Trading post
Berserker's Iron Axe of Blood
Berserker's Iron Dagger of Blood
Berserker's Iron Hammer of Blood
Berserker's Iron Mace of Blood
Berserker's Iron Pistol of Blood
Berserker's Iron Shield of Blood
Berserker's Iron Spear of Blood
Berserker's Soft Wood Torch of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Axe of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Bayonet of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Dagger of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Horn of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Longbow of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Maul of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Shield of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Short Bow of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Spear of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Speargun of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Sword of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Symbol of Blood
Carrion Legionnaire Virge of Blood
Carrion Tribal Axe of Blood
Carrion Tribal Bow of Blood
Carrion Tribal Dagger of Blood
Carrion Tribal Focus of Blood
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood
Carrion Tribal Mace of Blood
Carrion Tribal Pistol of Blood
Carrion Tribal Rifle of Blood
Carrion Tribal Scepter of Blood
Carrion Tribal Shield of Blood
Carrion Tribal Short Bow of Blood
Carrion Tribal Spear of Blood
Carrion Tribal Speargun of Blood
Carrion Tribal Staff of Blood
Carrion Tribal Sword of Blood
Carrion Tribal Torch of Blood
Carrion Tribal Trident of Blood
Carrion Tribal Warhammer of Blood
Carrion Tribal Warhorn of Blood
Cleric's Iron Axe of Blood
Cleric's Iron Dagger of Blood
Cleric's Iron Greatsword of Blood
(Account bound)
(Account bound)
Dire Ceremonial Bulwark of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Dagger of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Focus of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Hammer of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Longbow of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Morning Star of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Pike of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Pistol of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Rifle of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Sabre of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Scepter of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Scimitar of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Short Bow of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Speargun of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Stave of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Torch of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Trident of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Warhorn of Blood
Dire Ceremonial Winged Axe of Blood
Dire Orrian Axe of Blood
Dire Orrian Bow of Blood
Dire Orrian Dagger of Blood
Dire Orrian Focus of Blood
Dire Orrian Longsword of Blood
Dire Orrian Mace of Blood
Dire Orrian Pistol of Blood
Dire Orrian Rifle of Blood
Dire Orrian Sabre of Blood
Dire Orrian Scepter of Blood
Dire Orrian Shield of Blood
Dire Orrian Short Bow of Blood
Dire Orrian Smasher of Blood
Dire Orrian Spear of Blood
Dire Orrian Speargun of Blood
Dire Orrian Staff of Blood
Dire Orrian Torch of Blood
Dire Orrian Trident of Blood
Dire Orrian Warhorn of Blood
Eye of Rodgort
Legionnaire Firebrand
Legionnaire Mace
Legionnaire Sidearm
Legionnaire Staff
Legionnaire Trident
Lidless Eye
Mystic Caller
Mystic Cudgel
Mystic Rifle
Mystic Speargun
Mystic Torch
Mystic Trident
Mystic Wand
Rampager's Soft Wood Scepter of Blood
Rampager's Soft Wood Torch of Blood
Scarlet's Kiss
Scarlet's Rainbow
Scepter of the Highborn
Shaman's Etched Artifact of Blood
Shaman's Etched Avenger of Blood
Shaman's Etched Blade of Blood
Shaman's Etched Blaster of Blood
Shaman's Etched Branch of Blood
Shaman's Etched Bulwark of Blood
Shaman's Etched Cudgel of Blood
Shaman's Etched Greatbow of Blood
Shaman's Etched Harbinger of Blood
Shaman's Etched Harpoon of Blood
Shaman's Etched Revolver of Blood
Shaman's Etched Scepter of Blood
Shaman's Etched Shard of Blood
Shaman's Etched Short Bow of Blood
Shaman's Etched Skeggox of Blood
Shaman's Etched Sledgehammer of Blood
Shaman's Etched Speargun of Blood
Shaman's Etched Trident of Blood
Shaman's Etched Wartorch of Blood
Shaman's Vision
The Fate of Menzies
Unspoken Curse