Green Alpine Garrison

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Green Alpine Garrison

4Waypoint (map icon).png 1Point of interest (map icon).png 2Vista (map icon).png

Green Alpine Garrison map.jpg
Map of Green Alpine Garrison

Blue World BorderBluebriarBluevale RefugeCohen's OverlookCragtopDreadfall BayFaithleapFoghavenGertzz's EstateGreen Alpine GarrisonGreen World CitadelHero's LodgeNorfolk's HollowPatrick's AscentRed World BorderRedlakeRedwater LowlandsShadaran HillsSunnyhillTemple of the FallenThe TitanpawGreen Alpine Garrison locator.svg

Green Alpine Garrison.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Green Alpine Garrison holds the Green Alpine Bastion, a massive keep that is fairly easy to defend. The term "Green Alpine" is replaced by the name of the World that has the color green in the current match up. It has the same layout as the Blue Alpine Garrison and Red Alpine Garrison.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Waypoint (map icon).png Green World Garrison Waypoint — (has to be built)
Waypoint (map icon).png Green World Garrison Emergency Waypoint — (at tactivators)
Waypoint (map icon).png Green World Garrison Emergency Waypoint — (northeast)
Waypoint (map icon).png Green World Garrison Emergency Waypoint — (at southwest bridge)
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Green Alpine Bastion
Vista (map icon).png Green Garrison Vista — (north)
East of the mystic forge, climb up the ramp and then the wooden beam at the top. Jump north across to the rotunda and climb the remaining ramps over to the vista.
Vista (map icon).png Green Bastion Vista — (south)
Head south through the garrison, emerge through the portal to the left of the gate. The vista is now directly in front and slightly below you, on the edge of a rock jutting out over the lake.





Ambient creature

Objective upgrades[edit]

Automatic upgrades[edit]

Tier Upgrade Description
(20 dolyaks)
Burning Oil Mastery.png Build Pots of Oil Fortifies the objective with pots of burning oil.
Build Cannons.png Build Cannons Fortifies the objective with cannons.
Hire More Guards.png Additional Guards Recruits additional guards to protect the objective.
Supply Capacity.png Storage Expansion Increases the objective's maximum supply hold size by 200.
(40 dolyaks)
Reinforce Walls.png Reinforced Walls Increases the health and defense values of the objective's walls and gates to reinforced levels.
Mortar Mastery.png Build Mortars Fortifies the objective with mortars.
Hire Siegemaster.png Recruit Services Recruits a siege-weapon vendor, a banker, and an armor repairer to the objective.
Hire Patrol.png Recruit Patrols Recruit guards to patrol the objective.
(80 dolyaks)
Fortify Tower.png Fortified Walls Increases the health and defense values of the objective's walls and gates to fortified levels.
Build Waypoint.png Build Waypoint Fortifies the objective with a waypoint.
Raise Guard Level.png Guard Training Increases the level of all guards at the objective.
Supply Capacity.png Storage Expansion Increases the objective's maximum supply hold size by 250.


Tier Tactic Availability Description
WvW Objective Guild Tier 1.png
(Hold for 10min)
Supply Drop.pngMinor Supply Drop All objectives Activate this Tactic to have 200 supply deposited at the objective.
Healing Mist (WvW).png Healing Mist All objectives Activate this tactic to temporarily summon machines that will heal allies at the objective.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 2.png
(Hold for 30min)
Centaur Banner.png Centaur Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Centaur Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful offensive skills, as well as a break bar.
Turtle Banner.png Turtle Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Turtle Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful defensive skills, as well as a break bar.
Dragon Banner.png Dragon Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Dragon Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful offensive skills, as well as a break bar.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 3.png
(Hold for 60min)
Emergency Waypoint.pngEmergency Waypoint Towers, Keeps, Castle Activate this tactic to temporarily create a uncontestable waypoint at the objective.
Siege Dampener.pngSiege Dampener Towers, Keeps, Castle Activate this tactic to temporarily make all walls and gates take reduced siege damage.


Tier Tactic Availability Description
WvW Objective Guild Tier 1.png
(Hold for 10min)
Sabotage Depot.pngSabotage Depot All objectives Deploy bombs at the supply depot that will explode if the objective is captured by an enemy team. The explosion will destroy all remaining supply at the objective.
Hardened Gates.pngHardened Gates Towers, Keeps, Castle Greatly reduces nonsiege weapon damage to gates. Hardened Gates
WvW Objective Guild Tier 2.png
(Hold for 30min)
Iron Guards.pngIron Guards All objectives Guards gain Iron Hide, reducing incoming damage by 50%.
Hardened Siege.pngHardened Siege Towers, Keeps, Castle Greatly reduces non-siege weapon damage to cannons, mortars, and oil pots.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 3.png
(Hold for 60min)
Auto Turrets.pngAuto Turrets Towers, Keeps, Castle Automatic turrets deployed above the objective's gates.
Presence of the Keep.pngPresence of the Keep Keeps Allied players gain double the effectiveness of the keep's objective aura while within the perimeter of the keep.


Walls and Gates

There are five outer gates (red), three inner gates (blue), as well as an outer wall (green) and an inner wall (yellow).


Crafting resources[edit]

Resource nodes
Plant resource (map icon).png Berry Synthesizer
Plant resource (map icon).png Herb Synthesizer
Plant resource (map icon).png Vegetable Synthesizer
Wood resource (map icon).png Lumber Synthesizer