Piñata Bashing

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Piñata Bashing

Event maps
Piñata Bashing map.jpg

Destroy as many piñatas as you can before time runs out!

— Adventure objective

Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Piñata Bashing.

Piñata Bashing is a seasonal adventure during the Dragon Bash in Hoelbrak where you need to destroy piñatas spread throughout the city. Speak to the Piñata Bashing NPC to begin the adventure.


29 Piñatas are spread over Hoelbrak. Reaching all 29 is only barely possible within the time limit, so you should plan ahead and decide which Piñatas you're aiming for (the route in the infobox on the right has a workable route for 20). You can use any of your three skills to destroy Piñatas - skills 2 and 3 are leap movement skills, and skill 1 recharges the other two skills.

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Sohothin's Roar.png Piñata Popper 0.5½ Pop pinatas in front of you, refreshing all pinata skill cooldowns.
2 Engage and Assault.png Piñata Bowl 0.75¾ 4 Throw yourself toward a target area, breaking pinatas in your path. Recharges Dragon Launch if a pinata is broken.
3 Sohothin's Speed.png Dragon Launch 0.75¾ 8 Smash piñatas in your location and leap forward into the air, resetting the cooldown of Piñata Bowl.
0 Return.png Quit End the transformation and forfeit the adventure.
  • You can use your 2 or 3 skill while airborne. Using the 2 skill can help you quickly change directions if your 3 skill sends you too far.
  • Practice makes perfect. Good luck!


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Score Experience Reward
Gold 19 80,010 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngPiñata Bashing: Gold
Silver 13 40,005 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngPiñata Bashing: Silver
Bronze 8 26,670 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngPiñata Bashing: Bronze

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Score Experience Reward
Gold 19 0 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngPiñata Bashing: Gold
Silver 13 0 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngPiñata Bashing: Silver
Bronze 8 0 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngPiñata Bashing: Bronze

Related achievements[edit]


  • Mounts and gliders are disabled for the duration of this adventure.