User:Lady Elyssa

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Elementalist icon.png Engineer icon.png Guardian icon.png Mesmer icon.png Necromancer icon.png Ranger icon.png Revenant icon.png Thief icon.png Warrior icon.png
Shelkhar Hannadi Primoire Aurya Whitewalker Hakoob Lady Elyssa Lifa Soldis Grim Moi Miss Elyssa Proto
Pyr the Zealous Shattered Mistress Savant Nom Rata Muse Bjarl of Bjorn
Autumn Cherry
Princess Nenia


Lady Elyssa

Guilt This user has spent 17543 hours in GW2 in 148 months (3.9 h/day).
Guild Portal.png Wikki Krewe Member
User Demonthorn Gwlogo.jpg This user played the original Guild Wars.
50 This user has achieved 50/50 points in their Hall of Monuments.
GW2Logo new.png This user pre-purchased the game.
HoT Texture Centered Trans.png This user pre-purchased the Heart of Thorns expansion.
PoF logo small.png This user pre-purchased the Path of Fire expansion.
EoD Texture Trans.png This user pre-purchased the End of Dragons expansion.
Secrets of the Obscure logo.png This user pre-purchased the Secrets of the Obscure expansion.
Janthir Wilds logo.png This user pre-purchased the Janthir Wilds expansion.



Key Farm[edit]

See Also: User:Lukfruit

Map Completion[edit]

Open World PvE Gear and Equipment[edit]

Trails & Markers for GW2 TacO & BlishHUD[edit]

Legendary Friendships[edit]

Additional Info[edit]

External links[edit]


PvE - Open World
PvE - Fractals
PvE - Raids
  • Gods of PvP — Structured PvP Builds (for small scale player vs player)
  • Alliance Guides — WvW Builds (for large scale player vs player)
  • GW2 Mists — WvW Builds (for large scale player vs player)

Build Videos[edit]

