Liberate Shaemoor Garrison from the Tamini invaders

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Liberate Shaemoor Garrison from the Tamini invaders

Interactive map

Interactive map

Liberate Shaemoor Garrison from the Tamini invaders is a level 6 dynamic event that occurs in Shaemoor Garrison.


  • Shaemoor Garrison
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent flag green (map icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 601 Experience.png 45 Karma 10 Copper coin
Silver 511 Experience.png 39 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 451 Experience.png 34 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 6 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.



If the Seraph prisoners are released
Seraph Soldier: (laugh) Those fools. They should've killed me when they had the chance.
During event
Seraph Lieutenant: Ataaaaaaack!
Seraph Lieutenant: We're here to re-take that garrison. No centaurs are making it to Divinity on my watch.
Even success
Lieutenant Ryder: Well done. We damn sure earned our pay on this one.


  • There are some Seraph Soldiers in a cell that can help you once the cell door is broken.