Voices beyond the Veil
Voices beyond the Veil
- Year
- 1336 AE
- Storyline
- Secrets of the Obscure
- Chapter
- Voices beyond the Veil
- Location
- Skywatch Archipelago
(Horn of Maguuma) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- Mother of Stars
- Followed by
- The Missing Facet
- 686
Voices beyond the Veil is the fourth chapter of the Secrets of the Obscure story.
- Keep working with the Astral Ward in Skywatch Archipelago.
- Return to the Rift Hunters' makeshift camp at the Beacon of Ages.
- Check in on Dagda.
- Speak to Frode.
- Meet with Rian to get more targets.
- (Optional) Speak with R'tchikk and Gladium.
- Help the Astral Ward deal with threats across Tyria.
- (Continue using the Heart to track and close rifts.)
- Continue Tracking and Closing Rifts with the Heart
- Regroup with the Astral Ward at the Beacon of Ages.
- Return to the Rift Hunters' makeshift camp at the Beacon of Ages.
- Make plans with your allies.
- First Time
- Replay
- Tale of Adventure (5) (once per day)
Follow the story markers to listen to various dialogues.
During the "Help the Astral Ward deal with threats across Tyria" section, participate in rift hunting events in Skywatch Archipelago until the progress bar is completely filled. You will need four full rift events to complete this section. Use "scan for rift" function under mastery skills (located beneath "swap weapon sets").
Go back to the Beacon of Ages Command Center to listen to the final dialogue and finish the story chapter.
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Secrets of the Obscure: Act 2 | 1 | 1
Continue working with the Rift Hunters.Journal: Voices beyond the Veil
Completed "Voices beyond the Veil" | 1 |
- Complete the story mission.
- Peitha / Strange Voice (at the beginning) (voice only)
- Strange Voice (Eparch) (later, during Rift Hunting) (voice only)
- On exiting the previous story instance
- Strange Voice: You're breathing. That's good
- <Character name>: And you're still here. Am I possessed?
- Strange Voice: No. You are not.
- <Character name>: Then who are you?
- Strange Voice: Peitha.
- <Character name>: And what do you want, Peitha?
- <Character name>: Now you choose silence.
- Speaking to Dagda
- <Character name>: I see you're on your feet.
- Dagda: That I am.
- Zojja: I think we're ready for some proper introductions. Dagda, Commander. Commander, Dagda.
- Zojja: She helped Mabon heal me when I first got here. You should have seen me. I was a mess...
- <Character name>: Dagda.
- Dagda: Commander. I apologize for my hostility at our first meeting.
- <Character name>: I understand—
- Dagda: You did not deserve my ire, but I maintain my caution. We don't know you.
- <Character name>: I was pulled into that rift. I'm happy to help Zojja—to help you—but this was not my choice.
- Dagda: Nor was it mine.
- Zojja: Okay, we're still feeling grumpy.
- Zojja: Let's not get distracted from the end goal here: to stop the Kryptis. And, well, we need all the help we can get.
- Dagda: This is true.
- Zojja: Frode was looking for you, Commander. Why don't you track him down?
- After leaving the infirmary
- Peitha: Does that make you angry?
- <Character name>: Does what make me angry?
- Peitha: The fact that everyone doesn't immediately bathe in your excellence.
- <Character name>: They don't know me. Neither do you.
- Peitha: But I'm starting to, and I don't think you liked that very much.
- Approaching Frode
- R'tchikk: R'tchikk is terribly concerned with Lyhr's...pardon R'tchikk, but Lyhr's stuffiness.
- Gladium: (gestures)
- R'tchikk: Gladium agrees with skritt.
- Frode: Dagda's doing better. If I were still a shaman, I'd owe you a blessing.
- <Character name>: Oh, I saw. Still less than thrilled to see me.
- Frode: Dagda's incredibly protective the Astral Ward. Like I said, she'll come around. Eventually.
- R'tchikk: This is...the commander?
- R'tchikk: Oh, R'tchikk is at your service. Skritt is a big fan of your work. Big fan.
- Frode: This is R'tchikk and Gladium, two of my scouts. I've currently tasked them with tracking Lyhr.
- R'tchikk: Both of them!
- Frode: We know that the Facet of Emotion is working with Mabon to break down the tower's defenses, but his other half is...
- R'tchikk: Not counted for. Glade has an ominous feeling...
- Gladium: (gestures)
- Frode: As do I. But there are still Kryptis feeding on the fractals and their inhabitants.
- Frode: If we don't help them, we treat them no better than dolyaks.
- Frode: Commander, frankly I could just use your help in the field. The Rift Hunters and my scouts have their hands full.
- <Character name>: I'll check with Rian, see what the hunters need.
- Talking to R'tchikk
- R'tchikk: R'tchikk and Gladium are very honored to work alongside the esteemed Pact commander.
- <Character name>: The title might be a little dated, but I appreciate the sentiment.
- R'tchikk: Oh, R'tchikk could write ballads of your glory. Truly. Gladium too—
- Gladium: (bows)
- R'tchikk: R'tchikk presents Gladium! She is my oldest companion. R'tchikk can read her movements.
- R'tchikk: Gladium cannot speak, or hear skritt very well for that matter. The legions...were not kind to her.
- R'tchikk: But Gladium is as strong and intelligent as the commander.
- Gladium: (gestures)
- <Character name>: It's good to meet you both.
- R'tchikk: As R'tchikk and Gladium are glad to meet you.
- Talking to R'tchikk again
- To be honest, this isn't the first time Lyhr has split into two only for one of his halves to run away... It's quite frustrating, if skritt can be open.
- Oh, of course! R'tchikk would love to better educate the commander on all things Astral Ward! A few of the wizards have some mystical powers that set them apart from the rest.
- Correct! Just as Dagda channels the stars, and Isgarren and Waiting Sorrow formed the fractals together. Mabon... Mabon is more of a mystery to skritt. It may very well be his empathy.
- R'tchikk agrees. It keeps him from being fully overwhelmed. It also makes for some very...colorful debate halls. He's been known to argue with himself on the stand. Glade witnessed this firsthand.
- That certainly sounds exciting. Thanks, R'tchikk and Glade.
I supposed Lyhr's ability is especially helpful against the Kryptis.
And Lyhr's allows him to split his consciousness in two?
Sounds frustrating. I'd love to know more about that ability, though.
- Talking to First Hunter Rian
- First Hunter Rian: You've returned. I'm sure I speak for all the hunters when I say job well done.
- <Character name>: I had a lot of help from Zojja, but thank you. Frode made it sound like things might be urgent...
- First Hunter Rian: Dagda may be back on our side, but the Kryptis have stepped up their efforts. Let me show you.
- First Hunter Rian: Rifts are an immediate threat here around the archipelago, but as you've witnessed firsthand, they're also appearing all across Tyria. I can show you where our scouts have been tracking rift activity.
- Weekly Rift Hunting achievement category.) Show me where the rifts are. I'll help wherever I'm able. (This opens the
- I'll check back in with you later.
- Approaching the first rift
- <Character name>: Do you expect me to trust you right away, Peitha?
- Peitha: Would that be so bad?
- <Character name>: If I'm about to rip off my own flesh and turn into a Kryptis, then yes.
- Peitha: The wizards are reactive creatures. They scare easily. Tell them, and it could end badly for both of us.
- Peitha: I'd keep me under your hat, for now. Get to know me a little before doing anything severe.
- Peitha: Just watch out for nosebleeds. That might be a bad sign.
- At 25% progress
- R'tchikk: Commander? Can you hear me? Oh, skritt hopes this works...
- <Character name>: R'tchikk? Is that you?
- R'tchikk: Ah, yes! Good, very good. R'tchikk isn't very familiar with modern technology.
- R'tchikk: Thank the magnificent shiny that Ms. Uenno was able to connect your device to our astral frequency...
- R'tchikk: Gladium and I are still tracking Lyhr, but we will contact you as soon as we've located him.
- At 50% progress
- R'tchikk: The Facet of Emotion, who R'tchikk likes to call "Good Lyhr," doesn't have a good sense of where his other half is.
- R'tchikk: Once we've accounted for both, the commander can assist R'tchikk and Gladium in sealing him back together!
- At 75% progress
- Strange Voice: You can run. Hide.
- Strange Voice: But your fear. It smells exactly as I remember. Isgarren.
- <Character name>: (groans)
- Peitha: Steady. Breathe. Breathe.
- <Character name>: Who was...who was that?
- Peitha: The Midnight King.
- <Character name>: Eparch?
- Peitha: Brave of you to say that so loudly. He hunts. Though, not for you. Yet.
- After the progress bar is filled from participating in rift events
- R'tchikk: Good news, Commander. Gladium caught Lyhr's trail.
- R'tchikk: Well, BAD Lyhr's trail. Meet skritt at the Beacon of Ages, and we'll build a plan.
- On return to the command center
- R'tchikk: Commander! Just in time for R'tchikk's battle plan.
- R'tchikk: Mabon and Good Lyhr are working to unlock the Wizard's Tower. Mabon has requested the commander's assistance.
- R'tchikk: Once Mabon and Good Lyhr have forged a key, we can access the Wizard's Tower.
- Gladium: (gestures)
- R'tchikk: Right, Glade. That's where we think Bad Lyhr is hiding. How he got in, skritt does not know.
- Frode: Uenno and I will hold the line here in the interim, but we'll join you when it's time to recapture the tower.
- R'tchikk: How does that sound to you, Commander?
- <Character name>: I still have a lot to learn about...well, all of this. But I'll join you in that fight.
- R'tchikk: Oh, R'tchikk is honored.
- Frode: I'll ready the Astral Ward.
- Zojja: I'll let Mabon know that we're moving.
- Frode: Anything come from that distress call, Dagda?
- Dagda: Did you hear about Alm?
- Frode: No, what happened?
- Dagda: Taken over by one of the beasts. Stuck a knife into his thigh during supper. Got there before he could cut anyone's throat.
- Zojja: Almost did, though. They had him cornered for an hour before we got there...
- Dagda: I took him to the Beacon of Ages. He'll stay behind a locked door until we know if he's going to be a problem.
- Frode: Probably for the best, so long as he can't hurt himself...
- Peitha: And that's why we need to be careful.
My story[edit]
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