Treasure Hunter

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the collection. For other uses, see Treasure Hunter (disambiguation).

Treasure Hunter is a Rare Collections achievement.


This achievement rewards items. Treasure Hunter Rare Collections 10Achievement points
Collect all 39 treasures from locations around Tyria.In the end, the greatest treasure was an adventurous spirit. That, or what's in the box...
Reward: Enchanted Treasure Chest.pngEnchanted Treasure Chest

Collected 1 Treasure 2Achievement points
Collected 19 Treasures 3Achievement points
Collected 39 Treasures 5Achievement points

Collection items[edit]

Collectible Type Subtype Rarity Related item Trading post (buy) Trading post (sell) Vendor price
Total 72 Silver coin 80 Copper coin + 14,441 Karma + 250 Badge of Honor + 25 Laurel + 285 Fractal Relic


World boss chests[edit]

These items are rare random drops from World boss chests.

Item Event TP buy price TP sell price
Deputy Peacemaker Badge.pngAll Seeing Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Corrupted High Priestess (78)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Risen before they reactivate the Statue of Lyssa (78)
Master Tuning Crystal.pngBreath of Kralkatorrik Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Slay the Shatterer (50)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer (80)
Diessa Chalice.pngChalice of Rhendak Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat Rhendak the Crazed (28) Account Bound Account bound
Dredge Manifesto.pngCommissar's Manifesto Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] defeating the Champion Dredge Commissar (50)
Eternal Ice (exotic).pngEternal Ice Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Svanir shaman chief to break his control over the ice elemental (10)
Pendant of Arah.pngPendant of Arah Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Destroy the Eye of Zhaitan (75)
Rhendak's Signet.pngRhendak's Signet Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat Rhendak the Crazed (28)
Bottle.pngRotbeard's Treasure Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard (80)
Sam.pngSam Event swords (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the Foulbear chieftain and her elite guards before the ogres can rally (34)
Symbol of the Inquest.pngSymbol of the Inquest Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the Inquest's golem Mark II (68)
Ulgoth's Tail.pngUlgoth's Tail Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions (43)


Required items crafted in the Mystic Forge may also be purchased at the Trading Post.

Item Rarity Ingredients
Mystic Artifact.png Mystic Artifact Exotic
Wurm Hunt Souvenir Stein.png Goblet of Kings Exotic


Item Level Vendor Area Zone Cost
20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box.png 20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box BUY-4373 BUY-4373 Mistlock Observatory
Fractals of the Mists
Mistlock Sanctuary
250 Fractal Relic + 20 Silver coin 16 Copper coin
20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box.png 20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box Fractal Reliquary Fractal Reliquary 25 Fractal Relic
Ancient Jotun Runestone.png Ancient Jotun Runestone 8 Albin Chronicler Albin Chronicler The Icesteppes Wayfarer Foothills 119 Karma
Pile of Metal Scrap.png Ancient Stone Summit Shoulder Spike 53 Quinta Quinta Tyrant's Mount Timberline Falls 14 Silver coin 16 Copper coin
Dessa's Experiment Journal.png Dessa's Experiment Journal 80 BUY-4373 BUY-4373 Mistlock Observatory
Fractals of the Mists
Mistlock Sanctuary
35 Fractal Relic + 10 Silver coin 8 Copper coin
Dessa's Experiment Journal.png Dessa's Experiment Journal 80 Fractal Reliquary Fractal Reliquary 25 Fractal Relic
Ancient Shining Blade Emblem.png Dog Tags 51 Kennelmaster Warsnout Kennelmaster Warsnout Sunken Halls of Clarent Iron Marches 791 Karma
Flame Legion Carving.png Flame Legion Carving 62 Corva Sharpclaw Corva Sharpclaw Havoc Steppes Fireheart Rise 931 Karma
Gargoyle Fossil.png Gargoyle Fossil 0 Strum Bassclash Strum Bassclash Lake Feritas Plains of Ashford 63 Karma
Hylek-Slayer Badge.png Hylek-Slayer Badge 10 Tarff's Assistant Tarff's Assistant Cuatl Morass Metrica Province 133 Karma
Lionguard Patrol Badge.png Lionguard Assault Badge 80 Southsun Economist Southsun Economist Captain's Retreat
Driftglass Springs
Owain's Refuge
Pearl Islet
Southsun Shoals
Southsun Cove
Southsun Cove
Southsun Cove
Southsun Cove
Southsun Cove
13 Silver coin 20 Copper coin
Togatl Truffle Charm.png Orrian Pearl 75 Scholar Breandan Scholar Breandan Shark's Teeth Archipelago Straits of Devastation Silver coin 24 Copper coin
Orrian Trinket.png Orrian Relic 45 Scholar Riagan Scholar Riagan Whisperwill Bogs Bloodtide Coast Silver coin 16 Copper coin
Operative's Creed.png Priory Granite Citadel History 47 Arcanist Vance Arcanist Vance Spearhead Bane Dredgehaunt Cliffs 371 Karma
Engraved Longhorn.png Prize Winning Horn 25 Erasmus Fangstorm Erasmus Fangstorm Rusty Meadows Grothmar Valley 10,500 Karma
Engraved Longhorn.png Prize Winning Horn 25 Remaris Earshot Remaris Earshot Sanctum Way Diessa Plateau 476 Karma
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Aori Brightcrest Aori Brightcrest - Armistice Bastion 25 Laurel + 250 Badge of Honor
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative - Lion's Arch Aerodrome 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Brass Nettlemoor Brass Nettlemoor Hall of Monuments Eye of the North 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 BUY-2046 PFR BUY-2046 PFR (Ascended Gear) Mistlock Observatory
Fractals of the Mists
Mistlock Sanctuary
10 Pristine Fractal Relic
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Fractal Reliquary Fractal Reliquary 25 Fractal Relic
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Guest Elder (Laurel Merchant) Guest Elder - Thousand Seas Pavilion 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Jale Jale Bay of Elon Crystal Oasis 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Jocasta Jocasta Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Kriss Kriss Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Laurel Merchant (WvW) Laurel Merchant -
Blue Alpine Borderlands
Edge of the Mists
Eternal Battlegrounds
Green Alpine Borderlands
Obsidian Sanctum (zone)
Red Desert Borderlands
25 Laurel + 250 Badge of Honor
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Laurel Merchant Laurel Merchant Commodore's Quarter
Creator's Commons
Fort Marriner
Fort Marriner
Garden of Dusk
Hall of Memories
Havoc's Heir
Memorial Quadrant
Mistlock Observatory
The Great Lodge
The Upper City
Lion's Arch
Rata Sum
Lion's Arch
Memory of Old Lion's Arch
The Grove
Heart of the Mists
Gendarran Fields
Black Citadel
Fractals of the Mists
Divinity's Reach
35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Merit Professor Rizzak Merit Professor Rizzak - Mistlock Sanctuary 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Nicola (laurel merchant) Nicola Champion's Rest Heart of the Mists 35 Laurel
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Qadim's Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange Qadim's Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Scholar Glenna (Salvation Pass) Scholar Glenna - Salvation Pass 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Royal Signet of Doric.png Royal Signet of Doric 80 Varka Varka Lava Lounge Ember Bay 35 Laurel
Centaur Arrowhead.png Rusty Trident Tip 50 Scholar Sharpslash Scholar Sharpslash Sanguine Bay Bloodtide Coast 791 Karma
Gear Crank.png Shiny Button 20 Trinkkata Trinkkata Skrittsburgh Center Brisban Wildlands Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Silent Conch Shell.png Silent Conch Shell 8 Eona Eona Ventry Bay Caledon Forest 119 Karma
Submarine Periscope Lens.png Submarine Periscope Lens 78 Nessa Nessa Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap 560 Karma
Heavy Bone.png Wurm Tooth 2 Farmer Diah Farmer Diah Shaemoor Fields Queensdale 63 Karma
Lionguard Patrol Badge.png Lionguard Assault Badge 80 Deputy Bixx Deputy Bixx (vendor currently unavailable) Southsun Shoals Southsun Cove 1,155 Karma

