Karmic Converter

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Karmic Converter.png

Karmic Converter

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

Double-click to trade karma for something useful.
Can only buy one item per day.

— In-game description

The Karmic Converter is an item that allows you to trade karma for one of three items per day. Upon use, a vendor window opens which allows you to buy an item. After buying one, the list clears until the next day. The available items change every day.


This achievement rewards items.This achievement rewards a title.This achievement requires at least one completed objective to become visible. Exotic Hunter Rare Collections 10Achievement points
Unlock these 34 exotic weapon skins from champion bags in your wardrobe.
Title: Exotic Hunter
Reward: Karmic Converter.pngKarmic Converter

Unlocked 1 Champion Weapon Skin 2Achievement points
Unlocked 17 Champion Weapon Skins 3Achievement points
Unlocked 34 Champion Weapon Skins 5Achievement points

Purchasable items[edit]

Today's items[edit]

Click here to purge the server cache, this forces the server to update the contents.

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Bag of Obsidian.pngBag of Obsidian Bag of Gear.pngBag of Masterwork Gear Rox's Treat Bag.pngTrophy Bag (Cores)

Possible items[edit]

You may buy one thing from the tables per day. What is offered changes daily.

Item Type Rarity Cost
Bag of Obsidian.png Bag of Obsidian Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Medium Bag of Obsidian.png Medium Bag of Obsidian Container Masterwork 4,998 Karma
Large Bag of Obsidian.png Large Bag of Obsidian Container Rare 4,998 Karma

Item Type Rarity Cost
Rune Bag (masterwork).png Rune Bag Container Masterwork 4,998 Karma
Rune Bag (rare).png Rune Bag Container Rare 4,998 Karma
Sigil Bag (masterwork).png Sigil Bag Container Masterwork 4,998 Karma
Sigil Bag (rare).png Sigil Bag Container Rare 4,998 Karma
Bag of Gear.png Bag of Masterwork Gear Container Masterwork 4,998 Karma
Bag of Rare Gear.png Bag of Rare Gear Container Rare 4,998 Karma

Item Type Rarity Cost
Tiny Crafting Bag.png Tiny Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Small Crafting Bag.png Small Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Light Crafting Bag.png Light Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Medium Crafting Bag.png Medium Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Large Crafting Bag.png Large Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Heavy Crafting Bag.png Heavy Karmic Crafting Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Bag of Dragonite Ore.png Bag of Dragonite Ore Container Ascended 4,998 Karma
Bag of Empyreal Fragments.png Bag of Empyreal Fragments Container Ascended 4,998 Karma
Bag of Bloodstone Dust.png Bag of Bloodstone Dust Container Ascended 4,998 Karma
Rox's Treat Bag.png Trophy Bag Container Fine 4,998 Karma
Rox's Treat Bag.png Trophy Bag Container Masterwork 4,998 Karma
Rox's Treat Bag.png Trophy Bag Container Rare 4,998 Karma
Bag of Scrap.png Bag of Scrap Container Exotic 4,998 Karma
Bag of Educational Supplies.png Bag of Educational Supplies Container Exotic 4,998 Karma
Box of WvW Supplies.png Box of WvW Supplies Container Exotic 4,998 Karma
Bag of Jewels.png Bag of Jewels Container Basic 4,998 Karma

See also[edit]