Refugee (hylek)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the hylek NPCs found throughout Zintl Holy Grounds. For other refugee NPCs, see Refugee.



Interactive map

These hylek Refugees are all seeking sanctuary within the Zintl Holy Grounds from the Risen invasion.


Maguuma Jungle


Green unarmored hylek near western gate
When I was a tadpole, my mother told me that the Agari tribe were blue because Zintl wanted to condemn them to the water. She said they didn't desert to walk the land beside us.
Dignity That's a terrible thing to say.
It is, I agree. In the months I've spent here, side-by-side with the Agari, I've learned much about them. Primarily, that they are no different than us.
Talk end option tango.png Good. I'll be on my way now.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think now?
I have lived and fought beside them for months now. I don't believe Zintl has any cause to punish them. I'm ashamed of my mother's words.
Talk end option tango.png Now you know.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Green heavy armored hylek near western gate
Times have grown hard for all of us. But I know that Zintl is constant, and I know that as long as he rises each night concludes and brings daylight with him, we will not be completely lost.
Charisma I admire your faith.
Thank you. I admire your strength. May Zintl continue to send us allies like you.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png Why do you worship the sun?
Imagine the world without him, and you've answered your own question.
Talk end option tango.png Point taken.
Talk end option tango.png At least you have hope.
Blue unarmored hylek near western gate
Zintl is bringing us together here, in the holy grounds. These struggles are simply his way of uniting the tribes, of showing us how to be stronger.
Ferocity Then together, you must rise up and fight the undead!
Zintl grants us strength, but also wisdom. Uniting has made us stronger, but we are in no place to launch an offensive attack. We must focus on survival.
Talk end option tango.png You're just cowards.
Dignity Do you really believe he'd allow so much death for that?
If it was important enough, yes. All things must die at some time. There is honor in dying to spare others the same fate. We were divided before, but together, we are stronger.
Talk end option tango.png I see. Interesting. Well, good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png Is uniting so important?
In my opinion, it is. As separate tribes, we were not as strong. As one, we are able to accomplish more.
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk end option tango.png I don't think I want to continue this conversation.
Green light armored hylek near southern gate
I can't fight, but I try and help in whatever ways that I can. I have been decorating the temple and beseeching Zintl to look on our struggles with favor.
Talk more option tango.png You painted these designs here?
Yes, I can only pray that Zintl looks down on my work with favor and helps in our struggle.
Talk end option tango.png I hope he does.
Talk more option tango.png Your work with colors is impressive. Could you give me some advice? (if Bolt I: The Experimental Sword is active)
Of course.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you. (grants Hylek Artistic Perspective)
Talk end option tango.png Keep up the good work.




  • If Defend the Zintl Holy Grounds begins, the Refugees will slowly wander to houses and disappear. They will only reappear once the event (or its failure follow up) are completed.
  • Hylek Artistic Perspective is gained by talking to a certain Refugee NPC (green hylek south of Zintle Holy Grounds Waypoint) if you have unlocked Bolt I: The Experimental Sword.