World Experience

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WvW Rank up.png

World Experience (WXP) is the system of account progression in World versus World (WvW), similar to PvP Rank. When entering the WvW game type, the player's experience bar is replaced by the World Experience bar. Each character gains World Experience by completing relevant WvW activities, including killing foes, capturing or defending strategic locations from other Worlds, and completing zone-specific objectives. When the World Experience bar is filled, the character will gain a new world rank and receives one World Ability Point as well as various tangible rewards.

World Ability Points earned on one character are granted account-wide, which allows allocating points differently among the WXP upgrades for each character. WXP upgrades can be reset through consumables purchased from the World Ability Master.


Standard reward at rank 526

Each new WXP rank rewards the following:

  1. One World Ability Point, which can be spent on various WXP upgrade progression tracks such as: passive bonuses, siege weapon skills, and on-kill effects. There is a maximum of 10,000 points that can be earned; WXP rank rewards past rank 10,000 will not include additional ability points.
  2. A bouncy World Rank Chest with WvW rewards. Each chest contains coins, two Pieces of Unidentified Gear, and a Chest of the Mists. In addition, there is a chance of a bonus item(s), including:

World Rank Chests up to rank 5 don't contain a Chest of the Mists and have slightly less loot because they are easier to acquire.[1]. Past rank 6, the World Rank Chests are the same.

World ranks[edit]

Your world rank increases as you gain WXP through your accomplishments in WvW. The first 4 ranks (up to rank 5) only require 1,000 WXP; after that, each rank requires 5,000 WXP.

Rank titles[edit]

Your rank title, together with your server name, is shown to enemy players instead of your character name, e.g. Divinity's Reach Silver Footman.

Rank Title
1 Invader
5 Assaulter
10 Raider
15 Recruit
20 Scout
30 Soldier
40 Squire
50 Footman
60 Knight
70 Major
80 Colonel
90 General
100 Veteran
110 Champion
120 Legend
Rank Title
150 Bronze Invader
180 Bronze Assaulter
210 Bronze Raider
240 Bronze Recruit
270 Bronze Scout
300 Bronze Soldier
330 Bronze Squire
360 Bronze Footman
390 Bronze Knight
420 Bronze Major
450 Bronze Colonel
480 Bronze General
510 Bronze Veteran
540 Bronze Champion
570 Bronze Legend
Rank Title
620 Silver Invader
670 Silver Assaulter
720 Silver Raider
770 Silver Recruit
820 Silver Scout
870 Silver Soldier
920 Silver Squire
970 Silver Footman
1,020 Silver Knight
1,070 Silver Major
1,120 Silver Colonel
1,170 Silver General
1,220 Silver Veteran
1,270 Silver Champion
1,320 Silver Legend
Rank Title
1,395 Gold Invader
1,470 Gold Assaulter
1,545 Gold Raider
1,620 Gold Recruit
1,695 Gold Scout
1,770 Gold Soldier
1,845 Gold Squire
1,920 Gold Footman
1,995 Gold Knight
2,070 Gold Major
2,145 Gold Colonel
2,220 Gold General
2,295 Gold Veteran
2,370 Gold Champion
2,445 Gold Legend
Rank Title
2,545 Platinum Invader
2,645 Platinum Assaulter
2,745 Platinum Raider
2,845 Platinum Recruit
2,945 Platinum Scout
3,045 Platinum Soldier
3,145 Platinum Squire
3,245 Platinum Footman
3,345 Platinum Knight
3,445 Platinum Major
3,545 Platinum Colonel
3,645 Platinum General
3,745 Platinum Veteran
3,845 Platinum Champion
3,945 Platinum Legend
Rank Title
4,095 Mithril Invader
4,245 Mithril Assaulter
4,395 Mithril Raider
4,545 Mithril Recruit
4,695 Mithril Scout
4,845 Mithril Soldier
4,995 Mithril Squire
5,145 Mithril Footman
5,295 Mithril Knight
5,445 Mithril Major
5,595 Mithril Colonel
5,745 Mithril General
5,895 Mithril Veteran
6,045 Mithril Champion
6,195 Mithril Legend
Rank Title
6,445 Diamond Invader
6,695 Diamond Assaulter
6,945 Diamond Raider
7,195 Diamond Recruit
7,445 Diamond Scout
7,695 Diamond Soldier
7,945 Diamond Squire
8,195 Diamond Footman
8,445 Diamond Knight
8,695 Diamond Major
8,945 Diamond Colonel
9,195 Diamond General
9,445 Diamond Veteran
9,695 Diamond Champion
9,945 Diamond Legend

Reaching rank 10,000 will allow players to purchase Title: God of WvW from the legendary vendors.

  • The character name that appears to enemy players does not change from Diamond Legend.

Leveling up after reaching rank 10,000 will not increase the rank number.

WXP acquisition[edit]

Player kills will grant more WXP the longer the killed player has been alive. Getting different ranks (bronze/silver/gold) for event completion scales the WXP awarded, while various modifiers (see WXP modifiers section below) will grant a bonus to world experience. (Spawn Camping Enemy Players can give you 0 WXP)

Objective WXP reward
Defeating foes
Player kill 0-60
Guard kill 20
Supervisor or Lord kill (Camp...Tower...Keep...Stonemist) 30...50...75...100
Dolyak kill 50
Destroying siege equipment/defenses
Arrow Cart, Flame Ram, Ballista, or Catapult destruction 15
Trebuchet or Siege Golem destruction 30
Tower or Keep gate destruction 50...80
Tower or Keep wall destruction (Tower...Keep...Stonemist) 120...150...180
Capturing objectives
Ruins of Power capture 0
Sentry point capture 100
Shrine capture (Air/Earth/Fire) 100
Supply camp capture 200
Tower capture 400
Keep capture 800
Stonemist capture 1000
Defending objectives
Sentry point defense 0
Supply camp defense 85
Tower defense 150
Keep defense 200
Stonemist defense 200
Map-specific mechanics
Acquiring mercenaries 200
Eliminating an enemy mercenary camp 200
Eliminate the overgrown grub event 600
Silence the raging arboreal spirit event 600
Most other events 200
Wall/Gate repair 2 for each 1 supply
Completing a WvW Jumping Puzzle 0

WXP consumables[edit]

World experience consumables can be obtained as rewards for increasing World Experience Ranks. They are immediately consumed upon pickup.

Item Amount
Drop of Liquid World Experience.pngDrop of Instant World Experience 250
Thimble of Liquid World Experience.pngThimble of Instant World Experience 2,500
Taste of Liquid World Experience.pngTaste of Instant World Experience 5,000
Swig of Liquid World Experience.pngSwig of Instant World Experience 10,000
Keg of Liquid World Experience.pngKeg of Instant World Experience 25,000

WXP modifiers[edit]

There are several ways to increase the amount of world experience earned.

Effect Source Bonus experience Notes
Experience Bonus (fifty percent).png Experience Booster Experience Booster
Experience Booster (masterwork)
Heroic Booster
Candy Corn Gobbler
WvW Experience Bonus (fifty percent).png 50% WvW Experience Bonus WXP Booster
WXP Mini-Booster
Celebration Bonus.png Celebration Bonus Birthday Booster
Celebration Booster
Various Ascended food 10%
World versus World effects
Mission Slot- WvW.png Guild Objective Aura II (or higher) World versus World effect 10% Only active near WvW objectives claimed by guilds with Objective Aura 2: WvW Experience.
Bombard (skill).png Outnumbered World versus World effect 25% Only active when greatly outnumbered in World vs. World maps.
Time-specific bonuses
Celebration Bonus.png Bonus Weekend Event Automatic 100% Experience earned in open world and World vs. World maps is doubled.
Mist War Summons.png Call of War Automatic 100% Earn increased rewards in WvW during events!
Mist War Summons.png Mist War Summons Automatic 15% Earn increased rewards in WvW during special events!
Guild Enhancement- World Experience.png Guild Enhancement: World Experience Guild Enhancements 3-10%
WxP Enrichment.pngWxP Enrichment WxP Enrichment
Wurm's WXP Blessing Enrichment
Total +290% This total does not include one-time-only bonuses or time-specific bonuses.

WXP upgrades[edit]

Players can spend their World Ability Points on the following tracks.

Upgrade Rank Ability Cost
Arrow Cart Mastery.png
Arrow Cart Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve arrow cart skills
1 Increases range on all arrow cart skills World Ability Point
2 Increases damage on all arrow cart skills World Ability Point
3 Increases effectiveness of applied conditions 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases radius on all arrow cart skills 15 World Ability Point
5 Skill: Toxic Unveiling Shot—Removes stealth and applies poison to targets 25 World Ability Point
Ballista Mastery.png
Ballista Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve ballista skills
1 Skill: Antiair Bolt—Fires a projectile that knocks enemies out of the air and immobilizes them. Dismounts enemies. World Ability Point
2 Increases ballista damage World Ability Point
3 Fires faster bolts 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases ballista range 15 World Ability Point
5 Increases Shatter Shot radius 25 World Ability Point
Build Master.png
Build Master
Total Cost: 15 World Ability Point

Improves your building capabilities
1 Spend 4 supply at a time when building siege World Ability Point
2 Spend 6 supply at a time when building siege World Ability Point
3 Spend 8 supply at a time when building siege World Ability Point
4 Spend 10 supply at a time when building siege World Ability Point
Burning Oil Mastery.png
Burning Oil Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improves all Burning Oil skills and unlocks new abilities
1 Increases Burning Oil radius by 25% World Ability Point
2 Increases burning oil damage World Ability Point
3 Reduces the damage received by the oil pot and the user. The user cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted. 10 World Ability Point
4 Basic Burning Oil attacks burn one supply from target 15 World Ability Point
5 Burning Shell: Creates a fiery dome that reflects projectiles 25 World Ability Point
Cannon Mastery.png
Cannon Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve cannon use
1 Basic fire removes boons World Ability Point
2 Increases cannon damage World Ability Point
3 Grapeshot does more bleed damage 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases all blast radii 15 World Ability Point
5 Increases chill duration 25 World Ability Point
Catapult Mastery.png
Catapult Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve catapult skills
1 Increases damage done to walls by 20% World Ability Point
2 Gravel Shot now applies bleeding World Ability Point
3 Increases radius of all catapult skills 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases catapult damage 15 World Ability Point
5 Skill: Siege Bubble—Creates a dome that destroys projectiles on impact 25 World Ability Point
Defense Against Guards.png
Defense Against Guards
Total Cost: 35 World Ability Point

Reduces the damage you take from enemy guards
1 4% reduced damage from guards World Ability Point
2 8% reduced damage (total) from guards World Ability Point
3 12% reduced damage (total) from guards World Ability Point
4 16% reduced damage (total) from guards. All Defense Against Guards bonuses apply to lords and supervisors. 10 World Ability Point
5 20% reduced damage (total) from guards, lords, and supervisors. Gain resolution for 10 seconds when you take damage from guards, lords, or supervisors. This effect triggers once every 20 seconds. 15 World Ability Point
Flame Ram Mastery.png
Flame Ram Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve flame ram skills
1 Gain Iron Hide while interacting with the flame ram World Ability Point
2 Flame Blast now applies Structural Vulnerability to gates World Ability Point
3 Reduce recharge of flame ram skills 10 World Ability Point
4 Skill: Slam Impact—Launch enemies on the other side of the door 15 World Ability Point
5 Skill: Iron Will—Support skill that applies Iron Hide to nearby allies 25 World Ability Point
Guard Killer.png
Guard Killer
Total Cost: 35 World Ability Point

Increases damage to enemy guards
1 4% damage to guards World Ability Point
2 8% (total) damage to guards World Ability Point
3 12% (total) damage to guards World Ability Point
4 16% (total) damage to guards. All Guard Killer bonuses now also affect enemy lords and supervisors. 10 World Ability Point
5 20% (total) damage to guards, lords, and supervisors. Gain 50% of your endurance back after killing guards, lords, and supervisors. 15 World Ability Point
Mercenary's Bane.png
Mercenary's Bane
Total Cost: 15 World Ability Point

Increases damage to and reduces damage from mercenaries
1 4% increase to damage and defense against mercenaries World Ability Point
2 8% (total) increase to damage and defense against mercenaries World Ability Point
3 12% (total) increase to damage and defense against mercenaries World Ability Point
4 16% (total) increase to damage and defense against mercenaries World Ability Point
5 20% (total) increase to damage and defense against mercenaries World Ability Point
Mortar Mastery.png
Mortar Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve mortar skills
1 Increase blast radius on all mortar skills World Ability Point
2 Increased mortar burn field duration World Ability Point
3 Reduce the recharge of all mortar skills 10 World Ability Point
4 Increase damage on all mortar skills 15 World Ability Point
5 New Skill: Concussion Barrage—Launch a barrage of rounds that push back foes where they land 25 World Ability Point
Provisions Master.png
Provisions Master
Total Cost: 55 World Ability Point

Improves your ability to gather loot and grants access to the
wares of the portable provisioner. (requires Heart of Thorns)
1 Allows you to purchase a portable provisioner from any WvW outfitter. This item allows you to purchase siege-weapon blueprints from anywhere. World Ability Point
2 Allows you to also purchase tricks and traps from the portable provisioner. World Ability Point
3 Allows you to also purchase food and utility consumables from the portable provisioner. World Ability Point
4 Learn to automatically pick up loot from fallen foes. 10 World Ability Point
5 Increases the number of Badges of Honor found when looting fallen foes. 15 World Ability Point
6 Unlocks Heart of Thorns recipes, sigils, and runes for the Heroics Notary vendor. 20 World Ability Point
Repair Master.png
Repair Master
Total Cost: 15 World Ability Point

Improves your repairing capabilities
1 Spend 4 supply at a time when repairing World Ability Point
2 Spend 6 supply at a time when repairing World Ability Point
3 Spend 8 supply at a time when repairing World Ability Point
4 Spend 10 supply at a time when repairing World Ability Point
Shield Generator Mastery.png
Shield Generator Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve shield generator skills (requires Heart of Thorns)
1 Force Ball grants aegis to allies on impact World Ability Point
2 Force Dome grants twice as much stability per pulse World Ability Point
3 Increases radius for all shield generator skills 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases duration for Force Wall and Force Dome and increases the average number of Force Ball bounces 15 World Ability Point
5 Prevents damage from arrow cart fire to allies inside Force Dome 25 World Ability Point
Siege Bunker.png
Siege Bunker
Total Cost: 35 World Ability Point

Reduces the siege damage you take
1 2% increased siege defense World Ability Point
2 4% (total) increased siege defense World Ability Point
3 6% (total) increased siege defense World Ability Point
4 8% (total) increased siege defense 10 World Ability Point
5 10% (total) increased siege defense 15 World Ability Point
Siege Golem Mastery.png
Siege Golem Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve siege golem skills
1 Increases your piloted golem's movement speed for 10 seconds after destroying a gate or wall World Ability Point
2 Increases your piloted golem's base power and precision by 10% World Ability Point
3 The shield bubble skill now also heals nearby allies 10 World Ability Point
4 Increases your piloted golem's base vitality and toughness by 15% 15 World Ability Point
5 Your piloted golem will safely eject you once it's defeated 25 World Ability Point
Siege Might.png
Siege Might
Total Cost: 35 World Ability Point

Increases damage done with siege-engine attacks
1 2% increased siege damage World Ability Point
2 4% (total) increased siege damage World Ability Point
3 6% (total) increased siege damage World Ability Point
4 8% (total) increased siege damage 10 World Ability Point
5 10% (total) increased siege damage 15 World Ability Point
Supply Capacity.png
Supply Capacity
Total Cost: 145 World Ability Point

Increases the amount of supply you can carry
1 Increases supply capacity by 1 World Ability Point
2 Increases supply capacity by 2 (total) 15 World Ability Point
3 Increases supply capacity by 3 (total) 25 World Ability Point
4 Increases supply capacity by 4 (total) 40 World Ability Point
5 Increases supply capacity by 5 (total) 60 World Ability Point
Supply Master.png
Supply Master
Total Cost: 15 World Ability Point

Improve your ability in gathering, spending, and running supply [2]
1 Pick up supply faster World Ability Point
2 Gain swiftness after spending all of your supply World Ability Point
3 Gain improved swiftness when picking up supply World Ability Point
4 Have a chance to recover spent supply when spending supply World Ability Point
5 Deployed siege sites are invulnerable for a short duration World Ability Point
Trebuchet Mastery.png
Trebuchet Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Improve trebuchet skills
1 Increases damage on trebuchet skills World Ability Point
2 Cow ammo now drains supply from enemy players World Ability Point
3 Increases the radius of trebuchet skills 10 World Ability Point
4 Skill: Healing Oasis. Creates a water field that heals allies 15 World Ability Point
5 Basic shots that hit enemy supply depots will destroy some of the objective's supply 25 World Ability Point
War Gliding Mastery.png
War Gliding Mastery
Total Cost: 60 World Ability Point

Glide in your world's territories. (requires Heart of Thorns)
1 Allowed to glide in territories your world owns. World Ability Point
2 You can now slow down in midair. World Ability Point
3 You can now lean forward, increasing gliding speed. 10 World Ability Point
4 You can now evade while gliding. 15 World Ability Point
5 Learn to glide with such efficiency that you no longer use endurance except when leaning forward. 25 World Ability Point
Warclaw Mastery.png
Warclaw Mastery
Total Cost: 25 World Ability Point

Unlock the warclaw mount, its skills, and its abilities. (requires Path of Fire)
1 Unlock the Warclaw Companion achievement. World Ability Point
2 Unlock a second skill that allows your warclaw to detect enemies and damaged gates or walls. World Ability Point
3 Unlock a third skill that allows your warclaw to pull on gates to damage and weaken them. World Ability Point
4 Unlock a fourth skill that enables you to throw a spear at a mounted player, dismounting you both. World Ability Point
5 Battle Maul deals increased damage to enemies who are in a downed state. 10 World Ability Point
Grand Total: 1,085 World Ability Point

Related achievements[edit]


  • Guard Killer does not affect condition damage.
  • The Mercenary's Bane effect works on enemies belonging to one of the Mercenary camps.
  • World Ability Points can be reset through consumables purchased from the World Ability Master:
  • Supply Master tier 4 has a 30 second internal cooldown. The average result when reaching zero supply and ignoring that cooldown is a recovery of .72 supply, with recovery occurring about 30% of the time. If timed to respect the cooldown, the recovery is 1.06 supply, occurring about 40% of the time.[3][2]


  • With the release of Heart of Thorns the amount of World Ability Points required to unlock certain upgrades was significantly reduced. For more information see October 23rd, 2015 game update notes and Upgrading World vs. World Upgrades
  • Prior to the September 2014 Feature Pack update, it took 1,315 World Ability Points to unlock all upgrades.
  • Prior to the October 1st, 2013 patch, World experience consumables were affected by World Experience Modifiers.
  • Siege Golem mastery was released in the September 2014 Feature Pack update.
  • After September 2014 Feature Pack update, it took 1,390 World Ability Points to unlock all upgrades.
  • After September 2014 Feature Pack update, players can continue gaining world experience rank rewards after reaching rank 10,000. However, this yields no additional WvW ability points.
  • Players who had gained any world ranks prior to the introduction of the reward chest retroactively received rewards at a rate of one retroactive chest for each new rank.


  1. ^ Devon Carver,
  2. ^ a b [1], Reddit
  3. ^ [2], Reddit