Stop the centaurs from capturing Ascalon Settlement

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Stop the centaurs from capturing Ascalon Settlement

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop the centaurs from capturing Ascalon Settlement is a level 29 dynamic event that occurs in Ascalon Settlement.


  • Time remaining: 10:00
  • Northern Courtyard
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Central Plaza
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Dwayna Terrace
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,279 Experience.png 149 Karma 34 Copper coin
Silver 1,088 Experience.png 127 Karma 29 Copper coin
Bronze 960 Experience.png 111 Karma 26 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 29 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event start
Sergeant Birnoth: Sir, centuars approaching fast from Nebo Terrace. Looks like they finally got the gumption to come after us.
Lieutenant Lokam: Hold them at the west gate. Hit them hard enough so they change their minds and fall back.
Lieutenant Lokam: If you need reinforcements, send a runner. I'll hold the courtyard.
Sergeant Birnoth: No need, lieutenant. My soldiers and I can handle a few many beasts.
Western gate breached
Lieutenant Lokam: Centaurs are craftier than this. They'll try to swarm us on two sides.
Lieutenant Lokam: Citizens, get to shelter. Soldiers, it's time to fight!
Lieutenant Lokam: They've taken Nebo Terrace. We can't let them take this place.
Eastern gate breached
Lieutenant Lokam: They've broken through the eastern gate. Watch your flanks. They've got us on two sides.
Event success
Lieutenant Lokam: Good job. We didn't just win; we gave them a beating.
Lieutenant Lokam: Keep an eye out. As long as they hold Nebo Terrace, they can hit at any time.