Glob of Ectoplasm

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Glob of Ectoplasm.png

Glob of Ectoplasm

Item type
Mat. storage
Advanced Crafting Materials
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 350
Artificer tango icon 20px.png 350
Chef tango icon 20px.png 300
Handiworker tango icon 20px.png 150
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png 350
Jeweler tango icon 20px.png 300
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 350
Scribe tango icon 20px.png 75
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 350
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 350
Various (click to expand)
A Legendary Path: Astral Gifts
Legendary Relics: Components
Legendary Weapon: Bolt
Legendary Weapon: Frenzy
Legendary Weapon: Frostfang
Legendary Weapon: Howler
Legendary Weapon: Incinerator
Legendary Weapon: Kamohoali'i Kotaki
Legendary Weapon: Klobjarne Geirr Gifts
Legendary Weapon: Kraitkin
Legendary Weapon: Kudzu
Legendary Weapon: Meteorlogicus
Legendary Weapon: Quip
Legendary Weapon: Rodgort
Legendary Weapon: Sunrise
Legendary Weapon: The Bifrost
Legendary Weapon: The Dreamer
Legendary Weapon: The Flameseeker Prophecies
Legendary Weapon: The Juggernaut
Legendary Weapon: The Minstrel
Legendary Weapon: The Moot
Legendary Weapon: The Predator
Legendary Weapon: Twilight
Silver coin 56 Copper coin
Game link
Trading post
External links

Salvage Item

— In-game description

Glob of Ectoplasm, abbreviated ecto, is an exotic crafting material used in all high-level crafting excluding cooking. It is also a token used for purchasing ascended accessories from a laurel merchant. They are acquired from salvaging rare or better equipment that is level 68 or above. Unlike most crafting materials, they cannot be farmed or purchased directly. This makes the Glob of Ectoplasm one of the most heavily traded items on the Trading Post.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Candy Corn Vendor (Weekly) Candy Corn Vendor Grand Piazza
Fort Marriner
Trader's Forum
Inner Harbor
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
5 for 1 Gibbering Skull Requires the festival Halloween. Limit 1 per week.
Candy Corn Vendor (Weekly) Candy Corn Vendor Grand Piazza
Fort Marriner
Trader's Forum
Inner Harbor
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
5 for 1 Tyria's Best Nougat Center Requires the festival Halloween. Limit 1 per week.
Candy Corn Vendor (Weekly) Candy Corn Vendor Grand Piazza
Fort Marriner
Trader's Forum
Inner Harbor
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
5 for 1 High-Quality Plastic Fangs Requires the festival Halloween. Limit 1 per week.

Contained in[edit]


Generally, salvaging rare or exotic equipment (armor, trinkets, and weapons) with a required level of 68 or higher yields between 0 and 3 Globs of Ectoplasm. While there have been reports of a Glob of Ectoplasm being produced from items with a level below 68 or a lesser quality than rare, these exceptions are few and far between. See the talk page for further discussion.

Extensive testing suggests that the drop rate is affected by three factors:

  • Level requirement: equipment rated at level 68 or higher have much higher yields than lower-level items.
  • Item rarity: rare and exotic items are much more likely to produce ecto than items of lower quality.
  • Kit quality: A controlled test[1] reports that Master's and Mystic Salvage Kits yield about 0.90 ecto/rare, and Black Lion Salvage Kits are anecdotally reported to give about 1.25 ecto/rare:
Ectos produced per Rare item
with a Master's/Mystic Salvage Kit
Quantity Chance
0 36.9%
1 45.6%
2 8.5%
3 9.0%

Rewarded by[edit]

Map Bonus Reward

It is currently Week 2.


This achievement rewards items. Alpha Crafter Basic Collections 3Achievement points
Unlock all 36 fine and masterwork crafted armor skins in your wardrobe.
Reward: Glob of Ectoplasm.pngGlob of Ectoplasm (5)

Unlocked 1 Fine or Masterwork Crafted Armor Skin 1Achievement points
Unlocked 18 Fine and Masterwork Crafted Armor Skins 1Achievement points
Unlocked 36 Fine and Masterwork Crafted Armor Skins 1Achievement points

Used in[edit]


Glob of Ectoplasm is used in crafting for all professions and is an ingredient in inscriptions and insignias.


Globs of Ectoplasm can be salvaged into Piles of Crystalline Dust and Essences of Luck as follows:

And one of the following:

Salvage research can be found here.

Guild upgrades[edit]

Guild upgrades which require Globs of Ectoplasm can be found here.

Currency for[edit]

Laurel vendors[edit]

Core Tyria vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Ectoplasmic Stone.png Ectoplasmic Stone Miyani Miyani Trader's Forum
Trader's Forum
Lion's Arch
Memory of Old Lion's Arch
25 Glob of Ectoplasm
Ectoplasmic Stone.png Ectoplasmic Stone Mystic Forge Attendant Mystic Forge Attendant -
Bay of Elon
Blue Alpine Garrison
Camp Resolve
Green Alpine Garrison
Noble Ledges
Osprey Pillars
Outer Ring
Plaza of Balthazar
Snowblind Peaks
Stoic Rampart
Stonemist Castle
Armistice Bastion
Crystal Oasis
Blue Alpine Borderlands
The Silverwastes
Green Alpine Borderlands
Mistlock Sanctuary
Verdant Brink
Ember Bay
The Wizard's Tower
Divinity's Reach
Gendarran Fields
Red Desert Borderlands
Eternal Battlegrounds
Thousand Seas Pavilion
25 Glob of Ectoplasm
Ectoplasmic Stone.png Ectoplasmic Stone Mystic Forge Keeper Mystic Forge Keeper Champion's Rest Heart of the Mists 25 Glob of Ectoplasm
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover BUY-4373 BUY-4373 Mistlock Observatory
Fractals of the Mists
Mistlock Sanctuary
Glob of Ectoplasm + 2 Mystic Coin + 2 Spirit Shard + 150 Fractal Relic Limit 10 per week.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover Dugan Dugan -
Armistice Bastion
Blue Alpine Borderlands
Eternal Battlegrounds
Green Alpine Borderlands
Red Desert Borderlands
Glob of Ectoplasm + 2 Mystic Coin + 10 Badge of Honor + 20 WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket Limit 5 per week.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover Miyani Miyani Trader's Forum
Trader's Forum
Lion's Arch
Memory of Old Lion's Arch
Mystic Coin + 3 Obsidian Shard + 3 Spirit Shard + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm Limit 10 per week.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover Mystic Forge Attendant Mystic Forge Attendant -
Bay of Elon
Blue Alpine Garrison
Camp Resolve
Green Alpine Garrison
Noble Ledges
Osprey Pillars
Outer Ring
Plaza of Balthazar
Snowblind Peaks
Stoic Rampart
Stonemist Castle
Armistice Bastion
Crystal Oasis
Blue Alpine Borderlands
The Silverwastes
Green Alpine Borderlands
Mistlock Sanctuary
Verdant Brink
Ember Bay
The Wizard's Tower
Divinity's Reach
Gendarran Fields
Red Desert Borderlands
Eternal Battlegrounds
Thousand Seas Pavilion
Mystic Coin + 3 Obsidian Shard + 3 Spirit Shard + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm Limit 10 per week.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover Mystic Forge Keeper Mystic Forge Keeper Champion's Rest Heart of the Mists Mystic Coin + 3 Obsidian Shard + 3 Spirit Shard + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm Limit 10 per week.
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token Skritt Trader (Lion's Arch) Skritt Trader Commodore's Quarter Lion's Arch Glob of Ectoplasm Limit 1 per day.
Zephyr Sanctum Supply Box.png Zephyrite Supply Box (7) Trader Trader Bazaar Docks Labyrinthine Cliffs Glob of Ectoplasm Requires the festival Festival of the Four Winds.

PvP vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Armguards.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Armguards 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Armguards.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Breastplate.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Brigandine.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Cap.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Cap 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Cap.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Crown.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Crown 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Crown.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Epaulets.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Epaulets 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Epaulets.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Footgear.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Footgear 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Footgear.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Gauntlets.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Gauntlets 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Gauntlets.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Leggings.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Leggings 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 30 Glob of Ectoplasm + 150 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Leggings.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legguards.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legguards 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 30 Glob of Ectoplasm + 150 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Legguards.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legplates.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Legplates 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 30 Glob of Ectoplasm + 150 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Legplates.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Pauldrons.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Pauldrons 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Pauldrons.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Plate Helm.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Plate Helm 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Plate Helm.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Tailor's Mark + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Raiment.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shinplates.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shinplates 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Shinplates.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Shoulderguards.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wargreaves.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wargreaves 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Armorsmith's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Wargreaves.
Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wristplates.png Mistforged Glorious Hero's Wristplates 80 Ascended Armor League Vendor Ascended Armor League Vendor Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists Grandmaster Leatherworker's Mark + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Ascended Shard of Glory + 250 Shard of Glory Requires the skin Ardent Glorious Wristplates.

Ectoplasm vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm Apprentice Mekteki Apprentice Mekteki White Crane Terrace Lion's Arch 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Clump of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Tarrktun Skrittsburgh Tunnels Brisban Wildlands 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm Apprentice Mekteki Apprentice Mekteki White Crane Terrace Lion's Arch Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Dab of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Tarrktun Skrittsburgh Tunnels Brisban Wildlands Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm Apprentice Mekteki Apprentice Mekteki White Crane Terrace Lion's Arch 250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal 250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm.png Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm Tarrktun Tarrktun Skrittsburgh Tunnels Brisban Wildlands 250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Flush Hand.png Sandstorm Flush Hand Cashier Talum Free City of Amnoon Crystal Oasis 250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Flush Hand.png Sandstorm Flush Hand Collector's Edition Sandstorm Collector's Edition Sandstorm 250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Flush Hand.png Sandstorm Flush Hand Dealer (merchant) Dealer Bay of Elon
Free City of Amnoon
Crystal Oasis
Crystal Oasis
250 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Meld Hand.png Sandstorm Meld Hand Cashier Talum Free City of Amnoon Crystal Oasis 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Meld Hand.png Sandstorm Meld Hand Collector's Edition Sandstorm Collector's Edition Sandstorm 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Meld Hand.png Sandstorm Meld Hand Dealer (merchant) Dealer Bay of Elon
Free City of Amnoon
Crystal Oasis
Crystal Oasis
50 Glob of Ectoplasm + Gold coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Trump Hand.png Sandstorm Trump Hand Cashier Talum Free City of Amnoon Crystal Oasis Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Trump Hand.png Sandstorm Trump Hand Collector's Edition Sandstorm Collector's Edition Sandstorm Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Sandstorm Trump Hand.png Sandstorm Trump Hand Dealer (merchant) Dealer Bay of Elon
Free City of Amnoon
Crystal Oasis
Crystal Oasis
Glob of Ectoplasm + 40 Silver coin Limit 20 per day.
Mechanical Golem Eye.png Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal Tarrktun Tarrktun Skrittsburgh Tunnels Brisban Wildlands 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 88 Gold coin 88 Silver coin 88 Copper coin Requires the achievement Legendary Tarrktun Supporter.

Path of Fire vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Amusement Adjunct Cagri Amusement Adjunct Cagri Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Awakened Servant Tooraj Awakened Servant Tooraj Vehjin Mines Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Director Abioye Bayu Director Abioye Bayu Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Distinguished Professor Nazimi Distinguished Professor Nazimi Vehtendi Academy Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Embalmer Boran Embalmer Boran The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Fallen Awakened Soldier Fallen Awakened Soldier The Foundry Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Primeval Steward Primeval Steward Tomb of the Primeval Kings Desert Highlands Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 3 Elegy Mosaic
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Primeval Steward Primeval Steward Tomb of the Primeval Kings Desert Highlands Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 100 Trade Contracts
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Prince Bakkal Prince Bakkal Vehjin Palace Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.
Funerary Incense.png Funerary Incense Supreme Training Specialist Tozan Supreme Training Specialist Tozan The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Amalgamated Gemstone + 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Obsidian Shard + 5 Trade Contract Limit 1 per day.

Living World Season 4 vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Alaleh Alaleh Chalon Docks Domain of Istan Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Ethall Ethall Atholma Sandswept Isles Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Kynon Kynon The Forge Thunderhead Peaks Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Nalar Nalar Allied Encampment Domain of Kourna Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm
Charged Mirror.png Memory Essence Encapsulator Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm

Long Live the Lich[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost
Lacquered Banner Pole.png Lacquered Banner Pole Lady Camilla Lady Camilla Allied Encampment Domain of Kourna Vial of Awakened Blood + 10 Ancient Wood Log + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Inscribed Shard

A Star to Guide Us[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost
Additional Spectrum Filter.png Additional Spectrum Filter Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 2) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 10 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Additional Spectrum Filter.png Additional Spectrum Filter Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 3) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Additional Spectrum Filter.png Additional Spectrum Filter Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 6) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Additional Spectrum Filter.png Additional Spectrum Filter Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 4) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Additional Spectrum Filter.png Additional Spectrum Filter Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 5) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Anti-Singe Containment Field.png Anti-Singe Containment Field Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 6) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Superior Sigil of Nullification + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Anti-Singe Containment Field.png Anti-Singe Containment Field Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 3) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 10 Superior Sigil of Nullification + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Anti-Singe Containment Field.png Anti-Singe Containment Field Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 4) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Superior Sigil of Nullification + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Anti-Singe Containment Field.png Anti-Singe Containment Field Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 5) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Superior Sigil of Nullification + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Automatic Fire Extinguisher.png Automatic Fire Extinguisher Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 5) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Swim-Speed Infusion +10 + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Auxiliary Condenser Lens.png Auxiliary Condenser Lens Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 6) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Amalgamated Gemstone + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Auxiliary Condenser Lens.png Auxiliary Condenser Lens Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 4) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 10 Amalgamated Gemstone + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Auxiliary Condenser Lens.png Auxiliary Condenser Lens Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 5) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Amalgamated Gemstone + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 2) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Watchwork Sprocket + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 6) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Watchwork Sprocket + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 5) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Watchwork Sprocket + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 4) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Watchwork Sprocket + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 3) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 5 Watchwork Sprocket + 10 Lump of Mistonium + 100 Volatile Magic
Demystifying Device.png Demystifying Device Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 1) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Glob of Ectoplasm + 20 Watchwork Sprocket + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Thermal Emplacement.png Thermal Emplacement Ely Scorchfire Ely Scorchfire (Requiem: Experiment 6) Special Collections Hidden Arcana (zone) Heart of the Destroyer + 5 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium + 300 Volatile Magic
Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Requiem Boots.png Requiem Boots Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Bracers.png Requiem Bracers Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Breeches.png Requiem Breeches Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Chestguard.png Requiem Chestguard Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Coronet.png Requiem Coronet Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Epaulets.png Requiem Epaulets Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Gambeson.png Requiem Gambeson Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Gauntlets.png Requiem Gauntlets Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Gloves.png Requiem Gloves Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Greaves.png Requiem Greaves Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Helm.png Requiem Helm Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Leggings.png Requiem Leggings Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Pauldrons.png Requiem Pauldrons Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Plate.png Requiem Plate Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Shoulders.png Requiem Shoulders Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Tassets.png Requiem Tassets Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Visage.png Requiem Visage Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.
Requiem Walkers.png Requiem Walkers Skin Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Lump of Mistonium Requires the achievement The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem. Limit 1 per account.

War Eternal[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Blossoming Mist Shard Boots.png Blossoming Mist Shard Boots Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Boots.
Blossoming Mist Shard Bracers.png Blossoming Mist Shard Bracers Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Bracers.
Blossoming Mist Shard Breeches.png Blossoming Mist Shard Breeches Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Breeches.
Blossoming Mist Shard Chestguard.png Blossoming Mist Shard Chestguard Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall 10 Spirit Shard + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Chestguard.
Blossoming Mist Shard Coronet.png Blossoming Mist Shard Coronet Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Coronet.
Blossoming Mist Shard Epaulets.png Blossoming Mist Shard Epaulets Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Epaulets.
Blossoming Mist Shard Gambeson.png Blossoming Mist Shard Gambeson Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall 10 Spirit Shard + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Gambeson.
Blossoming Mist Shard Gauntlets.png Blossoming Mist Shard Gauntlets Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Gauntlets.
Blossoming Mist Shard Gloves.png Blossoming Mist Shard Gloves Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Gloves.
Blossoming Mist Shard Greaves.png Blossoming Mist Shard Greaves Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Greaves.
Blossoming Mist Shard Helm.png Blossoming Mist Shard Helm Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Helm.
Blossoming Mist Shard Leggings.png Blossoming Mist Shard Leggings Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Leggings.
Blossoming Mist Shard Pauldrons.png Blossoming Mist Shard Pauldrons Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Pauldrons.
Blossoming Mist Shard Plate.png Blossoming Mist Shard Plate Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall 10 Spirit Shard + 20 Glob of Ectoplasm + 100 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Plate.
Blossoming Mist Shard Shoulders.png Blossoming Mist Shard Shoulders Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Shoulders.
Blossoming Mist Shard Tassets.png Blossoming Mist Shard Tassets Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 15 Glob of Ectoplasm + 75 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Tassets.
Blossoming Mist Shard Visage.png Blossoming Mist Shard Visage Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Visage.
Blossoming Mist Shard Walkers.png Blossoming Mist Shard Walkers Skin Traveling Elonian Trader Traveling Elonian Trader Pact Command Dragonfall Spirit Shard + 10 Glob of Ectoplasm + 50 Mistborn Mote Requires the skin Mist Shard Walkers.

End of Dragons vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Clockwork Infusion.png Clockwork Infusion (Power) 80 Zazzl Zazzl - Arborstone 100 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1,280 Blue Prophet Shard Requires completing Strike Mission: Old Lion's Court and the achievement Legendary Old Lion's Court.
Imperial Everbloom.png Imperial Everbloom (Power) 80 Zazzl Zazzl - Arborstone 100 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1,280 Blue Prophet Shard Requires all 4 End of Dragons Strike Missions done with challenge mode enabled.
Jade Miner's Keycard.png Jade Miner's Keycard Keycard Exchange Service Keycard Exchange Service Excavation Yard
Howling Caves
Jade Pools
The Hollow
Gyala Delve
Gyala Delve
Gyala Delve
Gyala Delve
Glob of Ectoplasm Limit 10 per day.
Mystic Clover.png Mystic Clover (item currently unavailable) Zazzl Zazzl - Arborstone Glob of Ectoplasm + 2 Mystic Coin + 2 Spirit Shard + 30 Green Prophet Shard Limit 5 per week.

What Lies Within vendors[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Boots Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 2 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins unlocked to purchase.
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Chestpiece Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 40 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 12 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins and completion of Special Ops Advanced Course 1 and 2 to purchase.
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Gloves Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 10 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 4 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins unlocked to purchase.
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Helmet Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 15 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 8 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins unlocked and completion of Special Ops Basic Course 1, 2, and 3 to purchase.
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Pants Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 30 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 10 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins unlocked and completion of Special Ops Basic Course 1, 2, and 3 to purchase.
Recipe sheet exotic decoration.png Power Source: Pauldrons Captain Wing Jun Captain Wing Jun Excavation Yard Gyala Delve Xunlai Electrum Ingot + 20 Piece of Dragon Jade + 250 Glob of Ectoplasm Requires 6 or more Luxon Hunter weapon skins unlocked to purchase.


Salvage rare and exotic gear that's level 68 or higher for Globs of Ectoplasm. The globs can be used to purchase ascended accessories and to create high-level crafting goods.

— Level 68 rewards.

Level 65 leveling equipment drop globs of ectoplasm on salvage, presumably due to them having level 68 stats.
Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Glob of Ectoplasm.


  1. ^ Malgalad, Glob Salvage Tests

See also[edit]