PvP League

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PvP Leagues are seasons of structured PvP ranked arena competitions open to players of PvP rank 20 or greater.



A ranked season either is a Conquest Season following the Conquest rule set, or a Deathmatch Mini-season following the Team Deathmatch rule set. Conquest seasons last for many weeks, while a Deathmatch mini-season is usually shorter and run after a Conquest season ends and before a new season starts. Any progression of applicable rewards from a previous season (conquest or deathmatch) is reset and not carried into a mini-season, but either season allows players to earn rating progress in each league, barring a soft reset to rating (see Divisions).

The date range of a PvP season varies and may not always start or end in alignment to content patches and releases. This reduces the time gaps (i.e. time when Ranked PvP is unavailable) between PvP seasons and allows seasons to continue uninterrupted if patches or new content is introduced. [1][2]

A season's historical and current Start and End Dates are shown below. Start and End Dates follow the dates either announced officially and/or as presented in-game.

Season Description Rule Set Start Date End Date
1 PvP League Season One Conquest December 1, 2015 January 25, 2016
2 PvP League Season Two Conquest February 23, 2016 April 18, 2016
3 PvP League Season Three Conquest May 17, 2016 July 11, 2016
4 PvP League Season Four Conquest August 9, 2016 October 3, 2016
5 PvP League Season Five Conquest December 13, 2016 February 6, 2017
6 PvP League Season Six Conquest March 7, 2017 May 1, 2017
7 PvP League Season Seven Conquest June 13, 2017 August 8, 2017
8 PvP League Season Eight Conquest August 22, 2017 October 16, 2017
9 PvP League Season Nine Conquest November 7, 2017 January 2, 2018
10 PvP League Season Ten Conquest January 16, 2018 March 13, 2018
11 PvP League Season Eleven Conquest April 3, 2018 May 29, 2018
12 PvP League Season Twelve Conquest June 12, 2018 August 6, 2018
13 PvP League Season Thirteen Conquest August 28, 2018 October 22, 2018
14 PvP League Season Fourteen Conquest November 13, 2018 January 7, 2019
15 PvP League Season Fifteen Conquest January 22, 2019 March 18, 2019
16 PvP League Season Sixteen Conquest April 2, 2019 May 27, 2019
17 PvP League Season Seventeen Conquest June 11, 2019 August 5, 2019
18 PvP League Season Eighteen Conquest August 20, 2019 October 14, 2019
19 PvP League Season Nineteen Conquest October 29, 2019 December 23, 2019
20 PvP League Season Twenty Conquest January 7, 2020 February 24, 2020
1 PvP League 2v2 Season One 2v2 Team Deathmatch February 25, 2020 March 23, 2020
21 PvP League Season Twenty-One Conquest March 24, 2020 May 18, 2020
1 PvP League 3v3 Season One 3v3 Team Deathmatch May 26, 2020 June 8, 2020
22 PvP League Season Twenty-Two Conquest June 9, 2020 August 3, 2020
2 PvP League 2v2 Season Two 2v2 Team Deathmatch August 3, 2020 August 17, 2020
23 PvP League Season Twenty-Three Conquest August 18, 2020 October 12, 2020
2 PvP League 3v3 Season Two 3v3 Team Deathmatch October 13, 2020 October 26, 2020
24 PvP League Season Twenty-Four Conquest October 27, 2020 December 21, 2020
3 PvP League 2v2 Season Three 2v2 Team Deathmatch December 22, 2020 January 4, 2021
25 PvP League Season Twenty-Five Conquest January 5, 2021 March 1, 2021
3 PvP League 3v3 Season Three 3v3 Team Deathmatch March 2, 2021 March 15, 2021
26 PvP League Season Twenty-Six Conquest March 16, 2021 May 10, 2021
4 PvP League 2v2 Season Four 2v2 Team Deathmatch May 11, 2021 May 24, 2021
27 PvP League Season Twenty-Seven Conquest May 25, 2021 July 19, 2021
4 PvP League 3v3 Season Four 3v3 Team Deathmatch July 20, 2021 August 2, 2021
28 PvP League Season Twenty-Eight Conquest August 3, 2021 September 27, 2021
5 PvP League 2v2 Season Five 2v2 Team Deathmatch September 28, 2021 October 11, 2021
29 PvP League Season Twenty-Nine Conquest October 12, 2021 December 6, 2021
5 PvP League 3v3 Season Five 3v3 Team Deathmatch December 7, 2021 December 20, 2021
30 PvP League Season Thirty Conquest December 21, 2021 February 14, 2022
6 PvP League 2v2 Season Six 2v2 Team Deathmatch February 15, 2022 February 21, 2022
31 PvP League Season Thirty-One Conquest March 1, 2022 April 25, 2022
6 PvP League 3v3 Season Six 3v3 Team Deathmatch April 26, 2022 May 2, 2022
32 PvP League Season Thirty-Two Conquest May 3, 2022 June 27, 2022
7 PvP League 2v2 Season Seven 2v2 Team Deathmatch June 28, 2022 July 11, 2022
33 PvP League Season Thirty-Three Conquest July 12, 2022 September 12, 2022
7 PvP League 3v3 Season Seven 3v3 Team Deathmatch September 13, 2022 September 26, 2022
34 PvP League Season Thirty-Four Conquest September 27, 2022 November 28, 2022
8 PvP League 2v2 Season Eight 2v2 Team Deathmatch November 29, 2022 December 12, 2022
35 PvP League Season Thirty-Five Conquest December 13, 2022 February 13, 2023
8 PvP League 3v3 Season Eight 3v3 Team Deathmatch February 14, 2023 February 27, 2023
36 PvP League Season Thirty-Six Conquest February 28, 2023 May 1, 2023
9 PvP League 2v2 Season Nine 2v2 Team Deathmatch May 2, 2022 May 15, 2023
37 PvP League Season Thirty-Seven Conquest May 16, 2023 July 24, 2023
9 PvP League 3v3 Season Nine 3v3 Team Deathmatch July 25, 2023 August 7, 2023
38 PvP League Season Thirty-Eight Conquest August 8, 2023 October 16, 2023
10 PvP League 2v2 Season Ten 2v2 Team Deathmatch October 17, 2023 October 30, 2023
39 PvP League Season Thirty-Nine Conquest October 31, 2023 January 8, 2024
10 PvP League 3v3 Season Ten 3v3 Team Deathmatch January 9, 2024 January 22, 2024
40 PvP League Season Forty Conquest January 23, 2024 April 1, 2024
11 PvP League 2v2 Season Eleven 2v2 Team Deathmatch April 2, 2024 April 8, 2024
41 PvP League Season Forty-One Conquest April 9, 2024 June 24, 2024
11 PvP League 3v3 Season Eleven 3v3 Team Deathmatch June 25, 2024 July 1, 2024
42 PvP League Season Forty-Two Conquest July 2, 2024 September 9, 2024


Map selection depends on if the season is a Conquest season or a Deathmatch mini-season. More information on maps used can be found via Structured PvP Maps


Divisions track progress made in leagues for each season. Based on your numerical Skill Rating, you are placed into a division. The divisions determine which badge is available on your nameplate, and even affect the rate at which you earn league rewards.

  • Every season will start with a soft reset of the previous season’s rating (Your initial rating before the new season's placements get calculated like this: (YourRating + 1200) * 0.5). To obtain your starting skill rating for the season, you must play 10 placement matches.
  • Inactive players will experience decay that lowers their skill rating over time up to a maximum of -700 rating. Decay can be worked off by playing league matches. Decay only matters for leaderboard purposes; it will not affect matchmaking. You will always be matched at your non-decayed rating.
  • There are no restrictions on backward progress with skill rating; you can move down in divisions by either losing matches or by being inactive. This will help ensure that players are always moving toward their correct rating and are facing players of similar skill levels.
Badges (Season 7 - Current)
Division Badge Skill Rating
from to
Bronze Bronze Division Background.png 0 899
Silver Silver Division Background.png 900 1199
Gold Gold Division Background.png 1200 1499
Platinum Platinum Division Background.png 1500 1799
Legendary Legendary Division Background.png 1800 2100


Rewards are gained from completing reward tracks. There are six different tracks with increasingly valuable rewards. The last track is repeatable. Each track consists of a number of tiers. To complete a tier, one needs to earn 20 to 30 pips depending on the track. Pips are earned by winning and losing matches and earning top stats. Winning a match will award 10 pips, losing a match will award 3 pips, and earning any amount of top stats will earn 1 pip. Losing a ranked match with a score equal to or greater than 80% of the winning team’s score will award a Near Victory bonus worth 2 pips. Being in the Platinum division will also award you with 2 extra pips after each game and being in the Legendary division will award you 4. This reward track resets once per season, unlike the weekly reset of the WvW equivalent.

Regular season[edit]

Regular seasons historically follow the Conquest ruleset.

Reward Tiers Required Pips Rewards
Tiers Per Tier In Total Each Tier Final Reward
Cerulean chest closed.png
Cerulean chest open.png
3 20 60
Jasper chest closed.png
Jasper chest open.png
4 20 80
Saffron chest closed.png
Saffron chest open.png
5 20 100
Persimmon chest closed.png
Persimmon chest open.png
5 20 100
Amaranth chest closed.png
Amaranth chest open.png
5 30 150
Byzantium chest closed.png
Byzantium chest open.png
6 30 180
For first completion only. Subsequent completions earn the modified Byzantium (repeatable) rewards.
Byzantium chest closed.png
Byzantium chest open.png
6 30 180

Note: There are a total of 670 pips prior to the repeatable Byzantium Chest.

Total Rewards (prior to the repeatable Byzantium Chest):

Regular season leaderboard rewards[edit]

Ending a ranked season on the leaderboard unlocks a title and achievement depending on your rank. The number of required matches is dependent on the length of the season. Each week during an active season will add a minimum of 15 matches played to be eligible for a place on the leaderboard at the end of the season. For example, a season running for 2 weeks will require a minimum of 30 matches, 3 weeks will require 45, 4 weeks will require 60, etc. Regular conquest seasons usually require a minimum of 120 matches played to be eligible for a place on the leaderboard at the end of the season. Starting with season 17, the following titles are awarded to players on the leaderboard after a ranked season ends:

  • Rank 1: God/Goddess of the Arena
  • Rank 2: Demigod/Demigoddess of the Arena
  • Rank 3: King/Queen of the Arena
  • Rank 4–10: Prince/Princess of the Arena
  • Rank 11–25: Duke/Duchess of the Arena
  • Rank 26–100: Baron/Baroness of the Arena
  • Rank 101–250: Knight/Dame of the Arena


Mini-seasons historically follow the Team Deathmatch ruleset.


Reward Tiers Required Pips Rewards Season 6
Tiers Per Tier In Total Each Tier Final Reward
Cerulean chest closed.png
Cerulean chest open.png
3 20 60
Jasper chest closed.png
Jasper chest open.png
4 20 80
Saffron chest closed.png
Saffron chest open.png
5 20 100
Persimmon chest closed.png
Persimmon chest open.png
5 20 100
For first completion only. Subsequent completions earn the modified Persimmon (repeatable) rewards.
Persimmon chest closed.png
Persimmon chest open.png
5 20 100


Reward Tiers Required Pips Rewards Season 6
Tiers Per Tier In Total Each Tier Final Reward
Cerulean chest closed.png
Cerulean chest open.png
3 20 60
Jasper chest closed.png
Jasper chest open.png
4 20 80
Saffron chest closed.png
Saffron chest open.png
5 20 100
For first completion only. Subsequent completions earn the modified Saffron (repeatable) rewards.
Saffron chest closed.png
Saffron chest open.png
5 20 100

Mini-season leaderboard rewards[edit]

Ending a mini-season on the leaderboard unlocks a title and achievement depending on your rank. The number of required matches is dependent on the length of the season. Each week during an active season will add a minimum of 15 matches played to be eligible for a place on the leaderboard at the end of the mini-season. For example, a season running for 2 weeks will require a minimum of 30 matches, 3 weeks will require 45, 4 weeks will require 60, etc.

2v2 leaderboard reward[edit]
3v3 leaderboard reward[edit]


Year of the Ascension[edit]

Completing the Year of the Ascension achievements awards components to create Gift of the Competitor, which is a component of the legendary backpack The Ascension. These achievements can only be progressed in Ranked PvP while a season or mini-season is active.

Emblem of Victory[edit]

Completing the Emblem of Victory achievement awards the component Emblem of Victory, which is a component of Salt-Forged Mist Diamond. This is then used for crafting the Gift of the Champion, a component for the legendary trinket Slumbering Transcendence. The achievement can only be progressed in Ranked PvP while a season or mini-season is active and is repeatable.


Completing a mini-season achievement awards a title based on the mini-season. These achievements can only be progressed in Ranked PvP while a mini-season is active.


  • In Season 5, ArenaNet decreased the volatility during placement matches. [3]
  • In Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [4] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [5]
  • After Season 20, ArenaNet introduced mini-seasons with the Call to Glory February 2020 Competitive Update. During this time, a 2v2 Ranked Queue replaced the 5v5 Conquest Ranked Queue which was usually disabled between regular seasons.
  • The first 3v3 Ranked Queue (mini-season) only ran for 2 weeks as opposed to the normally expected 4 week mini-season. [6]. This happened again with 2v2 Season Two, suggesting that mini-seasons may have variable lengths.
  • 3v3 Season One and Conquest Season Twenty-Two were the first mini-season and regular season respectively without a formal news announcement. All previous seasons had a news announcement featured on the site's main page.


The hidden text in this section contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature that has been removed or replaced.

The information does not apply to the current version of the game.

Badges (Seasons 1 to 4)

Progressing into each division rewards a unique badge that players can wear next to their nameplate

Division Badge Background
Amber Amber Division Badge.png Amber Division Background.png
Emerald Emerald Division Badge.png Emerald Division Background.png
Sapphire Sapphire Division Badge.png Sapphire Division Background.png
Ruby Ruby Division Badge.png Ruby Division Background.png
Diamond Diamond Division Badge.png Diamond Division Background.png
Legendary Legendary Division Badge.png Legendary Division Background (Season 1 through 4).png
Badges (Seasons 5 & 6)

Progressing into each division rewards a unique badge that players can wear next to their nameplate.

Division Badge Background Skill Rating
from to
Bronze Bronze Division Badge (Season 4 and 5).png Bronze Division Background.png 0 1050
Silver Silver Division Badge (Season 4 and 5).png Silver Division Background.png 1051 1350
Gold Gold Division Badge (Season 4 and 5).png Gold Division Background.png 1351 1650
Platinum Platinum Division Badge (Season 4 and 5).png Platinum Division Background.png 1651 1950
Legendary Legendary Division Badge (Season 4 and 5).png Legendary Division Background.png 1951 2325
Ranked Titles

The following titles can no longer be acquired as of Season 17. If a player has already earned the current titles, they will not go away.

  • Rank 1: God/Goddess of PvP
  • Rank 2: Legendary Demigod/Demigoddess
  • Rank 3: Immortal Legend
  • Rank 4-10: Unyielding Legend
  • Rank 11-25: Relentless Legend
  • Rank 26-100: Ruthless Legend
  • Rank 101-250: Merciless Legend

External links[edit]
