Mortus Virge
Mortus Virge
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Traitor to the Queen
- Location
- Lychcroft Mere
(Kessex Hills)
Salma District
(Divinity's Reach) - Level
- 30
- Race
- Preceded by
- The Orders of Tyria
- Followed by
- Track the Seraph
Triskell Quay - API
- 142
Loading screen back in Salma Sistrict |
Mortus Virge is part of the personal story of human characters. It is selected by siding with Scholar Josir & the Durmand Priory in the previous mission.
Search the swamp for survivors of the undead attacks.
- Meet Josir in Lychcroft Mere.
- Find the missing children.
Confer with the Orders.
- Meet with the Order representatives in the Salma District.
- Talk to Hiroki and Ihan.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- 4,957
- Bag of Loot (4)
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Strong Iron Mace, Strong Iron Sword, Strong Simple Scepter
One of the following: Strong Iron Mace, Strong Iron Sword, Strong Iron Axe
One of the following: Strong Journeymen Longbow, Strong Iron Mace, Strong Iron Rifle
One of the following: Strong Iron Shield, Strong Iron Rifle, Strong Iron Pistol
One of the following: Strong Journeymen Longbow, Strong Iron Axe, Strong Iron Sword
One of the following: Strong Iron Dagger, Strong Simple Short Bow, Strong Iron Sword
One of the following: Strong Simple Staff, Strong Simple Scepter, Strong Iron Dagger
One of the following: Strong Simple Staff, Strong Simple Scepter, Strong Iron Pistol
One of the following: Strong Simple Scepter, Strong Iron Axe, Strong Iron Dagger
Josir will use the Mortus Virge on the four children as you find them and they will be able to safely return to camp. There are not very many undead in the swamp, so it is quite easy to rescue all the children without fighting a single one. Note that Josir has to be with you when you find each child - if he gets caught up in a fight without you, he'll stay there until you rescue him. So keep an eye on him, and help him out when he gets hung up.
To rescue a child, run up to it and press "f" to "talk". Then Josir will enchant them with the device.
After you have rescued all the children, you must return to the Salma District in Divinity's Reach, and talk to Logan, Ihan, Hiroki, and Josir. Then you decide on the next mission, choosing either Hiroki's plan (Triskell Quay) or Ihan's plan (Track the Seraph).
- In Lychcroft Mere
- In Salma District
- Humans
- Agent Ihan
- Crusader Hiroki
- Logan Thackeray
- Scholar Josir
- Standard instance NPCs
- In Lychcroft Mere
At Lychcroft Mere[edit]
Cinematic with Josir:
- Scholar Josir: Greetings and salutations, Advocate. A fine day for a walk in the swamp, wouldn't you agree?
- <Character name>: You're mighty cheerful for someone headed to take on the Risen. What's up?
- Scholar Josir: Ah, but I always enjoy a Priory expedition. Experimentation, research, discovering lost artifacts in an old musty tomb, then more experimentation.
- Scholar Josir: Every day's a new adventure in the Durmand Priory! It's a fine life.
- <Character name>: You do manage to make it sound exciting. So what's this new trinket you were telling me about?
- Scholar Josir: It's called the "Mortus Verge." It allows the holder to easily distinguish the living from the Risen dead—but also confuddles the undead, making it harder for them to find you.
- <Character name>: That does sound useful. Who built this thing?
- Scholar Josir: Would it surprise you if I said it was based on a charr invention? The Priory values ideas and innovation, no matter where the genius occurs.
- Scholar Josir: The dragons aren't being picky, so why should we? Any weapon we can use against them is worth exploring.
- <Character name>: Charr, hm? Well, I can't fault your reasoning—especially if it helps us defeat these undead. Fire that thing up, and let's go find those missing kids.
Talking to Josir along the way:
- Scholar Josir: Be steadfast and trust in Priory intelligence, my friend. We'll find those children!
- Ready to go!
When finding the missing children:
- The order of the dialogues may change depending on the player finding these children.
- Child: Help! Hey, over here!
- Scholar Josir: Don't be afraid, child. The Mortus Virge will protect you, and while the enchantment is active, you can sense the undead. Avoid them and run home as fast as you can.
- Child: Thanks, mister! I'll tell my parents all about how you saved me!
- Child: I'm over here! Save me!
- Scholar Josir: Quickly, child! This enchantment will allow you to sense the undead. Avoid them and make your way home!
- Child: Really? Thanks, mister!
- Child: Help! Monsters and bad people!
- Scholar Josir: I've enchanted you with the Mortus Virge, my child. Now you can sense the undead and avoid them. Keep your wits about you, and run! Run all the way home!
- Child: Yay! Thank you, sir!
- Child: You look like a living one. Please, I want to go home.
- Scholar Josir: Don't be afraid. With this enchantment upon you, you can sense the undead and stay away from them. Now, head home!
- Child: If you say so. Thanks a lot, mister old man.
Talking to any child while Josir is busy fighting:
- Child: You're my very brand new hero! I used to like the Seraph, but after I saw that man with the undead—I don't like them anymore!
- The bad man in the swamp! He was wearing Seraph armor, and muttering to himself, and he was really scary. I think the undead came to talk to him.
- Oh, he was alive. The undead didn't attack him, either. They just followed him around. Can I go home now?
- The Priory will make sure you get home safe and sound. Good-bye, now.
Did you recognize this Seraph? Was he alive, like me, or was he like the Risen?
- Don't worry, the Priory will make sure you get home safe and sound. Good-bye, now.
Whoa there, little one. What Seraph?
- Don't worry, the Priory will make sure you get home safe and sound. Good-bye, now.
Cinematic after saving the last child:
- Scholar Josir: Magnificent! The Mortus Virge worked. Perhaps not perfectly, but certainly, better than I hoped!
- <Character name>: It's an impressive device. Tell me, is the Durmand Priory full of such things?
- Scholar Josir: Yes and no. More importantly, our order is full of the kind of people who like to invent this sort of thing.
- Scholar Josir: And, I might add, people like you—brave enough to test it! You would be a fine addition to our order, you know.
- <Character name>: What else does the order do?
- Scholar Josir: Anything! Everything! We travel the world, seeking lost knowlege[sic] to use against Zhaitan. Exciting, no?
- <Character name>: It sounds very interesting. Thank you for telling me about it. We'd better get back and share news of our victory with the others.
- <Character name>: Thanks again for your assistance. This was extremely educational.
Talking to Josir after saving the last child:
- Scholar Josir: A fine day's work, and the children are safe at last. I consider this an exemplary field test. Well done, Advocate.
- Long? No, only a few years. I joined the Priory after discovering an old dwarven scroll. The things it said about the Elder Dragons... horrifying.
- Helping the Order is also helping Kryta! Someone has to fight these dragons. In the end, what matters most is that Tyria survives.
- Interesting. Can I ask you another question?
- That's one way to look at it. Thank you for explaining.
But knowing that, don't you think Kryta needs your help more than the Order?
- I'll take that into consideration, Josir. Thanks for explaining.
It was my honor to assist the Durmand Priory. Have you been with the Order long?
- As a new experiment, the Mortus Virge is still too unstable and difficult to replicate—and this is our first field test. But perhaps, someday!
- I'll hope that day comes soon. Thanks, Josir.
Can we mass-produce that Mortus Virge of yours? It would be incredibly handy!
- Thank you, Josir. I was glad to help.
At Salma District[edit]
Approaching the representatives:
- Crusader Hiroki: We need to deal the undead a decisive blow. Remove the army, and we remove the threat.
- Agent Ihan: There's an intelligence to their movements. We need to discover the root of the problem—not just follow them from fight to fight.
- Crusader Hiroki: At the cost of lives? The undead are attacking now. If we sit idle, people will die.
Talking to Logan:
- Logan Thackeray: Queen Jennah said you'd be able to soothe their ruffled feathers. For your sake, I hope she's right.
- I'll do my best.
Cinematic with representatives:
- Logan Thackeray: Advocate! The Representatives have reported your success. Well done.
- <Character name>: Thank you, Logan. I'm glad we saved the children, but the undead are still a problem.
- Scholar Josir: I'm told the children saw a Seraph soldier in the swamp—and their stories were quite appalling. They were as frightened of him as of the undead.
- Scholar Josir: If this was that soldier, the children say he's become violent and incoherent. They also say that the undead weren't attacking him.
- <Character name>: There aren't any Seraph outposts in Lychcroft Mere. What's a lone soldier doing out there?
- Logan Thackeray: According to Seraph reports, a corporal named Kellach didn't report for duty. I'd assumed he was AWOL in Lion's Arch, but maybe there's more to it.
- <Character name>: This Kellach could be under Zhaitan's influence. Could he be inciting the Risen, and making them more aggressive? Maybe he's a necromancer?
- Crusader Hiroki: We don't have time for theories, Advocate. Vigil scouts marked more undead approaching the town of Triskell Quay. The corruption is spreading.
- Agent Ihan: If so, then Triskell Quay is just a symptom. Whatever's drawing the undead inland will continue to do so even if we save the town.
- Agent Ihan: We should investigate what happened to Kellach. He may be the key to these attacks. Until we know what's going on, we're just plugging leaks.
- Crusader Hiroki: You want to go on a wild goose chase, Ihan? Fine. But don't risk Triskell Quay! We need soldiers to defend the town, or people will die.
- Agent Ihan: A few will die now, but we'd be saving many in the long run. The Order of Whispers is prepared to make that exchange.
- Logan Thackeray: It's a good thing that the decision's not up to you two. Advocate, it's in your hands.
Talking to NPCs before deciding:
- Scholar Josir: I have every faith that you will make a wise decision. For my part, I will see if the Priory archives can cast some light on this situation. Good luck.
- What else can you tell me about the Seraph, Kellach?
- Can you tell me more about Triskell Quay?
- Fun? You flatter me, Advocate. I'll look into it while you're gone, and have something for you soon.
- I look forward to it. Thanks, Josir.
It won't be as much fun without you, Josir.
- Do your best to find information on Kellach. Lives may depend on it.
- Is the Priory chickening out?
- I hope they can. Thank you, Josir.
- Agent Ihan: We need your decision. Do you choose to go with the Vigil, or to go with the Order of Whispers?
- It is. No use charging into battle if you don't know what you're up against. We'll need cunning to defeat the dragons.
- That makes sense. Can I ask another question?
- I need some more time before I decide.
Is it typical strategy for the Order of Whispers to sneak around, working beneath the surface?
- You can go with the Vigil to Triskell Quay, or you can help the Order of Whispers track down the mysterious soldier.
- Thanks for the summary. Can I ask another question?
- I need a little more time to decide.
Can you remind me about the choices again, please?
- Do you go with the Order of Whispers?
- Excellent choice, Advocate. You'll be very pleased with your decision.
- I hope so. I'll see you there, Ihan.
Yes. We need to know where that soldier's headed.
- I need more time to decide.
I'm ready to decide.
- I'm still thinking about it.
- Crusader Hiroki: We need your decision. Do you choose to go with the Vigil, or to go with the Order of Whispers?
- Yes. We are a military order. We play to our strengths. There are few situations that a good broadsword can't handle.
- That makes sense. Can I ask another question?
- I need some more time before I decide.
Is this Vigil's typical strategy? Gather soldiers, attack target?
- Well, you can go with the Vigil to Triskell Quay, or you can help the Order of Whispers track down the mysterious soldier.
- Good summary. Can I ask another question?
- I need some more time before I decide.
Can you remind me about the choices again, please?
- Do you want to go with the Vigil?
- Glad to hear it! Meet me at Triskell Quay, and we'll face the Risen head-on.
- Travel safely, and I'll see you there.
Yes. The people of Triskell Quay need our help.
- I need more time to decide.
I'm ready to decide.
- I'm still thinking about it.
Talking to NPCs after choosing the Vigil:
- Agent Ihan: You chose with you heart, Advocate. That's all anyone can ask.
- Too bad. Well, I can't blame you. The Vigil seems so much more proactive than the rest of us, right? Good luck. And no hard feelings.
- Thanks, Ihan. I'll see you at Nebo Terrace afterwards.
Thank you for understanding. Hiroki and I will defend Triskell Quay and then meet you back here.
- Crusader Hiroki: I'm glad you decided so quickly. Not going to change your mind, are you?
- I appreciate your confidence. The people of Triskell Quay are scoundrels, but the dragons are far worse. We'll see you there.
- Agreed. I'll meet you near Triskell Quay, Hiroki.
Definitely not! I'm proud to go with the Vigil and save Triskell Quay.
Talking to NPCs after choosing the Order of Whispers:
- Agent Ihan: You chose with you heart, Advocate. That's all anyone can ask.
- Crusader Hiroki: I'm glad you decided so quickly. Not going to change your mind, are you?
My story[edit]
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