Pantheon of the Wild
Pantheon of the Wild
- Year
- 1333 AE
- Storyline
- The Icebrood Saga
- Chapter
- Jormag Rising
- Location
- Drizzlewood Coast
(Shiverpeak Mountains) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- A Simple Negotiation
- Followed by
- One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion
- 578
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Pantheon of the Wild is the fourth story step of Jormag Rising.
- Meet up with Braham.
- Find all three Spirit totems.
- Obtain Eagle Totem.
- Obtain Ox Totem.
- Obtain Wolverine Totem.
- Open the door in the norn ruins.
- Return the totems to Braham.
- Listen to the Spirits' message.
- Spirit Totems Correctly Placed
- Check in with your allies.
Finding the Spirit totems[edit]
- Obtain Eagle Totem - complete the Flight of the Eagle Spirit adventure
- Obtain Wolverine Totem - complete the Arena of the Wolverine adventure
- Obtain Ox Totem - complete the The Ox's Yoke adventure
Pedestal portion of the story[edit]
Clockwise (ox, wolverine, eagle, owl) starting from the pedestal nearest the door, one must place the statues in the right order, based on the clue given by Braham. Use the NPC chat channel, or talk to Crecia to read the clues again. If a pedestal has a creature on it, just ignore it and put the next statuette on the next free pedestal.
Ox | Eagle | Owl | Wolverine | |
First line/statue | One must first be resilient and strong. | One must first seek courage and remain vigilant. | One must first have faith in one's wisdom and insight. | One must first give in to valiant aggression. |
Second line/statue | Tremble amid the thunder of stampeding hooves. | See the battlefield littered with your defeated foes. | Know the strategies of your enemy so you can strike swiftly. | Hear the quickened gasps of fear from your enemies as you charge them. |
Third line/statue | Triumph comes only by banishing fear from your heart and mind. | Triumph comes only from sound strategy. | Triumph comes only through observation and quiet claws. | Triumph comes only through solitary focus and unerring valor. |
Fourth line/statue | And at the end, it was a steady, strong hand that made victory possible. | And only at the end, you see the plan executed to perfection. | And only at the end do you realize it was merely the beginning. | And in your foe's final moments, they will see your savagery. |
Pantheon of the Wild | Jormag Rising | 1 |
Complete the story chapter Pantheon of the Wild.Journal: Pantheon of the Wild Completed | Completed the Story Chapter "Pantheon of the Wild" | 1 |
- Complete the story step.
- Crecia Stoneglow
- Efram Greetsglory (voice only)
- Malice Swordshadow (voice only)
- Rytlock Brimstone
Meeting up with Braham:
- <Character name>: Talk to me about this door, Braham. How do we get it open?
- Braham Eirsson: This place was built to honor all the Spirits. The door can only open if enough of them are working together.
- Braham Eirsson: The Great Spirits aren't talking, so we need the other Spirits to help. I can feel them. Hare, Otter, Griffon...
- If norn:
- <Character name>: And Owl. If only she were still alive, we could benefit from her wisdom.
- Otherwise:
- <Character name>: that Owl?
- Braham Eirsson: Yeah. Jormag can talk about peace all they want, but the norn will never forget Owl's sacrifice.
- <Character name>: Looks like there are three missing Spirit totems. Any idea where those are?
After seeing a vision:
- <Character name>: Wh...what was that? What did I just see?
- Braham Eirsson: A shaman came from Hoelbrak. Took the totems for Ox, Eagle, and Wolverine. Then he hid them. Shame, I guess.
- Braham Eirsson: What you saw were the resting places of the three totems. Commander, I need you to find them and bring them back here.
- <Character name>: And what will you be doing?
- Braham Eirsson: The Lesser Spirits don't know me. I need to prove I'm worthy, like I did to the others.
- Braham Eirsson: Speaking of which, they might test you. You know, before they let you pick up their totems.
- <Character name>: Braham, am I going to have to turn into an ox again?
- Braham Eirsson: What? No. No, no, no.
- Braham Eirsson: Maybe.
- <Character name>: Braham.
- Braham Eirsson: I dunno. You saw them at Drakkar Lake—they're not exactly right in the head.
- <Character name>: (sighs) Three totems, three fickle Spirits of the Wild. What could go wrong?
At the Ox shrine:
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: I know you. You were with Eirsson back in the Marches. There is great strength in you...and I will test it.
- <Character name>: Do what you have to. I'm ready.
Beginning Ox's challenge:
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: You were the one who turned into ox. Pulled offerings to my shrine back in the Marches.
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: But it is easy to prove your strength by transforming into the strongest Spirit in the pantheon.
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: I want to see your true strength! I want to see what it takes to exhaust the famed Pact Commander!
Completing the challenge:
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: So, your strength is no illusion. I am impressed, even with Jormag's bile coursing through my mind.
- Corrupted Ox Spirit: But on my worst day, I am still stronger than any of the creatures they send in my name.
At the Wolverine Shrine:
- Corrupted Wolverine Spirit: So. The mighty commander has come for my totem. Are you prepared to fight for the privilege?
- <Character name>: Only if you are prepared to give it to me when I win.
Beginning Wolverine's challenge:
- Corrupted Wolverine Spirit: If you want to carry my idol, you must first carry yourself. Prove your valor, Pact Commander!
Completing Wolverine's challenge:
- Corrupted Wolverine Spirit: I haven't had to fight like that in...well, a long time. Thank you, Commander.
- Corrupted Wolverine Spirit: I still feel Jormag's power coursing through me. A darkness I may never purge. But that...reminded me of better times.
After obtaining two totems:
- <Character name>: Braham? Just got the second idol. How are things over there?
- Braham Eirsson: Otter Spirit was a little feisty, but I think everything's fine now. Just waiting on you.
- Rytlock Brimstone: If you really think you can get that door open, Cre and I are coming with.
- Crecia Stoneglow: Efram and the others will hit the front door. We'll go in through the ruins. Stop Bangar. Stop the Frost Legion.
- Rytlock Brimstone: And save the charr from turning into Jormag's personal army. Damn right.
At Eagle's Shrine:
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: So, the Pact Commander comes before me to shoulder my idol. But are you willing to prove yourself worthy?
- <Character name>: You are, at least, the twenty-eighth all-powerful entity to ask me that question. So yes. Willing and ready.
Starting Eagle's challenge:
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: If you wish to carry my idol, take to the skies with me!
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: Prove you can keep up with the mightiest of eagles!
Partway through the challenge:
- Rytlock Brimstone: Commander, you got a second?
- Crecia Stoneglow: We could use your perspective on something.
- <Character name>: (annoyed eagle screech)
- Crecia Stoneglow: ...Uh.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Yeah, y'know what? You sound pretty busy. We got this. Just keep doing whatever it is you're doing.
Completing Eagle's challenge:
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: That...was exhilarating. It's been so long since I've felt the thrill of the chase.
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: Jormag still whispers to the darkness within me. I can never again be whole.
- Corrupted Eagle Spirit: But, thanks to you, for a moment I remembered what it was to be a Spirit of the Wild. Go. Return me to the pantheon.
After obtaining three totems:
- <Character name>: I've got all three idols. Heading back to the door.
- Crecia Stoneglow: We're all here waiting for you.
Back at the Sanctum of the Wild:
- Braham Eirsson: Spirits give you any trouble?
- <Character name>: I got turned into an eagle.
- Rytlock Brimstone: You get turned into a lot of stuff.
- <Character name>: Just... Let's get on with it.
- Braham Eirsson: Right. Go put those idols by Owl.
- Braham Eirsson: Spirits of the Wild, I am Braham Eirsson, norn of prophecy. I ask for your wisdom, so I may enter this sacred place.
- Braham Eirsson: Voices from beyond the Mists call out to me. I hear them. I speak their words.
- Braham Eirsson: One must first give in to valiant aggression.
- Braham Eirsson: See the battlefield littered with your defeated foes.
- Braham Eirsson: Triumph comes only by banishing fear from your heart and mind.
- Braham Eirsson: And only at the end do you realize it was merely the beginning.
- Braham Eirsson: When the Spirits speak truth, the way will open.
- Braham Eirsson: Whoa. Okay, you get all that?
- Crecia Stoneglow: I wrote it down.
- <Character name>: Four verses, four statues. Let's give it a shot.
Starting the puzzle:
- <Character name>: Braham, you said you'll need all the other Spirits' magic to open this door?
- Braham Eirsson: Right.
- <Character name>: But the Owl Spirit is dead. How are you going[sic] use its magic?
- Braham Eirsson: This door was built when Owl was still alive. Maybe a piece of her magic is still here?
- Crecia Stoneglow: If you need a refresher, Commander, I wrote down the riddle.
- "One must first be resilient and strong."
- "One must first seek courage and remain vigilant."
- "One must first have faith in one's wisdom and insight."
- "One must first give in to valiant aggression."
What's the first line?
- "Tremble amid the thunder of stampeding hooves."
- "See the battlefield littered with your defeated foes."
- "Know the strategies of your enemy so you can strike swiftly."
- "Hear the quickened gasps of fear from your enemies as you charge them."
Tell me the second line.
- "Triumph comes only by banishing fear from your heart and mind."
- "Triumph comes only from sound strategy."
- "Triumph comes only through observation and quiet claws."
- "Triumph comes only through solitary focus and unerring valor."
Remind me of the third line.
- "And at the end, it was a steady, strong hand that made victory possible."
- "And only at the end, you see the plan executed to perfection."
- "And only at the end do you realize it was merely the beginning."
- "And in your foe's final moments, they will see your savagery."
What's the fourth line, again?
- Thanks for the reminder, Crecia.
Completing the puzzle:
- Efram Greetsglory: Commander! Crecia! We're ready on the assault. Where are you?
- Crecia Stoneglow: Just about ready! Braham, do we have it?
- Braham Eirsson: I think so. I have the Lesser Spirits' power, now we just need...
- Braham Eirsson: Ox. There's Eagle. And Wolverine! That's it! That's—
- Braham Eirsson: Wait. Owl? That’s not...
- Braham Eirsson: What...what did I do??
- <Character name>: What did you do?
- Braham Eirsson: That magic... It wasn't a remnant of Owl. It WAS Owl. Jormag corrupted her, so she cut herself off from the Mists.
- Braham Eirsson: She came here—locked herself away. And I just brought her back.
- Braham Eirsson: Jormag needed more magic to wake up. Now they have Owl again.
- <Character name>: Efram! Malice! The door's open! Go now! I repeat: go now!
- Malice Swordshadow: You heard the commander! Let's go kick in the front door!
- Braham Eirsson: Commander, I'm sorry. I didn't—
- Crecia Stoneglow: No time, Braham! You opened the door—now walk through it!
- Braham Eirsson: Right. The Spirits are counting on us. The world is counting on us.
- <Character name>: And we won't let them down.
My story[edit]
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