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Amini are a type of friendly hylek typically found in and around hylek villages.
- Bloodtide Coast
- Risewild Hills (51)
- Jelako Cliffrise (54)
- Sparkfly Fen
- Orvar's Glen (55)
- Saltflood Mire (56)
- Straits of Devastation (71) (During related events only)
Story involvement[edit]
Personal Story[edit]
- Chapter 5: Order Neophyte
Event involvement[edit]
- In Porgotl Grounds
- Welcome, stranger. I wish I could say I'm happy to see you, but I'm not.
- If you've found us, it means others can find us as well. If our location is revealed, we will have to find a new place to live. We cannot let the undead find us.
- If we have to, yes. But we'd prefer to stay in one place and hide. Porgotl Grounds has been our home for some time, but the undead seem to be attracted to the Zintl Holy Grounds—which means they're too close for comfort.
- You need to accept that hiding won't work forever.
So you're just going to run forever?
- There are different kinds of bravery. And I don't relish the thought of constantly defending my home against the undead that find the Zintl Holy Grounds such a desirable target.
- In other words, you're cowards.
That's your solution? Hide from your problems? You cowards!
- Zintl Holy Grounds is a stone's throw away, and the undead are drawn to it like flies to a dead drake. We are hunters, but that doesn't make us warriors. We want to escape from the fighting.
- I don't think you can escape from it.
Why not?
- Well, fine then. Bye.
- In The Stychs
- This has been our home for many years. Dangers have come and gone, but we've remained. We know dark days are coming[sic] us, but they'll wash over us and recede like water crashing over rocks.
- Threat of danger is a constant thing wherever you go. If you choose to run, you will keep running--until you choose to make a stand. We have chosen to make ours here.
- Interesting.
Wouldn't it be safer to flee?
- Let's hope you're right.