Defeat the invading Awakened

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Defeat the invading Awakened is a group event that occurs every hour at xx:30 in one of seven predefined zones across Tyria.


The zone for the event is determined by a rotating weekly schedule. Each map will be invaded between 3-4 times a day.

Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC

The below table shows the schedule for the current week, with a location highlighted from 50 minutes before its starting time until 10 minutes after. Note that an invasion starts once per hour at xx:30 server time.

Please note the times in the below table are in Server Time (UTC), which does not necessarily match your own timezone. You can see the current server time at the top of the page.

UTC Time
(Server Time)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
00:30 Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills
01:30 Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford
02:30 Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields
03:30 Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove
04:30 Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province
05:30 Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest
06:30 Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale
07:30 Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills
08:30 Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford
09:30 Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields
10:30 Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove
11:30 Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province
12:30 Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest
13:30 Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale
14:30 Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills
15:30 Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford
16:30 Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields
17:30 Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove
18:30 Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province
19:30 Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest
20:30 Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale
21:30 Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills
22:30 Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford
23:30 Caledon Forest Plains of Ashford Metrica Province Wayfarer Foothills Southsun Cove Queensdale Gendarran Fields


Maguuma Jungle
Shiverpeak Mountains


Awakened remnants have appeared in the area!

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

The Awakened remnants press their attack.

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

The Awakened remnants swarm the area!

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

(On success) The Awakened remnants have been eradicated!
(On failure) The Awakened remnants have dispersed after wreaking havoc in the area.

Historical version[edit]

Palawa Joko's Awakened are invading the area!

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

Joko will not tolerate failure! Awakened forces press their attack.

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

The Scourge of Vabbi allows no defeat! Awakened forces redouble their efforts.

  • Awakened Forces
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent swords (tango icon).png
  • Awakened Champion
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: x:xx

(On success) Palawa Joko's Awakened have been forced to retreat from the area!
(On failure) Palawa Joko's Awakened have pleased their god-king and withdrawn for now.


In starting zones:

Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 613 Experience.png 86 Karma 20 Copper coin
Silver 522 Experience.png 73 Karma 17 Copper coin
Bronze 460 Experience.png 65 Karma 15 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 15 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.

In Gendarran Fields:

Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,346 Experience.png 153 Karma 36 Copper coin
Silver 1,144 Experience.png 131 Karma 30 Copper coin
Bronze 1,009 Experience.png 115 Karma 27 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 30 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


Joko's invasion consists of three phases. Each phase consists of an increasing number of invasion events. The events are marked with a swarm of red sword icons and a red boss icon once the champion appears. Check the world map or mini map for locations.

During each invasion event, there will be two to three waves of between four and seven veteran Awakened. After they are defeated, the champion will spawn (the champions are random). While the champion lives, a group of veteran awakened will spawn to replace those that are completely destroyed. Defeating the champion scores a success for the event, although any surviving veterans will still need to be dealt with. If all invasion events succeed, the invasion will proceed to the next phase. Defeating all three phases will send Joko packing and award bonuses (Portal Breaker and credit for Zone Defense, see above). If any event fails (by not killing the champion before time elapses), then Joko claims victory and no more invasion events will spawn.

Each event will include a small squad of allied NPCs. During the final phase, one squad will be upgraded to include unique NPCs. Allies will despawn when an event succeeds except during the final phase, where they'll hang around to chat for a while. They can also be interacted with between waves of veterans. The upgraded NPC squad will always face a Champion Mordant Crescent Hierarch.

Other events in the area will continue to operate as normal, which may confuse allied NPCs.



  • Lionguard (Gendarran Fields, Wayfarer Foothills)




During the event[edit]

Caledon Forest
Ridhais: The Awakened press the attack, but we will not falter. For the Pale Tree!
Talk end option tango.png For the Pale Tree!
Veteran Warden Captain: Weapons at the ready! I don't think these Awakened are finished yet.
Talk end option tango.png Their mistake.
Gendarran Fields
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Joko's lot are on their way. We'll give them an old-fashioned Lion's Arch greeting.
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope they appreciate the hospitality.
Lionguard: Look alive, squad! The Awakened are still on the attack, but we'll make them regret it!
Talk end option tango.png I'll beat them as many times as it takes.
Metrica Province
Peacemaker Ninn: Ears up, <Character profession> <Character name>—Awakened are still advancing on this location!
Talk end option tango.png I'm always ready for a fight.
Veteran Peacemaker Officer: Ears up, <Character profession>! The golem's sensors are still registering anomalies.
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it.
Plains of Ashford
Ballista Geargrind: Dig in, soldiers, we've got Awakened on the way. Show them what it means to fight the Iron Legion!
Talk end option tango.png This'll be just like target practice.
Blood Legion Soldier/Iron Legion Maskman: Mission's not over yet, soldiers. Clear the area and get ready for potential enemy reinforcements.
Talk end option tango.png I won't let my guard down.
Mangonel Gearstrip: Bring out the big guns—we got undead incoming. Let's light 'em up!
Talk end option tango.png I bet I can drop more than you.
Exemplar Kerida: Don't get distracted, hero—the undead are prowling near here.
Talk end option tango.png Not for long.
Shining Blade/Veteran Seraph Captain/Seraph Soldier: Stay on guard—those monsters won't give up that easily.
Talk end option tango.png They're as tenacious—and ugly—as a centaur.
Wayfarer Foothills
Sigfast: Our prey's closing in—get ready to spring the trap.
Talk end option tango.png The Awakened won't know what hit them.
Wolfborn: Raise your swords, Wolfborn! The undead will return, and they'll be crushed between Wolf's fangs!
Talk end option tango.png I'll fight until they flee like cowards!

After the event[edit]

Caledon Forest
Ridhais: The Awakened return to the dust. Well fought, <Character profession>.
Talk more option tango.png Will everyone be all right if the Awakened attack the Grove directly?
We've faced attacks before. "Hard ground makes stronger roots." The undead may be surprised to find how strong we've become.
Talk end option tango.png Palawa Joko won't succeed where the dragons have failed.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for lending a hand.
Veteran Warden Captain: It looks like that's the last of them. These monsters may be stronger than the Risen, but our tactics seem equally effective.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
The human lich, Palawa Joko, is sending attacks across the continent over some dispute in Elona. If he wants to involve us in his politics, he'll find it to be a mistake.
Talk end option tango.png I see. I'll help defend if I see more attacks.
Talk end option tango.png You've done a great service to the Pale Mother today. Thank you. (if sylvari)
Talk end option tango.png Be prepared for anything. This won't be the last attack. (otherwise)
Gendarran Fields
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Hah, that sent them packing! Try it again, and you'll see that the defenses of Lion's Arch aren't ornamental!
Talk more option tango.png Is Lion's Arch prepared for a full invasion?
Aye. These skirmishes are just feints. If Joko tries opening portals in the city again, you'll think it's a new festival from all the fireworks.
Talk end option tango.png I still hope it doesn't come to that.
Talk end option tango.png No matter how many times they attempt it, we'll put them back in the dirt.
Lionguard: Yeah, run home! That's what you get for messing with Lion's Arch.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
There's been unrest in Elona, and it's starting to hit our side of the waters. Word is Palawa Joko's looking to spread his rule.
Talk end option tango.png I'll put a stop to that wherever I see his minions.
Talk end option tango.png Shore up the defenses—they may try again.
Metrica Province
Veteran Peacemaker Officer: All targets have been routed! Time to get these golems back to the repair bays.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
The Elonian warlord Palawa Joko is using portal tech to execute guerilla attacks on Tyria. The Arcane Council is debating our response severity index. Until their results are out, we hold the line.
Talk end option tango.png I'll help out were I can.
Talk end option tango.png Be sure to double-check the holo-actuators—tar can destabilize them. (if asura)
Talk end option tango.png Make sure you're ready for the next battle. (otherwise)
Peacemaker Ninn: Golem sensors are showing no targets. Thanks for your help, <Character profession> <Character name>.
Talk more option tango.png Is there anything else I can do?
(Before making the Phasic Distortion Reader)
As it happens, I am working on a device to track these portals and could use assistance. I'll send you the details by courier once I've finalized the design.
Talk end option tango.png Got it. I'll wait for your message.
(After making the Phasic Distortion Reader)
I of course recommend a longer-term solution to the Awakened problem. As they say in Statics, an unpowered system has no malfunctions.
Talk end option tango.png Don't worry, I'll stop this at the source soon.
Talk more option tango.png Are those older golems?
These models were built to fight the destroyers when they first surfaced. Handling any quantity of undead is well within their specs.
Talk end option tango.png These must have a lot of history on the battlefield.
Talk end option tango.png No problem.
Plains of Ashford
Ballista Geargrind: Area's all clear! Gather up the gear and get ready for redeployment.
Talk more option tango.png Is the Black Citadel ready if the Awakened attack there?
Heh, it'd be a sight to see them try. Smodur's keeping the legions close for now to see what happens next, but a real attack? You'll see what a charr war looks like.
Talk end option tango.png I'm going to keep things from going that far.
Talk end option tango.png Good work. I'll be on my way.
Mangonel Gearstrip: Haha! You might have cheated death, but you can't cheat a rifle slug. That's what you get for going up against Iron.
Talk end option tango.png They bit off more than they could chew this time.
Blood Legion Soldier/Iron Legion Marksman: All clear. Joko may have the jump on us in force deployment, but his squad tactics are as ancient as his ugly mug.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
A lich from the Crystal Desert thinks he can mess with our territory. He won't be the first human king the Legions have beaten down.
Talk end option tango.png I'll help out where I can.
Talk end option tango.png He'll regret making an enemy of the Legions. (if charr)
Talk end option tango.png With your squad defending it, this area has little to fear. (otherwise)
Blood Legion Soldier/Iron Legion Marksman: All clear. These Awakened aren't a bad change of pace from the usual ghosts, and they're just as weak to charr steel.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
The coordinated Awakened attacks have stopped, but these stragglers pop through sometimes. Their mistake.
Talk more option tango.png I'll help out where I can.
Talk end option tango.png With your squad defending it, this area has little to fear.
Exemplar Kerida: Good day, Commander. I was out for a stroll and just happened upon this pitched battle. I've heard Joko holds grudges a long time—perhaps you two should discuss this in person? (if completed One Path Ends)
Exemplar Kerida: Such slipshod creations. For a centuries-old sorceror, Palawa Joko hasn't learned many new tricks. (otherwise)
Talk more option tango.png Is Divinity's Reach secured from attack?
The Shining Blade is prepared for many scenarios, especially attacks from within. But these attacks are simple displays of power to provoke fear.
Talk end option tango.png Soon enough, Palawa Joko's going to remember what fear feels like.
Talk end option tango.png You're one to talk about old grudges. (if completed One Path Ends)
Talk end option tango.png Age hasn't granted him wisdom. It's time he learned the value of peace. (otherwise)
Shining Blade/Veteran Seraph Captain/Seraph Soldier: Kryta has endured worse than Palawa Joko and come out stronger. We'll hold the line here as long as it takes.
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
One of humanity's many enemies, the undead lich Palawa Joko of Elona is sending his minions to attack Tyria. Just another day on the patrol lines.
Talk end option tango.png Understood. I'll lend a hand where I can.
Talk end option tango.png You do your country proud, soldier. (if human)
Talk end option tango.png Stay strong. (otherwise)
Wayfarer Foothills
Sigfast: Well, that was much more entertaining than sobering up rowdy drunks. What do you say we go on the hunt?
Talk end option tango.png We can't track them down yet. But the time's coming.
Skarti: Hardly worth leaving Hoelbrak for. But as Wolf teaches, we must demonstrate our strength from time to time.
Talk more option tango.png Is Hoelbrak ready if the portals open there?
Ready? There are fighters roaming the streets yelling insults at Joko even now, hoping for a good fight. We'll be fortunate if the Awakened do attack again before they get bored and cause trouble.
Talk end option tango.png Almost makes you feel sorry for the Awakened.
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope the Awakened remember this defeat.
Wolfborn: That was a good brawl. Perhaps Joko will learn his lesson and keep to his own lands, but I expect he will need to be shown our might again!
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
Haven't you heard? The "Scourge of Vabbi" wants to pick a fight, and he's tossing undead up and down the continent. Times like these create legends, friend!
Talk end option tango.png It sounds like he's bitten off more than he can chew.
Talk end option tango.png Undoubtedly, you will be sung of in legend as a defender of our lands! (if norn)
Talk end option tango.png We'll strike them down as many times as it takes for the lesson to stick. (otherwise)
Wolfborn: That was a good brawl. I could take a liking to these Awakened—their feeble attacks make for entertaining sparring!
Talk more option tango.png What's going on?
I heard these undead's headquarters were put to the sword, but they still drag themselves to our door now and then. Tenacious, but foolish.
Talk end option tango.png It sounds like the Wolfborn have this handled.
Talk end option tango.png We'll strike them down as many times as it takes for the lesson to stick.


Example view of Rata Primus as seen through a rift
  • Added with the January 9, 2018 update.
  • Originally the event occured every hour at xx:30 in three out of six predefined zones. Since the April 24, 2018 update it occurs in one zone every hour.
    • The schedule has been changed from a 6 hour rotation to a weekly rotation.
  • If you position your character correctly, you will be able to see Rata Primus.

Related achievements[edit]

See also[edit]