Piece of Candy Corn

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Piece of Candy Corn.png

Piece of Candy Corn

Item type
Crafting material
Material type
Festive material
Mat. storage
Festive Materials
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 75
Artificer tango icon 20px.png 75
Chef tango icon 20px.png 0
Handiworker tango icon 20px.png 75
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png 75
Jeweler tango icon 20px.png 125
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 75
Scribe tango icon 20px.png 250
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 75
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 75
Game link
Trading post
External links

Double-click to consume.
Sugar Rush.png Sugar Rush (10s): Movement speed increased by 10%. Stacks duration. Causes sugar crash.
A sugary, delicious, versatile treat.

— In-game description


Gathered from[edit]

Contained in[edit]

Dropped by[edit]

Used in[edit]

Mystic Forge

Item Rarity Ingredients
Mini Chainsaw the Skeleton.png Mini Chainsaw the Skeleton Rare
Recipe sheet major rune.png Recipe: Major Rune of the Mad King Rare
Recipe sheet major rune.png Recipe: Major Rune of the Mad King Rare
Recipe sheet major rune.png Recipe: Major Rune of the Mad King Rare
Recipe sheet major sigil.png Recipe: Major Sigil of the Night Rare
Recipe sheet superior rune.png Recipe: Superior Rune of the Mad King Exotic
Recipe sheet superior sigil.png Recipe: Superior Sigil of the Night Exotic

Multiple disciplines

Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients
Minor Rune of the Mad King.png Minor Rune of the Mad King Masterwork ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 75
Major Rune of the Mad King.png Major Rune of the Mad King
(Learned from: Recipe: Major Rune of the Mad King)
Rare ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 275
Superior Rune of the Mad King.png Superior Rune of the Mad King
(Learned from: Recipe: Superior Rune of the Mad King)
Exotic ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 400
Superior Sigil of the Night.png Superior Sigil of the Night
(Learned from: Recipe: Superior Sigil of the Night)
Exotic ArtificerArtificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsmanHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmithWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 400

Artificer tango icon 20px.png Artificer

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Sigil of the Night.png Minor Sigil of the Night Masterwork 75
Major Sigil of the Night.png Major Sigil of the Night
(Learned from: Recipe: Major Sigil of the Night)
Rare 275
Bottle of Batwing Brew.png Bottle of Batwing Brew
(Learned from: Recipe: Batwing Brew)
Rare 400
Lump of Crystallized Nougat.png Lump of Crystallized Nougat (x5)
(Learned from: Recipe: Crystallized Nougat)
Masterwork 400
Vial of Maize Balm.png Vial of Maize Balm
(Learned from: Recipe: Maize Balm)
Masterwork 400
Twisted Watchwork Portal Device.png Twisted Watchwork Portal Device
(Learned from: Recipe: Twisted Watchwork Portal Device)
Exotic 400

Chef tango icon 20px.png Chef

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze.png Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze Basic 0
Bowl of Candy Corn Custard.png Bowl of Candy Corn Custard
(Learned from: Recipe: Candy Corn Custard)
Fine 50
Bowl of Candy Corn Ice Cream.png Bowl of Candy Corn Ice Cream Fine 50
Candy Corn Cake.png Candy Corn Cake Fine 75
Candy Corn Cookie.png Candy Corn Cookie (x5) Fine 175
Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle.png Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle (x5)
(Learned from: Recipe: Candy Corn Almond Brittle)
Fine 200
Loaf of Candy Cactus Cornbread.png Loaf of Candy Cactus Cornbread
(Learned from: Recipe: Candy Cactus Cornbread)
Fine 400

Handiworker tango icon 20px.png Handiworker

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Jack-o'-Lantern.png Jack-o'-Lantern
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 75
Bat Lanterns.png Bat Lanterns
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 6)
Basic 150
Decorated Casket.png Decorated Casket
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4)
Basic 150
Ephemeral Spider's Web Floor.png Ephemeral Spider's Web Floor
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8)
Basic 150
Ephemeral Spider's Web Wall.png Ephemeral Spider's Web Wall
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8)
Basic 150
Ghostly Dining Table.png Ghostly Dining Table
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3)
Basic 150
Pumpkin Lanterns.png Pumpkin Lanterns
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 6)
Basic 150
Scarecrow.png Scarecrow
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 150
Shattered Stairway.png Shattered Stairway
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7)
Basic 150
Spider's Web Floor.png Spider's Web Floor
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8)
Basic 150
Spider's Web Wall.png Spider's Web Wall
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8)
Basic 150
Thorny Jack-o'-Lantern.png Thorny Jack-o'-Lantern
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 150
Antique Bell.png Antique Bell
(Learned from: Recipe: Antique Bell)
Basic 225
Creepy Jack-o'-Lantern.png Creepy Jack-o'-Lantern
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 225
Ghostly Dining Chair.png Ghostly Dining Chair
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3)
Basic 225
Haunted Armchair.png Haunted Armchair
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3)
Basic 225
Haunted Love Seat.png Haunted Love Seat
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3)
Basic 225
Seance Candle.png Seance Candle
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 225
Skewed Stairway (Left).png Skewed Stairway (Left)
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7)
Basic 225
Skewed Stairway (Right).png Skewed Stairway (Right)
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7)
Basic 225
Spooky Cauldron.png Spooky Cauldron
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1)
Basic 225

Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Huntsman

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Sigil of the Night.png Minor Sigil of the Night Masterwork 75
Major Sigil of the Night.png Major Sigil of the Night
(Learned from: Recipe: Major Sigil of the Night)
Rare 275
Flask of Pumpkin Oil.png Flask of Pumpkin Oil (x5)
(Learned from: Recipe: Pumpkin Oil)
Masterwork 400

Jeweler tango icon 20px.png Jeweler

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Candy Corn Silver Pendant.png Candy Corn Silver Pendant Masterwork 125
Candy Corn Gold Amulet (Rare).png Candy Corn Gold Amulet Rare 200
Candy Corn Orichalcum Amulet.png Candy Corn Orichalcum Amulet Exotic 400

Scribe tango icon 20px.png Scribe

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Ominous Fortress Wall Corrupted.png Ominous Fortress Wall: Corrupted Basic 250
Antique Bell.png Antique Bell Basic 400

Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Weaponsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Minor Sigil of the Night.png Minor Sigil of the Night Masterwork 75
Major Sigil of the Night.png Major Sigil of the Night
(Learned from: Recipe: Major Sigil of the Night)
Rare 275
Sharpening Skull.png Sharpening Skull (x5)
(Learned from: Recipe: Sharpening Skull)
Masterwork 400

Currency for[edit]

Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Candy Corn Cob.png Candy Corn Cob Candy Corn Vendor Candy Corn Vendor Fort Marriner
Grand Piazza
Inner Harbor
Snowlord's Gate
Soren Draa
Trader's Forum
Village of Astorea
Village of Shaemoor
Village of Smokestead
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Lion's Arch
Wayfarer Foothills
Metrica Province
Lion's Arch
Caledon Forest
Plains of Ashford
1,000 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Candy Corn Cob.png Candy Corn Cob Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 1,000 Piece of Candy Corn
Candy Corn Gobbler Pack.png Candy Corn Gobbler's Blessing Candy Corn Gobbler Candy Corn Gobbler Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 2 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 2 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 5 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 5 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 6 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 6 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 9 Deft Lahar Deft Lahar Grand Piazza Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn Requires the festival Halloween.
Caudecus's Journal.png Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 9 Halloween Vendor Halloween Vendor Hooligan's Route Lion's Arch 50 Piece of Candy Corn
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Fion Fion -
Gilded Hollow
Isle of Reflection
Lost Precipice
Windswept Haven
100 Piece of Candy Corn
Candy Corn Cob.png Candy Corn Cob Merchant (Halloween NPC) Merchant (vendor currently unavailable) Trader's Forum Lion's Arch 1,000 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Assassin" Trader's Forum
Village of Smokestead
Lion's Arch
Plains of Ashford
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Aviator" Grand Piazza
Soren Draa
Lion's Arch
Metrica Province
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Cannibal" Grand Piazza
Soren Draa
Lion's Arch
Metrica Province
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Ghost" Trader's Forum
Village of Astorea
Lion's Arch
Caledon Forest
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Jester" Trader's Forum
Village of Shaemoor
Lion's Arch
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Knight" Trader's Forum
Village of Smokestead
Lion's Arch
Plains of Ashford
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Nerd" Snowlord's Gate
Trader's Forum
Wayfarer Foothills
Lion's Arch
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Pirate" Trader's Forum
Village of Astorea
Lion's Arch
Caledon Forest
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Reindeer Shaman" Snowlord's Gate
Trader's Forum
Wayfarer Foothills
Lion's Arch
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (3) (item currently unavailable) "Ringmaster" Trader's Forum
Village of Shaemoor
Lion's Arch
25 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Assassin" Trader's Forum
Village of Smokestead
Lion's Arch
Plains of Ashford
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Aviator" Grand Piazza
Soren Draa
Lion's Arch
Metrica Province
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Cannibal" Grand Piazza
Soren Draa
Lion's Arch
Metrica Province
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Ghost" Trader's Forum
Village of Astorea
Lion's Arch
Caledon Forest
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Jester" Trader's Forum
Village of Shaemoor
Lion's Arch
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Knight" Trader's Forum
Village of Smokestead
Lion's Arch
Plains of Ashford
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Nerd" Snowlord's Gate
Trader's Forum
Wayfarer Foothills
Lion's Arch
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Pirate" Trader's Forum
Village of Astorea
Lion's Arch
Caledon Forest
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Reindeer Shaman" Snowlord's Gate
Trader's Forum
Wayfarer Foothills
Lion's Arch
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag.png Child's Trick-or-Treat Bag (8) (item currently unavailable) "Ringmaster" Trader's Forum
Village of Shaemoor
Lion's Arch
50 Piece of Candy Corn
Zephyr Sanctum Supply Box.png Zephyr Sanctum Supply Box Trader/historical Trader (vendor currently unavailable) Bazaar Docks Labyrinthine Cliffs 21 Piece of Candy Corn

Related achievements[edit]


  • Candy Corn Gobbler Pack.pngCandy Corn Gobbler will give a random transform or boost for every 3 Piece of Candy Corn consumed.
  • If you eat too many in quick succession, (a random amount each time, ranging from roughly 5 to 20), your character will throw up, losing the bonus, but not gaining the sugar crash. The graphic for throwing up for eating too much candy corn while on the ground is not present while underwater. Doing this in certain locations is part of the requirements for the Quip I: The Experimental Pistol collection. This effect does not occur if the candy corn is eaten using the Consume All button.