The Crystal Blooms
The Crystal Blooms
- Year
- 1332 AE
- Storyline
- Living World Season 4
- Chapter
- All or Nothing
- Location
- The Auditorium
(Thunderhead Peaks) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- Dragonsblood
- Followed by
- Resonance
- 545
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The Crystal Blooms is the third part of All or Nothing.
- Enter the auditorium.
- Meet with your allies.
- (Defeat the Branded.)
- Branded
- (Defeat the Riftstalker.)
- Branded Riftstalker
- Fall back to the upper platform.
- (Defeat the Riftstalker.)
- Branded Riftstalker
- Join Aurene near the resonance crystal.
- Channel Aurene's magic through the overcharged resonance crystal.
- Empyreal Fragment (5)
- Gilded Strongbox
- Bag of Loot (5)
- Pamphlet of Wisdom
- Volatile Magic (consumed automatically for 50 Volatile Magic)
- Upon replay
- Memory of Aurene (3) (Rewarded at the end of the story step)
On entering the instance, you are met by a small group of NPCs discussing the rapid increase in the numbers of ghosts appearing at the Forge. They are joined by a ghostly messenger (Gwen) sent by Glint with bad news. Moving on to your allies by the Resonance Crystal, another discussion regarding the time needed to build the necessary Dragonsblood Weapons is cut short by the appearance of a Rift and a large number of Branded foes. Using Dragonsblood spears, defeat the initial waves, until a Branded Riftstalker joins the battle. After reducing its health, retreat to the upper platform and continue to attack the Branded. Shortly after this, Aurene makes her presence known, and a white circle appears next to the Resonance Crystal. On entering the circle, Aurenes Special Action skill is available to activate the crystal. Using this skill to shoot the crystal destroys the remaining Branded but does not eliminate the accompanying Brandstorm. Aurene "solves" the problem by crystallizing the remaining foes. Following a cutscene and an opportunity to talk to each of your allies, the mission concludes.
The Crystal Blooms | All or Nothing | 0 |
Bear witness to a demonstration of Aurene's power.Journal: The Crystal Blooms | Competed The Crystal Blooms | 0 |
- Complete the instance.
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All or Nothing | 3 |
Destroy 10 Branded creatures by using the Resonating Blast skill inside the auditorium.Story Instance: The Crystal Blooms | Killed 1 Branded with Resonating Blast Inside the Auditorium | 1 |
Killed 5 Branded with Resonating Blast Inside the Auditorium | 1 | |
Killed 10 Branded with Resonating Blast Inside the Auditorium | 1 |
- Use the special action key when prompted. Channel Aurene's magic through the overcharged resonance crystal.
- The 10 branded don't need to all be killed in one go. Replaying the instance adds to your previous total.
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Return to All or Nothing | 0 |
Complete the story mission The Crystal Blooms in Living World Season 4 Episode 5.
Completed The Crystal Blooms | 0 |
- Various
- Entering the instance
- Priory Historian: Just saw another ghost. It's starting to look like Ascalon around here.
- Vigil Crusader: If they're all coming HERE, there's gotta be something seriously wrong on the other side.
- Ghostly Messenger: Commander—dire news from Glint. Our forces are scattered. We can't hold out any longer.
- Ghostly Messenger: Kralkatorrik has entered the Domain of the Lost. He's devouring everything in his path. Destroying or scattering the dead.
- If charr, norn or human:
- <Character name>: Explains all the ghosts. How bad is it gonna get?
- If asura or sylvari:
- <Character name>: Well, that explains all the ghosts. How bad do you think this is?
- Ghostly Messenger: He's wounded—we've done real damage. But now he's feeding again. Regaining power. If this keeps up...
- <Character name>: So, pretty bad. Got it. Thanks for everything you've done—the rest is up to us.
- Sunspear Paragon Recruit salutes <Character name>.
- Olmakhan Nightwalker salutes <Character name>.
- Braham Eirsson: So you're saying the new weapons are weak.
- Gorrik: WeakER compared to the original. Precision is paramount. But we will have more.
- Logan Thackeray: Based on Taimi and Gorrik's numbers, we'll need a week, maybe two, to cast enough weapons for everyone.
- Braham Eirsson: Gives us time to figure out how and where to stage the fight.
- <Character name>: Turns out, that's time we don't have.
- <Character name>: Kralkatorrik beat back Glint's army. Now he's gorging on the Domain of the Lost.
- Taimi: Oh, no—that explains the surge we're seeing in our readings.
- Braham Eirsson: So what do we—
- Logan Thackeray: It's a rift!
- Braham Eirsson: Here? Underground?
- Taimi: He's getting stronger by the minute! All bets are off!
- Logan Thackeray: The Brandstorm's spreading! Is that normal?
- Taimi: Definitely not normal—it's shielding the Riftstalker!
- Logan Thackeray: We have to draw it out of the storm! Fall back to the high ground!
- Rytlock Brimstone: Another rift—more Branded incoming!
- Logan Thackeray: Protect the crystal! If we lose it, the forging stops!
- Aurene arrives
- Logan Thackeray: Aurene can charge up crystals with magic?
- <Character name>: Aurene's full of surprises. Brace yourselves—I'm gonna release it.
- Braham Eirsson: Whoa—that did the trick.
- Taimi: But the Brandstorm is still there! And still spreading!
- <Character name>: Aurene...Branded over it.
- Taimi: Oh no! I was worried about this.
- Braham Eirsson: About what?
- Gorrik: That, as she becomes more powerful, Aurene may exhibit behaviors more typical of her species.
- Canach: You mean our dragon might start acting like a dragon?
- Aurene: (roar)
- Caithe: Stop it, you're upsetting her.
- <Character name>: She was trying to protect us. She does something new, and suddenly you don't trust her?
- Rytlock Brimstone: She just Branded the ground we're standing on. We're lucky she didn't kill anyone.
- Aurene: (roar)
- Canach: And in case it slipped anyone's mind: she's Kralkatorrik's granddaughter!
- Aurene: (roar)
- Caithe: Will you all be quiet! She's trying to tell us something.
- During the cinematic
- Caithe: It's all right. Speak through me.
- Aurene (speaking through Caithe): I am not him.
- After the cinematic
- Rytlock Brimstone: Wow...
- Canach: Oh, good—another dragon that can corrupt sylvari.
- <Character name>: Caithe, are you...YOU?
- Caithe: Oh, I'm me. We were right—she DOES need both of us. Now I know what my role is. And it's...humbling.
- Taimi: I thought dragon minions couldn't be corrupted by other dragons! Is it 'cause her egg absorbed Mordremoth's magic? How—
- Caithe: Taimi, it's all right. She asked, and I accepted. This isn't corruption—it's connection.
- Caithe: Now, if we could get back to our actual dragon problem...
- Braham Eirsson: Yeah, but if he's getting stronger by the minute, so much for forging weapons for a week. We need to hit him now.
- Braham Eirsson: But how? And where?
- <Character name>: Why not here? That resonance crystal absolutely annihilated his minions.
- <Character name>: If we can lure him here and pin him down somehow, we can use the crystals against HIM too.
- Logan Thackeray: We also have the new spears. Haul some ballistae in here, and we'd have Dragonsblood artillery...but how do we draw him in?
- Caithe: If Aurene gets his attention, he won't be able to resist. She's a threat. He wants her dead.
- Canach: That's the lure, but we still have to pin him down, and a handful of minions is not the same as an ELDER DRAGON...
- Gorrik: In theory...the intensity of those crystals could be focused and amplified...
- Taimi: Yes! That's how dredge weapons work. I bet we can use their sonic amplifying tech to do the same thing!
- Taimi: Commander, if you can get the dredge to tell you how to boost the power, I know Gorrik and I can make it work.
- <Character name>: Okay. Get your people ready. We've got a trap to set.
Optional dialogue at the end of the instance:
- Speak with Caithe
- <Character name>: What's it like, Caithe? What's SHE like?
- Caithe: Like...the sunlight. Does that make sense?
- Caithe: I can feel her love for you. Her trust. It's so intense, it's almost painful. You're where she draws her strength from.
- Aurene: (chirp)
- Caithe: Her duty weighs on her. But there's hope, too—an ocean of it. For everything and everyone. It's...overwhelming.
- Caithe: Glint was right. Aurene needs us—and the world needs her.
- <Character name>: Let's do right by both of them.
- Speak with Canach
- Canach: We've faced long odds before. I should know; I've won a small fortune betting on them.
- Canach: But just to be clear—you do know this plan is insane.
- <Character name>: Let's say "bold."
- Canach: I'll admit, you do have a way of pulling off the unlikely. But still, insane.
- Canach agrees with <Character name>.
- Speak with Logan Thackeray
- <Character name>: Logan—this isn't how we thought things would go. Any concerns about your people?
- Logan Thackeray: We didn't expect to confront Kralkatorrik this soon, but we'll be ready.
- Logan Thackeray: I'll talk to the general about moving those ballistae inside.
- Speak with Rytlock Brimstone
- <Character name>: What's that look, Rytlock?
- Rytlock Brimstone: You know, Commander, back then we had the ORIGINAL spear. Not a bunch of knockoffs.
- Rytlock Brimstone: I know we had to destroy it, but...sure would come in handy about now.
- <Character name>: Don't remind me.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Bright side: This time we've got you and Aurene. I'd trust you over some stupid spear any day.
- Speak with Braham Eirsson
- Braham Eirsson: Gonna be up close and personal with an Elder Dragon. Maybe we live, maybe not. But I can't stop thinking about Taimi.
- <Character name>: I know. She's hurting. But she's strong. She wants you focused on this fight.
- <Character name>: Besides, Gorrik's really stepped up for her. She's annoyed...but underneath, I think she's grateful.
- Braham Eirsson: Hmph. Sometimes bug boy's hard to take, but other times...I could hug him.
- Speak with Taimi
- <Character name>: So tell me about this idea for the resonance crystals.
- Taimi: Same idea as forging Dragonsblood weapons—only, instead of a few Brand shards, we're breaking down a whole dragon.
- Taimi: We just need to figure out how to boost the resonance output, which is where the dredge come in.
- Taimi: Charge 'em up, make 'em sing—and they'll hit Kralk right in the resonance frequencies!
- Speak with Gorrik
- <Character name>: Gorrik, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you looking out for Taimi.
- Gorrik: She's who I have left. And she's an excellent scientist. I've come to...value her.
My story[edit]
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