Armistice Bastion
Start of the jumping puzzle
Getting there[edit]
Gladiator Pits Waypoint — , head west of the waypoint through the archway and then to the south per the map in the infobox to the right. The puzzle starts at the pile of timbers east of the small campfire.
Search YouTube for videos related to Armistice Bastion (jumping puzzle).
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to the solution to the Armistice Bastion jumping puzzle.
- Starting at the woodpile, hop up the north face of the scaffold.
- Keep following the ramped beams up. There is a tricky jump here which requires enough height and forward movement to both reach the next beam and not fall off. Jump and glide at the end of this scaffold to reach the balcony opposite.
- Clamber up the next set of scaffolding to the south.
- Continue up the stairs.
- At the top of the stairs, head south to the tent. There is a wall beyond it with some sticking out bricks.
- Clamber up the bricks until you round the corner.
- Continue jumping between bricks until you reach the edge of the archway. Glide to a ledge on the other side of this archway, over the gap. From there head a little further untill you come across two bricks sticking from the wall with which you can jump up onto the ledge that is at the same height as the ledge from before gliding over the gap. From this ledge jump onto the suspended platform with the crates, then jump from the crates to the top of the archway. Once above the archway, use the pillar to hop up to the right.
- Lo another scaffold! When the path runs out, glide back around to the right and continue your ascent.
- Hop up the remaining steps to reach the top of the dome.