- Section one - start to courtyard
- At the top of the stairs, look northeast along the wall. Don't try to jump the gap: instead jump to the ledge on the wall, just below you, and then across.
- Follow the ledge on the wall northeast, past a Veteran Ascalonian Cultist and the first letter.
- Continue past the cultist, jumping onto a rock and then across two broken-off pillars on the wall. Continue around the corner and along the ledge to the end, passing above
Breached Wall Waypoint — as you go.
- Go on until you run out of ledge to the east. Climb up and turn back, travelling west for a bit.
- Section two - courtyard to windows
- There is a large walled courtyard to the south as you proceed, with a Veteran Ascalonian Enchanter in it. You can ignore this as it isn't required for the puzzle.
- Climb up the western corner of the wall as shown - Breached Wall Waypoint is still below you, just to the northeast.
- Jump up onto a small plateau with grass on it. This plateau has the second letter, and overlooks the Veteran Ascalonian Enchanter's courtyard to the southeast.
- The next jump is a longer one, so kill the nearby ghosts to get out of combat.
- Jump east, onto the broken pillar stretching out towards you. This can be a difficult jump: apply boons like
Swiftness or Superspeed if needed.
- If you fall, you're just at the entrance to the Veteran Ascalonian Enchanter's courtyard, and you only have to repeat a few jumps to get back to where you were.
- Kill the nearby ghosts again in order to get out of combat.
- Continue east, jumping along the 3 pillars you see there: do not jump down as you'll have to repeat the above steps.
- Stop at the corner with a single free-standing pillar. Kill the nearby ghost if needed.
- Section three - windows to final stairs
- Look south and come to the edge of the platform you're on.
- Jump down onto the top of the broken-off wall by the two windows. There's a broken pillar leaning against it: you're aiming for the top, above where the pillar is touching.
- If you miss the top, you can run up the pillar and jump onto the wall from there.
- Jump onto the arch of the first window to the east, then again onto the second window arch.
- If you slip between them, try to land on the broken floor just below the windows. From there you can run west a bit to the broken pillar, and run back up it to try again without losing much progress.
- From this point, jump east onto the wall slabs in front of the stairs.
- At the base of these stairs, just to the north, is the third letter.
- Climb the stairs, keeping to the north side of the wall. Drop a short way onto the broken arch the stairs have taken you onto.
- Head to the easternmost point of the broken arch and jump across, to the final, isolated section of wall.
- Section four - final stairs to end
- Continue east past the stairs, then head south through the gap behind them.
- Jump west up the rubble on the south side of the stairs, to their base.
- Run up the stairs, jumping over the gap near the top. Once at the top, you will receive credit for the achievement.
- Defeat the Veteran Ascalonian Captain guarding the Remains of the Northern Wall Hero Challenge, and optionally commune with it.
- At the top, you will also find the final letter, and the corpse of the charr Priory Explorer who wrote it.
- Exit
To safely leave the puzzle, carefully drop down a section at a time. Some good options are the ledges on the north face of the wall, or the ivy-covered floor just below the top floor.
Heading up the stairs and towards the courtyard.
Continuing on, zig-zag up past the courtyard and onto the broken pillar.
Continuing on, jump down onto the windows and across to the next set of stairs.
Jumping across the broken arch to the final wall section.]]
Going behind the stairs to climb up the far side of them.
The top of the puzzle, with Hero Challenge.
- You will be confronted throughout the puzzle with Ascalonian ghosts.
- It is recommended to go slow but steady because the ghosts respawn quite quickly.
- You may ignore most of the enemies, except where noted above. If you do not kill them, the loss of movement speed from being in combat may cause you to miss jumps.
- Take your time when no ghosts are around, especially on small ledges, as falling down will kill you in several cases.
- If you have a Griffon or Skyscale it is possible to glide to the final point from a nearby height.
There is a shortcut for this puzzle, requiring a Springer with the High Vault mastery.
- Head east from
Breached Wall Waypoint — until you are just north of the Remains of the Northern Wall.
- West of the Hero Challenge, you will see stairs leading up to the final platform, from a slightly lower section of the wall. You're aiming for this lower section of wall.
- Standing a short distance north of the wall there, mount up on your Springer and jump as high as you can. You will be dismounted due to
Mounts Disabled, but you should land on the wall.
- If you stand too close to the wall, you will be dismounted before you reach the peak of your jump. If you're being dismounted too early, back up a bit further to the north.
- Head west through the gap behind the stairs, and continue on with "Section four - final stairs to end" of the intended path, for the last few jumps to the end.