Escort and defend workers sent to rebuild the guard tower

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Escort and defend workers sent to rebuild the guard tower

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort and defend workers sent to rebuild the guard tower is a level 8 dynamic event that starts in Scaver Plateau at Altar Brook Trading Post and progresses to Crossing Waypoint in Altar Brook Vale.


  • Repair crew members alive: x
  • Altar Brook Guard Post
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent wrench (map icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 425 Experience.png 54 Karma 12 Copper coin
Silver 362 Experience.png 46 Karma 11 Copper coin
Bronze 319 Experience.png 41 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 8 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Lieutenant Leafe: Protect the builders! We need to repair that tower!
During event
Repair Worker: Don't let them get to me!
Seraph Soldier: Come on! If we're ever going to raise that tower again, the builders need protection!
After reaching the tower site
Seraph Soldier: Centaurs are on my tail!
Lieutenant Leafe: You don't have a tail! But I see what you mean.
Lieutenant Leafe: We've got incoming! Protect the builders, and watch for hooves. Nobody's getting trampled today!
Repair Worker: Must build faster!
Lieutenant Leafe: We need to hold this position.
Lieutenant Leafe: How long?
Repair Worker: We're working as fast as we can, ma'am.
Lieutenant Leafe: Keep a steady pace, soldier. This tower is crucial.
Event success
Repair Worker: That should do it.
Lieutenant Leafe: The tower is finished?
Repair Worker: Good as new. Damn thing's been destroyed so many times I'm starting to forget what it should look like.