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재화와 토큰
재화의 종류[edit]
- 계정 귀속 (인벤토리의 Wallet 표시 상태에 뜨는 것들)
- 표준 재화
coin — 티리아 세계의 표준 재화.
- 젬 — 흑사자 상단(Black Lion Trading Company)의 재화. 정확히는 캐쉬다.
카르마 — 다양한 활동으로 획득되며, 게임 내 상인들에게 사용 가능하다.
스피릿 샤드 — 캐릭터가 만렙을 달성한 후 다시 또 레벨업하면 획득이 가능하다. Miyani 혹은 Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs에게 사용 가능하다. 특수한 외형의 무기를 만드는데 주로 사용된다.
로렐 — 일일 접속 보상으로 얻을 수 있다. 한달에 35~55개를 얻을 수 있다. 로렐 상인에게 사용 가능하다.
길드 커멘데이션/길드 토큰 — 길드 미션에서 얻을 수 있다. 길드 토큰 상인에게 사용 가능하다.
Transmutation Charge — Purchased via the Black Lion Trading Company or earned from Reward track. Spent in the wardrobe to change appearance.
- 대인전/경쟁전 재화
PvP League Ticket — Earned when crossing division thresholds during PvP league seasons.
- Ascended Shard of Glory — Earned by each final chest in each tier League reward tracks.
Badges of Honor — Earned by participating in World versus World or from Achievement rewards. Can be spent on equipment, food, and siege weapon in WvW maps.
WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket — Earned by completing World versus World Skirmish reward tracks. Traded for various rewards at a Skirmish Supervisor.
Proof of Heroics — Earned by ranking up in World versus World.
Testimony of Desert Heroics — Earned by ranking up in World versus World.
- 맵 재화
Geode — Earned in Dry Top.
Bandit Crest — Earned in the Silverwastes.
Airship Part — Earned in Verdant Brink. Can be exchanged with Itzel Mastery Vendor.
Lumps of Aurillium — Earned in Auric Basin. Can be exchanged with Exalted Mastery Vendor.
Ley Line Crystal — Earned in Tangled Depths. Can be exchanged with Nuhoch Mastery Vendor.
Provisioner Token — Earned by helping Faction Provisioner in the Heart of Maguuma.
Magnetite Shard — Earned from bosses and events inside Heart of Thorns raid - the Forsaken Thicket and Bastion of the Penitent. Spent at Scholar Glenna inside the raid instances or at Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative.
Unbound Magic — Earned in Living World Season 3 maps - Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons, and Siren's Landing.
Trade Contract — Earned in Path of Fire core maps - Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, Elon Riverlands, The Desolation and Domain of Vabbi.
Elegy Mosaic — Earned in Path of Fire maps for defeating bounty targets.
Gaeting Crystal — Earned from bosses and events inside Path of Fire raid - the Hall of Chains. Spent at Scholar Glenna inside the raid instances or at Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative.
Volatile Magic — Earned in Living World Season 4 maps - Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Domain of Kourna, Jahai Bluffs, Thunderhead Peaks and Dragonfall.
Racing Medallion — Earned by participating in Roller Beetle Race and Roller Beetle Time Trial.
Festival Token — Earned during Festival of the Four Winds.
- 열쇠 (엄연히 따지자면, 재화는 아니다.)
Zephyrite Lockpicks — Used to open buried locked chests in Dry Top.
Bandit Skeleton Keys — Used to open lost bandit chests in the Silverwastes.
Pact Crowbars — Used to open airship cargo in Verdant Brink.
Exalted Keys — Used to open Exalted chests in Auric Basin.
Vials of Chak Acid — Used to open crystallized supply caches in Tangled Depths.
Machetes — Used to open noxious pods in Dragon's Stand.
Trader's Keys — Used to open trade caches in the Crystal Desert.
Mistborn Keys — Used to open Mistborn Coffers in Dragonfall.
- 던전 토큰
Fractal Relic — Earned and spent in Fractals of the Mists.
Pristine Fractal Relic — Earned and spent in Fractals of the Mists. Used to purchase ascended rings.
Ascalonian Tear — Earned in Ascalonian Catacombs.
Seals of Beetletun — Earned in Caudecus's Manor.
Deadly Bloom — Earned in Twilight Arbor.
Manifestos of the Moletariate — Earned in Sorrow's Embrace.
Flame Legion Charr Carving — Earned in Citadel of Flame.
Symbols of Koda — Earned in Honor of the Waves.
Knowledge Crystal — Earned in Crucible of Eternity.
Shards of Zhaitan — Earned in the Ruined City of Arah.
- Guild currencies
Aetherium — This material is automatically gained over time. The rate depends on Guild Mine upgrades.
Favor — Used to research guild upgrades and purchase items. Earned when players representing a guild participate in guild mission. A guild's accumulated favor can be seen via the guild panel.
Influence — Was once used to research guild upgrades and boon; it used to be earned when players representing a guild participated in event, PvP, and the personal story. A guild's accumulated influence can be seen via the guild panel.