Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions

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Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions is a level 43 group event in Modniir Gorge in Harathi Hinterlands.


  • Champion Modniir Ulgoth
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Centaur war beasts killed: x/3
  • Earth Elemental
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: 20:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,669 Experience.png 212 Karma 49 Copper coin
Silver 2,268 Experience.png 180 Karma 42 Copper coin
Bronze 2,002 Experience.png 159 Karma 37 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 43 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.

Event Schedule[edit]

Event Start Countdown Zone Area Waypoint link
Modniir Ulgoth 01:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 04:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 07:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 10:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 13:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 16:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 19:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge
Modniir Ulgoth 22:30 ... Harathi Hinterlands Modniir Gorge


Multiple Summoned Winds will randomly blow around the battlefield in the final phase, causing knockdown on contact with any player. Ulgoth himself, in addition to normal attacks, has an AoE field which will pulse out stacks of Burn causing 200-300 damage per pulse and a high damage bouncing fireball attack. The AoE field will quickly cause Burn to stack to lethal levels so players must be wary to avoid them. They will sometimes cover large portions of the battlefield. The fireball attack deals several thousand damage and will often appear to down in one hit due to accumulated Burn damage or drop a player low enough for existing Burn to down them. Since players are safer the further apart and further from Ulgoth they are, he will test the morale of picked up groups gathered together for the event during individual questing. His damage can be heavily mitigated by keeping him blinded, interrupted, or dazed as much as possible, and to slot condition clearing or condition transfer skills or sigils.





Upon defeat of the Centaur War Beasts
Champion Modniir Ulgoth: No! This is not how it will be.
Champion Modniir Ulgoth: You will pay! Answer this, hummingbirds: how does one fight the wind?
Upon summoning of the Earth Elemental
Captain Edwards: Spread out and focus on the hands!
Upon defeat of the Earth Elemental
Champion Modniir Ulgoth: Enough of this! I'll deal with you myself!
Champion Modniir Ulgoth: I'll crush your fragile bones with a flick of my mind.
Champion Modniir Ulgoth: Return to the land! Flesh to dust!
While fighting Modniir Ulgoth
Captain Edwards: Keep moving and stay out of the fire! Don't get hit by the wisps!
Upon event completion
Captain Edwards: With the Ulgoth dead, the Modniir forces are broken.

Related achievements[edit]
