User:Aquadrizzt/Sandbox/Main Page 2

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Asura 02 concept art (transparent).png
Charr 02 concept art (transparent).png
Human 02 concept art (transparent).png
Norn 02 concept art (transparent).png
Sylvari 02 concept art (transparent).png
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Enter the mesmer. This mysterious mage has a wide variety of spells at their disposal. They can summon two types of illusions, clones (which serve to disorient foes) and phantasms (which replicate the effects of the hexes from Guild Wars.) They also have mantras, which they can charge up before using and shatter skills, which consume their illusions to inflict conditions, deal damage or protect themselves from ranged attacks. Read more...

Rata Sum map icon.png
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The Black Citadel map icon.png
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