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Disambig icon.png This article is about is about a skill mechanic. For the jeweler crafting component, see Chain (crafting).

Chain refers to the specific subset of sequence skills that occupy the first weapon skill slot. Like all sequence abilities, chains are effectively multiple skills sharing one slot on a skill bar and activated in strict order. The next skill in chain becomes available only if the previous one successfully hit the target.

If a character is interrupted in the middle of a chain, for example, by being stunned, the sequence will be reset back to its first skill. A chain also resets if another weapon skill used in the middle of a sequence, including skills from off-hand weapons. However, some utility abilities with quick activation and short execution times can be used in a middle of a chain without interrupting it. Most chains can also be continued after dodging and then quickly continuing attacking.

Since by default the first weapon skill is set to auto-attack, chains are primarily meant to be used in that mode. If chain skills are not set to auto-attack and are used manually, they have to be activated quickly enough to continue through the sequence.

List of chain skills[edit]

Weapon, bundle and transform skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 True Strike.png True Strike 0.5½ Chain. Smash your foe.
1 ChainPure Strike.png Pure Strike 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainFaithful Strike.png Faithful Strike 0.75¾ Hit your foe with a final strike and heal nearby allies.
1 Sword of Wrath.png Sword of Wrath Chain. Slash your foe once.
1 ChainSword Arc.png Sword Arc 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe again.
1 ChainSword Wave.png Sword Wave 0.5½ Send out waves of attacks that strike multiple targets.
1 Strike.png Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainVengeful Strike.png Vengeful Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainWrathful Strike.png Wrathful Strike 0.5½ Attack with a final, powerful strike that applies might for each foe you strike.
1 Hammer Swing (guardian skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (guardian skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainSymbol of Protection.png Symbol of Protection 1 Symbol. Smash a mystic symbol onto the ground that gives protection to you and your allies.
1 Bolt of Wrath.png Bolt of Wrath 0.5½ Fire a bolt that damages foes.
1 ChainSearing Light.png Searing Light 0.5½ Fire a projectile that explodes upon impact and damages enemies.
1 ChainSeeking Judgment.png Seeking Judgment 0.5½ Fire a seeking projectile that explodes upon contact and damages enemies.
1 Light Ball.png Light Ball 0.5½ Fire a sundering ball of light that damages foes.
1 ChainDetonate Light.png Detonate Light 0.5½ Fire a ball of light that detonates on impact to heal allies and damage foes.
1 ChainJudgment of Light.png Judgment of Light 0.75¾ Fire a barrage of bouncing light missiles that damage enemies and heal allies.

Firebrand icon small.png Firebrand

1 Core Cleave.png Core Cleave 0.5½ Cleave at your enemy with a physical and a magical axe.
1 ChainBleeding Edge.png Bleeding Edge 0.5½ Slice through your foe again, physically and magically, as your weapon is heating up.
1 ChainSearing Slash (firebrand).png Searing Slash 0.5½ Unleash your searing axe in an overhand slash, following it up with a magical edge.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

1 Misery Swipe.png Misery Swipe 0.25¼ Swing your mace at your foe.
1 ChainAnguish Swipe.png Anguish Swipe 0.5½ Sweep your mace back for a second blow.
1 ChainManifest Toxin.png Manifest Toxin 0.5½ Deliver a crushing blow that sends toxic energy chaining to enemies behind each target.
1 Preparation Thrust.png Preparation Thrust 0.5½ Stab your foe with your sword, inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainBrutal Blade.png Brutal Blade 0.75¾ Slice foes, damaging them and inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainRift Slash.png Rift Slash 0.5½ Slash foes, creating a rift on them that explodes for additional damage after a short delay.
1 Rapid Swipe.png Rapid Swipe 0.5½ Swipe your staff at your foe.
1 ChainForceful Bash.png Forceful Bash 0.5½ Bash your foe with your staff.
1 ChainRejuvenating Assault.png Rejuvenating Assault 1 Cleave foes around you with your staff, healing nearby allies.

Vindicator icon small.png Vindicator

1 Mist Swing.png Mist Swing 0.5½ Swing at enemies with your greatsword.
1 ChainMist Slash.png Mist Slash 0.5½ Swing your greatsword again, inflicting vulnerability.
1 ChainArcing Mists.png Arcing Mists 0.5½ Cleave your foes, inflicting vulnerability and chilling them.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

1 Chop.png Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe.
1 ChainDouble Chop.png Double Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe twice.
1 ChainTriple Chop.png Triple Chop 10.5½ Deliver three final chops to your foe.
1 Mace Smash.png Mace Smash 0.5½ Chain. Smash your foe.
1 ChainMace Bash.png Mace Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainPulverize.png Pulverize 0.75¾ Thrash your foe, leaving them weakened.
1 Sever Artery.png Sever Artery 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a slash.
1 ChainGash.png Gash 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a gash.
1 ChainHamstring.png Hamstring 0.25¼ Cripple your foe with a precise slash.
1 Greatsword Swing.png Greatsword Swing 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Slice.png Greatsword Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainBrutal Strike.png Brutal Strike 0.5½ Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
1 Balanced Strike.png Balanced Strike 0.5½ Chain. A balanced staff strike.
1 ChainReverse Strike.png Reverse Strike 0.5½ Chain. A follow-up reverse-handed staff strike.
1 Stab (warrior skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (warrior skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainImpale (warrior spear skill).png Impale 0.75¾ Impale your foe and cripple them.

Spellbreaker icon small.png Spellbreaker

1 Precise Cut.png Precise Cut 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage.
1 ChainFocused Slash.png Focused Slash 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage.
1 ChainKeen Strike.png Keen Strike 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe and gain might. Gain additional might on critical hit.

Bladesworn icon small.png Bladesworn

Unsheathe Gunsaber
1 Swift Cut.png Swift Cut 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe, then fire off a ranged shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
1 ChainSteel Divide.png Steel Divide 0.5½ Chain. Swing your gunsaber and fire a second shot. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.
1 ChainExplosive Thrust.png Explosive Thrust 0.75¾ Chain. Hit your foe with a final, brutal stab, and fire a shot that causes a secondary explosion. Foes hit by the initial attack take less damage from the follow-up shot.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

1 Sun Edge.png Sun Edge 0.5½ Strike your foe and inflict vulnerability.
1 ChainSun Ripper.png Sun Ripper 0.5½ Strike your foe again and inflict vulnerability.
1 ChainGleam Saber.png Gleam Saber 0.75¾ Unleash a burst of stored energy with your sword and recharge your other sword skills.
Tool Kit
1 Smack.png Smack 0.5½ Chain. Smack your foe. Repair turrets.
1 ChainWhack.png Whack 0.5½ Chain. Whack your foe. Repairs turrets.
1 ChainThwack.png Thwack 1 Thwack your foe. Repairs turrets.

Scrapper icon small.png Scrapper

1 Positive Strike.png Positive Strike 0.5½ Chain. Smack your hammer into your foe while empowering yourself.
1 ChainNegative Bash.png Negative Bash 0.5½ Chain. Slam your hammer into your foe to leave them vulnerable.
1 ChainEqualizing Blow.png Equalizing Blow 0.5½ Chain. Bring down your hammer on your foe.

Holosmith icon small.png Holosmith

1 Sun Edge.png Sun Edge 0.5½ Strike your foe and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 ChainSun Ripper.png Sun Ripper 0.5½ Strike your foe again and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 ChainGleam Saber.png Gleam Saber 0.75¾ Unleash a burst of stored energy with your sword and recharge your other sword skills. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

1 Germinate.png Germinate 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your mace.
1 ChainBurgeon.png Burgeon 0.5½ Chain. Slam your target.
1 ChainCultivate.png Cultivate 0.75¾ Swing an uppercut at your target, crippling them and granting vigor to nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
1 Slash (ranger sword skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainCrippling Thrust.png Crippling Thrust 0.25¼ Chain. Stab your foe, crippling them for a short time.
1 ChainPrecision Swipe.png Precision Swipe 0.75¾ Deliver a blow to your foe. Your pet gains might for each foe struck.
1 Slash (ranger greatsword skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainSlice (ranger skill).png Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainEnduring Swing.png Enduring Swing 0.75¾ Slash at your foe. This attack restores endurance if it hits.
1 Drake's Swipe.png Drake's Swipe 0.5½ Chain. Swing your spear. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainWyvern's Lash.png Wyvern's Lash 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your spear, crippling your foe. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainCheetah's Strike.png Cheetah's Strike 0.75¾ Heave your spear, gaining swiftness if you strike an enemy. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 Stab (ranger skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (ranger skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainToxic Strike.png Toxic Strike 0.5½ Deliver a final poisonous attack.

Soulbeast icon small.png Soulbeast

1 Groundwork Gouge.png Groundwork Gouge 0.25¼ Swipe past your foe's defenses, exposing their vulnerability.
1 ChainLeading Swipe.png Leading Swipe 0.25¼ Rake your dagger across your foe, leaving them bleeding.
1 ChainSerpent Stab.png Serpent Stab 0.25¼ Slash across your foe, poisoning them.
1 ChainSerpent Stab.png Deadly Delivery 0.25¼ Strike deeply into your foe, inflicting multiple conditions.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Hammer Strike.png Hammer Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe.
1 ChainHammer Slam.png Hammer Slam 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainHeavy Smash.png Heavy Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Double Strike.png Double Strike Chain. Strike your foe twice.
1 ChainWild Strike.png Wild Strike Chain. Strike your foe again, bleeding them. Gain endurance with a successful strike.
1 ChainLotus Strike.png Lotus Strike 0.25¼ Strike your foe and inflict Poison.
1 Slice (thief skill).png Slice Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainSlash (thief skill).png Slash 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe again.
1 ChainCrippling Strike.png Crippling Strike 0.5½ Cripple your foe with a final strike.
1 Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (thief skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainPoison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike 0.75¾ Poison your foe with a final attack.
2 Mantis Sting.png Mantis Sting 0.5½ Lead Attack. Cripple your foe with a quick strike.
2 ChainEntangling Asp.png Entangling Asp 0.75¾ Follow Up. Poison your foe with a sweeping strike. Movement impaired foes are immobilized.
2 ChainFalling Spider.png Falling Spider 0.75¾ Finisher. Strike nearby enemies, inflicting multiple conditions. Deal more damage and inflict additional conditions against controlled and immobilized foes.
3 Unsuspecting Strike.png Unsuspecting Strike 0.75¾ Lead Attack. Leap at your foe and inflict conditions. Inflict additional stacks against foes above the health threshold.
3 ChainVampiric Slash.png Vampiric Slash 0.5½ Follow Up. Strike your foes and siphon health from them. Siphon additional health from vulnerable foes.
Striking an enemy with a follow-up attack enables finisher attacks.
3 ChainShattering Assault.png Shattering Assault 0.5½ Finisher. Strike foes in front of you and remove boons from them, then enter stealth. Remove additional boons from weakened foes.

Daredevil icon small.png Daredevil

1 Staff Strike.png Staff Strike 0.5½ Strike your enemies with your staff.
1 ChainStaff Bash.png Staff Bash 0.5½ Swing your staff a second time, striking multiple enemies.
1 ChainPunishing Strikes.png Punishing Strikes 1 Whirl your staff around, striking nearby enemies.

Specter icon small.png Specter

1 Shadow Bolt.png Shadow Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire a projectile that hinders foes and helps allies.
1 ChainDouble Bolt.png Double Bolt 0.75¾ Chain. Fire two projectiles that hinder foes and help allies.
1 ChainTriple Bolt.png Triple Bolt 10.5½ Fire three missiles that hinder foes and help allies.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

Lightning Hammer
1 Lightning Swing.png Lightning Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainStatic Swing.png Static Swing 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainThunderclap (Lightning Hammer skill).png Thunderclap 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
Magnetic Shield (bundle)
1 Shield Smack.png Shield Smack 0.5½ Smack your foe with the magnetic shield.
1 ChainShield Smash.png Shield Smash 0.75¾ Smash your foe with the magnetic shield.
1 ChainCrippling Shield.png Crippling Shield 0.75¾ Throw your shield in a line, crippling struck foes. This attack deals bonus damage if you have barrier.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
1 Fire Strike.png Fire Strike 0.5½ Build elemental flames into your sword and strike your enemies.
1 ChainFire Swipe.png Fire Swipe 0.5½ Heat your sword a second time and strike your enemies for increased damage.
1 ChainSearing Slash (weaver).png Searing Slash 0.75¾ Heat your sword a final time and use the full power of your flames to sear enemies and ignite them.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Seiche.png Seiche 0.5½ Imbue your blade with water, healing yourself for each target you strike.
1 ChainClapotis.png Clapotis 0.5½ Deliver a second strike that heals yourself for each target it hits.
1 ChainBreaking Wave.png Breaking Wave 0.75¾ Strike your enemies and unleash a wave that heals allies.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
1 Charged Strike.png Charged Strike 0.5½ Strike your foe with shocking force.
1 ChainPolaric Slash.png Polaric Slash 0.5½ Deliver a second strike, gaining swiftness.
1 ChainCall Lightning (weaver).png Call Lightning 0.75¾ Deliver the final attack, calling lightning strikes onto enemies.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
1 Crystal Slash.png Crystal Slash 0.5½ Strike your opponent with your serrated blade.
1 ChainCrystalline Strike.png Crystalline Strike 0.5½ Attack enemies with a second vicious attack.
1 ChainCrystalline Sunder.png Crystalline Sunder 0.75¾ Unleash a final crushing blow.

Catalyst icon small.png Catalyst

Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Stream Strike.png Stream Strike 0.5½ Chain. Strike your foe with a watery blow.
1 ChainWater Rush.png Water Rush 0.5½ Chain. Slam your foe with a rush of water.
1 ChainChilling Crack.png Chilling Crack 0.5½ Crack the ground to chill your foes.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

1 Ether Bolt.png Ether Bolt 0.5½ Chain. Shoot a bolt of energy at your target.
1 ChainEther Blast.png Ether Blast 0.5½ Chain. Shoot a second bolt of energy at your target.
1 ChainEther Clone.png Ether Clone 0.75¾ Clone. Deliver a damaging attack directly to your target. Summon a clone that casts Ether Bolt. Inflict torment instead if you have the maximum number of illusions.
1 Mind Slash.png Mind Slash Chain. Slash your foe to make them vulnerable.
1 ChainMind Gash.png Mind Gash 0.5½ Chain. Gash your foe to make them vulnerable.
1 ChainMind Spike.png Mind Spike 0.5½ Stab your foe and rip a boon off of them. Does additional damage when the target has no boons.
1 Stab (mesmer skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (mesmer skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainEvasive Strike.png Evasive Strike 0.5½ Evade while delivering a powerful final attack.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

1 Lacerating Chop.png Lacerating Chop 0.5½ Inflict bleeding on your target.
1 ChainEthereal Chop.png Ethereal Chop 0.5½ Inflict Torment on your target.
1 ChainMirror Strikes.png Mirror Strikes 0.5½ Inflict bleeding and torment on your target.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

1 Necrotic Slash.png Necrotic Slash Chain. Slash your foe twice.
1 ChainNecrotic Slash.png Necrotic Stab Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainNecrotic Bite.png Necrotic Bite 0.25¼ Strike your foe and gain life force.
1 Blood Curse.png Blood Curse 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe.
1 ChainRending Curse.png Rending Curse 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe.
1 ChainPutrid Curse.png Putrid Curse 0.5½ Chain. Poison and bleed your foe.
1 Enervation Blade.png Enervation Blade Chain. Fire a wide piercing projectile from your blade. Heal if a target is struck. Healing is reduced for each target beyond the first.
1 ChainEnervation Echo.png Enervation Echo 0.5½ Chain. Fire another wide piercing projectile from your blade.
1 ChainDeathly Enervation.png Deathly Enervation 0.75¾ Fire an even wider piercing projectile that inflicts chill.
1 Cruel Strike.png Cruel Strike 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainWicked Strike.png Wicked Strike 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainReaper's Scythe.png Reaper's Scythe 0.75¾ Reap life force from nearby foes.
1 Dark Slash.png Dark Slash 0.75¾ Chain. Slash your foes with your spear.
1 ChainDeadly Slice.png Deadly Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice foes in front of you with your spear.
1 ChainSinister Stab.png Sinister Stab 0.75¾ Stab foes and chill them. Gain a soul shard if you strike a foe.

Reaper icon small.png Reaper

1 Dusk Strike.png Dusk Strike 0.75¾ Chain. Cleave foes in front of you.
1 ChainFading Twilight.png Fading Twilight 0.75¾ Chain. Cleave foes in front of you again.
1 ChainChilling Scythe.png Chilling Scythe 1 Chain. Strike foes, and chill them. A successful strike reduces the recharge on Gravedigger.
Reaper's Shroud
1 Life Rend.png Life Rend 0.5½ Chain. Shroud. Cleave foes in front of you. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.
1 ChainLife Slash.png Life Slash 0.5½ Chain. Shroud. Cleave foes in front of you again. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.
1 ChainLife Reap.png Life Reap 0.5½ Shroud. Cleave foes around you, gaining life force for each foe struck. This skill inherits traits from Life Blast.

Common skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Sword of Wrath.png Daybreak Blade 0.5½ Slash your foe once, then again on the backswing.
1 ChainSymbol of Blades.png Flashing Arc 0.5½ Medium range sword attack.
Dimensional Anchor
1 Hammer Swing (guardian skill).png Anchor Swing 0.5½ Blink left and bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Swing (guardian skill).png Anchor Bash 0.5½ Blink right and bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Bash (guardian skill).png Anchor Smash 0.5½ Blink to your target and smash the ground to damage nearby foes.
Dredge Mining-Laser
1 Dredge Boomstick.png Dredge Mining Cannon 20.25¼ 20.5½ Designed to be used against heavily reinforced objects.
1 ChainJump Shot.png Weapon Malfunction 12 Throw caution to the wind and fire anyway!
Experimental Hammer
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Bash and taunt your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Bash and taunt your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground, damaging and stunning nearby foes.
Failed Experimental Greatsword
1 Strike.png Strike 0.5½ Strike your foe.
1 ChainVengeful Strike.png Vengeful Strike 0.5½ Strike your foe again.
1 ChainWrathful Strike.png Wrathful Strike 0.5½ Attack your foe with a wrathful strike.
Harpoon Guns
1 Harpooned.png Harpoon Shot 0.75¾ Fire a harpoon at the target. If it hits, you can reel the target in.
1 ChainReel It In.png Reel It In 0.75¾ Reel in a harpooned target. Make sure you catch it!
Jotun Greatsword (bundle)
1 Greatsword Swing.png Slash 0.5½ Slash your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Swing.png Slash 0.5½ Slice your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Swing.png Slash 0.5½ Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
Occam's Enchanted Hammer
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
1 Sohothin's Bite.png Sohothin's Bite Quick melee slash.
1 ChainSohothin's Sting.png Sohothin's Sting 0.5½ Quick melee slash.
1 ChainSohothin's Roar.png Sohothin's Roar 1 A slower devastating slash. Reduces cooldown on Flame Spit and Cataclysm.
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
Unsheathe Flamesaw
1 Greatsword Swing (Unsheathe Flamesaw).png Greatsword Swing 0.5½ Slash your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Slice (Unsheathe Flamesaw).png Greatsword Slice 0.5½ Slice your foe.
1 ChainBrutal Strike (Unsheathe Flamesaw).png Brutal Strike 0.5½ Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.