Bad Blood

Bad Blood
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Order Neophyte
- Location
- Windy Cave
(Mistriven Gorge) - Level
- 40
- Order
Durmand Priory
- Preceded by
Dredging up the Past
- Followed by
The Stone Sheath
- 256
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Bad Blood is part of the personal story for characters of all races who decided to join the Durmand Priory and finished Dredging up the Past.
Search for the Sanguinary Blade.
- Meet Sieran at the ruins north of Mistriven Gorge.
- Cross the nigh-bottomless chasm.
- Climb the rough-hewn wall.
- Reach the far end of the trap-filled hallway.
- Defeat the tomb raiders.
- Talk to Sieran, and decide how to proceed.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Honed Iron Greatsword, Rejuvenating Soft Wood Staff
One of the following: Rejuvenating Soft Wood Staff, Vigorous Iron Hammer
One of the following: Vigorous Iron Hammer, Honed Iron Greatsword
One of the following: Hearty Rifle, Honed Iron Rifle
One of the following: Hunter's Soft Wood Longbow, Ravaging Short Bow
One of the following: Ravaging Short Bow, Rejuvenating Hard Wood Short Bow
One of the following: Rejuvenating Soft Wood Staff, Strong Staff
One of the following: Rejuvenating Soft Wood Staff, Honed Iron Greatsword
One of the following: Rejuvenating Soft Wood Staff, Strong Staff
The story requires you to complete a jumping puzzle. Afterward, you confront some tomb raiders and then have two choices about how to continue the story. The initial puzzle involves crossing a bridge while avoiding the wind that can blow you off. Pay close attention to the flags and the torches to see when the wind will knock you down. Get your timing right, and go for it. You can stop behind the wall with two torches in the middle of the bridge before proceeding. A speed boost helps for crossing the second part of the bridge. You can also use Stability to prevent the wind from knocking you over; each profession has at least one utility or elite granting this boon, with the exception of mesmers (who must combine two utilities).
If (When) you fall, do not revive yourself, but die and you may be able to continue from a checkpoint on the far side of the bridge.
Next, you have to climb up and over a wall. Sieran will send up a line of sparkles to show you the correct route. Should you still have trouble, Sieran will conjure a ring of fire on the ground for you: jump into the ring and you will be teleported to her location.
The next section involves a short set of traps. Dodge, jump, and/or protect yourself to get across; the spikes do not do much damage, although they do cause bleeding. If you are downed, Sieran will help you up.
After the spikes, you will encounter a pair of Sons of Svanir; they are easy to defeat. However, on the floor below, you will encounter two more who put up a better fight. You can fight them from the stairs using ranged attacks or confront them toe-to-toe.
At the end of the mission you have to decide either to find the sheath of the sword or to build a containment device.
Meeting with Sieran (cinematic):
- <Character name>: Look at this place! It must be tremendously old. Centuries, even.
- Magister Sieran: Older than that. The dwarven civilization lasted for more than two thousand years, and this might be one of their first structures.
- Magister Sieran: It's so sad that the dwarves all turned to stone and went to fight the dragons. Sad, but brave.
- <Character name>: The dredge brought the sword here to find a way to destroy it. We'd better hurry, before they succeed.
- Magister Sieran: You're absolutely right. First, we have to cross that windy bridge. I can use my magic to fly, but you'll have to foot it.
- Magister Sieran: Those flags and the torches flutter when the wind rises, so watch them carefully. Use the walls for cover.
- Magister Sieran: Keep your footing, go as fast as you can, and don't worry—it'll be cherry!
Before crossing the chasm:
- Magister Sieran: Here we go...
- Magister Sieran: Watch the flags and use the walls for cover. That wind is fierce!
After crossing the chasm:
- Magister Sieran: Whew! I'm glad you're safe. I wouldn't want you to die when we're just getting started.
- Magister Sieran: Why would anyone want to live underground? If you ask me, both dwarves and asura have some serious issues.
At the Ghostly Ice Drake:
- Magister Sieran: I know these symbols from my Priory training. This is the tomb of Dagnar Stonepate, of the Stone Summit dwarves!
- Magister Sieran: Dagnar killed a human prince named Rurik, destroying the peace between the kingdoms of Kryta and Ascalon.
- Magister Sieran: That apparition must be the ghost of Dagnar's drake mount. I don't think it's noticed us.
- Magister Sieran: Ignore it, and find a way to get up to that ledge!
- Magister Sieran: You never learned that trick? Huh. Well, looks like you'll have to climb.
Climbing the wall:
- Magister Sieran: I think I see a path to the top. I'll mark it for you. Follow the trail of sparks!
- Magister Sieran: Hm. I can try and open a portal for you. This might explode...
- Magister Sieran: There! Jump through the flaming ring. What's wrong with that?
After climbing the wall:
- Magister Sieran: You did great! I knew you could do it.
- Magister Sieran: Whoever that norn was, his friends took out these dredge. They took the sword, too.
- Magister Sieran: Nobody passed us on the way in, so they must still be in here—maybe down this hallway. Let's go!
After the trap-filled hallway:
- Magister Sieran: Tomb raiders. As opposed to tomb researchers. We're the good guys. They're the bad guys. Get'em!
Encountering Steag Frostbeard:
- Steag Frostbeard: Intruders! Protect the Dragon's Blood sword!
- Steag Frostbeard: Feel the cut of this sacred blade, brother. May Jormag's strength fill you!
- Steag Frostbeard: Destroy them! I will escape with the blade.
- Havram Girthbinder: I feel incredible strength coursing through my veins! Praise Jormag!
After defeating Havram Girthbinder (cinematic):
- Magister Sieran: Steag Frostbeard? I've heard of him.
- Magister Sieran: He's a Son of Svanir—they're dragon cultists, and... and Steag is a mean one. If he's got the sword, it'll be nothing but trouble.
- <Character name>: Did you see what happened when the blade cut his friend? It turned that norn into a monster.
- Magister Sieran: I saw! That looked like dragon corruption to me. I guess the Sanguinary Blade really is made of dragon's blood. Gixx was right.
- Magister Sieran: That's bad news for us, too. That sword will corrupt anyone that holds on to it for too long.
- Magister Sieran: Before we retrieve it for the Durmand Priory, we'd better find a way to protect ourselves from the corruption.
- <Character name>: What about the sword's original scabbard? The dwarves must have made it strong enough to contain the blade.
- Magister Sieran: True, but how do we find that scabbard? It might be easier to create something our own, using Priory knowledge.
- Magister Sieran: Give it a rumble in your brain, and let me know when you've made a choice.
Talking to Sieran:
- Magister Sieran: A nick from that sword turned Havram into a monster! Clearly, even if we get the sword, we can't just carry it around like a tree branch.
- A sword made from the blood of Jormag, the ice dragon. Seems that it's even more dangerous than we thought!
- We have to contain it somehow. Hm. What can we do? (Same as "What do we do now?" below)
What kind of artifact could do that, Sieran?
- The way I see it, we can either search for a dwarven relic to use, or craft one ourselves. How exciting! I'll let you decide.
- [sic] a sheathe for the sword. If we find that, it should protect us. The dwarves must have made it
- Durmand Priory's vaults that we could use to build a containment device. There may be something in the
- I need to think about this for a bit.
What do we do now?
- Give me a minute. I'll be right back.
My story[edit]
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