Seraph Soldier
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Seraph Soldier
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Male model. |
Seraph Soldiers are humans fighting in the name of the Seraph, spread out throughout the human territories.
Story involvement[edit]
Personal story[edit]
- Chapter 1: Krytan Politics
- Chapter 2: Shadows of the Past
- Chapter 3: Traitor to the Queen
- Chapter 4: Order Neophyte
The Icebrood Saga[edit]
- Episode 4: Jormag Rising
Event involvement[edit]
- Hold Heartwood Pass Camp (10)
- Prevent the Tamini from retaking Holdland Camp (12)
- Liberate Shaemoor Garrison from the Tamini invaders (6)
- Escort and defend workers sent to rebuild the guard tower (8)
- Escort the supply bull to Quarryside (17)
- Seize control of Cavernhold Camp (17)
- Maintain control of Cavernhold Camp (17)
- Kill the Harathi overlord (25) [Group Event]
- Destroy the Harathi trebuchets (28)
- Stop the centaurs from capturing Ascalon Settlement (29) [Group Event]
- Liberate Ascalon Settlement from the centaurs (29) [Group Event]
- Prevent the centaurs from capturing Nebo Terrace (28) [Group Event]
- Keep centaurs out of Shorebluff Camp (34)
- Free the soldiers trapped by spiders (36)
- Stop the centaurs from retaking their camps (42) [Group Event]
- Northern Entanglement (26)
- Eastern Entanglement (26)
- Northern Entanglement (26)
- Eastern Entanglement (26)
Divinity's Reach[edit]
- Plaza of Grenth
- There's an ongoing investigation underway here. Please move along.
- I can't talk about it, but I recommend your start locking your doors at night if you don't already. The bandits are restless.
- Good to know.
What happened?
- Understood.
- I need to ask you to clear the crime scene. Uhm, I mean, everything's under control here. There's no cause for concern.
- Relax, I'm moving.
- Rurikton
- I keep wondering when we're going to see centaurs in Divinity's Reach. They're at the gates, you know? The Seraph won't let that happen, right?[sic]
- Right.
- Being part of the Seraph is very fulfilling. Sure, I'm exhausted at the end of the day, every day, but that just means I worked hard and did some good.
- Good-bye.
- Salma District
- (If human)
- Welcome back to the Salma District, Hero of Shaemoor! Everyone's been talking about your adventures. Go on inside.
- Will do, thanks.
- (If not human)
- Visitor to the city, eh? Well, the Salma District's a nice place, but you won't find much to interest you here.
- That's fine with me.
- Seraph Headquarters
- Captain Thackeray is the example we strive for and judge ourselves against. I'm not there yet, but with diligence and passion, I hope to someday attain his stature.
- Good-bye.
- Western Commons during Wintersday
- Wintersday is a real comfort during these times, isn't it? I love putting the presents beneath this tree each night.
- Have you picked up a tree from the orphanage yet? Their establishment does amazing work, and all the profits go to the orphans—unlike that noisy golem.
- I've only seen the ornaments the orphans have built. They're gorgeous! And that tree-topping star looks positively magical!
- Six bless those little runts and their magnificent ornaments. I should stop by the orphanage and see if it's not too late to get a tree.
- Fine. I'm leaving.
Are you ignoring me?
- You're obviously busy. Good-bye.
Who are you talking to? Me or her?
- You're obviously busy. Good-bye.
It's a nice break.
- Keep up the good work.
- In a house inside the Village of Shaemoor
- That elemental nearly took my head off when it exploded. I had no idea centaurs had that kind of magic.
- Good point. Centaurs can't hold a candle to our magic. I once saw a guy turn into a tornado. Let's see a centaur do that!
- That's the spirit.
They've got parlor tricks compared to us!
- Thanks for your encouragement. I'm proud to have fought by your side.
- Thank you. Get well soon.
Don't give up hope, soldier. Our magic is greater. We will not lose!
- Yeah! When I get out of here, I'm signing up for garrison duty. If those fleabags attack again, I'll kick their tails.
- Give them a kick for me, too!
We blew it up, didn't we? We can counter anything they throw at us!
- I hope you feel better.
- My patrol was the first to respond when the centaurs showed up. I'm the only still alive. All my friends are gone. I don't know what I'm going to do.
- You're right. You're right! I won't let them down. The second I can, I'm returning to active duty!
- That's the spirit. Good luck out there.
Honor their memory. Fight as they fought, bravely!
- You're right. Thanks. I'll make sure their memory lives on.
- I know you will. Take care.
I know it's hard, but I'm sure you will find your way again. Be brave.
- Yeah! That's it! I'm gonna make those centaurs regret they were ever born. Where's my sword?
- There you go. Take the fight to them!
You rally, you get out there, and you kill every centaur you see!
- I hope you feel better.
- Gods, everything aches. If I get out of here, I swear I'll kill every centaur I see!
- Hang in there, soldier.
- At the Shaemoor Garrison
- We keep this garrison on full alert at all times- fortunately for Shaemoor. Without us, the village would be trampled to death in no time.
- Well, our walls keep the lighter units away for now, but they're just Tamini trash. Reports indicate that catapults are on the way though, which'll be real trouble.
- What can I do to help? (Same as below)
- Thank you for the information.
Centaurs are that bad?
- Go outside the walls and take the fight to them, like a Thackeray would. It's not too late to stall their advance, but we may still need you back at the garrison if they make a push.
- Wait, tell me why you'd need me here? (Same as above Centaurs are that bad?)
- Thanks for the information.
What can I do to help?
- Thank you for the information.
Kessex Hills[edit]
- Earthworks Bluff before Escort the supply bull to Quarryside
- Now that we've taken control of the centaur's supply stash, we can help Quarryside with their defenses.
- Then let's get going!
- During Escort the supply bull to Quarryside
- Stay close. We need to make sure this supply bull gets to Quarryside.
- I'm right behind you.
- Following Escort the supply bull to Quarryside
- We can't stay here long. If our offensive is overcome, we won't be able to break trough the Harathi forces.
- All right. Let's move.
- Fort Salma
- The centaurs are becoming too powerful. We have to drive them out of here before they take everything from us.
- It's mostly the Modniir, although there are centaurs from the Tamini and Harathi tribes, too. A few of those are volunteers, but most fight out of fear of Ulgoth the Mighty.
- The Tamini are the lowest herd in the great centaur alliance. They're scouts and guerilla fighters—swift-moving enemies. They can be a bit flighty and overeager, but they're very clever.
- Can I ask you another question?
- I think that's all I care to know.
Tell me about the Tamini tribe?
- The Harathi are the main body of the centaur alliance and make up the bulk of the army. They're solid, intelligent, and hardworking. They're also extremely dangerous and relentless on the battlefield.
- Can I ask you another question?
- I think that's all I care to know.
Who, or what, is the Harathi tribe?
- The Modniir centaurs are the leaders of the centaur alliance. They're stronger and meaner, and they have absolutely no pity for their enemies...or their allies. Their War King is Ulgoth the Mighty.
- Can I ask you another question?
- I think that's all I care to know.
What about the Modniir tribe?
- After the Modniir were driven from their lands in the Northern Shiverpeaks, they scattered. Two hundred years later, Ulgoth united them, then used the reunified Modniir to dominate the other two tribes.
- With the size and strength of all three tribes, Ulgoth seeks revenge on those who crushed the centaurs over two hundred years ago. He has vowed to kill or enslave as many humans and norn as he can.
- Can I ask another question?
- I think that's all I care to know.
Reunited them?
Who is Ulgoth the Mighty?
- Thanks for your time.
The centaurs?
- I have other battles to fight.
Harathi Hinterlands[edit]
- At Modniir Gorge
- I'm surprised centaurs even bother to fight me anymore. I've killed so many!
- Blackvein Fiber item is in the inventory.) Here, poison should increase that tally. (if
- No doubt.
- The centaurs will die. It's us or them, and I don't plan on going anywhere.
- Blackvein Fiber item is in the inventory.) I'll help. Have posion for your weapon. (if
- Indeed.
- Death to the hooved ones!
- Blackvein Fiber item is in the inventory.) Here, have poison for your weapon! (if
- Yeah!
- My knees are shaking, but we must fight.
- Blackvein Fiber item is in the inventory.) Here, have poison for your weapon! (if
- Yes, fight or die.
Lake Doric[edit]
- Mantle's Breach
- How on earth did the White Mantle get this kind of weaponry? I didn't think they had it in 'em to pull off an assault like this.
- Bloodstone Fen was a while ago. They've been preparing.
- No doubt. We had thought we had pushed them back far enough that we'd seen the last of them. But here they are, stronger than ever.
- Which is why we need to end this, once and for all.
The incident in - Doesn't matter. We need to focus on putting a stop to this.
- Unbelievable
- Fair point. It's just...after Scarlet, I sort of figured that would've been the last of the attacks on Divinity's Reach. "Can't possibly get worse than this," I had thought. But here we are.
- We must remain vigilant. The Reach will face threats again. Stay safe.
After all that has happened, is it really?
- Pretty much.
- Greets
- Strength in numbers.
- I don't know if I'm cut out for this.
- May the Six watch over you.
- I'll do my best.
- We're here to serve.
- May Balthazar strengthen you.
- With the fort now inaccessible, the Seraph Soldier in Fort Salma can only be interacted with by traversing through the decimated ruins, or by ascending the fort's walls on a mount.