Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods

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Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods is a level 80 event that occurs in The Narthex. Arah becomes available and a Glorious Chest spawns upon completion.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.



Exact allies present depend upon the pre-events completed.



Event pre
Risen High Wizard: Your deaths here will only serve to strengthen Zhaitan.
Warmaster Benson: We won't be able to touch the high wizard until his minions are killed. That will bring down his shield. Let's go.
Event start
Risen High Wizard: All will be consumed!
Risen animals summoned
Risen High Wizard: Struggle and fail.
50% health
Risen High Wizard: Know pain!
35% health
Risen High Wizard: Death is eternal.
Swapping weapons (25% health)
Risen High Wizard: Victory for Zhaitan!
Event completed
Risen High Wizard: My defeat will not save you!
Warmaster Benson: Fantastic work! Now we can move to take down Zhaitan in Arah. I'll stay behind to establish our base camp here. Everyone else, go ahead.

Related achievements[edit]


This technically isn't a Temple event, so the Glorious Chest that spawns when the Risen High Wizard is killed does not award Dragonite Ore.