Virtue of Resolution

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Virtue of Resolution.png

Virtue of Resolution

Guardian icon small.png Virtues (trait list)
Training cost
4 Hero points
Game link
Virtue of Resolution

Gain resolution when you activate a Virtue. Resolution you grant has increased duration.

Resolution.png Resolution (3s): Incoming condition damage decreased by 33%.
Duration.png Duration Increase: 25%

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that are improved by this trait

Bundle skills that are improved by this trait

Healing skills that are improved by this trait

Utility skills that are improved by this trait

Elite skills that are improved by this trait

Profession mechanic skills that are improved by this trait

Trait skills that are improved by this trait

Related traits[edit]

Traits that improve this trait

Radiance Radiance

Valor Valor

Virtues Virtues

Traits that are improved by this trait

Zeal Zeal

Radiance Radiance

Valor Valor

Virtues Virtues

Willbender Willbender


  • Resolution will still be capped at +100% duration.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
May 11, 2021
  • (Undocumented) This trait has been renamed Virtue of Resolution.
  • The Retaliation boon has been renamed Resolution.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • Updated this trait to reflect the introduction of the specialization mechanic.
  • Added: Retaliation you apply lasts 25% longer.
August 28, 2012 Game release:
  • Virtue of Retribution has been added to the game.