Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Exalted Key

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Exalted Key.png

Exalted Key

Item type
Account Bound
Game link

71416, 85943

Takes effect immediately upon receipt.
Used to open Exalted chests in Auric Basin. Chests can contain armor, weapons, and recipes.

— In-game description

Exalted Keys are used to unlock Exalted Chests, Great Exalted Chests, and Grand Exalted Chests below in Auric Basin.


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Exalted Mastery Vendor Exalted Mastery Vendor Noble Ledges
Tarir, the Forgotten City
Verdant Brink
Auric Basin
Lump of Aurillium + 24 Copper coin Requires the mastery Exalted Acceptance.
Exalted Mastery Vendor Exalted Mastery Vendor Noble Ledges
Tarir, the Forgotten City
Verdant Brink
Auric Basin
5 for 40 Lump of Aurillium + Silver coin 20 Copper coin Requires the mastery Exalted Acceptance.
Ley-Energy Matter Converter Ley-Energy Matter Converter Copper coin
Priory Arcanist (aurillium collector) Priory Arcanist Northwatch Descent Auric Basin 10 Lump of Aurillium + 96 Copper coin
Priory Arcanist (aurillium collector) Priory Arcanist Northwatch Descent Auric Basin 5 for 50 Lump of Aurillium + Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Priory Explorer (aurillium collector) Priory Explorer Tarnished Treetop Auric Basin 10 Lump of Aurillium + 96 Copper coin
Priory Explorer (aurillium collector) Priory Explorer Tarnished Treetop Auric Basin 5 for 50 Lump of Aurillium + Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Skritt Recruit (aurillium collector) Skritt Recruit Westwatch Patch Auric Basin 10 Lump of Aurillium + 96 Copper coin
Skritt Recruit (aurillium collector) Skritt Recruit Westwatch Patch Auric Basin 5 for 50 Lump of Aurillium + Silver coin 80 Copper coin
Vigil Marksman (aurillium collector) Vigil Marksman Southwatch Creep Auric Basin 10 Lump of Aurillium + 96 Copper coin
Vigil Marksman (aurillium collector) Vigil Marksman Southwatch Creep Auric Basin 5 for 50 Lump of Aurillium + Silver coin 80 Copper coin


  • The Tarnished Treetop Priory Explorer is the only non-mastery accessible vendor for keys that is reliably present.

Contained in[edit]

Rewarded by[edit]

  • Completing any of the following events:

Outpost: Westwatch[edit]

Outpost: Northwatch[edit]


This achievement rewards items. Flawless Escape Heart of Thorns: Act 2 5Achievement points
While being pursued by the Mordrem beast, avoid taking any hit.Story Instance: "Prized Possessions"
Prerequisite: Prized Possessions
Reward: Exalted Key.pngExalted Key (3)
Escaped the Mordrem Beast without Taking a Single Hit 5Achievement points
This achievement rewards items. Leave It to Me Heart of Thorns: Act 2 5Achievement points
Complete the teamwork trial without reviving any Pact soldiers.Story Instance: "City of Hope"
Prerequisite: City of Hope
Reward: Exalted Key.pngExalted Key (3)
Completed the Teamwork Trial without Reviving Any Pact Soldiers 5Achievement points
This achievement rewards items. Revenge of the Octovine (Historical) Return to Heart of Thorns 0Achievement points
During the siege of Tarir in Auric Basin, defeat the octovine.
Reward: Exalted Key.pngExalted Key (10)
Boss Defeated 0Achievement points


  • There is a total of 27 chests underground - 5 grand, 14 great and 8 normal chests. Since the grand chests offer the best possible drops, players should open these first.

General Gem Gem Copper coin Silver coin Gold coin Coin Karma Karma Laurel Laurel
Spirit Shard Spirit Shard Guild Commendations Guild Commendation Transmutation Charge.png Transmutation Charge Astral Acclaim Astral Acclaim
Character Hero point Hero point Supply Supply
Competitive PvP League Ticket.png PvP League Ticket Ascended Shard of Glory.png Ascended Shard of Glory PvP Tournament Vouchers PvP Tournament Voucher Badges of Honor Badge of Honor
WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket Proofs of Heroics Proof of Heroics Testimonies of Desert Heroics Testimony of Desert Heroics Testimonies of Jade Heroics Testimony of Jade Heroics
Guild Favor Favor Aetherium Aetherium
Instanced Tales of Dungeon Delving Tale of Dungeon Delving Fractal Relics Fractal Relic Pristine Fractal Relics Pristine Fractal Relic Unstable Fractal Essences Unstable Fractal Essence
Magnetite Shard.png Magnetite Shard Gaeting Crystals Gaeting Crystal Legendary Insight.png Legendary Insight Blue Prophet Shards Blue Prophet Shard (Crystal)
Green Prophet Shards Green Prophet Shard
Keys Zephyrite Lockpick.pngZephyrite Lockpick Destroyed Matrix Cube Key.pngBandit Skeleton Key Pact Crowbar.pngPact Crowbar Exalted Key.pngExalted Key
Vial of Chak Acid.pngVial of Chak Acid Machete.pngMachete Rolan's Master Key.pngTrader's Key Mistborn Key.pngMistborn Key
Cache Key.pngCache Key Jade Miner's Keycard.pngJade Miner's Keycard
Miscellaneous Geode Geode Bandit Crest Bandit Crest Airship Part Airship Part Lump of Aurillium Lump of Aurillium
Ley Line Crystal Ley Line Crystal Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token Unbound Magic.png Unbound Magic Trade Contracts Trade Contract
Elegy Mosaics Elegy Mosaic Volatile Magic.png Volatile Magic Racing Medallion.png Racing Medallion Festival Tokens Festival Token
War Supplies.png War Supplies Tyrian Defense Seals.png Tyrian Defense Seal Research Note.png Research Note Imperial Favor.png Imperial Favor
Ancient Coin.png Ancient Coin Unusual Coin.png Unusual Coin Jade Sliver.png Jade Sliver Canach Coin.png Canach Coin
Static Charge.png Static Charge Pinch of Stardust.png Pinch of Stardust Calcified Gasp.png Calcified Gasp Ursus Oblige.png Ursus Oblige
See also: Tokens