Warrior's Sprint
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Warrior's Sprint
- Specialization
Discipline (trait list)
- Tier
- Adept
- Type
- Major
- Training cost
- 3 Hero points
- Game link
“Warrior's SprintRun faster while wielding melee weapons, and deal increased strike damage while you have swiftness. Movement skills break immobilization when used.
— In-game description
Related skills[edit]
Weapon skills that are improved by this trait
Savage Leap — Sword
Charge — Warhorn
Shield Bash — Shield
Whirlwind Attack — Greatsword
Rush — Greatsword
Valiant Leap — Staff
Tsunami Slash — Spear
Aura Slicer — Dagger
Bladestorm — Dagger
Gunstinger — Pistol
Dragon's Roar — Pistol
Bundle skills that are improved by this trait
Transform skills that are improved by this trait
Utility skills that are improved by this trait
Bull's Charge — Physical
Kick — Physical
Stomp — Physical
Balanced Stance — Stance
Sundering Leap — Rage
Dragonspike Mine — Armament
Elite skills that are improved by this trait
Profession mechanic skills that are improved by this trait
Eviscerate — Axe, Burst
Earthshaker — Hammer, Burst
Rupturing Smash — Hammer, Primal Burst
Breaching Strike — Dagger, Burst
- Despite the description specifying melee "weapons" (plural), you still gain the bonus movement speed when wielding only one melee weapon.
Version history[edit]
For a detailed trait history, see here.
Patch | Changes |
May 11, 2021 |
February 06, 2018 |
August 25, 2015 |
June 23, 2015 | Specialization update:
June 25, 2013 |
August 28, 2012 | Game release: