecolotl.
We should smack some sense into that high priestess.
- No deal. As long as you're my partner, I'll address you by your Vigil rank. And you'll answer to it. Right, Crusader?
- Take it easy, Warmaster. I'm just having a little fun with you.
From now on, you must call me "Champion of the Sun <character name>."
- Don't be. Ikniu's argument got you in, you won the tournament, and Chief Quecuan himself declared you the Sun God's champion. It doesn't get any more official than that.
- You're right. Thanks.
I'm worried my victory will create complications for the tribe.
- Thanks.
Talking to your mentor again:
- Magister Sieran: This gives us all the pull we need with Ikniu's people. You did great, <character name>. Congratulations.
- Thanks, but it was a team effort: you, me, Ikniu, and the Sun God.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Outstanding performance, Agent <character name>. Maybe now these hylek will let us help them.
- I'm ready. Let's get started.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: We're one step closer to winning over these hylek. Good work, <character name>.
- Thanks.
My story[edit]
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