Reach the finish line! (Lunar New Year)

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Reach the finish line!

Interactive map

Interactive map path

Reach the finish line! is a mount race event that occurs in the The Crown Pavilion.


  • Total racers finished: x
  • The race will end in: 7:00



This is a very long and winding race that can be completed on mount or on foot. Unlike previously released races, there are no enemies or traps on this course.


While the race event lasts for 7 minutes, completing it within 3.5 minutes (while the Time Evaluation- Silver.png Time Trial buff is still active) awards the Lunar New Year Dailies.png Celestial Racer and New Year's Customs.png (Annual) Celestial Racer achievements, and the Ace Racer.png Ace Racer magic find buff.

Raptor (map icon).png Raptor with the Canyon Jumping.png Canyon Jumping mastery or Warclaw (map icon).png Warclaw utilising Dash (Warclaw).png Dash and Battle Maul.png Battle Maul are solid choices for this course. The Bond of Vigor (mastery).png Bond of Vigor mastery will also allow for a burst of endurance regeneration.

On Foot[edit]

While the race event lasts for 7 minutes, completing it within 5.5 minutes (while the Time Trial.png Time Trial—Sprinting buff is still active) awards the New Year's Customs.png (Annual) New Year's Resolution achievement and the Ace Racer.png Ace Racer magic find buff.

Permanent swiftness (33% movement speed bonus) is enough to finish the race within 5.5 minutes on foot. Possible sources:

  • Swiftness.png Swiftness — Granted from profession skills or nearby players.
  • Superspeed.png Superspeed — Granted from profession skills. Has the same effect as swiftness when out of combat.
  • Swiftness.png Blessing of Melandru — Speak with the Speed Boon.pngPriest of Melandru at Waypoint (map icon).png Melandru Waypoint (southwest of the race start) to receive a 5 minute unique swiftness buff. He is one of twelve Speed Boon.pngSpeed Boon NPC priests/priestesses in Divinity's Reach, located in each of the six Plazas of the human gods, and in the Shrine of the Six.
  • Swiftness (effect).png Leader of the Pact III — Affects entire party.
  • Relic of Speed.pngRelic of Speed — Increases the swiftness movement speed bonus to 66%.
  • Relic of the Wayfinder.pngRelic of the Wayfinder — Increases movement speed.

The maximum movement speed (out of combat) is capped at a 36% bonus (400 units/s). Relying purely on swiftness leaves a very narrow margin of error, so mobility skills are strongly recommended as well.

Suggested profession skills and traits that can grant bonus movement speed or mobility:

Guardian icon small.png Guardian
Revenant icon small.png Revenant
Warrior icon small.png Warrior
Engineer icon small.png Engineer
Ranger icon small.png Ranger
Thief icon small.png Thief
Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist
Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer
Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

Mobility-granting items:

Item Type Note
Choya Piñata Tonic.pngChoya Piñata Tonic Tonic A Path of Fire tonic bought with casino coins. Spam the second skill for great mobility.
Executioner Axe Toy.pngExecutioner Axe Toy Toy A gemstore item packaged with the Executioner's Outfit during Halloween. Use skill 2 to dash and skill 6 to cancel at the end of the dash.
Glyphic Rifle.pngExperimental Teleportation Gun Bundle One-time-use bundle sold for 32 copper a piece in Timberline Falls. Around nine or ten of them are required to finish the footrace within 5.5 minutes if no profession mobility skills are used.
Fiery Greatsword Fiery Greatsword Bundle You can borrow one from an Elementalist icon small.png elementalist friend. The bundle only lasts for 30 seconds, but is good for a bit of a head start.




  • Successfully completing the race within 3.5 minutes (or within 5.5 minutes if racing on foot) awards the Ace Racer.png Ace Racer effect, increasing Magic Find by 25% for 15 minutes while in Divinity's Reach.
  • It is possible to finish the race twice in the time limit on a mount, getting credit towards Celestial Messenger for both completions.


  • All the racing animals represent the 12 zodiac animals (in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat/Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig) celebrated during the Lunar New Year.
  • The race itself is a recreation of The Great Race, a story from Chinese mythology.
    • Unlike the story, in which the rat won, the animal of the current year will always be the first animal to cross the finishing line. The rest of the animals will finish in the correct order, however.
    • Much like the story, the rat will jump on the ox just before it starts and ride it for the duration of the race.
    • The 'horse' is accompanied by the snake much like the story.
    • The ram, monkey and rooster run together as a team much like the story.
    • The pig will run into the chef's crafting area during the race presumably to eat, giving all other racers a huge lead.
  • Prior to Lunar New Year 2025, the snake was represented by a hologram.

Related achievements[edit]