Stop the centaurs from retaking their camps

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Stop the centaurs from retaking their camps

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop the centaurs from retaking their camps is a level 42 event in Harathi Hinterlands. It involves defending Southforge Camp and Northpasture Camp from centaurs until their attack force is exhausted.


  • Centaurs retreat in: x:xx
  • Northpasture Camp
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag (tango icon).png
  • Southforge Camp
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,536 Experience.png 207 Karma 48 Copper coin
Silver 2,156 Experience.png 176 Karma 41 Copper coin
Bronze 1,902 Experience.png 156 Karma 36 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 42 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event starts
Commander "Bulldog" Janson: Centaurs inbound! Man your positions. They're going to try to take back the camps.
Southforge Camp lost
Commander "Bulldog" Janson: Southforge is down! Hold Northpasture, or the camps will be lost!
Event completed
Commander "Bulldog" Janson: Their lines are breaking! Good work, soldiers. Their camps are ours yet!