- Year
- 1336 AE
- Storyline
- Secrets of the Obscure
- Chapter
- Treachery
- Location
- Amnytas
(Horn of Maguuma) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- The World Spire
- Followed by
- Duress
- 685
Treachery is the tenth chapter of the Secrets of the Obscure story.
- Survive the encounter with Cerus.
- Get your bearings...yet again.
- Check on Isgarren.
- Try to survive Cerus and Nayos.
- (Defeat Cerus!)
- Defeat Cerus
- Deliver the final blow to Cerus!
- Regroup with Peitha.
- Return to the Wizard's Tower.
- Take the portal back to the Wizard's Tower.
- Regroup with your allies.
- Speak with Zojja.
- Speak with Isgarren and Peitha.
- Decide whether you trust Peitha or not.
- Speak with Peitha.
- Leave the area when you're ready.
- Temple of Febe
This mission opens where the last left off, with you and Isgarren being circled by Cerus. When he decides to get aggressive he will alternate between an orb that drops from above to create a lingering area of damage, calling in large orbs that power him up but can be easily intercepted, a slam that covers most of the arena (but can be dodge), and a slow, sweeping beam that steals Boons. However this is at first a hopeless fight, as reducing him to 75% health will simply cause him to gain an invulnerable Defiance bar before stunning you and regaining 20% health. Repeating this 3 times causes Cerus to tire of your antics, charging up an attack that instantly makes you Downed.
Just before Cerus finishes off the player, the voice in the Wayfinder's head, Peitha, reveals herself. Having decided to betray Eparch she weakens Cerus, leading into a fight against him that is somewhat similar to Strike Mission: Temple of Febe. Cerus will use the same attacks as before and also add 2 more attacks: a tether to the player that spawns a clone that powers up Cerus if not defeated before it reaches him (it is vulnerable to Chilled, Crippled, and Immobilize, and letting it spawn far from Cerus gives you more time), and a green circle that explodes after a while. If you are the only player this attack will only cause miniscule damage, while if there are more players you will have to all stack inside it to reduce the damage.
When he now becomes invulnerable at 75% the Special action skill Suppression becomes available. Using it reveals two embodiments of Cerus, the Embodiment of Envy and the Embodiment of Rage (failing to use it in time will Stun you for a while, but the skill will still be available and he won't heal). Only one of these can be defeated, with the remaining one powering up their eponymous attacks (keep in mind that both will attempt to attack you from their starting position in the meantime). In this case Envy will cause the large circling beam to double up (and the second beam is much faster than the first one, so make sure to head to Cerus' right side when this skill starts up) and corrupt and steal your boons on hit, while Rage will make the charged up almost-arena-wide-attack inflict Exposed and become undodgeable. Envy is more dangerous if it hits but Rage is harder and more time consuming to dodge.
At 50% this happens again, this time spawning the Embodiment of Despair and the Embodiment of Gluttony. Despair causes the pool that spawns after the orb drops too last longer and double in size, while Gluttony merely causes Cerus to call in more orbs to power him up. Gluttony is by far the easiest to deal with if left alive, while Despair can heavily restrict your movement if the pool is left too close to the boss so the choice should be clear.
The final split happens at 25%, with the choice now being between the Embodiment of Malice, and the Embodiment of Regret. Malice causes more clone-tethers to spawn (needs to be checked what happens when solo, since the strike version causes tether to connect to 3 players instead of 1), while Regret causes up to three green circles to appear (though only if there are more than one player in the mission). Regret's powered up green circles are the easiest to deal with (since if there are multiple players you are going to have to bunch up for the non-powered up version of that attack anyways) though if you are alone it won't change what happens.
The final defiance bar at 10% won't lead to anymore embodiments when broken and instead Cerus will simply begin to repeatedly slam the ground as his sole attack until reduced to 1%, whereafter Rend Corruption will finish him off.
- The Wizard's Tower
Walk up the stairs to talk to Zojja before taking the portal to the top of the tower to talk to Isgarren and Peitha, and then decide with the former if you want to trust the latter. Talk with Peitha one final time. Now you can exit the tower (and finish the mission) by heading to the large portal behind the portal to the top of the tower, if you have nothing else you wish to do here.
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Secrets of the Obscure: Act 3 | 1 | 1
Take the fight to Cerus in his home domain.Journal: Treachery
Completed "Treachery" | 1 |
- Complete the story mission.
A Chapter Closed | Secrets of the Obscure: Act 3 | 3 |
Speak with all your allies in the Wizard's Tower.Journal: Treachery | Spoke with All Your Allies in the Wizard's Tower | 3 |
- Speak with all your allies in the Wizard's Tower.
- This Achievement can be claimed in Chapter Treachery after the Chapter is completed, while having "Leave the area when you are ready" as objective in the Instance.
Some characters / groups have several dialogue options, however, you need to talk to each character / group only once (except for the two individual conversations with Zojja).
- The 9 people are:
- Top floor: Peitha and Isgarren both on the uppermost floor which you are initially when completing the chapter.
- One floor lower: Mi-Rae
- Two floors lower: Zojja, First Hunter Rian and Second Hunter Kamilla, Lyhr and Dagda, Zizel and Galrath the Undying, R'tchikk and Gladium, Narcisse and Uenno and Frode.
- The final conversation is another one with Zojja on the same floor where Mi-Rae was (only appears after talking to Zojja on the lower floor).
Entering the green circle in the south will make you leave the instance, forcing you to repeat the chapter for a second try at completing the achievement.
- Achievement qualification may be tracked via the Achievement Eligibility: A Chapter Closed effect.
Emotional Fortitude | Secrets of the Obscure: Act 3 | 1 |
Defeat all of the embodiments of the chapter boss.Journal: Treachery |
Defeated 6 Embodiments of the Chapter Boss | 1 |
- Defeat all six embodiments of Cerus. As only one embodiment can be defeated every time they appear only 3 can be destroyed per try, requiring at least two tries at the mission to finish this achievement. Keep in mind some powered up versions of Cerus's attacks can be quite dangerous together, such as the different speeds of the Envious Gaze's two circling beams requiring good spacing to avoid Cerus stealing your boons and the Pool of Despair becoming much larger and possibly blocking of much of that needed running space.
- Demons
- Cerus
- Embodiment of Despair
- Embodiment of Envy
- Embodiment of Gluttony
- Embodiment of Rage
- Embodiment of Regret
- Embodiment of Malice
- Malicious Shadow
The Wizard's Tower[edit]
Nayos instance[edit]
- <Character name>: (groan) ...I'm getting...really tired...of this.
- Peitha: Manifest yourself some time, Wayfinder. I'm coming.
- Isgarren: Where...?
- Isgarren: Nayos.
- Cerus: Isgarren the "Curator."
- Isgarren: You're the one that's been toying with my thoughts? Visually striking, at least.
- Cerus: To see you here, in the Temple of Febe... This is grand.
- Cerus: Febe was... Oh, he was the best of us. The tip of his left horn brushed the ceiling.
- Isgarren: Wayfinder. Closer to me.
- Cerus: He was an idol to... Oh, how would your kind say it?
- Cerus: Autonomy?
- Cerus: Deimos silenced his dream. Just over there. Eparch watched with a smile. That's what happens when you fight back.
- Cerus: Even though my brother is...gone, his dream is mine.
- Cerus: Eparch will see that Deimos and I are truly the same. I am just as capable.
- Cerus: I've brought him the head of Isgarren!
- Checking on Isgarren
- Isgarren: You'll need to...face him alone. I can't...
- <Character name>: I...I don't know if I...
- Isgarren: If I can give you just move...
- Cerus: Stop.
- Isgarren: (groans)
- <Character name>: Isgarren!
- Cerus: And then there's you... (deep breath)
- Cerus: Oh, the experiences you've had since we last met...
- <Character name>: Good people have died because you and your "king."
- Cerus: Oh? They've grown more...audacious since our last meeting.
- Cerus: The "wayfinder?" That's what they call you now?
- Cerus: You are mine.
- At 75% (or being downed)
- Cerus: You tried, and yet you failed...again.
- Cerus: But this time, your friend won't be able to save you.
- Cerus: Killing the masked wizard was treacherous, but when he stumbled...I was already crouching.
- <Character name>: You killed...Mabon?
- Isgarren: (groaning)
- Cerus: One of my dearest comrades did land the final blow, but the wizard's pain... It was nectarous.
- Cerus: I could only let go of Isgarren for the breath of a moment.
- Cerus: Long enough for him to witness the act, but not long enough to act.
- Reaching 75% again (or being downed)
- Cerus: I fight many heroes from many worlds, and you were among the most interesting.
- Peitha: (giggle)
- Cutscene
- Peitha: I could smell your new friend through the Veil. Righteous, yet...diminished.
- Cerus: Peitha.
- Peitha: Tell me, who is your latest snare?
- Cerus: The champion of an "Elder Dragon." Isgarren's resolve was succulent, but this one has tasted the end.
- Peitha: And what do you plan on doing with your new "champion"? Take them to the king?
- Cerus: I have not decided. The wizard was Eparch's prize.
- Peitha: So, you plan on killing them yourself?
- Cerus: You're very inquisitive, Sister.
- Peitha: Not at all! I'm pleased. I should thank you for saving me the effort.
- Cerus: (growl)
- Peitha: Your honor died with Deimos. Eparch is foolish, and so are you.
- After the cutscene
- Cerus: I will warn you down one more time, Peitha.
- Peitha: Get up. My brother is vain and dull, but he will kill us both if we give him an opening.
- <Character name>: If we get out of here alive...
- Peitha: Talk later. Move.
- Cerus: We should have given you to Labriss[sic] to eat.
- Shouts during the battle that seems to be related to the Embodiments mechanic
- Peitha: Do not go near him!
- Peitha: Don't let them near him.
- Peitha: Kill it before they join!
- Peitha: Stop. It.
- Peitha: You must share their pain.
- Cerus: I feed.
- Cerus: I hunger for power...
- Cerus: Come to me...
- Cerus: To me, return...
- Other shouts during the battle
- Peitha: Avoid his gaze!
- Peitha: Together!
- Cerus: Run... Run...
- Cerus: Do not look away.
- Cerus: Back!
- Cerus: (screams)
- At 75%
- Cerus: Have you always been a traitor?
- Peitha: Only to Eparch, not to Nayos.
- Cerus: That is hysterical.
- At around 50%
- Peitha: And what are you doing, Brother?
- Peitha: Eparch will never look to you as he did Deimos.
- Cerus: Bleed.
- Peitha: Deimos died in a musky hole and Eparch watched.
- At 25%
- Cerus: What's your plan here, Peitha?
- Cerus: Do you think you'd make a better king? Do you want to bridge worlds together?
- Peitha: I just want to stop you and your "king" from destroying ours.
- At 5%
- Peitha: Wayfinder! Now!
- Finishing Cerus
- <Character name>: (groan)
- Peitha: He did not deserve to dream.
- Regroup with Peitha
- Peitha: It would seem I placed my bet on the right champion. Well fought, Wayfinder.
- <Character name>: I don't know if we would have survived that without you.
- Peitha: Perhaps not.
- Isgarren: Who...? (groans)
- Peitha: We shouldn't tarry here too long. Eparch is likely watching.
- Peitha: This rift will return us to the tower. I'm sure they'd like their wizard back.
- Peitha: And I have something to ask of you.
Epilogue: The Wizard's Tower instance[edit]
- Dagda: (snarls) Who are you?
- Peitha: Oh, I like this one.
- Frode: Thank the spirits, they've got Isgarren...
- Peitha: See? Just fine.
- Lyhr: Ah. That's about how tall I expected the wayfinder to be, I think.
- Dagda: Someone explain to me what this davrek is doing here?
- Isgarren: not want to see this place in ruins over something petty.
- Dagda: Are you well? How is your mind? Is your power...? Your head—
- Isgarren: I am home.
- Lyhr: Wasn't sure you'd make it out of that one.
- Isgarren: Nor I.
- Dagda: I need to connect you to one of the celestial strands. If someone could get my needle—
- Isgarren: I could use some water.
- Dagda: But you don't need...
- Isgarren: It reminds me that I'm still alive.
- Isgarren: More importantly, we have questions to answer. I would very much like to talk to you, Peitha.
- Peitha: And I, you, "your highness."
- Isgarren: No titles. Not in my home.
- Peitha: Oh? Curious.
- Isgarren: Let's take this somewhere more private. We needn't stress anyone else with that conversation.
- R'tchikk: R'tchikk will get Isgarren water!
- Zojja: Commander, I have something to discuss with you.
- Speak with Zojja.
- Zojja: I'm...I'm so glad you're okay. When we woke up, the sky was...
- <Character name>: Everything okay, Zojja?
- Uenno: C'mon, shaman, let's give them a minute.
- Zojja: You just...let me talk for a minute?
- Zojja: In order to connect to the "flow" and access the magical ecosystem, there's a ritual...
- Zojja: It makes your memories fuzzy. The personal ones, at least. You've probably heard about that...unfortunate side effect.
- Zojja: When I thought you and Isgarren were dead, I... I felt very selfish for humouring the idea at all.
- Zojja: Won't I be doing the same to you, if I choose to ascend? W–won't I be leaving you behind? Destiny's Edge? I just...
- <Character name>: Zojja, I'm not going anywhere—neither are you. Complicated wizard spells or no, you found a family. You aren't alone.
- Zojja: I won't remember much of our past together. And our friends can't know I'm here. Not yet, anyway. I'll be isolated...
- <Character name>: We'll figure that out, but it doesn't mean that I can't be friends with whatever version of you I meet on the other side.
- Zojja: I... You're a good friend, Commander.
- Dagda: Wayfinder, Isgarren would like to speak with you.
- Zojja: Go ahead, Wayfinder.
- Dagda: Are you okay, little light?
- Zojja: Better clarity, is all. I'm okay. Really, Dagda.
- Speak with Isgarren and Peitha
- Peitha: It's a lot to suggest. I realize this.
- Isgarren: Wayfinder. I'd have preferred to welcome you to our home myself, but Mabon had other intentions... You spared him.
- Isgarren: Unfortunately our troubles are not over.
- Peitha: As I've never had the chance... I am Peitha, of House Nephus—though "houses" and titles given by Eparch are less than reputable.
- Peitha: But in my world, it carries weight. We'll need that.
- Peitha: Just because we've felled Cerus does not mean this fight is well and done. The opposite seems to be true.
- Isgarren: You use language that suggests an alliance.
- Peitha: Let me pose this to the wayfinder, Wizard.
- Peitha: Eparch is alive and well. Thriving, even, on the backs of my kind.
- Isgarren: Societies limp under poor leaders and recover like clockwork.
- Peitha: Eparch is not comparable to Tyrian leaders. He does not simply drain them of wealth. Or land.
- Peitha: He has taken to...eating them.
- <Character name>: He's...he's feeding on other Kryptis?
- Peitha: Our blood is his blood, and eventually we will be dissolved.
- Isgarren: And that is tragic.
- Peitha: Killing Eparch is a mutual goal, Isgarren.
- Isgarren: I don't meddle in foreign politics, Lady Peitha.
- Isgarren: Letting him devour your entire people, while upsetting, could ultimately help Tyria.
- Isgarren: Can't start another invasion without bodies, can he?
- Peitha: But he can come here himself and do the same to this world. And he is quite fond of it.
- Isgarren: I've turned away many beings from outside. Especially after the "gods" and the damage they wrought.
- Isgarren: I have also neglected to ask for help, and to accept it, when I've needed it most.
- Isgarren: Wayfinder? Thoughts?
- Isgarren: Wayfinder, what do you think? Can Peitha be trusted?
- <Character name>: I think we can trust her. I feel it.
We can trust her.
- <Character name>: It doesn't sound like we have much of a choice.
Do we have any other choice?
- Peitha: I promise, no deception.
- Isgarren: The Astral Ward needs to recover before we take action, but I'm not opposed to hearing a plan.
- Peitha: Your air is a delicacy to breathe, and I could use that indulgence.
- Speaking to Peitha
- Peitha: I trust that Isgarren will help where he's able, but now I want to ask you.
- Peitha: You have saved your world—more than once—and now I am asking you to help save mine.
- <Character name>: Want to walk me through the plan?
- Peitha: For now, I just need you. The Kryptis would be overwhelmed if too many of Isgarren's people came through.
- Peitha: But if you come in with me and help rally support, we can prepare them for the push against Eparch.
- <Character name>: Do you think they'll trust me?
- Peitha: Far more than they trust their "king." And I need them to trust me.
- <Character name>: Then I'll go with you.
- Peitha: Good.
- Peitha: I'll leave you to your friends, Wayfinder. I'm sure you've much to discuss.
Speaking with allies before leaving the instance (optional)[edit]
- Talking to Peitha
- Peitha: You wear an expression of...curiousity. It's not an unattractive look on you. Do you desire something...particular from me?
- Peitha: Of course not. The emotions of your people may smell of wine, but your flesh is...not for me.
- Peitha: I first tasted your aura quite some time ago. I didn't know it was you then, but you died...and then came back?
- Peitha: I felt that ripple, even if it was brief. There are many realms that linger near yours; I assume they felt it too.
- Peitha: When you fell into Cerus's trap and first came to Nayos, I felt that ripple again.
- Peitha: Your life...has been precarious. Besides, I needed you alive.
So, you weren't a ravenous demon waiting to kill me yourself?
- Peitha: At first, I was simply curious. Cerus was not wrong—you are a...delicacy to us.
- Peitha: Cerus also angers so easily; I couldn't miss the opportunity to throw a stone into his pond.
- Peitha: But then I saw what you could do—I felt what you had done...
- Peitha: We may be born of different rules, but strength recognizes strength.
- Peitha: And helping me kill Cerus proved all that I needed.
Why did you save me?
- Peitha: Cerus and Deimos were always horrible. Eparch encouraged that.
- Peitha: He raised them to follow his orders and to consume. At least Deimos had the slightest bit of reservation...
- Peitha: But even he was too focused on bloodlust. Managed to wiggle past Isgarren's barriers, only to get trapped and killed.
- Peitha: Cerus never stood as tall as our brother. Not in Eparch's eyes. He tried, but death was his fate.
- Peitha: And dying by your hand was a far kinder fate than by Eparch's.
- Peitha: So, no, I do not mourn him. I mourn the brothers I never had.
Do you not mourn for your brother?
- Uh...nothing right at this moment.
- Talking to Isgarren
- Isgarren: You're my new wayfinder?
- <Character name>: I am. And you're the one we fought through an army of Kryptis to save?
- Isgarren: I am.
- <Character name>: Isgarren—
- Isgarren: Very informal for someone who's never met me.
- <Character name>: Sorry... I've heard so much about you.
- Isgarren: I don't care what you call me. "Isgarren" is comfortable. "He" is comfortable.
- Isgarren: But I've been called many names, and all of them are as true as this one.
- Isgarren: I've lived many lives. And I haven't always looked like this.
- Isgarren: You've always been a mystery to me. You first caught my eye in your pursuit of Zhaitan. I started to piece it together.
- <Character name>: You've been watching. Why didn't you help?
- Isgarren: It's not my job to interfere with nature.
- Isgarren: And the path unfurled as expected. You're alive. Most of your friends are alive.
- <Character name>: Most of them.
- Isgarren: Oh, calm. Life is death, and things could have been far worse. I promise.
- Isgarren: I do want to thank you, Wayfinder. Your aid was clearly needed here.
- Isgarren: And will be needed as you march with your...friend.
- Talking to Isgarren again
- Wayfinder? Was there something you wanted to discuss?
- Ah. My fhogos—my kin. I would not be surprised if I was the only one you'll ever meet. Mabon and I were both birthed by stubborn beings. And like the Tyrian mursaat, my kind are all dead.
- We didn't age well. And we lived a very difficult existence... Of all my thousands of years of self-reflection, I barely spent my adolesence[sic] among them. I parted from the horde after...
- We once tried to fell the dragons. The Elder Races of Tyria. The Seer doyen, Sidony, cried for war. But...just before we were to aid the mursaat in their attack on Zhaitan... Sidony decided against.
- The mursaat never forgave us, and I empathized with that. They were turned to bone scraps and bile... But they would hunt us for thousands of years after. A few hundred of them, for all of us.
- An unlikely alliance. He was different, and more so resembled the mursaat I've met external Tyria: brutal, yes, but fair. He's endured as much as I have.
- Some, at least. Who could say? Mabon searched, but... He stayed here all this time, after all. Perhaps, they were not worth finding...?
- I am, too.
- I'll leave you to rest.
I'm sorry, about Mabon...
Mursaat...external Tyria?
You and Mabon, then...
(Listen intently.)
I'm so sorry.
I'm curious. Can you tell me about the Seers?
- No, there wasn't. You should rest up.
- Talking to the group of Narcisse, Frode and Uenno
- Narcisse: Sit still and this will go faster. If Arina were here, you know what she'd say...
- Frode: (grunts)
- Uenno: Don't look at me. She already pinned me down to siphon away my blood for "testing."
- Narcisse: I am...simply...making sure that you are both at optimum health.
- <Character name>: Don't let me interrupt.
- Uenno: Please, interrupt.
- Narcisse: Not at all! You're next!
- Frode: I'm sure the wayfinder has places to be...
- Narcisse: Behave. You're supposed to be a leader, Warden.
- Frode: We've a moment to celebrate. Even you deserve to breathe a little, for keeping us all in one piece.
- Uenno: Though, I could use a salve or two... That last battle reminded me that I am indeed no longer a student of the colleges.
- Narcisse: Oh! I have something!
- Frode: Rest, Wayfinder. I'm sure this calm is only temporary. When the sun rises, it'll be another day.
- Frode: It's only a matter of time before we need to tell the rest of the world what happened here... So, kick your boots off.
- <Character name>: I suppose we're going to have to tell them, one way or another. In case it happens again...
- Frode: For now, let yourself refuel. When I was a shaman...
- Uenno: Go, quickly. Or he'll bore you to death with a monologue about the time he drank soured ale and saw Knut's face on every...
- Frode: It's a good story.
- <Character name>: Who am I to distract from the doctor's orders, anyway? Narcisse, have at 'em.
- Talking to R'tchikk and Gladium
- R'tchikk: Wayfinder! Come, come!
- Gladium: (gestures)
- R'tchikk: Glade speaks for us both, and it's especially good to see you. When skritt woke up, the sky was red. Kryptis were—
- R'tchikk: Well, R'tchikk should have known that the commander would prevail.
- <Character name>: You know, you really can drop the "commander" now, R'tchikk.
- R'tchikk: Skritt will always honor the commander's legacy, even if they've begun a new one. Or are about to begin another.
- <Character name>: I guess I can't leave my past behind. But that's a much more complicated conversation.
- <Character name>: It was an honor, fighting with you both.
- R'tchikk: The honor was, and is, ours.
- Gladium: (bows)
- Talking to Zizel and Galrath the Undying
- Galrath the Undying: A well-fought victory, Wayfinder.
- If asura:
- Zizel: Impressive indeed. And you didn't even bend those magnificent ears!
- If charr:
- Zizel: Impressive indeed. And your gorgeous horns are still intact!
- If human or norn:
- Zizel: Impressive indeed. And you barely scuffed that perfect skin!
- If sylvari:
- Zizel: Impressive indeed. And without pruning any of those marvelous leaves!
- Galrath the Undying: Speaking frankly, I agreed with Isgarren initially. You were too unpredictable a variable.
- Galrath the Undying: I'm rarely proven wrong.
- <Character name>: I'm glad I proved trustworthy. So, what's next then?
- Zizel: There's still much to rebuild. Physically...and emotionally. I think I'll plan a memorial for Mabon.
- Galrath the Undying: He would appreciate that, my friend. I'll be restoring Amnytas's defenses.
- Talking to Zojja
- Zojja: Hey, Commander, can I borrow your comms device...?
- <Character name>: Of course.
- Zojja: I haven't worked on one of these things in years!
- Zojja: What is this? Did she add...voice messages? Taimi...
- <Character name>: Do you need any help working that?
- Taimi: COMMANDER! What. The. HECK. Where have you been?
- Taimi: I've been trying to reach you for weeks! I hope whatever cave you've been hiding in at least has—
- Zojja: Hi, Taimi.
- Zojja: Taimi...?
- Taimi: Zojja, is that you?
- Zojja: Yeah, it's me.
- Zojja: Hey, Commander, could you give us a moment?
- <Character name>: Take as long as you need.
- Taimi: I... I...
- Zojja: Yeah, I know.
- Talking to Lyhr and Dagda
- Lyhr: So...any lingering reservations about our new friend here, Dagda? Last-minute notes?
- Dagda: That twinkle in your eye... For what starless purpose would you ask such a question?
- Lyhr: Oh, just stoking the forge. As always, you're so above it all.
- Dagda: Good of you to notice.
- Dagda: I am grateful you gave me a chance to...adjust. Much has changed, and quickly. It can be jarring for the eldest of us.
- <Character name>: My history with immortal entities has been mixed; here's hoping this whole "Wayfinder" thing is a good change.
- Dagda: If the heroes of this age are even half your measure, the court may even call on others in time. It may be inevitable.
- Lyhr: Dadga...
- Dagda: I owe it to Mabon to try.
- Talking to Kamilla and Rian
- Second Hunter Kamilla: We're going somewhere cold after this. And on flat earth.
- First Hunter Rian: Not warm? We could rent that little bungalow near the Bloodtide Coast...
- <Character name>: Don't you two look rested.
- First Hunter Rian: No, unfortunately, but we've got them on the back foot. I'm more worried for the mainland than Amnytas, now.
- Second Hunter Kamilla: Kryptis are still coming in from Nayos, but their numbers are weaker. Eparch is scared. The poor thing.
- First Hunter Rian: We don't want to assume... But, things are looking up.
- <Character name>: I'm just glad you're taking a moment for yourselves. Savor it.
- Second Hunter Kamilla: Oh, we will. Planning our first vacation in...what? Seven years?
- First Hunter Rian: At least. The ward has very strict rules for interacting with the rest of the world. But we could use a few days away.
- Finding the hologram of Mi-Rae
- Mi-Rae: Welcome back to the Canthan Report. This is Mi-Rae, reporting from our studio in New Kaineng.
- Mi-Rae: This reporter was recently given the impromptu opportunity to interview the famed "Pact commander" during my first world tour.
- Mi-Rae: Their eyes, glossy as the Jade Sea, watched me with weariness. The catastrophe in Cantha was still heavy on their soul.
- If asura:
- Mi-Rae: We stood in their home: a small, personal laboratory in the heart of Rata Sum. Cozy, but cold in its clinical sterility.
- If charr:
- Mi-Rae: We stood in their home: a small collection of barracks in the Black Citadel. At least four feline warriors asked if I was lost.
- If human:
- Mi-Rae: We stood in their home: a residential district in Divinity's Reach. The smells of urine and fresh bread competed for attention.
- If norn:
- Mi-Rae: We stood in their home: a bustling loft in the heart of the Great Lodge of Hoelbrak. The children were as tall as yours truly.
- If sylvari:
- Mi-Rae: We stood in their home: a quaint garden terrace, tucked away in the Grove. Serene, tranquil, and not for the faint of nose.
- Depending on response to Mi-Rae's first question during Prologue: Uncertain Times:
- I asked their part in ending the dragon cycle. Hiding behind their famed veil of charm, they credited their allies.
- The ending of the dragon cycle sent ripples through the world. They acknowledged the great loss we all suffered as a result.
- I started with a light question: their part in ending the dragon cycle. I was immediately dismissed. The question dodged.
- Depending on response to Mi-Rae's second question during Prologue: Uncertain Times:
- I also asked of their leadership, of which they were not shy. A hint of pride could be detected in their tone...
- When I asked of their leadership, they maintained diplomacy, saying they always act on the best information at their disposal.
- When I asked of the commander's leadership, they were cagey. Clouds thickening behind their eyes. Memories swelling.
- Depending on response to Mi-Rae's third question during Prologue: Uncertain Times:
- We returned to the dragon cycle's end. While the commander was grateful for the lives saved, I thought of those who weren't...
- "Dragonvoid," the force that felled Soo-Won. We pivoted to the end of the dragon cycle, which generations suffered. They blamed the
- We spoke further about the end of the dragon cycle. The commander was blunt: had it not been ended, we wouldn't be here today.
- Depending on response to Mi-Rae's fourth question during Prologue: Uncertain Times:
- I asked what's next for the commander. With exhausted eyes, they shook their head like a child, frightened and uncertain.
- So, what's next for the commander? "Tyria," they said, "still needs aid."
- After recounting their tale, I asked what's next for the commander. With furrowed brow, they turned away from my gaze.
- Mi-Rae: Near the end of our interview, the commander was pulled away in a frenzy of emotion. A letter fell into their lap as we spoke.
- Mi-Rae: They peeled it open with the precision of a hardened warrior. Delicate, but intentional.
- Mi-Rae: Their eyes glanced over the contents. Dread, but possibly a hint of warmth, brushed their cheeks before they looked to me.
- Mi-Rae: "Sorry," was all they could mumble before leaving.
- Mi-Rae: While I wasn't able to ascertain their call to action, I can only assume they were pulled to the arms of another battle.
- Mi-Rae: Next up on the Cantha Report: I go head-to-head with Rytlock Brimstone, ally of the commander and tribune of the "Blood Legion."
- Rytlock Brimstone: (growls)
- Mi-Rae: Rytlock, how do you feel about the escalating calls for global unity following the death of Soo-Won?
- Rytlock Brimstone: Get that damned thing out of my face before I shove it—
- Mi-Rae: Until next time. Stay sharp, Tyria.
- Talking to Zojja again at the top of the tower
- Zojja: Here's your comms device...
- <Character name>: You two have a good chat?
- Zojja: Yeah, Taimi's...great. Had a lot to say. She's grown up so much... Everyone is doing fine, huh?
- Zojja: My mentee, helping to solve a national power crisis...
- <Character name>: You okay?
- Zojja: Yeah... Yeah, I am. I'm fine. I told her that I'm on my own adventure too, just like she is.
- Zojja: She wanted details, of course, and I didn't offer much... I told her that I'm happy, though.
- <Character name>: Was that enough for her?
- Zojja: Of course it wasn't, but she understands. She's off on a new journey too...
- Zojja: Everything is going to change again, but I think I'm okay with that. It doesn't mean I won't see them.
- <Character name>: I'll be there to help you put names to faces.
- Zojja: Probably gonna need that.
- Zojja: Comman—Wayfinder. Thank you for being you. You've been through...a lot. Reflect on the good you've done.
Open world[edit]
- Eparch: Ah. There you are.
- Eparch: I thought I felt something...different. It's fascinating, what you smell like. What you feel like.
- Eparch: I'd hoped that Cerus was a smarter warrior than his brother, but... I've been wrong before, I'll admit that.
- Eparch: You, though. Not only do you remind me of the seer, but... Your fear tastes like his.
- Eparch: (laughs)
- Eparch: Peitha has impressed me. But. She'll still fall short. They all do.
- Eparch: Be wise, "Wayfinder".
My story[edit]
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